Chapter 38 When the Second Wife Meets the Third Wife (2)
Sometimes when he calms down and thinks about it, he can't help but admit that the rich men in this society are indeed a little perverted. Many of his friends are like this, and so is he.These old cows not only like to eat tender grass, but also want to eat the grass that has just sprouted.They are dressed in suits and leather shoes and have a dignified appearance. They are the elites of this society, entrepreneurs, bosses, and rich people. People outside can only see their bright side and their glorious image in public.As everyone knows, their hearts are extremely empty, and their lives are very corrupt!He is quite conservative. He knows a boss who often finds virgins to start a business, 8000 yuan each time, basically once or twice a month.He also took care of a mistress who was only 16 years old. He met him once. The little girl was very beautiful, but she was not tall and had a slender figure. She still looked like a child.It's just that the two breasts are relatively big, and the buttocks are also upturned, otherwise it looks like a middle school student.

After Zhang Zhonghou gave Wang Yichen 100 million, Wang Yiming immediately went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register the company and rented an office near Haitian Plaza. The three brothers and sisters really set up a company, representing a certain brand of fruit juice drinks and a certain brand of boxed milk.Wang Yichen is the legal representative, chairman and cashier, Wang Yilu is the accountant, and Wang Yiming is the general manager.

On the night of the company's opening, the three brothers and sisters held a family meeting in Wang Yichen's villa. Wang Yiming said, "Yichen, you need to cooperate well with us and clarify your goals. We are now trying to find ways to earn more from Zhang Zhonghou. Money. Don't feel sorry for his money, he is so rich, if you don't earn it, other women will earn it."

Wang Yilu said: "You have to do what my brother said. It would be even better if our company can be successful. If the company can't, at least we should get more money from him through this company."

Wang Yichen stated: "Anyway, I will do whatever you tell me to do."

The three brothers and sisters once again unified their opinions: to get Zhang Zhonghou's money through the office.

Why are there so many mistresses

While eating breakfast, Xu Qiuying flipped through that day's "Haitian Morning Post", which has become a habit of her life.She felt that she was very strange, and she especially liked to read Yang Hong's articles, and she had to look through Yang Hong's articles every day.As long as there are Yang Hong's articles, she will read the whole text, almost even the punctuation marks are not spared.She didn't know what kind of mentality she was in. Not only did she like to read Yang Hong's articles, but she also paid special attention to Yang Hong's news.She learned from the newspaper that the famous dinosaur-level girl in this class has now become a famous account of "Haitian Morning Post" and Haitian City, and has become the editor-in-chief of the emotional section of "Haitian Morning Post". The hall conducts emotional interviews, just like a celebrity.Today's emotional version has another article by Yang Hong, "Why is the city full of mistresses?" ".

The world is going downhill, Xiaosan has become the most popular word nowadays.The mistress is eroding urban families like locusts, making the originally happy families full of gunpowder and even falling apart.

Regardless of whether mistresses admit it or not, mistresses are the biggest culprit causing the marriage crisis and family disintegration in today's society, and they are also an important reason for the rising divorce rate.

Why is the city full of mistresses?Combining the countless real cases interviewed by the reporter, according to the comprehensive analysis of the reporter, the reporter believes that the main reasons are as follows:

Parents did not educate their children well and did not establish correct values ​​for their children.Some parents who are greedy for money even instill in their children the values ​​of "laughing at the poor and not laughing at prostitutes" and "if you have money, you have ability", so that children will worship money from an early age.Some parents even encourage their daughters to become mistresses and mistresses, and advise their daughters.

There are more and more gold diggers who are greedy for money.Among the emotional interviews conducted by reporters, women who became mistresses because of money accounted for a large proportion.In this money society, there are more and more gold diggers who are greedy for enjoyment but are unwilling to rely on normal channels to work hard.Many mistresses can't stand the temptation of money, and eventually become captives of money and men's playthings.

The loss of a man's sense of family responsibility.A slap can't make a sound. The reason why mistresses run rampant is because there is a wide range of needs in the society. There are countless men who "can't stop the romance in the garden, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall". Many men are animals who like to think with their lower body .Merry men have mistresses and find mistresses. In the final analysis, it is still the fault of patriarchy, primitive animal nature, and it also reflects the loss of men's family responsibilities.

The collapse of social morality, ethics, integrity, and values.The rampant and flooding of mistresses is also inseparable from the social environment.In today's society, people's values ​​are seriously misplaced and upside down. "Unspoken rules" and "money rules" are everywhere in every corner and every pore of every industry.Money has become an important criterion or even the only criterion to measure a person's success. Money can not only buy commodities, but also buy many hidden things (sorry that this article will not list them all, everyone must know).The honesty and morality system of the whole society is collapsing little by little, and people's values ​​are deformed, distorted, misplaced, and reversed day by day.The mistress and mistress are open-eyed when they see money and have no sense of shame, which is just the tip of the iceberg of the collapse of the social integrity and moral system.


After reading this article, she felt that her face was hot, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.Did Yang Hong's point of view hit her sore spot?Or some other reason?But one thing is for sure, she thinks Yang Hong's article is somewhat reasonable.After all, mistresses are despised by the mainstream society, and she still has the minimum sense of shame deep in her heart.In addition, seeing Yang Hong's article, she felt a dull pain in her heart for her ideals back then.Her dream back then was also to be a reporter who wrote articles!But now, Yang Hong, who was inconspicuous in school at the beginning, has become a well-known reporter and editor-in-chief, and she, who is a talented woman and a beautiful woman, has become the most despicable and shameless person in Yang Hong's works.Isn't this a great irony?

Yes, every time she read Yang Hong's article, she felt a strange feeling in her heart, and she couldn't tell whether it was envy or jealousy.One thing is very clear: with my original strength in college, my writing level is definitely not inferior to Yang Hong's, and my writing style is even much better than hers.In addition to his appearance, if he sticks to the news path and does not become a mistress, he will definitely not be worse than Yang Hong now.At the beginning, it was really a mistake that completely rewrote the fate!Back then, if I had listened to Yang Hong's advice, not to be greedy for money, and to be a mistress when I saw money, that would be great.

Thinking of this, she realized that she still has an inseparable affection for words.Although I have been a mistress for many years, I still have the awe and desire for words deep in my heart.This may be the deep-seated reason why I like reading books and newspapers for many years.When she had no money in the past, how much she envied the life of the rich, envied the high-quality life of other women who bought tens of thousands of clothes and tens of thousands of necklaces.Now, she already has all of these. Although it is not ostentatiously rich, it is common to buy tens of thousands of clothes, but she finds that she is very yearning for her previous life and misses the days in school. .For example, Yang Hong's current lifestyle could have been owned by himself, but because of the different choices at the beginning, it resulted in different results.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of Lin Haibo - the first man in her life.Thinking of him, her heart suddenly thumped, feeling like a deer was pounding her heart.How is he?Does he have a family now?Does he still hate her? ... A series of questions immediately popped up in my mind.

Thinking of Lin Haibo, she suddenly felt a sense of guilt.Yes, she felt a little guilty for him suddenly.At that time, he loved her so deeply and cared about her, but she let him down.I remember that when she went to work as an English tutor for Zhang Zhonghou, he strongly opposed it. She even argued with him, saying that things were not as complicated as he imagined.It turned out that things happened exactly as he had guessed, and it happened step by step, and she finally became Zhang Zhonghou's mistress hopelessly.It was only at the end that she realized that Zhang Zhonghou's so-called English tutors and sales translators were all to catch her bait and trap... If she had listened to Lin Haibo at that time, she would not have had any contact with Zhang Zhonghou; if she could Control yourself and take the initiative to resist Zhang Zhonghou's money temptation; if she doesn't go to work in Zhang Zhonghou's company, she won't be her secretary; if she doesn't go to Beijing with Zhang Zhonghou...she won't be his mistress.

But there are no ifs in life, life is a one-way street, once the past is past, it can never be repeated.Because I made a wrong step at the time, it led to wrong steps later, and finally lost the man I loved deeply.

The past came to my mind like a movie, and I couldn't bear to look back on the past.Xu Qiuying burst into tears.

There is a way called "corporate transportation"

Zhang Zhonghou became more and more indifferent, and Xu Qiuying's heart ached more and more. She couldn't help but think of the little fairy she saw on the street. Whenever she thought of that little fairy, she felt very uncomfortable, as if something was stuck in her chest.Although she is just a mistress, she has no right to interfere in his life, but she is also a normal woman!It would be a lie to say that women are not jealous of these things.

Xu Huaiyuan felt aggrieved about his younger sister, but he didn't know how to help his younger sister.Zhang Zhonghou's indifference towards his sister, and the disappointed expression written on his sister's face, he can only see it in his eyes, and he is anxious in his heart.Yes, he also thinks his sister is too bad.My sister is such a beautiful woman, she is so kind to that old man, and she gave birth to him, and she is nameless, and now he still treats her like this, it is really too much.If it weren't for the fact that he is the big boss, I really want to beat him up!
Xu Huaiyuan has already gone to find out that Zhang Zhonghou not only took care of the 18-year-old third wife, but also bought her a villa.That little girl named Wang Yichen was a big kid, and she called her whole family to Haitian City, and even started a company with her brother and sister, all of which were supported by Zhang Zhonghou's investment.The purpose of the Wang family's doing this is obvious, just to get Zhang Zhonghou's money by starting a company.It is true that "the world is prosperous, it is all for profit, and the world is hustle and bustle, it is all for profit." For money, the whole Wang family, young and old, were dispatched.In this regard, my younger sister is still too reserved in her actions, giving Zhang Zhong too much face, and he wants to remind her of this.He thought for a long time, and wanted his younger sister to start a company too, with the younger sister as the chairman and he as the general manager. In this way, the younger sister would not be so upset when she had something to do, and he would have a career to rely on and something to look forward to.

Xu Huaiyuan told his sister about his idea, but Xu Qiuying was not very interested in his brother's proposal to start a company, and only said: "Starting a company is hard work, and it may not necessarily make money."

Xu Huaiyuan said: "Qiuying, let me tell you the truth. I went to find out. The whole family of that little fairy Zhang Zhonghou was mobilized. Her brothers and sisters assisted her in starting a company. Do you think she really started a company? Why don't you find a way to launder Zhang Zhonghou's money?"

Xu Qiuying said: "Well, they can wash it however they like, it's not my money anyway, it's none of my business. I have no problem with Zhang Zhonghou giving all his belongings to that vixen. I have these properties, and I have enough to live on." gone."

"I'm not afraid of having too much money." Xu Huaiyuan thought for a while, and finally expressed his true thoughts, "Sister, it's not a problem for me to follow you all the time... I also want to find something to do, if we can open a If the company can be successfully opened, it will not only be good for you, but also good for me."

Xu Qiuying felt that what her brother said made sense, yes, why didn't she think of this?She is only an older brother, of course she needs to support her vigorously. Although she can buy him a flat in Haitian City with hundreds of thousands and marry him a wife, what about work?What about his source of livelihood in the future?You can't rely on her to provide it all the time, can you?Thinking of this, she said, "Well, let's start a company too. If others can open it, we can't? I'll call Zhang Zhonghou later."

Xu Huaiyuan said: "I have thought about a lot of projects, and I think it is good to do clothing business, so we simply act as an agent for clothing. I am quite familiar with this industry, and I have some friends in several clothing factories in Guangdong, so I can get a comparison. Low prices, and they can assist me. The clothing business is very profitable if done well.”

Xu Qiuying is not very interested in starting a company to make money or not. She guards so many properties and shops, and the rent alone is enough.But since her brother wants to do something, she still has to give her full support.She nodded, immediately called Zhang Zhonghou and said, "Come back tonight, I want to discuss something with you."

Zhang Zhonghou said, "Can I talk about it on the phone?"

"You'd better come back. I can't say a word or two."

Since he didn't know what Xu Qiuying wanted to do, Zhang Zhonghou felt a little uneasy.While eating dinner, he smiled and asked, "What's the matter with Qiuying?"

Xu Qiuying said: "It's like this. I want to start a company with my brother and represent clothing. I want your support."

Zhang Zhonghou was startled, and started the company again.He said: "You already have so many houses and shops, what business do you still do? It's hard work and worry, but you can definitely make money."

Xu Qiuying said: "Don't worry about other things, we are not afraid of hard work. You just need to support us financially."

Zhang Zhonghou really didn't want Xu Qiuying to open any company, he just wanted her to concentrate on taking care of her daughter, and he was not very happy, thinking that she was too greedy, thinking that she has so many properties, isn't it enough?So I repeated what I said just now: "You have so many properties, I don't think you should start a company."

Xu Qiuying said with a gloomy face, "A real estate is a real estate, and a company is a company. They are two different things."

Zhang Zhonghou finally couldn't bear it and said: "Qiu Ying, you are really unsatisfactory, and the total assets under your name are 2000 million! Why do you want to open a company!"

In fact, Xu Qiuying has been holding back her anger for a long time, and she has long wanted to have an attack. After hearing what Zhang Zhonghou said, she said a few words: "If they can drive, we can't? Their brothers and sisters are human beings. , my brother is not human? If you can support other people's brothers and sisters in business, can't you support my brother?"

Of course Zhang Zhonghou knew who Xu Qiuying was referring to, and he felt even more upset, and said angrily, "You understand it quite clearly? They don't have as much property as you!"

Xu Huaiyuan was afraid that they would quarrel, so he quickly stopped his sister in a low voice, "Qiu Ying, please stop talking."

Xu Qiuying ignored her brother, and said outright: "Is this comparable? Anyway, it should be said first come first served, right? After all, I am the second child, and she is the third child, right? My property is not as much as Du Mengyuan's? I Did you compare with Du Mengyuan? Did you care about it?"

Zhang Zhonghou didn't expect Xu Qiuying to speak so harshly, and thought that she had indeed changed, even her speech was no longer as elegant as before.He pulled his face and said, "I've said it a long time ago, what should be given to you, I will naturally give it to you."

"You mean to say that starting a small company is something I shouldn't want? Hmph! It's as if someone wants you to give me alms." Xu Qiuying said angrily, "You're going to buy a villa for that little elf, why not? Buy it for me?"

Zhang Zhonghou shook his head, spread his hands and said tremblingly, "Where are you from? She only has a small villa, and you already have so many properties." After thinking about it, he said earnestly, "You are all My woman, the palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, I have to love and care, and I can't treat one more favorably than another!"

Xu Qiuying looked at Zhang Zhonghou with disdain, and said excitedly: "You think you are the emperor? Give me some bad money, and I will be grateful for your favor? Zhang Zhonghou! I hope you will settle the account clearly and ask for it." Remember! Can money buy back the youth, time, and feelings I have paid for you? I have followed you all these years, without name or title, under moral pressure, other people’s comments, living like a mouse, and being pitiful like a poor bug Waiting for you to appear in front of me... Can these be calculated with money? Now my daughter asks me every day, "Why doesn't Dad come home?" I can still fool her now, but in the future when she grows up, Ask me why she shares a father with someone else, how should I explain to her? What will she think of me? Can money buy these?” Xu Qiuying became more and more excited as she spoke, she dropped her chopsticks and stood up, gesticulating Said, "I've only been with you for a few years? Now you've neglected me, you don't want to care about our mother and daughter, and you've been living outside for three years. Where did your vows go? Was it eaten by a dog?! I don't want any of this. I'm getting serious with you... I just want to support my brother and ask you to pay for a small company, but you're talking about it... I'm just such a brother, a real brother, and I want to help him gain a foothold in this city That's all, my request is not too much!" Xu Qiuying buried her head and began to cry as she spoke.

Hearing Xu Qiuying's cry, Zhang Zhonghou felt uncomfortable, as if he owed her something, even as if he had done something wrong.After thinking about it, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, don't cry. How much does it cost? I'll give it to you."

Without raising her head, Xu Qiuying said coldly, "200 million."

Zhang Zhonghou took a deep breath, he really opened his mouth, it was 200 million yuan, you thought it was 200 yuan?No matter how rich I am, I don't always open a bank, do I?I couldn't help but say, "Does it cost so much to start a small company?"

Xu Qiuying finally raised her head, stared at Zhang Zhonghou bitterly, and squeezed out a sentence between her teeth: "Is 200 million too much? I haven't said 500 million yet!"

Zhang Zhonghou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't want to quarrel with Xu Qiuying anymore.He knows that a good man does not fight with a woman, and everything is prosperous in a harmonious family.Just say, "Okay, I'll put the money into your card tomorrow."

After such a round of competition, how can Zhang Zhonghou still have the mood to continue eating?He lit a cigarette, went out to the balcony, and walked around breathing smoke.I thought to myself, forget it, it's all about asking for money to support her brother, give it to her!

(End of this chapter)

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