Chapter 42
Du Mengyuan shook her head and smiled wryly: "It's all because I endured it! My story is simply a modern version of a farmer and a snake!" She glanced at lawyer Zhang Chenggong and said, "Lawyer Zhang, please help me collect The evidence of the two mistresses, find out where their property is, and represent this case as soon as possible. Are you sure you will win the case?"

"This case is actually not difficult. There is a high chance of winning." Attorney Zhang smiled and said, "We have never told you that, in fact, we have prepared the relevant evidence needed to go to court in the early stage. Including your husband's two How many properties, shops, and cash deposits are there under the name of a mistress, how their family members set up a company to extort money from your husband, etc. We have conducted thorough investigations and obtained relevant evidence. Just because you have been unwilling Go to court, for the sake of your husband’s reputation, we have kept the evidence there. Once you need it, we can start legal proceedings in the shortest possible time.”

Du Mengyuan said in surprise: "You guys have already prepared for it? Your work is very meticulous."

Liang Xiaoyun smiled and said: "It's nothing. It is our service tenet to provide customers with the best quality service. You are our most honored member, and of course we have the responsibility to provide you with the most reliable, perfect and highest quality service."

Du Mengyuan used to think that the service fee of 60000 yuan a year was too expensive, but now it seems that it is indeed worth the money.So she said: "Then I would like to trouble Attorney Zhang to start the legal procedure as soon as possible." She thought for a while and then said, "However, can you please tell the court and tell them not to alarm the news media... I am still a little worried about Zhang Zhonghou and The image problem of the 'Dadi Group'."

Attorney Zhang nodded and said: "Don't worry about this, I will negotiate with the court to settle the matter. We strive for the court to conduct a closed trial of the case, and do not allow the public to listen in and reporters to report. In short, we will try our best not to affect to the reputation of your husband and his business."

Du Mengyuan stretched out her hand and said, "Thank you so much, Lawyer Zhang."

Lawyer Zhang held Du Mengyuan's hand tightly and said, "This is what we should do."

may request a closed hearing
Two months later, the case of Du Mengyuan suing Zhang Zhonghou, Xu Qiuying, and Wang Yichen for property infringement was held in the Civil Division of the People's Court of Haitian District, Haitian City.As Lawyer Zhang Chenggong said, no citizens, including relatives of the plaintiff and the defendant, were allowed to attend. Of course, no news media reporters were present to interview.

This is the first case of a grandma suing a mistress in Haitian City. If the trial is open and reporters are allowed to interview in court, the news nature of the case itself, coupled with Zhang Zhonghou's popularity, will really become a sensational news in Haitian City.

In the dock, Zhang Zhonghou, Xu Qiuying, and Wang Yichen were in order.Wang Yichen glared at Xu Qiuying with sharp eyes.In her opinion, it must be Xu Qiuying who told Du Mengyuan the secret because of jealousy, which caused Du Mengyuan to press on every step of the way, and finally pushed them to court together.The last time Xu Qiuying and Du Mengyuan appeared in her villa at the same time is the best proof.

At this time, Xu Qiuying was in a very depressed mood, and she kept her head down.When she received the court summons, she was dumbfounded: Didn't Du Mengyuan say that she would not be held accountable?Let her go?Why are you taking her to court now?Back when she told Du Mengyuan about Zhang Zhonghou's mistress and took Du Mengyuan to Wang Yichen's villa, she was glad that she had become Du Mengyuan's ally on the front line.Looking at it now, it was just my own wishful thinking at the beginning, and Du Mengyuan was just using her.Think how pitiful and ridiculous you are!
In the plaintiff's seat, Du Mengyuan and her attorney Zhang Chenggong were talking with their heads down.Du Mengyuan nodded frequently, her gaze was like a torch.Lawyer Zhang is imposing and determined to win.

"Crack," the judge raised his gavel and struck it, solemnly announcing: "The court is now in session!"

At the beginning of the trial, the judge said: "The following is a court fact investigation, and the plaintiff's agent or lawyer is asked to read the indictment."

Lawyer Zhang read out the indictment on behalf of the plaintiff Du Mengyuan: "The plaintiff married the defendant Zhang Zhonghou in the month of ××year, and they lived happily ever after and had two sons... In the 80s, both the plaintiff and Zhang Zhonghou resigned Going into business, starting from scratch, the company has grown from scratch, from small to large, and through hard work, it has gradually developed into the current "Dadi Group". The brilliant achievements of Zhang Zhonghou and "Dadi Group" today are due to the role played by the plaintiff The credit is indispensable... But since XX years, Zhang Zhonghou has successively taken care of Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen as mistresses outside. Since then, he has used various excuses to stay away from home for a long time, and lived with the two mistresses for a long time, completely losing one of his mistresses. The responsibilities of a husband and a father... What is even more infuriating is that Zhang Zhonghou also bought cars, real estate, jewelry and other valuables for the two mistresses behind the plaintiff's back, and donated a huge amount of cash deposits. The plaintiff's investigation revealed that the defendant Xu Qiuying now owns 3 residences, 3 shops, one floor of an office building with an area of ​​1000 square meters, and a deposit of more than RMB 500 million; Two shops, deposits of more than 300 million RMB..."

Hearing the accusation from Du Mengyuan, Zhang Zhonghou in the dock blushed a little. At this moment, he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in.The two mistresses looked indifferent, and Wang Yichen looked even more righteous.

Lawyer Zhang said solemnly: "According to Article 17 of the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China, the property acquired by a husband and wife during the marriage relationship shall be jointly owned by the husband and wife, and the husband and wife shall have equal rights to dispose of the jointly owned property." "Where a husband or wife disposes of common property due to daily needs, either party has the right to make a decision. If it is not due to daily life needs to make an important decision on the handling of the joint property of the husband and wife, the husband and wife should negotiate on an equal footing and reach a consensus. The plaintiff and the defendant Zhang Zhonghou started from scratch, and all property should be jointly owned by the husband and wife. The defendant Zhang Zhonghou purchased real estate, cars, jewelry and other properties for the defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen, and gave a huge amount of cash deposits. The behavior of the defendant Zhang Zhonghou was in fact private Dealing with the joint property of the husband and wife has seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of the plaintiff. According to the law, the defendant Zhang Zhonghou has no right to dispose of the joint property of the husband and wife privately. Cash deposits should be deemed invalid according to the law..." Attorney Zhang turned to the next page and read, "Defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen, knowing that Zhang Zhonghou had a spouse, maintained an improper sexual relationship with Zhang Zhonghou for a long time and illegally cohabited. At the same time Instigated Zhang Zhonghou to buy cars, real estate, shops, jewelry and other property for them respectively, and donated a huge amount of cash deposits. What's worse, they also instigated their respective family members to start a company in the name of Zhang Zhonghou's investment Crazy extortion of Zhang Zhonghou's money... According to Article 72 of the "General Principles of Civil Law" that "acquisition of property ownership shall not violate legal provisions", the actions of the defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen obviously obtained the property donated by Zhang Zhonghou through illegal means. Violation of the law... Article 117 of the General Principles of the Civil Law stipulates: "Whoever encroaches on the state, collective property or other people's property shall return the property; if the property cannot be returned, compensation shall be made at a discounted price." Defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen obtained it through illegal channels The property belongs to the property tort, and should be returned to the plaintiff according to the law..." Attorney Zhang finally said, "The behavior of the mistress is contrary to the moral purpose of socialist spiritual civilization, contrary to social morality, and violates public order and good customs, which is not allowed by reason or law! As mentioned above, the plaintiff requested the court to uphold the majesty of the law on the basis of facts and the law as the criterion, and support the plaintiff's following claims: to recover the plaintiff's husband and wife property illegally occupied by the defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen; The court apologized to the plaintiff and promised not to infringe upon the interests of the plaintiff, and at the same time bear the litigation costs of this case..."

Xu Qiuying did not hire a lawyer to represent her, nor did she even write a statement of defense.Before the trial, her elder brother Xu Huaiyuan tried to enlighten her many times but to no avail.From the moment she received the court summons, she had lost all hope.I thought that since this day has come, what should be hers is hers, and what should not be hers, no matter how much I force it, it will be useless.Now she can only resign herself to fate and let the court decide.

Wang Yichen's attorney, Lawyer Ma, argued on behalf of Wang Yichen in the defense: "... Zhang Zhonghou and Wang Yichen fell in love with each other when you wanted to, or even when Zhang Zhonghou took the initiative to seduce Wang Yichen. In order to Let Wang Yichen have a fixed residence and source of income, and express his love for Wang Yichen, so Zhang Zhonghou bought Wang Yichen real estate and other property... Zhang Zhonghou is a person with full civil capacity, fully able to understand and judge his own civil affairs. The consequences of the behavior. Therefore, the real estate and other properties that Zhang Zhonghou donated to Wang Yichen are completely legal. All of Wang Yichen’s real estate certificates have Wang Yichen’s name written in black and white, and they belong to Wang Yichen’s personal private property and private property of citizens. Sacred and inviolable..." Having said this, Attorney Ma emphasized his tone, "It is extremely inappropriate and inaccurate for the plaintiff to use the word 'instigating'. It is originally Wang Yichen's personal property, so why is it illegal?"

Du Mengyuan immediately raised her hand and said, "The plaintiff can provide evidence to the court."

The judge said: "Silence. Please listen to the defendant."

Lawyer Ma finally said: "Defendant Wang Yichen requests the court to use the facts as the basis, the law as the criterion, and the fairness and fairness of the law to reject the plaintiff's unreasonable claims and protect the defendant's legal rights..."

During the court debate stage, the judge said: "Now the plaintiff's agent or lawyer will cross-examine the defendant, and the defendant will make a defense."

Lawyers from both sides had a heated debate.Lawyer Zhang asked Xu Qiuying: "Excuse me, Xu Qiuying, are you from a rural area? Are your parents ordinary farmers?"

Xu Qiuying nodded and said, "Yes."

Lawyer Zhang asked Wang Yichen the same question again, and Wang Yichen raised her head and said, "So what if you are? So what if you are not?"

Lawyer Zhang emphasized: "You only need to answer yes or no."

Wang Yichen snorted and said, "Yes."

Lawyer Zhang asked Xu Qiuying again: "Did you never have a formal job after graduating from university? And you have always been in Haitian City?"

Xu Qiuying said, "Yes."

Lawyer Zhang asked Wang Yichen the same question again, but Wang Yichen bowed his head and remained silent.

Attorney Ma raised his hand and said, "I object. I object to the plaintiff's lawyer asking questions that have nothing to do with this case."

"The objection is invalid," the judge said.

Lawyer Zhang asked Xu Qiuying: "Before you met Zhang Zhonghou, did you not have any real estate or other valuable property in Haitian City?"

Xu Qiuying nodded.

Lawyer Zhang asked Wang Yichen the same question again, but Wang Yichen still bowed his head and refused to answer.

Lawyer Ma raised his hand again and shouted: "Objection. Objection. The plaintiff's lawyer has been entangled in issues that have nothing to do with this case."

"The objection is invalid," the judge said.

"Does the defendant's lawyer think that these issues have nothing to do with this case? On the contrary, they have a lot to do with this case!" Lawyer Zhang smiled and raised his voice and said, "The defendant's lawyer just said that Wang Yichen's real estate certificate has Wang Yichen's name on it, and it belongs to Wang Yichen. We have already ascertained, and the two defendants have admitted or acquiesced just now: the defendants Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen are both students from rural areas, and their parents are ordinary farmers. Before they met Zhang Zhonghou, they had no source of income. Such a huge sum of money to buy real estate, cars, and jewelry? There is only one explanation: the defendant Zhang Zhonghou bought them for them. The plaintiff can provide the court with relevant physical and witness evidence..." Attorney Zhang took out a document bag and handed it to the court. to the court, and then said, "This is physical evidence, and the plaintiff requests that the witness be passed to court."

The judge said: "Pass the witness to the court."

Zhao Pinghai appeared in court at this time, which was unexpected by Zhang Zhonghou.Zhao Pinghai also decided to testify in court after a fierce ideological struggle.Du Mengyuan and lawyer Zhang Chenggong persuaded him many times, and in the end Du Mengyuan practically begged.He made a painful choice between the boss and the boss's wife, and finally felt that the boss's wife was too pitiful, so he decided to offend the boss with all his heart.

Zhao Pinghai said with a serious expression: "I was there every time Mr. Zhang bought real estate, shops and cars for Xu Qiuying and Wang Yichen, and I can testify. Both of their real estate and cars were bought by Mr. Zhang for them."

Wang Yichen stared at Zhao Pinghai with fire in his eyes.She didn't expect that this usually taciturn driver would have such a skill.I thought to myself, Du Mengyuan, Du Mengyuan, you are cruel enough!
Xu Qiuying also took a look at Zhao Pinghai, thinking that Zhang Zhonghou was really a failure. In the end, even his closest driver turned against him.

(End of this chapter)

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