Chapter 44
Mistress can't be compared with wife

Recently, Du Mengyuan feels that her stomach is getting more and more uncomfortable, and she always feels bloated and uncomfortable even if she doesn't eat.The pain was often unbearable when eating, and I couldn't eat much. In the end, even eating porridge hurt.Only then did she feel the seriousness of the condition. Accompanied by Zhang Jun, she went to the Affiliated Hospital of Haitian Medical University for a series of examinations including gastroscopy. Zhang Jun was shocked by the examination results: advanced gastric cancer.

The doctor said to Zhang Jun, "Why are you here for an examination now? She has at most half a year to live."

Zhang Jun's tears rolled down immediately, and he said, "Doctor, please save my can spend as much as you want."

The doctor shook his head, looked at Zhang Jun with professional eyes and said, "We will do our best. Go through the hospitalization procedures and stay there first, and then we can have an operation."

Unbearable Zhang Jun rushed to Zhang Zhonghou's office, pointed at his father's nose and cursed: "From today onwards, I don't have you as a father! My mother is angry at you, she has cancer now! Terminal stage!"

This news made Zhang Zhonghou stunned like a thunderclap, and the cigarette in his hand immediately fell to the ground.

Zhang Zhonghou and Zhao Pinghai rushed to the Affiliated Hospital of Haitian Medical University, saw Du Mengyuan lying on the hospital bed, saw her haggard and thin face, Zhang Zhonghou knelt down beside the bed, and only called out: "Mengyuan..." It was already full of tears.

Zhao Pinghai couldn't help his eyes becoming hot, and hot tears rolled down his cheeks quietly.Since becoming Zhang Zhonghou's driver, Du Mengyuan has always been kind to him, far a hundred times better than Zhang Zhonghou's two mistresses.I thought to myself that Zhang Zhonghou really committed a crime!Such a good wife does not know how to cherish.At the same time, he himself felt guilty, because of Zhang Zhonghou's face, he told a lot of lies in front of Du Mengyuan.well!After all, it's not for a poor job.But last time he finally testified for the proprietress in court, and thinking about it made him feel a little better.For this reason, the boss seems to have seen him through, always pulling his face, and always keeping silent every time in the car, the silence is terrifying.But he also figured it out and planned to hand over the keys.Thinking about it, the boss can't blame him. The boss's wife begged him to testify in court many times. He couldn't refuse, could he?One has to have a conscience, right?
There are people who are alive and who are already dead.Zhang Zhonghou was the one who died in Du Mengyuan's heart, and what died in her heart was their marriage.For men, is it necessary to have a family to start a career, or to have a job to settle down?Zhang Zhonghou couldn't figure it out and didn't have the time to think about it.The economic crisis led to the bankruptcy and closure of thousands of enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. Zhang Zhonghou's "Dadi Group" quickly shook and collapsed like an earthquake due to its overstretched front and too many industries.The real estate business suffered a downturn, and other industries also suffered setbacks frequently, and the overall strength plummeted.The five companies under the group, including import and export trade, footwear, and clothing, have suffered large-scale losses. Among them, shoe factories and clothing factories are on the verge of bankruptcy.What's even more frightening is that there is a serious problem with the capital chain of the entire group...

Zhang Zhonghou leaned back on the chair, lit a cigarette, half-closed his eyes, and fell asleep.During this period of time, he was tired, sleepy and upset, and he smoked a lot, almost two packs a day.

Secretary Zhou Lan walked into the office and whispered next to Zhang Zhonghou, "President, Mr. Jiang of the real estate company is looking for you."

Zhang Zhonghou opened his eyes, stretched out his hands and rubbed his face vigorously, and said, "Let him in."

As soon as Jiang Zhiming sat down, he said: "Mr. Zhang, the sales of the newly opened property are not satisfactory. There are many advertisements and many people who inspect the house, but they don't buy much... We have never encountered such a situation before. been."

Zhang Zhonghou folded his hands on the table, frowned and said, "What's going on? The financial crisis has hit, so don't ordinary people buy or live in houses?"

Jiang Zhiming said: "Actually, ordinary people don't buy many of our real estate properties. They are bought by real estate speculators. According to our company's investigation, many people think that it is a financial crisis and housing prices may fall. They are all waiting Reduce the price."

"Reduce the price? A joke!" Zhang Zhonghou waved his hand and said, "We must not lower the price, even if we can't sell it, even if it is moldy there... Is there any movement on the government's rescue policy?"

"It's not clear yet. I'm worried..." Jiang Zhiming looked distressed, "If the sales are not going well, the return of funds will be a problem...the bank..."

Zhang Zhonghou waved his hand again and said, "It's fine for you to increase your sales as usual, and I'll come to the bank. It's not a big problem." In fact, he didn't know what to do.But at this time, even if everyone panicked, he had to maintain a high level of calm.Why do you say that the boss is the boss with a face?It is necessary to remain calm at all times.Even if it is pretending, it must be pretended.

Jiang Zhiming said, "Does Mr. Zhang have any orders?"

Zhang Zhonghou said, "It's gone. You can go."

Jiang Zhiming stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, then I'll go first."

Just as Jiang Zhiming left, Zhou Lan came in again and said, "President, Mr. He from the trading company is looking for you."

Zhang Zhonghou waved his hand and said, "Tell him to come in."

He Yuyang also brought bad news: "Mr. Zhang, the import and export trade is very difficult now... not only us, many domestic import and export trading companies are now facing a severe situation."

"Understood." Zhang Zhonghou did not forget to cheer up his subordinates, "The difficulty is only temporary, the problem will always be solved, and there will always be a solution."

Throughout the morning, the general managers of several subsidiaries kept coming to Zhang Zhonghou to report the bad news of the company's losses and the market operation encountering Waterloo. These news made his mind pop up time and time again: "The defeat is like a mountain."He rested his head on the back of the chair and smoked deeply, restless.I just stood up and walked around the office with my hands behind my back, like ants on a hot pot.

He was thinking about the retreat and outlet of the "Dadi Group".Judging from the current situation, it is obviously difficult to control the overall situation, and the "Dadi Group" is already besieged on all sides.It seems that the only option is to cut off the wrists of a strong man, first shut down those loss-making companies and dismiss employees, and then only keep real estate companies and investment companies, and keep the spark of revolution.

Thinking of the fact that his hard-earned career is now shrinking in a large area, the feeling in his heart is indescribable. It is a kind of pain that is exclusive to successful men going to failure, and ordinary people cannot understand it.

There is a way out, but what about the way out?It seems that it is not easy to make money in any project now, unless it is a new growth point, a short-term, fast new project, otherwise the way out is even more elusive.This is the case in running a business. It is difficult to regress, and it is even more difficult to make progress. It is difficult to ride a tiger.He remembered that a friend who was also in business once said to him: There are only two roads ahead for entrepreneurs, one is the road to the rostrum through the red carpet, and the other is the road to the prison through the court.He feels that way now.

Thinking of that friend, he suddenly saw a glimmer of life again.Some time ago, this friend who was developing real estate in the county found him and said that the real estate in the county seemed not to be affected much by the financial crisis. His company made several projects and sold well, and two of them even had a hot scene.In particular, there are several remote counties around Haitian City. It seems that the market is not very good, but the consumption level of residents in those places is not low, the purchasing power is also strong, and there is great market potential.This friend talked to him at that time, and wanted to invite him to go to the county to develop real estate together, and let him invest 2000 million.

He pondered these questions: County real estate... 2000 million... Well, it's worth a fight, maybe this is the chance for the "Dadi Group" to come back to life.

2000 million, if it was a piece of cake in the past, any subsidiary under the "Dadi Group" can afford this amount of money.But now, because of this damn financial crisis, it is very difficult to come up with this money.

Zhang Zhonghou called Han Qingping, the president of JX Bank Haitian Branch: "How are you, President Han?"

Han Qingping said, "Hello, hello, President Zhang."

Zhang Zhonghou said: "Is President Han convenient tonight? How about having a meal together?"

Han Qingping immediately said: "I'm sorry, President Zhang, I've been a little busy these days, and some leaders from the head office have come down to inspect the work, so I can't leave."

Knowing that Han Qingping was resigning, Zhang Zhonghou said bluntly: "To tell the truth, President Han, I still want you to give me some money."

"This area may be a bit difficult at the moment." Han Qingping said bluntly, "You just took out a loan last year, and now it's difficult to lend you another one."

Han Qingping had already talked to this point, Zhang Zhonghou knew that there was nothing to do, so he hung up the phone after a few polite words.He called a few more bank presidents, and they either laughed or said it was difficult.All in all nothing.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, let alone blame them.The bank is not an institution that helps the poor, but an institution that dislikes the poor and loves the rich. It is a snobbish eye for money.The richer you are, the more you can get their loan; the poorer you are, the more they ignore you.At this time, how could they lend money to a large-scale loss-making enterprise? They must all be aware of the crisis that the "Dadi Group" is facing.

Zhang Zhonghou had a sad face, helpless.

How to let go of the third party

After the divorce, Zhang Zhonghou and Xu Qiuying walked together. He gave her a home this time, but failed to give her a piece of paper—Zhang Zhonghou refused to get a marriage certificate again.Xu Qiuying was very dissatisfied with this, so when Zhang Zhonghou's career was facing a collapse and complained to her, she held on to the money tightly and would not let go. In the end, Zhang Zhonghou had no choice but to ask Du Mengyuan for help. Only Du Mengyuan still had some money on hand. But how sure he is, he has no idea, he can only try his luck.

After Du Mengyuan learned of her husband's crisis, she thought about it and felt that she should help him tide over the difficulties.

Du Mengyuan held a family meeting for her two sons in the ward, talked about Zhang Zhonghou's situation and her own thoughts, and hoped to get the support of her sons.

Zhang Jun immediately retorted: "It would be better if it went out of business."

Zhang Zhifu said, "That's right. It's best to close down tomorrow. I'm going to set off firecrackers."

(End of this chapter)

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