Inside and Outside the Siege: A Woman's Battle for Marriage

Chapter 9: Don't Treat Kindness as Love

Chapter 9: Don't Treat Kindness as Love (1)
Avoid "flesh repayment" for love debts

At noon that day, my mother called suddenly: "Qiu Ying, something happened to your father!"

Xu Qiuying was anxious, and asked impatiently, "What's wrong with Dad?"

"Fall off the cliff, broke my leg, and cut a big hole."

"Ah? Have you been sent to the hospital?"

"Not yet. The doctor in the village has seen it and said that he will be sent to the hospital for an operation. Now the family has no money, and your father refuses to go. I am alone at home and have lost my soul."

"Then what should I do? How much will it cost?"

"The doctor in the village said it might cost [-] to [-]... Sigh! Where can I find so much money? Come back and have a look."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Qiuying was upset and anxious like ants on a hot pot.At this moment, Zhang Zhonghou's call came again. She was upset and didn't want to answer it, but he persisted in calling, so she had no choice but to answer it.

Zhang Zhonghou said: "Xiao Xu, you have to come over earlier this week. I have a party tonight, you go with me."

Xu Qiuying said: "I'm bored and don't want to go. Can I go next week?"

Zhang Zhonghou thought that Xu Qiuying was still angry with him, so he said, "Xiao Xu, I will never do that again. Don't be like this again, okay?"

Xu Qiuying said: " father is seriously ill...I'm very upset."

Zhang Zhonghou said, "Is that so? What kind of disease do you have?"

"Fall off a cliff and broke my leg. No money to go to the hospital."

"How much is it?"

"At least 20000."

"Don't worry, money is a small thing. I'm going to your school right now."

Zhang Zhonghou arrived soon. At the gate of Haitian University, Zhang Zhonghou took out 30000 yuan in cash from his pocket and handed it to Xu Qiuying, saying, "Hurry up and take the money back to send your dad to the hospital."

Thinking of Zhang Zhonghou's actions a few days ago, Xu Qiuying refused to take his money, but lowered her head and said, "I'd better find someone else to borrow it."

"Who are you borrowing from? Who would lend you so much money?" Zhang Zhonghou said, "Take it, borrowing from others is also borrowing, why not borrow from me." Seeing that Xu Qiuying was still hesitant, he said, "You don't want to have money." What kind of psychological burden, this is lent to you, and I will pay it back after you work and get paid.”

Xu Qiuying thought for a while, took the money and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

"You're welcome. Friends should help each other." Zhang Zhonghou said.He was very happy in his heart. Heroes save the beauty, which has existed since ancient times.As long as she is willing to ask for his money, there will be drama.In order to get this stunner, let alone 30000, he is willing to pay 30 or 300 million!

During this period of time, he felt that he suddenly looked younger by several years, and even the spots on his face were much lighter.Pursuing this young girl, every time he sees her, makes him excited and makes him happy, and now being able to help her makes him feel very fulfilled.This sense of accomplishment and happiness is different from earning 2000 or [-] million.

Xu Qiuying didn't dare to tell Lin Haibo about Zhang Zhonghou's loan to her, for fear that he might misunderstand, and he was already vigilant enough.I just sent him a text message saying: "I'm in a hurry when I get home."

After Lin Haibo received the text message, he immediately called her and asked, "What's the matter at home?"

"There is something urgent to go back and deal with."

Lin Haibo asked the bottom line: "What's the matter?"

Xu Qiuying had no choice but to say, "My father is sick."

"Why don't you ask me to go back with you?"

"It's not convenient for you to go."

Lin Haibo was full of doubts.Ever since Xu Qiuying became the English teacher of that old man Zhang Zhonghou, she has a lot of things to do, and she always says something is wrong.Especially during the period from afternoon to evening on Saturday, it is basically "occupation" - lonely men and widows together, a beautiful woman, an old pervert, what good things can happen?
Thinking of Zhang Zhonghou, Lin Haibo felt angry.Going home in a hurry?Shit!Surely he was going to socialize or attend some party with that old pervert again?
Thinking of this, Lin Haibo's heart felt sour at first, and then he felt a sharp pain, which was very uncomfortable.He wished he could bring a knife to follow Xu Qiuying and kill that old pervert with one blow.

Xu Qiuying couldn't control what Lin Haibo thought now. When she got home, she saw her father lying on the bed moaning in pain. His feet were swollen to the size of a bucket, and the big wound cut by the stone had festered. The herbal medicine on her legs relieved the pain. Xu Qiuying's heart was pierced like a knife, and tears welled up in her eyes. She fell down beside her father's bed and cried, "Dad! Let's go to the hospital as soon as possible!"

My father shook his head and said, "Where is the money to go to the hospital? Where can we afford to go to those places that burn money?"

"If you can't afford to go, you have to go! If you borrow money, you have to go!"

"Borrow money? Where can I borrow it? Who will lend it to you?"

"I have money here." Xu Qiuying took out the 30000 yuan borrowed by Zhang Zhonghou and placed it in front of her father.

Seeing so much money, my father was quite surprised, and asked warily, "Where did you get so much money?"

Xu Qiuying lied and said: "I learned some from being a tutor, so I borrowed some from my classmates."

Brother Xu Huaiyuan also rushed back from Guangdong.Both brothers and sisters said that they should send their father to the county hospital as soon as possible.My father still refused to go, and kept emphasizing: "It's fine to use herbs at home... If you borrow money from your classmates, how can you pay them back?"

"I will pay back when I get paid for my work."

"Tens of thousands of dollars, you have such a high salary? How long will it be?"

Xu Huaiyuan said: "Dad, don't think so much, I will return it with my sister."

Under the strong request of a pair of children, the father finally agreed to go to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor scolded them and said, "Why did you bring it in now? They are already seriously infected. If he comes later, his leg will be useless."

Xu Qiuying said nervously: "Doctor, you must find a way to keep my dad's feet!"

"Do your best." The doctor said coldly, "How much money have you brought?"


"Almost. Hurry up and pay the deposit." The doctor's attitude finally improved.

Looking at the miserable father and the cold professional face of the doctor, Xu Qiuying deeply felt how important money is for the first time.Although money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.Among other things, if he didn't have these tens of thousands of dollars, at least his father would not be able to enter the hospital, and he would not be charged when he entered.If it is not done well, the father will lose a leg because of this, and even endanger his life.

She could hardly think of it any longer--how terrible the consequences of not having money!
In the garden of the hospital, the brother and sister were sitting on the corridor. The elder brother asked the younger sister in a low voice, "Who did you borrow the money from?"

Xu Qiuying had no choice but to tell the truth to her brother: "A boss lent it to me."

"What boss? How do you know him?"

"A real estate guy, introduced by a friend. I am now his English tutor and sales translator."

"Sales translation? Why have I never heard of this position?" Xu Huaiyuan said, "You have to be careful, the current bosses are very bad. I think he might be trying to trick you."

"I know. I'll save the money and pay him back as soon as I get to work."

"From next month, I will also save money, and pay it back together with you, as soon as possible." Xu Huaiyuan has worked in Guangdong for several years. After doing it, the monthly salary is only a thousand yuan, and after eating and drinking, there is basically not much left.But now it seems that he has to squeeze some more money out of his teeth every month.The big boss lent tens of thousands of dollars to his sister somehow, why?Isn't it just because my sister is beautiful?He has seen many such things in Guangdong for so many years.

As soon as Xu Qiuying came back, Lin Haibo immediately looked for her and asked coldly, "Tell me the truth, where have you been?"

Xu Qiuying was very upset and said loudly, "Didn't I tell you to go home?"

"Go home? Really?" Lin Haibo sneered, "Did you go home with Zhang Zhonghou?"

Xu Qiuying didn't expect Lin Haibo to go so far, so she said, "You can think whatever you want! It doesn't matter if I sleep with someone else!"

"You hope so." Lin Haibo said eccentrically, "You don't blush when you tell lies now."

"It doesn't matter! You can say whatever you want." Xu Qiuying felt that Lin Haibo had been too nervous recently, and would always ask her where she was going, what she was doing, and who she was with.The same question is always asked over and over again, and it is annoying to get to the bottom of it.

Lin Haibo felt that Xu Qiuying's words were becoming less and less credible.According to his guess, she must have had an affair with Zhang Zhonghou and wanted to hide herself.These days, she is not the only woman who sees money.Look at the girls in the class, especially Zhang Lina and Chen Jing, what do they say?Everyone is proud to be a mistress!Xu Qiuying hangs out with them all day long and lives in the same dormitory, can she not be infected?

Lin Haibo said with a straight face, "Don't hang out with Zhang Lina and Chen Jing all the time."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They are not good people. You are led to be bad by them."

Xu Qiuying said angrily, "What's wrong with me?"

Lin Haibo said stiffly: "Aren't you going bad? You're going farther and farther!"

"I won't talk to you anymore. Lin Haibo, you've been thinking about messy things all day long!" Xu Qiuying turned around and left angrily.She originally wanted to talk about her father's condition, but seeing Lin Haibo like this, she didn't bother to talk about it.

Lin Haibo yelled at Xu Qiuying's back: "You did something messy yourself! Do you blame me?"

Lin Haibo held back his breath, called Huang Yanli and said, "Yanli, where are you?"

Huang Yanli said excitedly, "I'm in the dormitory. What's the matter? Brother misses me?"

Huang Yanli is Lin Haibo's next junior junior, she has been secretly in love with him for a long time, and wanted to sneak in for a long time.Because Xu Qiuying blocked the way, he didn't dare to act rashly.Seeing that Lin Haibo took the initiative to call her now, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and feel like a deer bumping his heart.

"Come out. I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Lin Haibo said angrily in his heart: "Xu Qiuying, Xu Qiuying, don't blame me for being the fifteenth if you are the first grader!"

When you meet someone, you only listen to three minutes

On Sunday morning, Zhang Zhonghou called Xu Qiuying and said, "Xiao Xu, do you have time today? There are two foreign friends who want to go to our house to look at the house. Come and be a sales interpreter."

When Xu Qiuying rushed to the sales department of "Haitian Times Land Garden", she saw Zhang Zhonghou leading two foreigners walking up and down the lobby of the sales department.There was a foreigner who was very familiar, and it was only at a glance that he knew that it was Anthony whom he had met at the "Haitian Celebrity Club" last time.

Anthony shrugged at Xu Qiuying, spread his hands, smiled and said, "Ms. Xu, hello! I'm going to trouble you."

Xu Qiuying felt strange, didn't Anthony understand Chinese?Why do you need to translate?
Anthony obviously guessed what Xu Qiuying was thinking, shrugged and said, "My friend can't speak Chinese, not at all."

Xu Qiuying smiled and said, "Don't you know it?"

Anthony shrugged again and said with a smile: "I think it's more professional for you to translate. Because you are a professional sales translator."

Xu Qiuying said: "I'm not a professional, I just know a little bit."

"Fur? Fur is very good, we want fur." ​​Anthony looked very funny.

Xu Qiuying introduced Anthony and the others in English for a while, and they sat in the reception room drinking tea.

Anthony looked at Xu Qiuying, then at Zhang Zhonghou, and said, "Zhang, in China, you are my best friend and the person I admire the most. You are a very great entrepreneur and a great person." He gave a thumbs up.

Zhang Zhonghou kept smiling and nodded, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Zhang, you are very rich and caring. You are an entrepreneur and also hold a government position. You are very, very prestigious." Anthony kept praising Zhang Zhonghou, then turned to Xu Qiuying and said, "Miss Xu, Zhang is a very A very good man, successful in his career, caring, considerate, and very good to his friends. Which girl is very happy to fall in love with him, very happy..." He waved his hands in an exaggerated manner.

Listening to Anthony's words, Xu Qiuying felt very awkward.She didn't expect this foreigner to be so good at flattering.

In fact, this is all a play specially directed by Zhang Zhonghou.These two so-called foreign customers are also his friends for many years, and both foreign friends understand Chinese.The reason why he asked Xu Qiuying to come over as a "sales interpreter" was that he wanted to use the mouth of foreigners to advertise him in front of Xu Qiuying, establish a tall image of himself, and let Xu Qiuying further develop a good impression of him.

In Zhang Zhonghou's office that day, Zhang Zhonghou suddenly asked Xu Qiuying, "Xiao Xu, what are your plans after graduation?"

Thinking of her job hunting experience, Xu Qiuying said blankly, "I don't know. I can't find a job anywhere."

Zhang Zhonghou secretly felt happy, knowing that Xu Qiuying was worrying about finding a job.Now that the employment situation is so tense, and college students are everywhere, who doesn't worry about work?Last week, he heard from Luo Chunjiang, the manager of the group's human resources department, that the group office was looking for an ordinary clerk, and they received more than 2000 application materials on the computer alone, which shows the fierce competition.But that's good too, he hoped that Xu Qiuying would run into walls everywhere, and it would be best if he couldn't find a job, and in the end he could only rely on him obediently.

Zhang Zhonghou said calmly, "Then why don't you come to our company."

Xu Qiuying's heart was excited: that's right, if he can enter a big company like "Dadi Group", it's not too bad, right?Just say, "Come here? What can I do?"

Zhang Zhonghou smiled: "Be my secretary."

When Xu Qiuying heard that it was the secretary, Xu Qiuying's heart skipped a beat. Immediately, she thought of the word "Xiaomi", and said with some cold heart, "Let me think about it."

Xu Qiuying weighed the job offered by Zhang Zhonghou in her heart.Agree, and worry that Zhang Zhonghou will continue to pester her. A woman's sixth sense is the most sensitive. From his eyes, it can be seen that he has not given up on her; don't agree, it is really difficult to find a good job now Qingtian, graduation is approaching day by day, and her work has nowhere to go, what should she do?Can't find a job, not to mention paying back his money, even his own life is a problem.If you were to be his secretary, apart from other factors, it would be an enviable job.Think about it, the secretary to the president of the "Dadi Group", this is a position that many people yearn for!

But why should he let himself be his secretary?With her ability?Obviously not.She is a fresh graduate, so there must be a lot of gap between her and the job requirements of the president's secretary.She is not a fool, he must be interested in her by doing this, and he is throwing an olive branch to her further.In fact, she had figured out what Anthony said last time. The two foreigners didn't look like they were going to buy a house, but they looked like lobbyists he had invited.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiuying hesitated, neither wanting to agree nor refusing.After much deliberation, she decided to look for a job again.If you really can't find a job, plan again.

On Sunday, Haitian Talent Market held a large-scale talent exchange meeting, and Xu Qiuying tried his luck with several job applications.The reason she called job hunting a chance was because she had given up much hope for it.After searching for so long, she was not hit once or twice. She also became numb and got used to it. The daughter-in-law for many years has become a mother-in-law.

The talent market is still bustling and overcrowded as usual.Job seekers crowded shoulder to shoulder and crowded the recruitment hall, and the dark crowd outside was still pouring in.The hall was very stuffy, and there was a smell of sweat mixed with body odor, which made people sick.Countless job seekers stretched their necks, looking around, looking for employers, hoping to sell themselves as soon as possible.

Xu Qiuying finally squeezed her way to the recruiting desk of an advertising company, and seeing their recruitment notice said "recruiting editorial staff" in big characters, she asked, "What kind of editorial staff are you recruiting?"

"Those who can sell advertisements are looking for money." A middle-aged man raised his eyelids and said blankly, "There is no basic salary. If you are interested, you can keep materials."

Xu Qiuying said in her heart: Another salesman.Turn around and follow the flow of people to squeeze towards the next target.

Turning around in the lobby a few times, she found that salespeople are the most recruited by employers, and there are almost no jobs that match her major, let alone reporters and editors.

Looking at the turbulent crowd and the blank eyes in the crowd, she was completely desperate and gave up.This is an era when there is a relative surplus of talents, and unfortunately, she ran into it.

She ran out of the talent market, called Zhang Zhonghou and said, "Mr. Zhang, let me go to work in your company."

"Okay, okay, have you considered it?"

"Think about it." Xu Qiuying said calmly.I thought that there must be a way for the car to reach the front of the mountain, so let's take a step and see.

Zhang Zhonghou was so happy that his heart almost jumped out.OK!Things are going according to my own design, step by step towards the expected direction!

He sat on the Huanghuali sofa, lit a cigarette, and let his thoughts slowly drift away with the smoke.

Yes, he did like this woman very much, and told himself countless times: no matter what, he must develop her into a mistress.After such a long time of contact and interaction, he discovered that college students are college students after all, but they are different from women outside.Although the women outside are also beautiful, they are not innocent and have a strong commercial flavor.No wonder Zeng Deyi used to always say that he would take him to university to find a lover, it really makes sense after thinking about it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhonghou was in a great mood, pacing back and forth in the office with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands behind his back, as if he was strolling in the courtyard and determined to win.

He couldn't help calling Zeng Deyi and said, "brother, where are you?"

"In the office. Is there something wrong, brother?"

"How about going to play golf with you this afternoon?"

Zeng Deyi knew that Zhang Zhonghou must have something to discuss with him, and every time he discussed something, Zhang Zhonghou liked to go to the golf course.

As soon as he arrived at the golf course, Zeng Deyi couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, what's the good news?"

Zhang Zhonghou threw a cigarette to Zeng Deyi and said, "Xu Qiuying agrees to come to work in my company and be my secretary."

Zeng Deyi hurriedly flattered him: "Brother is an old cat after all, he is amazing! I heard from Nana that Xu Qiuying is a very serious girl who can handle things for you, which shows that your level is quite high. Since she agreed to be your secretary, it proves that she has Get ready to be your Xiaomi. In other words, she already likes you."

"No matter how decent a girl is, she's still a human being!" Zhang Zhonghou said meaningfully, taking a deep puff of his cigarette.

break up after graduation

Zeng Deyi told Zhang Lina: "Xu Qiuying is going to be Mr. Zhang's secretary."

Zhang Lina said triumphantly, "It's my fault."

"You have to continue to instill ideas in her, Zhang is always our great God of Wealth."

Zhang Lina, who just owned a Toyota Corolla, was in a good mood, and said charmingly, "Don't worry. Which girl doesn't like money? Sooner or later, Qiuying will be Zhang Zhonghou's favorite." She sighed and said, " However, I feel sorry for her. Another flower has been planted on the boss."

Zeng Deyi pretended to be angry and said, "Do you dare to say that we are cow dung?"

Zhang Lina said coquettishly, "You are a pig's head, a big boar."

(End of this chapter)

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