Chapter 912 About Survival
The war is still going on. On the vast grassland, there is a thin drizzle of rain, hitting the green grassland. The raindrops of the morning light are constantly gathering on the leaves, slowly condensing into a sparkling river. With a gust of breeze, As the wind blows, there is a rustling sound on the grass blades, and the raindrops slide off the blades and drip on the ground under the grass blades.

The horse's hoof slammed down and hit the slightly muddy ground, splashing a lot of mud spots, which fell on the ground mixed with blood.


Holba, a warrior of the Kelei Department, vigorously raised the scimitar in his hand, and the roar of anger echoed continuously on the grassland. He chopped off the arm of an enemy who wanted to sneak up on him with his backhand.

Blood splashed out, Holba wiped the blood on his face, and continued to urge the horse forward. He didn't have a handle, but someone hit him with a mace, so he could only take off the handle and continue fighting. Because Douhou has become his burden.

He doesn't even know whether the blood is his own or the enemy's. All he can do on the battlefield is to fight hard, and any other thinking is superfluous.

He lost to Yue Fei back then, and now he is unwilling to lose to Hebuler again.


Holba roared vigorously again, the light rain could not stop these warriors from fighting.

On the grassland, killing has always been an eternal theme, existing all the time.

The war will start due to some simple reasons. The root cause of the Kret's betrayal and crusade is the continuous rise of the Qiyan tribe, which makes the Kret feel threatened.

The expansion of the Qiyan tribe is also full of blood and killings. The crusade of the Kelei tribe is also because the Qiyan tribe plundered the tribes that depended on them.

There is never justice in war. Those high-sounding reasons are just an excuse to go to war. When the two sides cannot reconcile because of the contradiction of survival, the war will break out, and then use all means to defeat the opponent.

Holba rushed out with his cavalry like the wind, followed by two teams of ten thousand people, the sound of horseshoes was extremely dull in the rain, and both sides broke out amazing fighting power in order to survive, even if their arms were cut off in half, Also use your teeth to tear off the opponent's flesh and blood.

The wind roared, and they bumped into the cavalry of the Mughal Kingdom head-on. The tribe called the Big Ugly in the Mughal Kingdom was extremely tenacious in combat, and the two ten thousand troops collided fiercely. Fell to the ground, countless cavalrymen rolled off their horses and were trampled to death by the horses.

The brave warrior bent down to avoid the cold light from his opponent, but was hit by another person's heavy hammer, and the horse continued to charge forward. It didn't know that the cavalry on its back was dead.

Lu Khan put down the binoculars in his hand, pulled out the waist knife from his waist, and joined the battlefield with a team of [-] people. He started to accelerate from the low hills on the side, and the cavalrymen of the Kelei tribe who shouted loudly, The flanks entered the middle army, and like a sharp arrow, they directly pierced through the formation of the big ugly. After the formation was muddied, they began to cut through and harvest.

The young Tuoli was also panting heavily on the horse. He led a team of [-] people, ate the opponent's light cavalry, walked around behind the big ugly tribe, and commanded the battle with a childish voice, even if he and his father No matter how many disagreements there were, he firmly carried out his father's battle plan during the war.

And successfully completed it.

Douhou will not be custom-made just because Tuoli is the son of Wang Khan. The slightly larger Douhou is put on Tuoli's head, which looks very uncoordinated. Children of this age should study in school, not in school. Fight on the battlefield.

Tuoli successfully dragged down the reserve of the Big Ugly Department, and took the Qingqi to bite the opponent's reserve, and finally drove the opponent's reserve.

"Father! We won!" Tuoli shouted proudly and loudly, holding up the bow and arrow in his hand. He completed the two tasks his father entrusted to him.

Destroy the opponent's light cavalry and disperse the opponent's reserves.

Luhan showed a gratified smile, but the mask blocked this kind smile. He has never been disappointed with his children.The two only had some quarrels after the Ministry of Kret.

Lu Han suddenly frowned and shouted loudly: "Be careful!"

A cavalry team of ten thousand people appeared behind Tuoli. They were pacing slowly in the rain, and the sound of heavy hooves could be heard continuously in the light rain.

Tuoli shouted in horror: "Get out! Get out!"

The warriors of the Creed Department are brave and good at fighting, and the combat effectiveness of an army has always been judged by its execution ability. They drove the horses under them with the fastest speed and left the battlefield.

Even the [-] troops led by Horba and Luhan are fleeing in all directions. This is the combined army of heavy cavalry and light cavalry from the Mongolian Kingdom, the elite of the elite, the Qixue Army.

But the battlefield is always stalemate, and any behavior that wants to get out of the battle will expose your back to the enemy.A red-eyed warrior, even if he is dead, will hang on top of your horse, wanting to throw you off, and walk with him on the road to the underworld.

Therefore, the 5 people of Horba, Luhan, and Tuoli paid a very heavy price for getting out of the battlefield. The Kelei tribe who ran to the surrounding hills looked around, only Tuoli's Qingqi, the last one preserved it is good.

The iron hoofs of the fearful Xue army rumbled, and then they gradually drifted away. The Kelei tribe who stayed in place were smashed into pieces by the iron cavalry.The surviving Big Ugly troops left the battlefield with the Qixue Army and headed for the distant Mongolian Khan Court.

Hebul Khan stood under the barrage and looked at the warriors returning to the camp with mixed emotions. If it hadn't been for the rain, the Kelei tribe would have been killed by the Qi Xue army.

The Qixue army, who should have entered the battlefield with the reserve forces, was defeated by the rain, slippery roads, and slow march.

"My dear answer, it is all because of my mistake that the Ministry of Big Ugly is allowed to face the brutal enemy of the Ministry of Kret independently. I express my deep apologies for this, and I am willing to make compensation." Lehan is not a leader who is good at shirking responsibility. On the contrary, he took a responsible attitude towards the defeat of this battle.

The leader of the Big Ugly Department came to Hebuler with the support of others, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Khan don't blame himself, we didn't expect light rain before we set off, if the rain is heavier, Khan The Liebu can't attack either, if the rain is lighter, the warriors of the Qiyanbu will arrive on the battlefield on time, this is the will of Changshengtian."

"I am willing to let the Big Ugly Department be integrated into the Qiyan Department. We have no warriors to fight and cannot protect our wives and children. I am worried about the future of our tribe, and I am willing to express my surrender."

(End of this chapter)

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