Chapter 17
The old man surnamed Du sent this almost identical "Du Ruotu", which almost shattered all of Ning Wanzhu's self-confidence.

When Ning Wanzhu was painting earlier, she specially used charcoal to draw a light layer on the wood chip for painting, and then heated up the branding pen to paint on it bit by bit.But the "Du Ruotu" made by the old man Du has no traces of drafting in advance. It can be said that the branding pen is a painting brush, and the lines and strokes produced by the branding are as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.And the seven small characters next to it, "Fang Duruo, a man from the mountains", are just like the small characters on the pen of the branding pen that Ning Wanzhu got.

Ning Wanzhu could almost imagine how the old man Du handled the pen. Of course, what he transported was a branding pen that was burning hot on the fire.

It was not until seeing this "Du Ruotu" that Ning Wanzhu was completely convinced, and at the same time had a general understanding of what the old man Du said that day, "The intention is to write first".

According to her original method, she still draws what she thinks in her heart first, and then burns the pattern on it, so the painting is still an ordinary painting, at most it is just a craft of burning flowers.However, the picture sent by the old man Du made her truly see what pyrography is - the branding pen is the pen, and the wood chips are the paper. This is the pyrography that a real master craftsman can make.

Thinking of this, she carefully looked at the painting in front of her again, and saw that the techniques used on the leaves and flowers of Du Ruohua were not just sketches.In addition to the detailed brushstrokes, there are actually outlining, drawing, dotting, dyeing, rubbing... and other painting techniques, which emerge in endlessly.Ning Wanzhu became more and more frightened as she looked at it. She never thought that a simple branding pen could draw such colorful patterns.

It can be seen that she was really watching the sky from a well before!

It was only at this time that Ning Wanzhu was convinced by the mysterious old man Du.She hurried to the gate of Zhuangzi, wanting to meet the visitor, but learned that the old man had already left.

However, after this incident, Ning Wanzhu decided that she must find this old man and learn from him as a teacher.There are too many possibilities shown in this small "Du Ruo Tu" sent by the old man, if she can master all these techniques——

Mo Mei sneered at the side, and said: "Miss admires that weird old man's paintings so much, but I don't think so. I can't forget Miss's paintings as soon as I see them. Even after a few days, I can still think of them. This old man I’ve seen the painting, I’ve seen it, and I don’t think it’s anything special!”

Ning Wanzhu listened for a while.She knows that the form and content of her paintings can be firmly remembered by the viewers, but in her heart, once painted is painted, leaving no impression.But today, the pyrography of Old Man Du gave birth to her infinite interest. It seemed that the more she looked at it, the more things she could ponder.And after watching it for a long time, she is eager to try it, and wants to try all the techniques she has learned from viewing the painting today.

But at the Ning's village, there were a lot of miscellaneous matters, which prevented her from calming down immediately.

The personal maid she brought out from Ning's house, Yanhui, who was later renamed Mo Lan, went to Qiu Yu's place to chat with her son Tian, ​​and after inquiring about some news, she came back with a sad face: "Miss, we won't be here Chuang Tzu is celebrating Chinese New Year!"

Ning Wanzhu didn't take it seriously, and said, "What's the matter with celebrating the New Year in Zhuangzi?"

Mo Lan was so shocked that she almost jumped up, and said, "Miss, what are you talking about! How can this Zhuangzi compare with Nanyang City, how lively Nanyang City is, with so many interesting things..."

Ning Wanzhu said with a smile: "But if we are in Nanyang City, can we go and play everywhere by ourselves?"

Mo Lan thought about it too, sighed, and said, "No!"

"So, maybe it's more fun for us to celebrate the New Year by ourselves in the countryside!" Ning Wanzhu comforted Mo Lan.

But Mo Lan was still very worried, she raised her head to look at Ning Wanzhu, and said, "But Miss, you haven't been back to Nanyang for such a long time, and you haven't even shown your face in front of the master and wife, if this continues... …Is it ok?"

Ning Wanzhu understood what Mo Lan was worried about.She was somewhat relieved, because Mo Lan had obviously linked her own future with her Ning Wanzhu's fate at this time.Thinking of this, Ning Wanzhu smiled slightly, and she whispered to Mo Lan: "We don't have the strength yet, and now we can only be manipulated by others after we go back. Mo Lan, you want to go back and meet those who don't take you seriously?" people?"

Mo Lan's body trembled, as if recalling the night the two of them had just left Nanyang City, the thrills they had encountered on the road.Mo Lan immediately shook her head and said, "Okay, let's live a happy life in this village, and wait...when we have strength, we will go back!"

Ning Wanzhu nodded with a smile, then looked down at her own hands, and said in her heart: If you want to have your own power, there is no other way but to rely on yourself!

She made up her mind that in a few days, she must find a chance to sneak out of Zhuangzi and meet that old man Du.

Some people say that as the end of the year approaches, the days pass faster and faster.In November, the weather here in Dujia Village has become a bit cold. When I woke up in the morning, there was frost on the roof tiles, grass on the ground, and fallen leaves.On this day, Ning Wanzhu called Mo Mei, but this time she didn't dare to call Ning Dayong and her brother and sister. Only Mo Mei and herself got out of Zhuangzi's gate and went out together.

As soon as Mo Mei heard that she was going to see that old man Du, she pouted and said, "Miss, if we go to see that strange old man again, aren't we just looking for trouble?"

Ning Wanzhu glared at her, and said, "If you don't want to go, you can go back to Zhuangzi by yourself." It was the first time she spoke to Mo Mei in this tone, but seeing that Mo Mei really did like this, she immediately vomited. Sticking out her tongue, she followed behind Ning Wanzhu, walking obediently without saying a word.

The two came to the valley where they came last time, and walked to the huts.

Ning Wanzhu cleared her throat and said, "Grandpa Du, Grandpa Du..." She called twice, but no one answered.

Ning Wanzhu waited for a while, but Mo Mei said "hmm" behind her, and said, "Miss, it seems that there is no one in the room."

Ning Wanzhu knew that Mo Mei had practiced kung fu for a while, and she had sharp ears and eyes, so she immediately said, "Listen again—"

As expected, Mo Mei listened attentively, and after a while, she said: "Yes, you come with me." She took Ning Wanzhu, walked around the three huts between the depressions, and walked along a narrow mountain road , to a small open space inside the foothills.

After walking a dozen steps, Ning Wanzhu also began to hear faint crying.When she got closer, she heard that crying sound was very old - could it be that Grandpa Du was crying?
When the two got closer, Ning Wanzhu saw the old man crouching in front of a tombstone, his shoulders were shaking, and it was difficult to suppress the whimpering in his throat.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, old man Du turned around, looked at Ning Wanzhu with blurred eyes, and suddenly said, "Ah Ruo!"

Ning Wanzhu was a little surprised!She suddenly thought of the seven characters on the branding pen—Fang Duruo, a man from the mountains. Could it be that the name of this old man's missing daughter is "Du Ruo"?
Mo Mei was a little scared. Although she was older than Ning Wanzhu and had skills, she couldn't help but hide behind Ning Wanzhu.

Ning Wanzhu looked at the old man Du who was almost crying bitterly, with a look of pity on his face, and walked forward step by step, coming to the old man Du, and softly said: "Grandpa Du?"

Old man Du stared at her small face, and asked tremblingly, "Aren't you Ah Ruo?"

Ning Wanzhu sighed in his heart. The old man lost his beloved daughter for so many years and was still in such pain. He couldn't help feeling pity in his heart, and said softly, "Grandpa Du, I'm not Ah Ruo. My name is Ning Wanzhu. I came here because I want to ask you to be my teacher and learn the technique of pyrography."

Old man Du didn't seem to hear clearly for a while, and said loudly, "What did you say?"

"I said I wanted to learn the technique of pyrography!"

As Ning Wanzhu said, she took out a small piece of wood wrapped in cloth from her bosom, and handed it to Old Man Du. On it was still the "Du Ruo Tu", which was made by copying the pyrography that Old Man Du sent that day. .When painting this picture, she put aside the idea that the branding pen is just a tool, and treated the branding pen as an ordinary paintbrush, trying to apply the painting skills she learned in her previous life to the depth, Light, thick, light to express one by one.Therefore, although what she drew this time is not as neat as last time, and there are even some flaws in many places, but the whole picture is free and lively, which is not interesting.

Old man Du took it over and stared at it for a while.Ning Wanzhu almost thought that he was going to criticize his painting again this time.Unexpectedly, old man Du raised his head, stared blankly at Ning Wanzhu's small face, and suddenly said: "Ah Ruo, do you miss your father? Did you come to see your father because you were born as a little girl?" , took a step in front of Ning Wanzhu, his eyes were very eager, as if he wanted to stretch out his arms and hug Ning Wanzhu.

Ning Wanzhu was startled, took half a step back, and said, "Grandpa Du, I'm not your Ah Ruo, I'm Ning Wanzhu who wants to learn painting!" Inside her small body was an adult The soul of her soul, influenced by ethics for many years, made her instinctively resent any adult man's touch.

At this time, she touched her bosom, and seeing that she had brought out the branding pen, she took it out as well, handed it to Old Man Du, and said, "If you don't want to accept me as an apprentice, then I will give you the branding pen." I don’t dare to occupy it any more, so I’ll give it back to you!”

Old man Du took the branding pen, and he burst into tears for a moment, and suddenly he burst into tears holding the pen.The cry was mournful, and the startled birds in the forest fluttered their wings one after another.Mo Mei was startled when she heard the crying, and she pulled Ning Wanzhu out of the forest.As Ning Wanzhu walked, she felt pity in her heart. This old man, I am afraid that he really loves his missing daughter very much!
The two walked dozens of steps, and the crying of the old man behind them gradually stopped.Ning Wanzhu couldn't help but look back, only to see that in front of the small tomb in the forest, old man Du was turning around and staring in his direction, with reluctance and apology in his eyes. It seemed that he was regretting that he had been reckless just now, and actually scared Ning Wanzhu away.

Ning Wanzhu suddenly felt something, broke away from Mo Mei's hand, turned around and ran towards the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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