The genius pyrographer of the reborn daughter

Chapter 40 Two Heads Don't Sin

Chapter 40

Ning Wanzhu watched the situation of the Ning family coldly for a few days, and with the help of the well-connected Mo Lan, she quickly figured out the general situation.

At this time, Mr. Ning's condition has gradually stabilized. However, as the saying goes, "Illness comes like a mountain, and it goes like a thread."The doctor also reminded me ten thousand times, telling you to do your best, and there are always people in front of you. The implication is that the old man's illness is the only way to do it in the future.

But Mrs. Ning was neither relieved nor reconciled. The second daughter-in-law, Yan Shi, had always been in charge of the matter of hosting the mid-career at home.Just imagine that Mr. Ning will continue to procrastinate like this in the future, and he is afraid that a lot of money will be spent.Mrs. Ning didn't want to spend her own money, and she was afraid that the old man's expenses would be caught in the public office. In addition, she had some conflicts with Yan's in the inner courtyard recently, so she thought about this The method came out to add trouble to Yan Shi.

Mo Lan triumphantly told Ning Wanzhu all the news she had inquired in the inner courtyard.

As Ning Wanzhu listened, she kept drawing a draft with a charcoal pencil under her hand.Even though she moved back to Nanyang City, she didn't abandon the pyrographing stall, but set up a small studio in her boudoir, so that when she didn't have to go to Mr. Ning to greet him or wait for his sickness, she would do it by herself. Use a branding pen to make some small decorations.After the ironing is done, someone will help her back to the old man Du in the Du family village, and then the old man Du will find a way to sell it for her. After the sale, the old man Du will help her collect the money for future emergencies.

At the end of Mo Lan's speech, she still pretended to be mysterious and said: "Missy is here, she is very close to the second lady!"

Ning Wanzhu was taken aback, and his men stopped, and asked, "Since when did the young lady and the madam stop getting closer?"

Mo Lan smiled slyly, and whispered a few words in Ning Wanzhu's ear.Ning Wan frowned, and she really felt that there was something abnormal—anomaly is a monster. Now that Ning Luozi and Yan Shi are getting so close, I am afraid that either Yan Shi wants Ning Luozi, or Ning Luozi wants Yan Shi.

"The personnel who preside over Zhongfu..."

Ning Wanzhu tapped the table lightly with her fingers, and she raised her eyebrows. It suddenly occurred to her that Ning Luozi was taking on her status as the eldest daughter, and the elders of the Ning family would start cultivating her ability to handle housework.

At this juncture, it is the most thankless thing to come forward to take charge, but Ning Luozi, like herself, was reborn, and at least she had a few years of experience as a housekeeper in her previous life.And Ning Luozi has been by Yan Shi's side for the past few years, I'm afraid that these things about the Ning family will not trouble her.

Ning Wanzhu was thinking about it, when suddenly Mo Mei came in to announce that it was Mrs. Ning who was meeting with the two wives in Danxuan Hall, and she asked the second lady to come with her.

She got up quickly and thought: Two ladies, is it possible that the eldest aunt is also there?

Ning Wanzhu hurried to Danxuan hall, and heard a lot of people sitting in the hall from a distance, everyone was happy talking with each other.When everyone saw her coming, they had to greet her one by one.

In the upper seat sits Ning Wanzhu's grandmother, old lady Ning Wu.Stepmother Yan and eldest aunt Wang sat sideways.Ning Luozi was standing behind Yan Shi, watching Ning Wanzhu come in with a rather gloomy expression.

Wu Shi was wearing a real purple vase-pattern makeup and floral beige, which set off the red gold head and face she was wearing, which was very eye-catching.But Ning Wan and Zhu Su knew that this grandmother liked bright and dazzling dresses, so she didn't care.

Sitting on Wu's left was an old lady who was about her age. She was also pretty, well dressed, and had a bright red pomegranate flower on her hair, but Ning Wanzhu didn't know her very well.Mrs. Wu stretched out her hand to call Ning Wanzhu over, pointed to Ning Wanzhu and said to the old lady, "Look, this is the second daughter of our second child, named Luo Zi."

Whenever Ning Wanzhu heard others calling herself by the concubine's name, she couldn't help but feel a slight twitch in her heart, but she had learned to control her emotions a long time ago, and went to greet the old lady without changing her face.Mrs. Ning then explained, "This is Ma's cousin—"

Ning Wanzhu immediately remembered that this Mrs. Ma was his grandfather's cousin, and his grandfather was ill at the moment, so it was not uncommon for Mrs. Ma to come to visit her, and to visit her grandmother by the way.It's just that Mrs. Ma was a big-mouthed woman who liked to gossip when she was young, and she didn't have a very good reputation among her relatives.It's just that the Ning family and the Ma family are close relatives, and it's not uncommon for relatives to move around.

——But why did you call yourself over?
Madam Ma took off a green jade bracelet from her wrist and gave it to Ning Wanzhu as a meeting gift.Both Wu Shi and Yan Shi hurriedly said that it was too expensive, but Mrs. Ma said: "Look at this second girl, she has the character of your former second daughter-in-law." Ning Yu's deceased wife, Shao Shi.

After saying a word, Yan Shi's face immediately turned pale, followed by Ning Luozi's face, which was also pale, with no blood at all.

Seeing the embarrassment of the situation, the eldest aunt Wang tried to help explain, saying, "Cousin, this second girl is from a concubine of the second master, not from sister Shao..."

Ning Wanzhu secretly raised her eyes to look at her aunt Wang.In her previous life and her current life, she has never met this aunt a few times.I saw this eldest aunt who was in the prime of her life, probably because she lived alone all year round, her hair turned gray, her eyes drooped, she was old, and she was dressed plainly, almost no different from a widow.But Mrs. Wang looked at Ning Wanzhu with very clear eyes without any prejudice. When explaining to Mrs. Ma, she only stated some facts without any personal evaluation.

Ning Wanzhu quickly retracted her eyes.She knew that the eldest aunt Wang actually liked her grandmother Wu more than her stepmother, and that the eldest aunt Wang preferred to deal with people in a peaceful manner, discussing things on a case-by-case basis, unlike Yan who liked to play tricks and schemes.She secretly felt that if it wasn't for her uncle Ning Ting becoming a monk, the family would be more harmonious if the Wang family was in charge of it.

It's a pity that Mrs. Wang just explained a few words dryly at the moment. Seeing that Mrs. Ma understood, she shrank back, looked at her nose and nose, and said nothing more.

Yan Shi and Ning Luo's purple face gradually returned to normal.

Madam Ma did not take back the green jade bracelet handed out because Ning Wanzhu was a concubine's daughter, she just smiled and said to Wu Shi: "I am very happy with the girls of Ning's family. When they marry in the future, they will say It's the daughter of the Ning family."

Seeing that no one had any objections, Ning Wanzhu put the emerald jade bracelet in her sleeve, and retreated behind Yan with a slanted sign.

Sure enough, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Ma were chatting in the hall, and they talked about dividing up the affairs of the inner courtyard and handing them over to the two young ladies of the Ning family to learn to take care of them.

The old lady of the Wu family was praising Ning Luozi for being smart and capable, with a good understanding of the general situation.Mrs. Ma also followed Wu Shi's words.Ning Wanzhu glanced sideways, and saw that Ning Luo's purple face was uncontrollably showing color.

However, Yan Shi's expression, as one can imagine, is not so good-looking.

"In my opinion, it's better to let the eldest lady watch over the big kitchen, and let the second lady learn from the lady in charge at the other end of the warehouse!" The old lady Wu asked Yan Shi first.

Yan Shi was startled, she never thought that Wu Shi would directly make such a request to herself in front of her relatives.She was unprepared for a while, but she couldn't refuse, so she had to say: "There are so many things on the other side of the big kitchen, and it's difficult for the eldest lady to get started for a while, why don't I send Mommy Jin to help the big kitchen first?" Miss staring together?"

Ning Luozi was already a little impatient.She couldn't help but call out: "Mother—"

Seeing Ning Luozi's voice, Yan Shi gave her a rather resentful look, and Ning Luozi immediately shut up obediently, not daring to say anything else.

Unexpectedly, the conversation between Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Ma turned to Ning Wanzhu at the other end, "Managing the warehouse is not an easy task. Second Miss, it is best to find someone capable , follow and watch together."

Between the inside and outside of the two old ladies' words, this arrangement seems to have been finalized.Sitting down, Yan Shi was really annoyed. All these matters in the family were divided between the two young ladies, so what was left for her?
With a flicker of eyes, Yan Shi decided to take Ning Wanzhu for surgery——

"According to me, the eldest lady is in charge of the stove, I think it's very good. The eldest lady has been at home recently, following me, and knows a lot about the affairs of the big kitchen. The second lady just came back from the village. I'm afraid it will be difficult to take over the warehouse..." Yan Shi said while thinking.

"Zhuangzi? Second Miss has been living in your Zhuangzi in the mountains?" Mrs. Ma was very surprised when she heard this.

Yan Shi was tongue-tied all of a sudden, and his intestines were almost green with regret.Just now she was only thinking about the power in charge of the family, but she never thought that the fact that her concubine had lived in Zhuangzi for several years had leaked out of her own mouth.You must know that this old lady Ma is very social, and she is famous for her love of gossip.I'm afraid that as soon as this old lady goes out, the whole Nanyang City will know that she has treated her stepdaughter harshly, and put her in the village for many years, so that she doesn't understand anything.

With such a beating in her heart, Yan Shi froze there, not knowing what to say.

At the moment when Yan Shi was in a daze, the old lady Wu suddenly raised her breath and asked Ning Wanzhu loudly: "Second Miss, you have lived in Zhuangzi for so long, you are doing well, but do you still miss the mansion? "

Ning Wanzhu knew that her grandmother Wu was attacking her stepmother Yan in front of Mrs. Ma.As long as there is a little carelessness, Wu Shi will be able to grasp the conversation and point the finger at Yan Shi.As for Yan Shi, I am afraid that he will also hate himself because of this.However, if you protect Yan Shi too much in your words, you will offend your grandmother again.

How can I find a way to get over the embarrassing situation in front of me, without offending my grandmother or my stepmother?

(End of this chapter)

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