Chapter 45

Knowing that Ning Wanzhu learned the skill of pyrography at Zhuangzi in Funiu Mountain, the mother and daughter of the Shao family and the other four all lamented Ning Wanzhu's situation.

Yao first made out with Ning Wanzhu.Her attitude affected several children of the Shao family.When Ning Yu came in from the front yard and said he was going to say goodbye, sisters Shao Yuanyu, Shao Hanyu, and the young master Shao Xiuyong had already been friends with Ning Wanzhu for many years.

Shao Yuanyu followed Yao Shi to send Ning Wanzhu out, took her hand along the way, and whispered in her ear, "It's the old lady from the Ma family who is too gossip and we almost misunderstood..." She then patted Ning Wanzhu on the back of the hand, and said, "Don't be afraid, as long as we stay in Nanyang City for a day, we will help you break it up in front of others!" Like his father, he has a sense of justice.

Ning Wanzhu declined with a smile, "It's okay, so only sisters and sisters who don't dislike my identity and are willing to make friends with me will come to make friends with me. Doesn't this save a lot of trouble?"

Shao Yuanyu was taken aback, thinking, why not?But it was hard for her to imagine that this ten-year-old girl in front of her could have such an idea.

On the big car going back, Ning Yu specially rode with Ning Wanzhu, and kept silent, only silently looking at Ning Wanzhu.

Ning Wanzhu smiled at him, seeing that Ning Yu didn't say much, she didn't say anything herself.Two people sat very silently in the cart—one was full of doubts, the other was open-minded.

Back in Ning Mansion, Ning Yu went back to Ling Cuixuan by himself.Ning Wanzhu said goodbye to her father on the way, she wanted to go back to Wuyuan.

Ning Yu looked at her, hesitated to speak, "you" for a long time, and finally said: "You go!"

Just as Ning Wanzhu turned around, someone suddenly came out from the slanting stab, and called out to Ning Yu in a deep voice, "Master!"

When Ning Wanzhu heard it was Aunt Shao's voice, she lowered her head and stepped down faster.She guessed that Aunt Shao came to see her father Ning Yu because of her going to Shao's house today.Sure enough, Ning Yu slightly raised his voice and said: "Yes, Madam said that today the young lady is going to learn how to take care of the house at home, so I took the second child to Shao's house, who was originally her uncle, and brought her to the Shao family. It’s good to recognize people.”

Ning Wanzhu walked a little farther, then looked back, and saw that Ning Yu was still talking with Aunt Shao by the side of the road.Surprisingly, Aunt Shao was still wearing the lilac-colored beige.At this time, Ning Wanzhu suddenly realized that she always thought that Aunt Shao liked lilac color, but now she finally understood——Aunt Shao would only wear this gown when she saw her father Ning Yu, even after so many years, And it always has been.

She lowered her head and stomped towards Wuyuan, feeling extremely uncomfortable, her eyes a little bit astringent, as if Aunt Shao just went to talk to her father Ning Yu, which aroused a burst of evil fire in her heart.Having said that, the fact that the Ning family can have such an exchange of sons and daughters has nothing to do with Aunt Shao.

As Ning Wanzhu walked, she thought angrily, why did his father marry Aunt Shao as his concubine when he married his mother?Mother and Aunt Shao should also know each other. They grew up under the same roof in a big family. After they got married, they worked together as a husband.

However, what was the reason for Aunt Shao's suicide in her previous life?As Ning Wanzhu walked, she couldn't help being curious about her parents' early years.

Facing her, Mo Mei followed in with a big box in her arms.The box in her hand was filled with presents from the Shao family's mistress, Yao Shi, and the Shao brothers and sisters. The box was full, but they were all local ceremonies from the capital, so they may not be so expensive.But when she entered the inner courtyard of Ning's family so ostentatiously, the whole family would spread the word the next day that the second young lady got uncle Shao's favor.

Not caring about so much anymore, Ning Wanzhu raised her eyebrows and called Mo Mei and Mo Lan into the courtyard. The first thing she did was to ask her the most important questions of the day.

"What is Baotong?" Ning Wanzhu still remembered that Aunt Shao's sister-in-law, Shen Shi, held her arm and murmured in her ear: "Baotong is already in harmony."

Mo Mei was stunned.

But Mo Lan went outside Ning Wanzhu's house to look around for a while, then closed the door, turned to Ning Wanzhu and said, "Miss, I know. My father has a godbrother who drinks and gambles all day long." For a while, I won and lost for a while. Later, I stole the ancestral treasure from my family and sent it to Baotong. I heard that Dang was dead, but I couldn’t redeem it. My father’s godbrother was beaten by the family. Half dead. This Baotongna is the biggest pawn shop on Chengxian Street."

"Pawn shop?" Ning Wanzhu was taken aback when he heard Mo Lan's words. "Bao Tong Shi Xie", does it mean that Aunt Shao has already pawned the things in Bao Tong's pawnshop, or has she got the silver taels and redeemed the things?

Ning Wanzhu twisted her handkerchief, bit her lip and thought about it, and felt that even though she lived back in Nanyang Ningfu recently, many things were inconvenient.She should plan well, and there must be competent people in Nanyang Mansion.

Ning Wanzhu was thinking about the candidate for the outer courtyard in Wuyuan, while on the other side of Ling Cuixuan, Yan Shi couldn't help turning pale and widening his eyes after hearing Ning Yu talk about what happened at Shao's house today, and said: "Shao My uncle really said that?"

Ning Yu did not reveal to Yan Shi that Shao Yang had doubts about the exchange of the Ning family's concubine and concubine. He only said that his uncle had been in Beijing and was worried about Nanyang's side, so he proposed to seal up the dowry left by his predecessor Shao Yunshu. It will be unsealed again when Ning Wanzhu is married, and will be used as a dowry for Ning Wanzhu.

"Second Master, you agreed?" Yan Shi murmured with a pale face, "This is slapping the face of the Ning family!"

Ning Yu didn't expect Yan Shi's reaction to be so intense, and his face turned red for a moment. "I also felt that Uncle's suggestion was inappropriate, so I fought hard with him. So Uncle Shao finally let go, and didn't say that he would seal it up. He only said that he would count Yun Shu's dowry. If the income in the past two years is not enough Yes, we might as well sell it off as a mortgage, and then re-buy some prosperous shops or farms with good harvests."

Yan Shi only felt his upper and lower teeth clenching lightly, and couldn't help but said, "Is it also the uncle of the Shao family who will do the counting of the dowry left by sister Shao?"

Ning Yu didn't doubt that he was there, shook his head and said: "Uncle Shao will go back to Beijing after offering sacrifices to his ancestors. He has a lot of noble people, and there is no one in Nanyang who can use him. So I propose to use my family's Steward, after the counting is complete, all the properties that have been sold and reset will be cleared, and then the steward will be sent to Beijing to report to Uncle. Madam, the candidate for this steward, think for me, must be a shrewd and prudent person. , it is related to the future dowry of the eldest lady."

Yan Shi covered her heart, as if feeling a little relieved.

Ning Yu turned around and rushed to take care of Mrs. Ning.

In Ling Cuixuan, Yan Shi sat there for a while, but still felt his hands trembling slightly.At this time, Mother Jin just came in, saw Yan Shi's appearance, and said in surprise: "My dear wife, what's the matter with you?".

"What's happening with Aunt Shao?" Yan also felt a little dizzy, raised her hand and drank more than half of the almond tea that Mama Jin brought up, and then felt a little better.

"Auntie, I dressed up like that again today to meet the second master." Mama Jin sighed as she said.

Yan took a sip of tea and rubbed his temples with his fingers, "Uncle Shao, I want to count the dowry left by Shao."

"What?" Mother Jin was shocked when she heard the words, she couldn't help raising her head, and looked directly at Yan Shi.

"I wonder if I should tell Aunt Shao about this." Yan Shi said helplessly.

Mother Jin also showed some confusion in her eyes for a moment, she lowered her head and murmured: "How could it be Uncle Shao?"

"I'm also wondering if the Shao family discovered something, or Aunt Shao leaked something." Yan Shi said this very tiredly, with infinite regret in his eyes.

But Mother Jin suddenly rolled her eyes and said, "Madam, don't worry, this old slave suddenly thought that the Shao family is actually the one who has the least position to blame the Ning family on this matter!"

Yan Shi's eyes flickered, and he turned around and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mother Jin explained to her: "The cause of this matter is Aunt Shao. As long as Aunt Shao is here, everything can be pushed on her. As long as the Shao family speaks, we can push Auntie out. The confusion between the Ning family and the concubines , you can push it on the head of the Shao family, threaten his family, and accuse the adopted daughter of not teaching. In this way, the Shao family will not blame it, and it will be shooting itself in the foot. As long as Aunt Shao is alive, she will be Ning The best umbrella for the family."

Yan Shi still hesitated, and asked: "What if the matter of Baotong is discovered?"

"It depends on whether Aunt Shao is smart enough or not. But I think this is related to the future of her 'natural' daughter. Aunt Shao will not hesitate on this point!" Mother Jin tried to persuade Yan Shi .

After a while, Yan Shi finally nodded—"Okay! Mom, please remind me a little bit about Aunt Shao."

"Also think of someone for me. I need a smart steward who will take care of the future dowry of the eldest lady." Yan lowered her head and took a sip of tea.Mama Jin is mature and prudent, she knows what Yan Shi is thinking at the moment, it doesn't matter whether she is smart or not, the real key quality is being toward the mistress.

In Ling Cuixuan's yard, there was a sudden sound of sweeping and sweeping, and a delicate voice sounded, but it was humming a tune.

After hearing this, Yan Shi sneered and said, "I thought I was someone! I was sent to do the sweeping work, and I'm still so restless." She raised her breath suddenly, and said, "Even if he came out of the old lady's yard Cats and dogs have always been cats and dogs, and they can't get on the stage wherever they go!"

The melodious singing outside suddenly stopped, and after a while, a shrill girl's voice suddenly rang out, "The cats and dogs in the old lady's courtyard, as long as the word 'filial piety' is remembered by the second master Ning and the second wife , you won’t really treat people like cats and dogs.”

Yan Shi was furious, he slapped the table heavily with his palm, and said angrily: "Come on, I'm going to give this lowly servant a good look today."

(End of this chapter)

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