The genius pyrographer of the reborn daughter

Chapter 48 Ning Luozi's Voting Certificate

Chapter 48 Ning Luozi's Voting Certificate

As for the candidates to go to Cao's shop, Ning Wanzhu already had a draft.

A few days ago, Mrs. Du, the head of the village in Ning's village, contacted Madam Ye and asked if she could find an errand for Ning Dayong in Nanyang's Ning Mansion.After all, Ning Dayong is 13 years old now, and he is the son of the Ning family, so it's time to come out and do things.

Under Ning Dayong and Ning Xiaoya, Du Shi gave birth to another boy, who is just over two years old now, and Ning Yongqiang and his wife have their youngest son by their side, so they can rest assured that Ning Dayong will go out to work in Nanyang City alone.

As soon as she came back from Cao's house, Ning Wanzhu went to see Madam Ye, who ordered someone to deliver a letter to Zhuangtou and his wife at Ning's Zhuangzi.As long as the arrangement of the Cao family is finalized, Ning Dayong and old man Du will be arranged to enter the city.

Ning Wanzhu talked in front of Nanny Ye for a while, and when she was about to leave, Nanny Ye stopped her suddenly, looked around to see if there was no one, and then whispered to Ning Wanzhu, "Second miss, The matter between you and the eldest lady has already found witnesses—”

Hearing this sentence, Ning Wanzhu was shocked all over, and looked up at Madam Ye in disbelief, only to see that the other party's eyes were full of comfort, as if she was relieving her heart, and seemed to be saying, after waiting so long Time, finally waiting for hope.

"Who is the witness?"

"The witness is the widower of your former wet nurse. After your wet nurse passed away, her husband's family felt that her death was too strange, and they didn't dare to argue with the Ning family, so they simply hid away. They didn't inquire about it until last month. When I heard the news that your uncle came home to worship the ancestors, I sneaked into the door of Shao's house." Nanny Ye explained the ins and outs of the matter to Ning Wanzhu.

Ning Wanzhu suddenly realized.Her wet nurse, Mother Pan, had been with her in her previous life until she was married, and only then returned to the countryside to retire.When Ning Wanzhu remembered Pan's mother's kindness in the previous life, and because of herself, she passed away innocently early in this life, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Seeing this, Mother Ye quickly persuaded her: "Second Miss, this is the only witness, so this news must not be leaked out. Before the truth of the matter is revealed, you must not show any strange behavior in front of others."

After hearing this, Ning Wanzhu nodded quickly, blinked to stop the water from her eyes, and smiled gratefully at Madam Ye.At this time, a thought flashed through her mind, but it was still vague and unclear.

Just at this time, there were some voices on Ling Cuixuan's end, and gradually became noisy.

Ye Momo held down Ning Wanzhu, went out by herself, and found the little girl to inquire.After a while, Mo Lan accompanied Mo Mei and came in with a smile. The two saluted Mother Ye and Ning Wanzhu, and Mo Lan immediately said, "Sister Mo Mei found out what happened this time."

After hearing Mo Lan's words, Mo Mei blushed.But Ning Wanzhu knew that Mo Mei was not such a gossip, and she was not very familiar with the servants in the mansion here, but Mother Ye made the decision, telling Mo Mei to stare at Ling Cuixuan on weekdays, while Mo Lan only stared at Ling Cuixuan on weekdays. Going to the orchid courtyard is also training the two little girls to survive in the inner house.

Mo Mei immediately told everything about Ling Cuixuan.Ning Wanzhu and Ye Momo looked at each other in dismay.

It turned out that on this day, when Ning Luozi went to greet Yan Shi, she passed by Ling Cuixuan's courtyard, and happened to meet Xiang Yun, the maidservant that Old Madam Ning had given to Ning Yu, and Xiang Yun overturned the soup she sent to Yan Shi. Soup, dirty clothes and skirts.

Ning Luozi was naturally furious, and wanted to punish Xiangyun, but was persuaded by Yan Shi, who only said that Xiangyun was a maid given by the old lady, and if she was punished, the old lady would not look good.Ning Luozi just gave up.

Who would have thought that after Ning Luozi changed her dress at Yan Shi's place and came out, she looked around but couldn't find the jade pendant on her skirt that she usually wears.Yan Shi closed the gate of the courtyard and ordered people to search everywhere, but they found Xiangyun on him.Ning Luozi ordered to search Xiangyun's house for a while, but in Xiangtao, another big maid given by the old lady, more belongings were found, all of which were lost by Ling Cuixuan during this period of time.

Ning Luozi has personally escorted the two maids back to Mrs. Ning.

Ning Wanzhu was speechless.In the inner house, it is most taboo for servants to steal. Ning Luozi made such a big fuss, and went straight to the old lady, not only directly slapped the old lady in the face, but pressed the old lady Wu's face into the ground. what!As for the girls Xiangyun and Xiangtao, I'm afraid they won't survive.

Thinking of this, Ning Wanzhu and Nanny Ye looked at each other in surprise.Ning Luozi was so generous, one incident happened at the same time as two maids bestowed by the old lady.Could it be that Ning Luozi didn't care about the face of the old lady in order to please Yan Shi?

However, Ning Wanzhu thought more.In the previous life, Mrs. Ning passed away suddenly about a year later, and Mrs. Ning suffered a great blow because of this. If she didn't care about the affairs of the Ning family's inner house, she would age very quickly. Mr. Ning passed by.The power of the board of directors in the family is always in the hands of Yan Shi.Ning Luozi probably also had this memory of her previous life, so she decided that it would be more cost-effective to offend Mrs. Ning than to offend Yan Shi, so she took this opportunity to sell to Yan Shi, so as to make up for what happened to Mrs. Ning a few days ago. suspicion.

Sure enough, after a while, Mo Lan found out that Mrs. Ning was so angry that she fell on her back, and in front of Ning Luozi, she ordered Xiangyun and Xiangtao to hit thirty big boards each.For a woman of Xiangyun's and Xiangtao's age, twenty big boards are enough to kill her.Hearing this news, Ning Wanzhu not only shook her head slightly.Although the old lady Ning lost both the person and the team in front of Yan Shi and Ning Luozi this time, the hidden danger left by Ning Luozi is not small.

If that Xiangyun Xiangtao really had unclean hands and feet, that's fine.But these two maids were carefully selected by the old lady and sent to the second room of the Ning family, intending to serve as concubines for his father Ning Yu.These two maids also think highly of themselves on weekdays, so they should be quite ambitious. If it is said that these two are here for the property of the second room of the Ning family, is this possible?

The only possibility left is to frame the injustice.It is impossible for Ning Luozi to do this kind of trick by herself. As long as there are clues left at 01:30 in this matter and Yan Shi grasps it, Ning Luozi will be able to drink a pot in the future.

"That's right," Ye Momo seemed to understand what Ning Wanzhu was thinking, and said, "I'm afraid the eldest lady is submitting a certificate to the second lady!"

Ning Wanzhu nodded.It's just playing tricks like this, marrying people's lives, and pleasing the stepmother. She, Ning Wanzhu, thought that she would never be able to do such a thing.This Ning Luozi is too unscrupulous.

Sure enough, Xiangyun and Xiangtao, after being hit by [-] boards each, couldn't make it through.Mrs. Ning also said that she was so angry that her liver hurt, which caused her old illness, and Mr. Ning caught a cold for some reason at night, and it got worse.

The matter spread to the ears of Ning Yu, the second master of the Ning family. Ning Yu looked at Ning Luozi more and more strangely, as if blaming this daughter for being meddlesome and reckless. It collided with Mr. Ning's condition.

Ning Luozi didn't realize it.She had figured it out a long time ago, so she made up her mind to offend Mrs. Ning and hug Yan Shi's thigh first.

In the next few days, because the old men and women of the Ning family needed someone to take care of them, both Ning Yu and Yan Shi would take care of them in their clothes before the sick bed.Ning Luozi, Ning Wanzhu and Ning Jing, Ning Jing and the younger brothers were all waiting outside, for fear that something might happen to Mr. Ning.

Five days later, Mr. Ning calmed down a little, and the doctor who came to give him his pulse finally showed some smiles on his face.The Ning family breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, Ning Wanzhu almost had time to stay in Wuyuan for a few more hours.However, Nanny Ye has already made arrangements for opening a pyrography shop by taking advantage of the Cao family's influence.At the other end of the shop, old man Du and Ning Dayong were staring at each other, so Ning Wanzhu felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, once Yan Shi retired from Ningjia Danxuantang, he began to count the dowry of Mrs. Shaw.After discussing with Mama Jin, Yan selected the person, who was a steward of the Ning family, surnamed Ping, called Ping Jun.This person is quite capable, and he can do errands well.But the most important thing is that he married a distant niece of Mrs. Jin as his wife, and she can be regarded as a respectable manager in the Ning family.

Ning Wanzhu was shocked when she heard the news from Madam Ye.

In her previous life, it was also this steward named Ping Jun who took care of the dowry that the Ning family gave her to the Chang family for her.But this memory was too unpleasant, Ning Wanzhu felt that she was not a young lady, and she was going to be led by the nose by this ordinary manager.Later, it was Chang Shining who stepped forward and seized Ping's power to manage affairs, and Ning Wanzhu finally began to have money at his disposal.

Although this Ping Jun is smart, he is too smart and not loyal enough.She didn't want to deal with this disgusting flat manager in this life.

But Mother Ye told her that Aunt Shao was afraid that she would ask Second Master Ning Yu to decide this matter in a few days. "In the future, the second wife will definitely show the second master a few candidates. At that time, he will recommend Guanshi Ping as the candidate to count the dowry of the late wife. The second master has a good temper, and he will never take madam's wishes."

"Mummy can find out that there are still some stewards in the mansion who are free at the moment, and mother may report to father together?" Ning Wanzhu asked.

When she got the list of these people, Ning Wan and Zhu immediately became concerned—she picked a young steward named Gong Yang, whose elder brother was Gong Heng, who was the most capable follower by her father's side.In the previous life, Gong Heng had always followed his father faithfully and never made a mistake.His father once praised him, "Your old Gong family's tutor is the most trustworthy one I can trust."

But how can father Ning Yu make the final decision, let Gong Yang be in charge, and reject Ping Jun?

"Gong Yang, Gong Yang..." Ning Wanzhu said it several times, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face. She thought of a way, and the more she thought about it, the more funny it became, so she simply started to do it, whether it was reliable or not, she Always wanted to try that.

(End of this chapter)

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