Immortal Journey

Chapter 101 The Battle of Disparity in Strength

Chapter 101 The Battle of Disparity in Strength
Sure enough, as they expected, the first group that signed up to defend the ring on the seventh stage was very strong, consisting of two late-stage foundation-establishment monks and three mid-stage foundation-establishment monks.

"Brother," Mo Zhanyu frowned and asked hesitantly as the second challenge group stepped off the stage in embarrassment, "Are you sure we want to go up and challenge? It is too difficult to win this group. The group just now was a late-stage foundation-building monk." And the combination of the four mid-stage foundation-building monks all failed miserably, and our going up is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble."

Qin Lianyan patted Mo Zhanyu, looked at Mo Zhantian softly with bright eyes and said, "Zhanyu, your brother probably wants everyone to go up and practice their hands. It doesn't matter if you lose. We still have nine chances." .”

"Yes, Zhanyu," Mo Zhanyan said with a smile, "meeting a strong opponent, the second brother also feels itchy and wants to fight! This trial is not only for victory, but also for improving you. I will fight against strength!"

"Zhan Yu," Mo Zhantian clenched his fists in front of his mouth and coughed lightly, turning his face slightly to avoid Qin Lianyan's fiery eyes, "I believe you, brother, we may not lose. Even if we lose, it doesn't matter."

Standing aside, Ren Ling was still reminiscing about the excitement of the two matches just now. Seeing Mo Zhanyu holding his face and being surrounded by everyone, he smiled and said, "Zhanyu, I think the tactic of the defending side is to give up the most powerful first." The hawk-nosed old man who played in the game, he is a late-stage foundation-builder, and usually wins the first battle to boost morale. Let me deal with him, and they will send mid-stage foundation-builder monks to play in the next three games , if we win all of them, then we have won. As long as we lose one of them, then we will automatically admit defeat, right? So, don't worry, unless you want to fight against the last monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, otherwise If you do, you can choose not to fight."

"It's just," Mo Zhanyu looked at Mo Zhantian timidly, reached out and grabbed Ren Ling's sleeve, and said flatly, "Isn't that wronging you, Sister Ling? That eagle-nosed old man looks so powerful, What if you get hurt?"

Ren Ling slightly curled his mouth, "Don't worry, if you can't beat me, can't you still run? The big deal is to surrender! It's not shameful to lose, my cultivation is far behind him!"

The five reached a consensus and walked to the edge of the ring.

Because the defending team was too strong, after losing two consecutive sets, everyone in the arena hesitated for a moment and no team took the initiative to challenge.

"Let us seventeen teams take the challenge!"

Mo Zhantian jumped onto the ring lightly, followed by the other four, "I'm next, Mo Zhantian, and bring four fellow Taoists to fight."

The eagle-nosed old man in the lead laughed, walked forward and stood in front of the competition line, cupped his hands and said, "My brother is so brave! If that's the case, I won't talk too much. Diao will be in the first round. I don't know which one you will send Friends come to fight?"

Ren Ling and the four of them looked at each other, patted Mo Zhanyu who was holding her arm nervously, smiled lightly, and stepped forward to the test line, "The junior Ren Ling is here to challenge, and I ask the senior to give me some advice."

The alchemist monk referee on the side nodded slightly at the two of them, "Do you both understand the rules of the competition? As long as you withdraw from the competition line, you will be judged as a loser."

Seeing the two nodding in agreement, the referee let out a whistle, and the competition officially began.

It was the first time he fought against a monk in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, Ren Ling was nervous and concentrated.She quickly put on the pearl shell armor, pinched the Xuanbing needle with her ten fingers, and stared at the eagle-nosed old man without blinking.

The eagle-nosed old man snorted, obviously displeased with the early foundation-building monks sent by the opponent, squinting at Ren Ling, and slowly summoning the defensive spirit weapon, he was not in a hurry to do it, "Xiao Dao, you First please."

Ren Ling was not at all irritated by the obvious disdain of the eagle-nosed old man, the corners of his soft lips curled up, and 49 black ice needles shot out with a flick of his fingers!

49 light blue glare lights went straight to the eagle-nosed old man's door along with the faint beeping, and the surrounding air was also shaken with waves.The eagle-nosed old man's expression froze when he saw this, and his subordinates unhurriedly took out a whisk and flew towards Xuanbingzhen head-on.

The dust whisk was a low-grade spiritual weapon. Under the urging of the eagle-nosed old man, countless dust threads diverged in all directions as if they were spiritual, and each root was as hard and sharp as iron wire.The dust silk and the Xuanbing needle collided in the air, stirring up ripples and swirling waves, and the sound of clanging was endless.

"The strength in the late stage of foundation establishment really shouldn't be underestimated," Ren Ling thought inwardly as the opponent brought great pressure as soon as he made a move, "Given his underestimation of me, I'm afraid this blow took [-]% of his strength at most. '

Unhurriedly mobilizing spiritual power to control the Xuanbing needles to move skillfully among the countless dust threads, Ren Ling suddenly opened his fingers slightly, summoning all the Xuanbing needles to retreat a distance of one foot. Drive 49 black ice needles to arrange the first attack formation of the black ice formation at a mysterious speed.

There are six combat formations in total, three offensive and three defensive formations. The main point of the first offensive formation is "sickness", with the purpose of being fast, strange, and invisible. The purpose is to disrupt the opponent's offensive and seize the opportunity to win with one attack.

The eagle-nosed old man saw that Ren Ling had changed his attack, he paused first, and then increased his spiritual power on Fuchen, and in an instant, Fuchen grew more than three times, and the dust threads pierced the Xuanbing needle like a big net.

Ren Ling pursed his lips slightly, not panicking, and methodically controlled the Xuanbing Needle to spin and thrust rapidly in the giant dusty silk net.

The Xuanbing Needle is originally made of Xuanbing Jing, how can its sharpness and sharpness be comparable to that of a whisk?It's just because Ren Ling's cultivation level is still relatively low, and he couldn't release the maximum power of the Xuanbing Needle for a while, so the Chuchu battle was barely a draw.

Now with the help of the Xuanbing Formation, the power of the Xuanbing Needle itself has been stimulated by [-]%, and it can turn, hook, pick, and stab with ease in the skyrocketing dust threads!

But after a while, the dust thread was cut off a small piece, the eagle-nosed old man glared angrily, raised his palm and took out a bronze bell and shot towards Ren Ling.

The small brass bell suddenly grew bigger, shining a dazzling golden light, and hit Ren Ling's shell armor.

Ren Ling used almost [-]% of her spiritual power to control the Xuanbing Needle. The attack of the eagle-nosed old man made her instantly stop the fierce attack of the Xuanbing Needle, and she withdrew [-]% of her spiritual power. Yu Ruyi blocked the swiftly approaching copper bell.

The cultivation level in the later stage of foundation establishment was much higher than that in the early stage. After the eagle-nosed old man threw out the bronze bell, he was able to control two spiritual weapons to attack Ren Ling with ease.On the other hand, Ren Ling, although he sacrificed Yu Ruyi in time to resist the menacing attack of the bronze bell, he was also unable to take into account the Xuanbing needle, which slowed down the offensive that had the upper hand and lost the opportunity.

Ren Ling was not surprised by such a situation. Originally, she had the mentality of coming up to exercise, so naturally she didn't have such a big burden.The corner of the mouth was slightly pursed, and the right hand again input a few points of spiritual energy to control Yu Ruyi to gradually grow bigger, exuding a luster and hitting the bronze bell.With the left hand, he swung the phantom hand formula to strengthen the formation attack of the Xuanbing Needle.

That jade ruyi was originally a middle-grade spiritual weapon, and it didn't suffer a disadvantage against the copper bell, which was also a middle-grade spiritual weapon. Under Ren Ling's control, it hit the golden copper bell with a bright light, and the ancient bells scattered in all directions. Open, triggering layers of sonic waves.

The eagle-nosed old man saw that Ren Ling reacted quickly to block his second wave of attack, and he seemed to be gaining the upper hand again, so he finally began to look seriously at this little girl who was only in the early stage of foundation establishment, "Xiao Dao is very skilled! I will attack you."

As soon as the words fell, the eagle-nosed old man threw out another low-grade spiritual weapon——white cloth banner.

It is difficult for Ren Ling to control Yu Ruyi and 49 black ice needles at the same time, even if the ancestor of Yin Ling left her many spiritual weapons, it is not difficult to use any one of them to deal with this white cloth banner.But the difficulty is that it is already impossible for Ren Ling to control one more spiritual weapon. It's not impossible, but the use of one more spiritual weapon will consume [-]% of her spiritual energy.In this case, the original control over Xuan Bingzhen and Yu Ruyi will be greatly reduced, and a crushing defeat is just a matter of a blink of an eye.

The judgment and decision on the situation just flashed through her mind. Facing the white cloth banner approaching in mid-air, Ren Ling turned her left hand, pulled out nine black ice needles and headed towards the white cloth banner.The nine black ice needles are good at meeting the wind, and they suddenly turned into nine sharp swords and pierced the white cloth banner.

As a result, the original first attack formation of the mysterious ice formation was broken, and Fuchen, who had been sluggish for a long time, shook violently, wanting to take advantage of the victory to attack.

Ren Ling smiled faintly, and the remaining forty black ice needles flew obliquely a few feet away, but in the blink of an eye they gathered into a group, turned around and attacked Fuchen and returned to the horse again.

The second offensive formation of the mysterious ice formation - break!

The requirement for the number of Xuanbing needles in the Xuanbing Formation is seven as the bottom line, as long as you can control more than [-] Xuanbing Needles at the same time, you can use the Xuanbing Formation.The more the number of needles, the more the subtlety of the formation can be brought out; the fewer the number of needles, the higher the requirements for the needle controller.

Ren Ling had used the Xuanbing Needle for many years, and his manipulation of it had already reached perfection, but within a short while, the Xuanbing Formation once again suppressed the whisk to death, with no power to resist.

Looking carefully at the current battle situation, Ren Ling and the eagle-nosed old man turned out to be indistinguishable!

The Xuanbing Needles that form the Xuanbing Formation are stronger than Fuchen, Yu Ruyi is comparable to the Tongzhong, and the other nine Xuanbing Needles are at a disadvantage temporarily against the White Cloth Banner.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, Ren Ling has tried his best, and the eagle-nosed old man has only achieved seven successes. If the two are exhausted, it is not surprising that Ren Ling will lose.

The eagle-nosed old man was really surprised by Ren Ling's ability. For a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, it was not easy to be able to resist the control of his whisk and bronze bell at the same time.After he sacrificed the third spiritual weapon, he was able to make the most effective resistance and confrontation without haste, which is really admirable.

However, it is impossible to defeat him.

Opening his eyes slightly, he looked at the young woman who was not afraid of chaos. The eagle-nosed old man smiled coldly, and the spiritual power in his hands suddenly surged. It was as if the three spiritual weapons were injected with surging stamina at the same time, and they burst out with bright light in the blink of an eye. Ren Ling's attack spirit weapon counterattacked violently!

(End of this chapter)

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