Immortal Journey

Chapter 215 Take Dad to Find Mother

Chapter 215 Take Dad to Find Mother

Fang Yu's ancestor's words were astonishing. Ren Ling thought that he could let his parents meet as soon as possible, so he was willing to, and was about to agree, but Lan Lianhua smiled and said, "Congratulations to Elder Fang for admitting his daughter, but Ling'er just now Returning to the sect, you haven't rested your breath yet, why don't you rest up for a while?"

Chu Hong was twisted by his wife's waist, and hurriedly added, "Exactly, Ling'er has just formed an alchemy not long ago. I don't think I have time to consolidate my cultivation these days. It's really better to take a rest."

"Here," Fang Yu patriarch thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "That's fine, then Ling'er will go back with his father, and we will go to Yanzhou together in a few days."

"Okay." Ren Ling curled up her mouth and smiled, she wished for the opportunity to get closer to her father.

Bai Feng, who had been silent by the side all this time, glanced at Ren Ling, his eyes flashed a rather complicated light, and he took a step forward and said, "Master, why don't I follow you back?"

"Alright." Ancestor Fang Yu nodded, with Bai Feng around, he could just learn more about his daughter's situation, "Then we'll go back to the residence first. Elder Chu, Elder Lan, let's take our leave first."

"Hey, master, wait a minute." Chu Yi, who hadn't recovered from his senses, was kicked by Lan Lianhua suddenly, and suddenly came to his senses, "It's been a long time since my apprentice went to Master's place, and such a big event as the master's recognition of a daughter makes the disciple feel uncomfortable." Let's join in the fun together, let's celebrate and celebrate!"

"Haha," Ancestor Fang Yu laughed, "Okay, let's go back together."

"Boy Fang," Old Man Tianji also said, "Since it's a happy event, how can we miss the old man? Let's go together! It's been a long time since I played chess with you!"

"In this case, my husband and I are not welcome, so we went to bother you together."

Therefore, Fang Yu's patriarch, who wanted to take away his daughter so that he was familiar with him, ended up moving from the Chu Mansion to Sanfeng's Fang Mansion with a lot of people.

Fang Mansion is located at the top of the three peaks, occupying almost half of the peak, and its area is at least five times that of Chu Mansion.

Bai Feng and Chu Yi both lived in Fang Mansion before forming alchemy, and each had its own courtyard.

The courtyard where Bai Feng lives is called Fengmingxuan, while Chu Yi lives in Yirong Garden.

After forming alchemy, they moved away from Fangfu, but the two courtyards were still kept. Occasionally they went back to discuss the meaning of Taoism with the ancestor Fang Yu, and they would also stay in the original courtyard for a few days.

After Fang Yu's patriarch arranged Ren Ling to live in Yuling Pavilion, he was dragged away by Tianji and Chu Hong to play chess.

"Mother," Chu Yi saw Ren Ling and Bai Feng talking, and dragged Lan Lianhua to the side, "Why did we come with a group of people to disturb the reunion of Master and little sister?"

Lan Lianhua gave Chu Yi a blank look, and poked his forehead with her plain finger, "Of course I came to accompany Ling'er. She finally came back, and she was taken away by her daughter before she could say a few words of kindness." If we don't follow, what Yanzhou will she go to later, when will we meet next time?"

"Really?" Chu Yi looked up and down Lan Lianhua suspiciously, "Mother, I think you want to come and watch a good show, right?"

Lan Lianhua coughed twice when she heard the words, and glared at Chu Yi, "Did you say that about your own mother?"

"Mother," Chu Yi smiled flatteringly. He knew that Lan Lianhua's coming here was not simply to join in the fun, but he didn't really want to know what his mother was thinking, so he asked tentatively, "Tell me about it for my son."

Lan Lianhua smiled, "It's not too stupid after all. Didn't you see that although Elder Fang recognized Ling'er, he didn't have a deep impression of her mother? But he was sure of Ling'er's identity. I don't know what's the story behind it?" Mother was worried about Ling'er, so she happily recognized her father, but turned around and found out that something was wrong. How could it be so embarrassing at that time? No matter whether Elder Fang is Ling'er's biological father or not, Ling'er is a daughter of our Chu family, so naturally she has to protect her .”

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and looked at Lan Lianhua with a somewhat uncertain expression. After thinking about it for a while, "Master has always advocated that Taoism is ruthless, and he is quite repulsive to couples who are dual monks. If you want to say which woman is the old man dating?" Even having children, no one will believe it. Here, it is really intriguing like what mother said."

"That's it." Lan Lianhua nodded with satisfaction, thinking that the stupid son had enlightened this time.

"If Ling'er is really Elder Fang's daughter, then it would be a great thing. But Mother once heard Ling'er say that her mother was in the Qi training period. The age of the elders together. We'd better wait and see what happens, between Ling'er and Elder Fang, it's better not to get too close until the biological relationship is confirmed."

Chu Yi thought for a while, then silently nodded in agreement. Lan Lianhua's thoughts were indeed for Ling'er's sake. He glanced at Ren Ling who was still unable to hide his excitement, "Don't worry, mother, the child will pay more attention."

In fact, apart from the two elders of the Chu family, Tianji and Bai Feng have already considered this point, otherwise they would not have tacitly stayed in the Fang mansion for half a month, taking turns to bother Fang Yu's ancestor, so that their father and daughter would not be able to understand each other at all. Time to talk in private.

For half a month, Fang Yu's patriarch was busy every day, and he couldn't stop from time to time.

On the other hand, Ren Ling was just the opposite. From the first day after Bai Feng explained to her the precautions in the early stage of alchemy, under Bai Fengqing's cool and majestic supervision, she practiced obediently behind closed doors.

When he came out half a month later, Fang Yu's patriarch finally couldn't help but brought up the matter of going to Yanzhou again. Lan Lianhua smiled and said, "It's a good time to go to Yanzhou now, Yier, I have something to do with your father, so I can't bother you Well, Ling'er is also a daughter of our Chu family, so please take us to visit you."

Hence, Patriarch Fang Yu, Bai Feng, Chu Yi and Ren Ling set off together, heading for Yanzhou.

Yanzhou Renfu.

It was already late at night when Ren Ling and his party arrived, but their unconscious coercion almost alerted the heads of every family in the city instantly.

"You, who are you? Who are you looking for?"

It was Cheng Bo who came out to answer the door, and now she was showing her old age, Ren Ling couldn't help but look red, and she had been away from home for more than [-] years in a blink of an eye.

I still remember Cheng Bo's appearance in his forties and fifties when he was young, how could he look so old when he looked back?
"Cheng Bo, it's me, Ling'er. I'm back."

"Ling'er?" Cheng Bo looked Ren Ling up and down with his cloudy eyes, and after a long time, he shouted in horror, "Miss! It's Missy who has returned!" He stumbled into the mansion in desperation. Nothing at all made Ren Ling a little confused.

"Father, master, brother, shall we go in?"

There were not many changes in Ren's mansion, and he walked to the main house in the direction of memory soon.

Facing the old lady Ren and Second Aunt, Ren Ling quickly went up to meet her, and knelt down to the old lady, "Grandmother, Second Aunt, Ling'er is back."

"Ling'er? Is it really my precious granddaughter Ling'er?!" The old lady Ren is not as energetic as before, and her face is more wrinkled. , it’s really my granddaughter! She’s still alive, she’s still alive, just live.”

The old lady blushed while talking, Ren Ling quickly took out a silk handkerchief and wiped it for her, knowing that her mother must have never told the family about her, which made everyone think that she had already died in Baihua Cave, "Grandmother, Ling'er is not dead, Ling'er is fine. Don't be sad."

The old lady Ren wiped away her tears and smiled, "Look at grandma, it's shameful. Ling'er, you, have you formed a pill?!"

"Wh-what? Alchemy?" Second Aunt Ren was already emotionally mixed when she saw Ren Ling, and now it's even worse, thinking that her daughter has just established a foundation, but Ren Ling has already formed a golden alchemy. Gotta make her legs go weak.

Ren Ling smiled calmly, "Grandmother, Ling'er is just lucky, it's nothing. By the way, where is mother? Why didn't you see her?"

The old lady Ren glanced at the three men who came with Ren Ling, and couldn't help trembling at their unfathomable cultivation, "Your mother has been seeing no outsiders in Xinlan Garden for these years, so she sent someone to invite her just now. Who are the three?"

"This is my master, brother Gan, and," Ren Ling walked to Fang Yu's ancestor, hesitated for a moment, and smiled, "This is my master."


A voice mixed with surprise and excitement sounded, Ren Ling froze suddenly, turned around and flew over almost instantly, "Mother!"

"Ling'er, my Ling'er!" Ren Ruxue hugged her daughter tightly in her arms, so many days and nights of anticipation gathered into the joy of this moment, "You can be counted back, my mother's heart is broken! "

"Mother," Ren Ling raised his face, looked at his still beautiful mother with attachment, and asked in surprise, "Mother, have you established your foundation?"

Ren Ruxue smiled and nodded, "Mother will tell you later. By the way, I heard that there are three men escorting you back. Mother hasn't seen them before. Please introduce them to Mother. Thank you for taking care of you."


Ancestor Fang Yu walked up to them at some point, his resolute face was slightly moved, "It's me."

Ren Ruxue trembled suddenly, and looked at Patriarch Fang Yu in disbelief, "You, why are you here?"

"I think we should have a good talk first?"

Fang Yu's aura was almost overwhelming. He turned sideways and gave a slight salute to Old Madam Ren, "Madam Ren, I have something to say to Xue'er, can I make it easier for you?"

Since they came, everyone in the Ren Mansion has not been at ease. The ferocious coercion really makes people feel timid and shrink back.The old lady Ren naturally did not dare to refuse Fang Yu's request, and nodded repeatedly, "Please."

Ren Ruxue was half-coerced by Fang Yu, and the old lady Ren saw that it was getting late, so she sent Ren Ling and others to Xinlan Garden and Yishuxuan next door, and lived there first tomorrow. continued.

"Little sister," Chu Yi looked around while walking, "What did your second aunt do to your heart?"

Ren Ling was puzzled, "Why did elder brother say that?"

Bai Feng narrowed his eyes, "After she left, she hastily sent out a voice transmission, do you want to intercept and listen?"

"Of course." Chu Yi raised his hand with a smile, and a sound-transmitting talisman was caught in his hand, and he squeezed it with a little force, only to hear: "Qing'er, Ling'er is not dead! Come back quickly!"

 Thank you Yueyue Zhuzhu for the pink ticket~~^^
(End of this chapter)

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