Immortal Journey

Chapter 222 Fang Yu's Thoughts on His Wife and Daughter

Chapter 222 Fang Yu's Thoughts on His Wife and Daughter

Ren Ling and Bai Feng walked to Xinlan Garden, and saw Ren Ruxue standing at the door, and greeted her happily, "You're back."

Ren Ruxue held her daughter back with a smile, nodded to Bai Feng and smiled lightly, "Feng'er, your master and Yi'er are discussing things inside, and I want you to go there as soon as possible after you come back."

Hearing this, Bai Feng smiled and signaled, "Master, I'll go right away."

Seeing Bai Feng walking away, Ren Ling laughed and said to Ren Ruxue, "Mother, you seemed to blush when Master called you Master."

"Don't make fun of mother." Ren Ruxue gave her daughter a white look, stretched out her fingers and pinched her cheek, "Don't you think this generation is strange? You call Feng'er Master, but Feng'er calls me Master. Speaking of which, you two should It’s for a lifetime.”

"...That's right," Ren Ling scratched his head, "Mother, how can this be good?"

Ren Ruxue shrugged, how did she know?However, she was very satisfied with the two men, Chu Yi and Bai Feng, and looked at her nervous daughter, and didn't want to say anything for the time being.

She remembered that when she first met the two of them, she asked her daughter about the relationship between them, and her daughter's frankness obviously belonged to the unenlightened category.As for the feelings of the two male cultivators for their daughter, as a mother, she still needs time to ponder and deliberate.

Chu Yi's concern for Ling'er seems to be the sincerity of his brother, but this is their daughter. If he doesn't have a certain liking, how can he be so naturally included in his wings? When he hears that Ling'er is in trouble, Just rush forward to block without thinking?

Not to mention Bai Feng, the protective posture standing behind Ren Ling just now, and the unobtrusive but still able to capture the warmth of affection when his eyes passed by Ren Ling, are definitely the best that all mothers are willing to entrust their daughters to. man.

Her daughter has finally grown up.

"Mother?" Seeing that Ren Ruxue had been silent for a long time, Ren Ling raised her willow eyebrows curiously, "Why didn't you speak?"

"What can I say?" Ren Ruxue tapped the tip of Ren Ling's nose, "That's right, mother has decided to go back to Xuan Dao Sect with your father."

"Really?" Ren Ling's eyes lit up, she hugged Ren Ruxue and jumped, "That's really great! Mom!"

"So, from now on, you little brain, don't worry about your parents' affairs, just practice hard."

Ren Ruxue smiled. It was not easy for her to make this decision, but as Ren Ling said, even mortal families have life and death, so what if she leaves Fang Yu first?At least one or two hundred years can be spent with them, and, who said she must not be able to form alchemy?She is an impulsive and enthusiastic person. Once she sets a goal, she will run forward regardless.Her goal is not only to go longer and farther on the road of cultivation, but also to be that man—Fang Yu.Fang Yu is willing to take her away. In her opinion, most of the reasons are because of Linger, but it doesn't matter. She will slowly let him know that she, Ren Ruxue, is worthy of him, Fang Yu, and worthy of his sincere treatment. woman.

"Your father was also looking for you just now," Ren Ruxue nudged her daughter, "After he finishes talking with Yi'er and Feng'er, he has something to tell you."

It was the first time that Ren Ling sat face to face with Fang Yu since he recognized his father, feeling a little nervous and looking forward to it.

Fang Yu looked gently at his daughter who was quite similar to himself between the brows, and smiled kindly, "Ling'er, have you practiced the Enchanted Spirit Formation properly these days?"

"Back to Daddy," Ren Ling said crisply, "Daughter has a good practice."

"That's good." Fang Yu nodded with a smile. He was very satisfied with Ren Ling even if he was only regarded as a disciple at the beginning.

First of all, to be able to get Bai Feng's approval, Fang Yu basically agrees.He is well aware of how picky his apprentice is about character and aptitude, and to be favored by his apprentice must be a good seedling.

Secondly, when the demon tide hit, he had a brief contact with Ren Ling, and he appreciated the girl's progress in cultivation and behavior.

Unexpectedly, it was his daughter.

In his life, he has never made mistakes on the way of cultivation, and he is also a very talented ascetic. After worshiping in the Xuandao Sect, he was guided by a famous teacher, and his cultivation has improved by a thousand miles.

The only mistake that happened—maybe it can't be called a mistake—was after meeting Ren Ruxue, the two had a moment of lust.

He is very indifferent to the relationship between men and women, and he does not intend to find a Taoist partner, and intends to study alone until he ascends or perishes.

Meeting Ren Ruxue was a normal thing. He had been to many underground black markets, and had many female cultivators like Ren Ruxue who would entertain and serve him, but there was never any problem.There are quite a few female cultivators who have shown favor to him and even promised him with their bodies, but no one has ever succeeded.

Why did Ren Ruxue confuse him that night, every time he thought about it, he felt a little unbelievable, a little confused.Such a passionate and mischievous woman became charming that night, with a certain kind of absolute enthusiasm, but also faintly with a stubborn fragility that makes people feel soft, her momentum like throwing herself into the fire In the end, he acquiesced in an incomprehensible way.

That night was undoubtedly beautiful, extremely beautiful, and he never denied it in his heart.

However, she disappeared the next day, and took away the precious sword tassel hanging from his waist—this was the only relic left to him by his mother. She left behind a few words before leaving.

When he couldn't find it everywhere, he had no choice but to return to the clan alone.

Gradually, this matter faded away in the years.He is still him, a firm cultivator on the path of cultivation, a cultivator who still doesn't think he needs a Taoist companion.

"Daddy?" Seeing that Fang Yu was speechless for a long time, Ren Ling raised Liu Yemei curiously, "I don't know why Daddy is looking for my daughter? My daughter just heard that mother said that she would go back to the clan with Daddy. She was very happy."

Fang Yu smiled, "That's right, the three of us will return to the sect together after your affairs at the Yin Lingmen are over."

Ever since he recognized Ren Ling, he decided to bring his wife and daughter back to the sect.It's not that he changed his view of Taoist companions in a short period of time, but as a man, he must bear such a responsibility.

If Ren Ruxue raised their daughter alone for the first 30 years, then in the days to come, he will be a good father and husband.This may have some impact on his advanced cultivation, but he can control it well.

"I heard from Feng'er that you practiced well in the Lingering Lost Formation," Fang Yu said slowly, "But Ling'er, do you know where the biggest difficulty lies in the battle against the head of Liuxiang?"

Ren Ling frowned and thought for a moment, "Going back to Dad, there are many difficulties. The daughter who has the most difficulty thinks it is the disparity in spiritual power."

"That's right," Fang Yu nodded in agreement, which is why he specially called Ren Ling over, "Once you get into a protracted battle with the head of Liuxiang, with your newly formed alchemy, if you want to compete with her for spiritual power There is no doubt that you will lose. Today, Dad will teach you a method to minimize the loss of spiritual power during the battle."

"Oh?" Ren Ling raised his eyebrows and smiled sweetly, "Daddy, what is the solution?"

"You are a water and wood double spirit root, majoring in water spirit root, but that's it?"


"Ling'er, tell Dad about your understanding and opinion on wood attributes."

If this request was made before going to Nether Land, Fang Yu might be disappointed by Ren Ling's answer, but she has a very deep understanding of the wood attribute in Nether Land, otherwise she would not be able to successfully cultivate Hua Zhu Ye Mie .Slowly expressing his understanding of the properties of wood, the order is clear and clear, and the insights are unique and well-founded. Fang Yu nods in admiration repeatedly.

"I didn't expect Ling'er that you have such a clear view on the wood attribute, and I feel very relieved for my father." Fang Yu smiled unabashedly, "The wood attribute is a useless spiritual root attribute in the eyes of monks in the current cultivation world. In fact, it is not the case, if you are good at using it, you can minimize the loss of spiritual power during the battle."

The father and daughter sat quietly for ten days. After ten days, Ren Ling basically mastered the method taught by Fang Yu, "Thank you, Dad, for your guidance."

Fang Yu smiled and said, "It's almost time, let's go out."

After withdrawing the barrier, Ren Ling followed Fang Yu and walked out.

"Master, Patriarch Hongye is here." Bai Feng and Chu Yi had already been waiting outside, "The members of the Huang family have already attacked the Yinling Gate, and Patriarch Hongye is waiting for us to go together."

Everyone boarded a huge boat prepared by Hongye Daoist, and quickly flew to the boundary of Yinlingmen.

This time, Daoist Hongye brought two female cultivators in the mid-stage of alchemy, who were her direct disciples in the sect, named Qingyue and Tongru. "Qingyue and Tongru have already terminated their ties with the sect, and will assist you, Ling girl, to take charge of the Yinling sect from now on."

After briefly explaining the purpose of their visit, Qingyue and Tongru greeted everyone and then quietly stood behind Hongye Daoist, without further words.

"The members of the Huang family sneaked into the Yinling Gate the night before. If the calculations are correct, there will be an incident tonight." The real person Hongye knows every move of the Huang family, "We will take this boat and enter the Yinling Gate to watch the battle. When the time is right, make a move.”

"Patriarch Hongye," Chu Yi asked, "Do you know who the members of the Huang family have?"

"Two Nascent Soul monks, one of them is Huang Fengxian, the ancestor of the Huang family." Daoist Hongye said carefully, "In addition, they brought ten monks who were in the alchemy stage, and their cultivation levels ranged from the early stage to the late stage. This action The Huang family is bound to win, so their strength is no less than that of the Yin Lingmen above the high-level monks. Among the low-level monks, after nearly a hundred years of operation, many members of the Huang family have sneaked into the low-level disciples. Cooperating with the inside and the outside, I think it will be caught off guard."

"Reverend Yangliu of the Yinling Sect was injured a few days ago. If he tries to force his way into the battle this time, it will be hard for the Huang family to fight against him." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and thought about it, "Old Ancestor Hongye, which side do you think has a better chance of winning?"

"Yin Lingmen." Hongye Patriarch said bluntly, "A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, and Yinlingmen must have countermeasures against the enemy. The Huang family's henchmen may be in vain this time."

(End of this chapter)

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