Immortal Journey

Chapter 230 Goodbye Demon-thirsty Heaven

Chapter 230 Goodbye Demon-thirsty Heaven

Bai Feng reluctantly stood up, took a long breath, and walked out first, "It's not too late, Ling'er, let's set off now."

Ren Ling hurriedly chased after him, holding onto the master's arm, and the two of them stepped out of the cave, where there was already a starlight outside.

"Ling'er, come and summon the flying magic weapon." Bai Feng closed his eyes, and every word he said seemed to take a lot of effort from him. This feeling had never happened before, and it made him feel inexplicably worried.

The petite body beside him gave him a sense of peace of mind, no matter what, he had to do his best to hold on.

Ren Ling responded with a good voice, and raised his hand to sacrifice 'Die Wu', which is one of the flying magic weapons left by the ancestor of Yin Ling. Because the two sides are shaped like butterfly wings, it is named 'Die Wu'.

The master and apprentice went to Die Wu and looked at each other, "Master, let's go."

The bright white light image is like a shooting star, whizzing from Baifeng cave to the sky, and flew north in the blink of an eye.

Bai Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, his face turned golden. Seeing that he was silent, Ren Ling didn't dare to disturb him, but sat in front of him worriedly, watching him without turning his eyes.

"Are you afraid?" Almost an hour later, Bai Feng suddenly opened his lips slightly, but his black eyes were still tightly closed, as if he knew that Ren Ling had been sitting in front of him and looking at him.

Ren Ling swallowed, trying to make her voice sound normal, "Don't be afraid, Master, don't be afraid if Ling'er is here. With the speed of Die Wu, I will arrive at Juyou Valley soon."

A barely visible smile appeared on her thin lips, and Bai Feng stopped talking.

When did he start to feel his feelings for Ren Ling subtly?Was it after the magic-thirsty sky's enlightenment, or earlier?
She said that there is no need to be afraid with her, these words are like a warm spring, infiltrating his heart, as if there was such a moment a long time ago, even if he went through fire and water, because of such a thought in his heart, he was never afraid.

This time, everything went very smoothly, but suddenly at a certain moment, he found a golden bead no bigger than a thumb suddenly appeared in his dantian. It turned into tens of thousands of golden light spots, flying out from the dantian, all over his meridians.He also stopped his advanced steps at that moment, and turned to try to sense what the golden light spot was.

However, that golden spot of light was very stubborn and terrifying. After attaching to the meridian, it began to spread and grow, growing more and more, as if turning all his meridians into gold.

Soon, he found that not only was he unable to control the golden light spot, but also under its spread, his mind gradually became clouded, as if he had fallen into a mist, sometimes comatose, sometimes sober.

In the dizziness, I kept hearing some kind of call from the depths of my soul, "Yingque... Yingque..."

Who is surplus?Why did his heart ache just hearing the name?It was a very unfamiliar feeling to him, but it was extremely natural.

Did fate change after he accepted Ren Ling as his apprentice?
In a daze, he suddenly fell forward.

Ren Ling didn't know what Bai Feng was thinking, seeing him suddenly falling towards her, she stretched out her hands nervously to hold his shoulders, "Master, are you okay?"

At this time, Bai Feng fell into a coma again, he couldn't hear Ren Ling's voice at all, he only felt a tinge of warmth in his cold body, leaned his face against Ren Ling's neck, and inhaled lightly.

"Master?" Ren Ling noticed that Bai Feng's whole body was cold, and even the face against her neck was as warm as ice, so he hurriedly pushed him away a little, and covered his face with his palm, but there was no warmth at all.

She shook her hands in fright, and Bai Feng's face fell straight to her chest. Ren Ling let out a low cry, and helped Bai Feng up again with some embarrassment, reached out and touched his hands and neck, and found that they were as cold as ice. Frost, so he placed his fingertips on his wrist, and probed for a trace of spiritual power.

However, Bai Feng's meridians seemed to have a strange isolation force, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't penetrate into it, and finally had to stop in despair.

A spiritual fire barrier was set up around her and the master, and soon, the steaming heat enveloped them.Ren Ling didn't dare to leave Bai Feng, and kept caressing his face with his palm, flustered by the coldness from inside to outside.

"Why can't you warm up for so long?" Her whole body was almost roasted into a hot shrimp in the spiritual fire circle, but Bai Feng's body was still icy cold, and it seemed to be getting colder and colder, "I'm dazzled." Is it? Master's eyelashes are... ice beads?"

For the first time, she felt helpless, and she couldn't help but tightly stretched out her hand to hold Bai Feng's waist, and pressed her face directly against his, "Master, if you bear it any longer, you will soon reach Juyou Valley."

The master and apprentice just snuggled together in the spiritual fire, and Die Wu flew soundlessly across the Xuandao Sect barrier in the night sky, shooting towards the border of Juyou Valley.

"Ling'er?" It seemed that a century had passed, Ren Ling felt unreal to the sudden voice in his ear, but he quickly realized it and whispered in surprise, "Master, are you awake?"

Bai Feng still closed his eyes, "Don't cry. I'm fine, I can persevere, trust me."

"..." Ren Ling was speechless, and wiped off the moisture on his cheeks casually, "Yeah."

When they arrived at the border of Juyou Valley, the sun was already three poles high. Ren Ling helped Bai Feng to rush through the teleportation array to Juyou Valley, and through the long corridor to the hall where the demon god appeared that day.

"Master, is this the place?"

In fact, Bai Feng was already in a coma at that time. After Ren Ling asked, he smiled wryly at himself, and then looked carefully at this not-so-large hall.

There is a circular high platform in the middle of the hall, the top is filled with a strong demonic energy, the rest of the place is empty, how can there be the shadow of the demon god addicted to the demon sky?

"Excuse me, is the demon god addicted to the sky?" Ren Ling asked, but she was answered with an empty echo.

"Magic Heaven! Demonic Heaven!"

Bai Feng's condition got worse and worse, but Ren Ling didn't expect what would happen when he rushed over. He was even more worried for a while, and his voice was much louder than usual, "Mo Tian, ​​are you there?"

"is there anybody?"

"Magic Heaven?"

The echo in the hall made her frown, and at that moment, a tall and wild figure suddenly appeared on the high platform, Ren Ling was startled, and looked up—
Although separated by a thick demonic aura, one can still see the wild man's extremely handsome appearance. His pair of sharp eyes are similar to the demon king Jinchen's, but sharper than Jinchen's. People can't help but think of an eagle soaring under the blue sky.

"Is it seldom so out of control?"

Demon addict Tian smiled deeply, and met Ren Ling with sharp eyes, with a trace of warmth that Ren Ling couldn't see, "It seems that every time it's about that guy, you become less calm."

He really knew her and Master?
The first reaction in Ren Ling's mind was this question, because Su Motian's tone seemed to be addressed to a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Ren Ling has seen the Demon God."

Regardless of whether it's previous knowledge or not, she doesn't know him at this moment, "Ren Ling came here this time because my master had a problem with the attack on the baby, and I asked the demon god to help me take a look."

"Oh?" Demon addicted sky was not annoyed by Ren Ling's reaction at all. He looked at Bai Feng who was lying on the side, and frowned. go back.

"Strange, how could the immortal yuan break through the restriction during the period of alchemy?" The demon addicted sky murmured, and suddenly raised his eyes, Ren Ling only felt that he was entangled by the demonic energy at that moment, and when his heart froze, the demonic energy Instantly withdraw.

"Your immortal essence has also broken through the restriction?"

"Can the demon god please explain more clearly? What does it mean that the immortal essence breaks through the restriction?"

Demon addicted sky shook his head, some words are not suitable for him to be open and honest now, "It's my oversight, I should check your situation first before returning the immortal yuan, I really can't help you with the situation of that guy now. And you still It’s better, the Essence and Manju Essence will stop the erosion for you, so there is no need to worry about it in the short term.”

Ren Ling's face turned pale, "Devil God, if even you can't help, then what will my master do? He's cold all over now, and he's also fallen into a coma. Go on like this, go on like this..."

"Don't be in a hurry, don't cry!" Seeing Ren Ling's two lines of tears running down his face, the demon addict seemed to become very uncomfortable, and he spoke a lot faster, "It doesn't mean that I can't help, but it doesn't mean that he is hopeless. Don't cry, I won't tell you when I cry."

Has anyone ever threatened someone like this?
Ren Ling was taken aback, but obediently wiped his cheeks, his eyes lit up with hope, "Devil God, you mean someone can help my master, don't you?"

"That's right." Su Motian sighed, "There is an island thousands of miles away from the east of the Diancang Continent, called Qionglai Immortal Island, where there are a few odd-tempered but a bit curious Sanxians. Among them is an old man named Xiao Fei, he should be able to help you."

"Sanxian?" Ren Ling was stunned, "How can there be Sanxian in the human world? Could it be that Qionglai Xiandao does not belong to the human world?"

"That's why I'm an odd-tempered Sanxian," Shi Motian shrugged. In his opinion, there is no clear boundary between the six realms. Vulgar, you will know when you go, in fact, it is just a few old men who are not used to the fairy world after ascension."

Ren Ling was at a loss for words for a while, "Devil God, if I go to Qionglai Xiandao like this, will Xiaofei Sanxian be willing to save my master?"

"You girl, you are still so smart." The devil-thirsty sky smiled, flicked his finger, and shot a black token into Ren Ling's arms. Ren Ling quickly took it, looked at the devil-thirsty sky calmly, waiting for him Explanation.

"The old man owes me a favor. If he takes this token, he will definitely help him." Demon addicted sky hooked his lips, "Actually, if you don't need this thing, it shouldn't be a big problem. Just use it as a guarantee."

"Thank you, Demon God, for your gift."

Ren Ling thanked him gratefully, put away the token, put his arms around Bai Feng and nodded towards the demon addict, and turned to leave.

"I've been here for ten thousand years and I'm really bored, you two should hurry up..."

(End of this chapter)

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