Immortal Journey

Chapter 244 The tearful... Femme fatale

Chapter 244 The tearful. Femme fatale

A few days later, I finally arrived at the desert where Chu Yi met Xinru. What I saw was the endless yellow sand. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew up thick yellow sand smoke, and there was no living thing within a few miles.

"It's right here," Chu Yi remembered clearly, he jumped down from the lightning lightly, walked to a desert and pointed, "That's where the femme fatale hid and cried."

"Here?" Ren Ling stepped forward, observed carefully but found nothing, "Master, what do you think?"

Bai Feng frowned and stared around, "That day when Xinru was taken back to the demon world by the demon emperor for disrespect, it was actually the demon emperor's intention to protect her. Although the immortal emperor knew it, it was inconvenient to offend the demon world. That's why Xinru went back to the demon world with the demon emperor."

"That's right, Xinru is the niece of the Demon Emperor," Ren Ling recalled those thrilling scenes, and still couldn't help but sigh, "The Demon Emperor loves her very much, otherwise he wouldn't rush to rescue her."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows. He only heard Bai Feng briefly mention the past, and he didn't know many details, "According to what you said, the femme fatale should stay in the demon world. What?"

"Brother, we don't know about this." Ren Ling patted Chu Yi, knowing that he was still angry, "Master, do you think Xinru is here to find Lian Rui?"

"Lian Rui?" Chu Yi interjected, "The son of Yun Cang you are talking about? A man who was inexplicably hit by a god and became a god overnight?"

Bai Feng hesitated, "Lian Rui used to be a magnolia flower beside Shangshen, not a mere mortal."

Chu Yi snorted and scratched his head, "Maybe I'm still a grass behind the God of God, but it just happened not to be discovered by the God of God." He waved his hand casually, "It doesn't matter, what should we do now? See you soon It’s been a while since I’ve been with Femme fatale, she’s afraid she’d left here a long time ago, how can I find her?”

"Not necessarily," Ren Ling shook his head, "In this desert of yellow sand, it's easy to get lost, and Xinru happens to have no sense of direction, so if she's in a calm mood, that's fine, if she's in a bad mood, I'm afraid she'll wander around here change."

"Little sister," Chu Yi spread his hands and shook his head, "Are you sure that Xinru is the one chosen by the God to be a fairy boy? It sounds like IQ is not high, and she loves to cry. To be honest, was it because she delayed your disastrous defeat back then?" The hind legs? This kind of person knows it’s a mistake as soon as he hears it.”

"Brother," Ren Ling breathed out speechlessly, "It's not like what you said, Xinru is very meticulous when she is calm, she is a very good partner, really."

"Don't talk about that for now," Bai Feng had been rummaging around, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, and said in a greeting, "Follow me, and look in the southwest direction."

The three of them searched in the desert for a day and a night without finding anything, but Bai Feng and Ren Ling were very confident and felt that they were getting closer to Xinru.

"Huh?" Chu Yi suddenly stopped, "Fengfeng, little sister, why do you think there is a small river suddenly appearing in front of you?"

Bai Feng and Ren Ling looked at each other, and the same brilliance flashed in each other's eyes, "Hurry up, go and have a look."

After walking for about a mile, the small river changed from narrow to wide, as if walking towards the source of the river, "Look, there is an ancient city ahead," Chu Yi ran the fastest, and praised, "Although you can see It has been deserted for a long time, but the high city wall alone can imagine the prosperous scene of that day. Hey, isn’t that femme fatale on top of the city wall?”

Bai Feng and Ren Ling stepped forward quickly, looked into the distance, and said pleasantly, "It's Xinru!"

"Xinru!" Ren Ling dashed over, not far from the ancient city wall, flew up lightly, looked at the familiar face he hadn't seen for a long time, and whispered excitedly, "Xinru!"

Xinru was full of tears, staring blankly at the woman in front of her, rubbed her eyes and said, "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

Ren Ling's eyes were reddish, although ten thousand years had passed, but the friendly feeling never faded, she stretched out her hand to hold Xinru, "Xinru, it's me, Yingque."

"Yingque?" Xinru's body shook suddenly, and she raised her eyes to look straight at Ren Ling, "Yingque? You are Yingque?!"

"Yes, I am Yingque," Ren Ling cried and laughed, "I used to accompany you to the world just to get a trace of Yingque from the Skyleaf Silkworm."

"Sky Leaf Silkworm? You know Sky Leaf Silkworm! You are really Yingque! Yingque!" Xinru shook her hands excitedly, hugging Ren Ling tightly, the tears in her eyes gushed out like huge waves, "Yingque! I finally saw you! Do you know how anxious I was waiting? The divination master in the demon world said that if we don't get together in a hundred years, we won't be able to complete the mission! I'll wait around in the demon world and wait for you , I had no choice but to secretly come to the human world with my uncle on my back, and wanted to see if I could find you! However, I almost searched all over the human world and couldn't find Lian Rui, let alone you and Yuchen. I was almost so worried. !"

Ren Ling choked with sobs, and kept patting Xinru's trembling body, "Xinru, I was with Yuchen, and I saw Jianyi and Sitian, we will definitely complete the task within a hundred years. We will. "

"God, this woman is crazy!"

Ren Ling and Xinru hugged each other on the top of the city wall and wept, while Chu Yi and Bai Feng under the city wall were washed away several miles away by the raging flood in an instant, and Chu Yi hurriedly crawled out of the monstrous water waves Get up, jump up and look around, "I said that the small river appeared out of nowhere just now, and if there is a river in this desert, there will be ghosts! I didn't expect that it was a good thing done by the femme fatale! Could it be that the woman is made of water?"

He frowned and flew forward for a while, only to see Bai Feng who was also in a panic, "Fengfeng, are you alright?"

Bai Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's okay."

Although they were already monks in the alchemy stage, they were still unable to dodge under Xinru's tearful attack, but they were swept away for several miles in the blink of an eye.

"Go back and have a look."

The two learned the tricks this time, using the magic weapon of flying to avoid the flood and fly to the top of the city wall. Xinru had already stopped crying and was holding Ren Ling to reminisce about the old days.

"Xinru." Bai Feng smiled lightly, and felt familiar and friendly with the partner he hadn't seen for a long time, "Long time no see."

"...Yuchen?" Xinru was overjoyed and stood up abruptly, "Yuchen!"

"Hey! Why is Yuchen not Yuchen, you don't want to cry anymore!" Seeing that Xinru's eyes turned red again, Chu Yi hurriedly stopped, "Look, your head is almost drowned by your tears now! Stop crying!"

"Eh?" Xinru was stunned, turned her head to look at the carefree Chu Yi, frowned slightly, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Chu Yi became angry when he thought about it, "I am the unlucky passer-by! Who cares who I am, by the way, can you help me remove the scorpion mark you branded on my back shoulder? It's ugly! "

Xinru blinked in confusion, "I don't understand what you said."

Chu Yi froze, almost choked to death with anger, patted his chest, leaned his whole body in front of Xinru, almost eye to eye with her, "Look more clearly, you beat me half to death less than a month ago , and at the same time left a scorpion mark on my back, no matter how hard I try to get rid of it! You are responsible! Why are you staring? Bigger than eyes?"

"You, you, you are so fierce!" Xinru sniffed, her eyes turned red suddenly.

"Hey, don't cry!" Seeing those big eyes overflowing with water, Chu Yi took a step back in fright, "If you cry any more, this desert will become an oasis."

"Brother, don't scare Xinru." Ren Ling shook his head, pulled Chu Yi back, and smiled apologetically at Xinru, "Xinru, he is my elder brother, he is not usually fierce, he just got a little excited for a while."

Xinru nodded awkwardly. Although she is more than 1 years old, she has a very simple temperament. Have you ever seen someone like Chu Yi?Glancing at him secretly, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "You, aren't you just..."

"Remember?" Chu Yi crossed his arms, "Apologize."

"Apologize?" Xinru blinked in confusion, "You were the one who watched me cry that day."

"Wrong!" Chu Yi stretched out his index finger, "First, I didn't peek at you crying, but I happened to meet you crying. Second, you beat me half to death indiscriminately, so I have to apologize."

"When did I hit you?" Xinru bit her lip and hid behind Ren Ling, "Yingque, he..."

Ren Ling smiled, Xinru has been the most cared for among the seven people since she was a child, so she has a natural protective emotion towards her, and described what happened that day, "Xinru, do you know that my elder brother is the one who loves her?" What happened to the scorpion mark on the back? We tried many methods but couldn’t get it off.”

"Really? It doesn't work with the leaves?" Xinru thought for a while, "It shouldn't be, but who, um, can you let me see the mark?"

Chu Yi frowned, "Just look at it." So he turned around and pulled down the clothes on his right shoulder, "Snakes and scorpions...Look, it's here."

Xinru walked over and lightly touched the scorpion mark with her fingertips, "I'll try it, it might hurt a little, hold it back."

A purple flame shot out from her fingertips and burned towards the scorpion mark. Chu Yi was stunned by the heat, and his brows tightened, "What? Can it be removed?"

"It doesn't seem to work," Xinru changed the angle and depth of the flame, and Chu Yi kept screaming in pain, "Don't move around, I'll try again."

It took only half a day to try, except for Chu Yi's various yells and Xinru's constant comfort, Bai Feng and Ren Ling stood far away, and they looked at each other helplessly and smiled.

"Can't it be removed?!" Chu Yi stood up awkwardly, turned around and looked down at the timid Xinru, "I tossed and burned, scratched and stabbed me for a long time, but the result was that I couldn't remove it? Why did you make such a fuss if you couldn't remove it? How long? You did it on purpose, right?"

"I..." Xinru bit her lip, her eyes turned red again, "I don't know why I can't take it off! Really! I didn't do it on purpose! Otherwise, if you follow me back to find my uncle, he must have a way. I'm sorry , I really didn't mean it."

"You!" Chu Yi stared at that pitiful appearance, the burning flame in his chest calmed down a bit, and he let out a sharp breath, "Go to the demon world?"

Xinru nodded like pounding garlic.

"I'm a mortal, how can I go to the demon world?" Chu Yi rolled his eyes, "Forget it! I can't see it anyway! Just treat me as unlucky! But I say you, you cry every time, you can't handle even a little thing, you Are you sure you have tens of thousands of years of cultivation? Would it be too embarrassing?!"

 Well, please support Pink~~~ Aww^^
(End of this chapter)

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