Chapter 246
Yuncang Kingdom is the largest country on the Diancang Continent, occupying most of the eastern and southern regions.
Yuncang Kingdom is a place where mortals live together. Because the spiritual energy is thin and it is not suitable for cultivators to live in, there are almost no cultivators within the border.
Of course, there are still some so-called cultivators who have reached the first or second level of qi training and can no longer advance to the next level. They hang out in the mortal world and live a pretty good life.
For mortals, ascetics at the first and second levels of qi training are no different from gods descending to the earth, making them blindly worship and superstition.
Ren Ling and the other three decided to go to Yuncang Kingdom to find Lian Rui, so they flew directly to the east from Xuan Dao Sect. With the blessing of Xinru, the speed of travel became extremely fast. The border of Cang Kingdom.
Looking at the lush mountains and rivers under the clouds, the vast farmlands, and the mortals bustling in the towns, Ren Ling couldn't help but smile, "Although the aura in Yuncang is thin, the species are extremely rich. Can live and work in peace."
"That's right," Xinru answered with a smile. She has lived in Yuncang Kingdom for a while, so she has a good understanding of mortal life, "Even though mortal life is short, life is enjoyable. Birth, old age, sickness and death, joy, anger, sorrow and joy are the biggest flavors of life for them. However," Xinru narrowed her eyes, "it seems that Yuncang Kingdom is not peaceful recently."
Bai Feng's eyes narrowed, and he asked carefully, "It's not peaceful? What should I say?"
Xinru let out a clear cough, and pointed to the Yuncang country below, "You see, although Yuncang country is a country, it is divided into two parts, the north and the south. The geographical area of ​​the north is about twice that of the south, and the population is also larger. Twice as fast. The current king of Yuncang Kingdom, Lian Chu, took over the throne 30 years ago, and sent his brother Lian Rong to the south to be in charge of supervision. In fact, after 30 to [-] years of changes, Lian Rong is basically in charge of the south now. It is separated from the management of the joint reserve. Therefore, on the surface, the south will pay tribute to the joint reserve every year, but in fact there is already a tendency to become independent."
"So that's the case," Ren Ling nodded in response, "Xinru, what you are referring to is not peaceful. Could it be that the relationship between the North and the South has become rigid to a certain extent?"
"Almost," Xinru tilted her head, "In recent years, there has been such a legend among the people of Yuncang. It is said that in the suburbs of Taixing City where Lianrong was stationed in the south, there appeared the royal treasure of the ancestor of Yuncang—the Qiankun Taiding. It symbolizes that the ancestor of Yuncang wanted to establish Lianrong as king and change Nan as respect."
"Qiankun Taiding? Isn't that Lian Rui's?"
Xinru stuck out her tongue and smiled, "Yingque, don't worry, I haven't finished yet. This legend has been spread among the people for a while, and somehow it reached the ears of the Lian Chu, the king of Yuncang, and he was naturally furious. However, due to various considerations, Lian Rong was not declared guilty of treason and disrespect. After a while, the Qiankun Taiding also appeared in Cangcheng, the northern capital, and the rumors are amazing."
"Two Qiankun Taiding appeared?" Bai Feng murmured, as if thinking about something, "Xinru, have you visited the Qiankun Taiding?"
"That's right!" Xinru nodded again and again, "I thought it was really Lian Rui's Qiankun Taiding, but who knew that when I went to have a look, both of them are fake!"
"It's all fake?" Ren Ling pursed her lips and said thoughtfully, "Xinru, can you tell us about the Qiankun Taiding in detail?"
"Okay." Xinru thought about it carefully for a moment, and said, "Because I happened to be in Cangcheng when I heard this legend, so I first went to see the place where the rumored Qiankun Taiding appeared. Inside the ancestral hall of the lord of the country. The ancestral hall was built on Cangshan Mountain, with a rather large area, and there are huge tombs dug in the mountain, where all the lords of the country were buried."
"However, the Cangshan Mountain is a bit strange. It is said that except for the burial of the king a hundred years later, no worship and sacrifices are allowed on weekdays. There are quite a few ascetics guarding Cangshan Mountain, and various magic circles are set up to prevent outsiders from entering." Xinxin While thinking, Ru continued, "Of course, these magic circles are very simple and not worth mentioning. What's really interesting is the group of tombs in Cangshan Mountain. They seem to be arranged according to the ancient magic circle of Yin-Yang and Eight Diagrams. I'm inside After wandering around for a few times before finally coming out, it must have been designed by Lian Rui for future generations when he left."
"What about Qiankun Taiding? Can you see it?"
"See, Qiankun Taiding is a fake at all. It is placed in the main hall of the ancestral hall. I saw it when I first entered Cangshan Mountain. It is a fake."
"What about the Qiankun Taiding in the south?" Bai Feng frowned slightly, "Where did you find it? Where is it placed?"
"In a water lake on the outskirts of Taixing City in the south." Xinru said, "There are many water lakes in the south, and the place where Qiankun Taiding appears is the largest water lake near Taixing City, Luoyize. Luoyize has a radius of hundreds of miles. , there are many isolated islands on the lake. It is said that when Qiankun Taiding appeared, auspicious clouds fell from the sky, the sun was shining, and a golden light bloomed on the central island, which lasted for a long time. Lian Rong was so surprised that he sent people to investigate, and then found the There is Qiankun Taiding on it."
"Appeared out of thin air?" Ren Ling was curious, "Since it is a fake Qiankun Taiding, why did it inexplicably appear on the water lake? Could there be another mystery in it?"
"I just doubt that," Xinru nodded in agreement. "Later, I made a special trip to look at the place where Lian Rong collected the Qiankun Taiding, and I was sure it was a fake. So, I reckoned that this was one he planned to use to raise troops." It was just an excuse, and then I left Yuncang Kingdom very disappointed, only to meet you in Yaoyu."
"Is the Qiankun Taiding on the north and south sides the same?" Bai Feng didn't lower his brows because of Xinru's relaxed tone, "Although it is a fake, what level does it belong to in the cultivation world? Magical weapon? Spiritual weapon? Magic weapon ?”
Xinru blinked, and replied, "It's amazing to say that the Qiankun Taiding on both sides is exactly the same, and it seems to be a magic weapon."
"A magic weapon?" Ren Ling exhaled, and exchanged a glance with Bai Feng, "It seems that we have to make a trip to confirm."
Xinru is from the demon world, so naturally she doesn't take the magic weapon seriously, but they are very clear that the magic weapon is already a rare treasure in the cultivation world, let alone in Yuncang country?Moreover, the Qiankun Taiding that appeared on both sides is exactly the same, which in itself reveals strangeness.
Seeing that the two insisted at the same time, Xinru had no objection, but asked which side of the Qiankun Taiding to see first, the three of them discussed for a while, and decided to go to Taixing City to have a look first.
As expected, there are many lakes in the south. The three of them flew into the sky, and they could vaguely see the glimmering water of the lake below. Fishing boats and boats were floating on it, and women could be heard singing and men chanting poems.
"Although the south is far away from the capital Cangcheng, the bustling scene here is no less than Cangcheng." Xinru led the two to land not far from the outskirts of Taixing City, "Taixing City is not far ahead. "

The three held their breath, and entered the city gate dressed as ordinary people.

"There are quite a few cultivators in the city." Bai Feng squinted his eyes slightly, "There are at least five monks in the alchemy stage in Taixing Palace, and there are dozens of monks in the city who are above the fifth level of Qi training, which is really intriguing. Xinru, Did you come here before so many monks?"

Xinru shook her head, "It's not just ordinary monks, I didn't pay much attention to it. There are indeed a few monks guarding Taixing Palace, but..." Smiling apologetically, Xinru said bluntly, "In our It seems that they really don't count as any characters, so I didn't take it to heart. Yuchen, what's wrong?"

"It's quite inappropriate." Ren Ling glanced at Bai Feng, knowing what he was thinking.

"Xinru, as we said before, the aura in Yuncang Kingdom is thin, and it is not a place for cultivators to choose to practice," Ren Ling explained, "Especially the monks who have cultivated to the alchemy stage will look for a place with abundant aura. There are so many monks in the alchemy stage gathered here, there may be some problems."

"Maybe Lian Rong specially invited him to guard the Taixing Palace?" Xinru nodded clearly. She didn't pay much attention to these details before, and even if she is talking about it now, she doesn't think it has anything to do with looking for Lian Rui. "Or maybe Lian Rong really has a heart of rebellion, so he needs a monk to help him?"

"Unknown." Bai Feng said softly, "If it's just a mundane matter, then naturally it has nothing to do with us. But Lian Rong is also a descendant of Lian Rui, so let's be careful for the time being and go see the Qiankun Taiding first. "

"Okay, you follow me and hide your body, let's sneak into Taixing Palace directly to see."

Xinru nodded, and with a wave of one hand, the three of them were covered by a thin layer of transparent light, but disappeared in the crowd in a short time.Although monks in the alchemy stage are more fearsome existences than gods in this mortal world, it is not difficult for Bai Feng and Ren Ling to sneak into Taixing Palace without their eyes and ears, let alone Xinru. exist?
The three of them almost swaggered from the mid-air of Taixing Palace directly into the inner room of the palace. Xinru walked through it familiarly as if in her own courtyard for half an hour, and brought the two of them to a dark inner house.

After passing through the hidden checkpoints in the inner house, after entering the inner room, he opened the mechanism and went down the underground passage. After walking for about a quarter of an hour, he finally stopped in a small bright room.

"Look, the Qiankun Taiding is placed in that wooden box." Xinru came over, and naturally knew it very clearly. He waved off the restriction on the wooden box, lifted the wooden box lid, and a precious light came out from it, " Here it is."

Bai Feng and Ren Ling stepped forward quickly, picked up the Qiankun Taiding, and looked at it carefully.

"It's almost exactly the same as Lian Rui's Qiankun Taiding," Ren Ling exclaimed, "Look, even the scratch at the bottom corner is the same. Do you remember this scratch? When Lian Rui was fighting with Xi Tian He got it, and he was angry about it for several days."

"Huh? Really!" Xinru poked her head over. She put it back in the wooden box after appraising that it was not Lian Rui's Qiankun Taiding that day. Ren Ling didn't see it so carefully, "However, this is really not Lian Rui. Qiankun Taiding, right?"

 Thank you tina189 for your rewards and comments, I am touched~~ :)

(End of this chapter)

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