The rebirth of the hero league

Chapter 21 The Poisonous Tongue Zhao Shuzhi

Chapter 21 The Poisonous Tongue Zhao Shuzhi

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Ye Shuo pointed to the computer screen, and looked at Dr. Zhao who walked into the room, his eyes were full of suspicion and distrust. How did this guy know that he was broadcasting live, and Liu Zhanxianer he I remember that the live broadcast appeared on the first day, did he really install surveillance on himself?
"Know a little bit of hacking technology." Dr. Zhao looked calm, completely unaware of being caught, but with an expression of how could you be so angry about such a trivial matter.

"so what?"

"That day your health suddenly improved a lot, and then I hacked into your computer to see what you were doing, and if I saw you doing this, please support me, why do you still act like I am a pervert?" Dr. Zhao said The expression is very innocent, as if it is normal to hack into other people's computers.

"It's a pervert, okay! Can't you come to my door and ask me about this kind of thing!"

"Will you tell me?" Dr. Zhao was a little strange instead, and the research meaning expressed in his eyes was obvious, "Your physical fitness has improved. For the first time, the data of your whole body has improved a lot. After that, your body has improved. It's very slow, but it's getting better every day, and according to your medical records, this matter should have nothing to do with me or your previous statement."

The first time he didn't know the situation, he directly let the system upgrade. The second time, when he saw the equipment on his body, he had a good eye and let the system slowly improve his physique.

But no matter what he said, he couldn't explain the problem. After a long pause, the two stared at each other for a while. Doctor Zhao finally gave him a blank stare before turning and walking to the kitchen, "Lunch is ready, do you like it?" eat."

OK, I don't ask you, and you don't ask me.

Ye Shuo didn't speak, and followed Dr. Zhao's footsteps to the kitchen. Spicy beef noodles~I'm coming~
However, the reality is cruel.

Dr. Zhao is a doctor, and he will not do anything against the doctor's orders.

"So you have such a bowl of instant noodles that don't even have sauce, let me eat an egg!" Looking at the white instant noodles in front of him without any oily smell, and there were a few lonely vegetable leaves on it, Ye Shuo originally All the expectations were empty.

"Don't be spicy, remember it." Dr. Zhao said this, and took a look at Ye Shuo who was still looking dissatisfied, and then gave him the fried egg on the plate in front of him, "add some protein."

He rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, but sat down anyway, such a sick and delicate little prince, if he doesn't eat, he will die!
While chewing on the hard-to-eat instant noodles, Ye Shuo's own little calculation in his heart was opened.

He needs a teammate.

Liu Zhanxianer in front of me, oh no, Dr. Zhao should know how to play lol, many times what he left a message seems to have a certain understanding of the game, and if you find him as a teammate, it will save a lot of weirdness Weird thing, but how should I say it...

Ye Shuo was contemplating here, but Dr. Zhao over there was not a person who picks up topics, a quiet and strange atmosphere appeared between the two of them, while a bowl of noodles, Ye Shuo gritted his teeth, and finally said, "You ...will you play alliances?"

"Yeah." Dr. Zhao nodded and began to clean up the dishes.

"You...what rank is it?" Ye Shuo was a little suspicious.

"Diamond bar."

nice!Ye Shuo's heart was so happy that he almost flew into the sky with joy, it seems that the teammate that the system wanted him to find was this guy!

"I want to form a team..."

"Understood, just take care of the food." Dr. Zhao went into the kitchen with the bowl and chopsticks, but came out after leaving it. Ye Shuo curled his lips, this guy is really tired.

But his reaction is a bit ridiculous?Did he know it without explaining it clearly?Was he sure he knew what he meant?
The witty Ye Shuo didn't ask again, but just said generously, "You can just come to my house for dinner in the future."

"I don't dare to let you come to my house for dinner." Doctor Zhao gave Ye Shuo a blank look, then almost drove him out of the house again, threw him into the car, and quickly drove to the next door, "Go back by yourself, Hurry up, don't sprain your ankle in such a short distance."

Wow, such a 1-minute journey requires a car.

Ye Shuo rolled his eyes at him and was about to get out of the car when he suddenly remembered and asked, "By the way, I forgot to ask you, what's your name?"

"Zhao Ritian..."

"Fuck off! That's my name!" Ye Shuo snorted.

"Zhao Shuzhi" the doctor also imitated Ye Shuo and snorted coldly, as if he thought it was quite funny, and then said, "Let's talk about it on Weiwai later, get the hell out! The earth is too dangerous!"

"Hehe." After sending him the last word hehe to express his attitude, Ye Shuo moved home in small steps. This Zhao Shuzhi is quite interesting, and he couldn't help but remind him of a buddy from the past. , and always have such a vicious tongue, although I can't help but want to beat him up, but it's actually not bad to have such a friend.

Back home, Ye Shuo took a deep breath, and sure enough, home was different.

In order to take care of her frail body, An Xun's home is always on with air purifiers, air humidifiers, etc., mainly to give her the best breathing environment, but also because of this, every time she goes out, there is always such a Not used to it, to be honest Ye Shuo always felt that this girl was not so weak before, it was because her family got used to it.

Turning on the computer, a message from Liu Zhanxian'er was sent.

"So you plan to form a team?"

"As a result, you didn't realize until now what should I say to you?" Ye Shuo looked at the other party's gaudy avatar and his eyes were a little dizzy. He has always been a person who can only use system avatars. How can Zhao Shuzhi's avatar be a person? girl?

Sure enough, he's a pervert, right?

If Zhao Shuzhi knew what he was thinking now, he would definitely complain again. Do you think that everyone uses the system avatar like you and is complacent about using it?

"I mainly play in the jungle position, and the other positions are relatively average. I'm not good at laning." After he said this, he added, "Look at your nanny's operation, your laning level is similar to mine."

The body ping value is two hundred, thank you.

Ye Shuo snorted coldly, and then said, "I'm in a bad state. It's not like you don't know that I'm in poor health. Besides, I rarely place orders."

"All right, all you have to do is be happy, anyway, your state can make you happy for a few years."

Cursing me again...

Ye Shuo rolled his eyes, but at this moment Zhao Shuzhi asked, "What's the name of our team?"

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet... Do you have any suggestions?" After Ye Shuo finished speaking, the words "mission completed" suddenly appeared in front of Ye Shuo. Phew, this terrible main storyline is finally finished. Looking at the main storyline task, it says "to be activated." The words, he put his heart back into his stomach, it feels so good not to worry

"The host is promoted to the second level, a little attribute point is rewarded, the system rewards strength attribute point*1, and the secondary attribute board is opened."

"Strength attribute? Sub-attribute board? What the hell?" Ye Shuo glanced at this reward strangely, a little dissatisfied. If he reaches level 30, he only has 30 attribute points, which can barely fill up the three basic attributes. What came out was earned, why is there another secondary attribute partner now?

"Strength attribute is one of the sub-attributes. It is obtained through missions. The host's sub-attributes currently include strength, piano, calligraphy..." The system said a lot in one breath, but Ye Shuo had a clear understanding when he heard it. It's an attribute that has nothing to do with the game.

"Open it and have a look." He opened the system curiously, and many of them have been activated here and there. According to the system, either he knew it or the girl knew it.

13 points for piano, 10 points for singing, 12 points for calligraphy...

Ye Shuo glanced at it. Apart from singing, which he brought with him, An Xun should have learned piano and calligraphy. What is surprising is that the attribute point of strength is as high as 18 points. !According to the algorithm of the system, the sub-attribute skills are different from the basic skills, the highest is 8 points, the normal level is around 10 points, and those above [-] are all skills that can be used to make a living as a performer.

He thought about it for a long time, and felt that this should be related to his love of exercising before time travel, only in this way could it be possible to cause the power of sister paper to be so great.

Turned out to be a weird girl?
 Thank you Rabbit Sauce and TARA-Shouwang for the tip, loveuloveu~ There should be another chapter today, but it should be at night 0-0
(End of this chapter)

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