The rebirth of the hero league

Chapter 38 Give me time for a song

Chapter 38 Give Me Time For A Song

There was a sign that was being cleaned at the door of the men's room. Ye Shuo glanced at the sign, then looked at the red dots and white dots on the map that were only a short distance away, and stepped over without any psychological burden.

"I asked you to pretend? You can make mistakes here, the young master!? I told you many times before to stop harassing the young mistress. You are not from the same world. You don't listen, and now you dare to come?"

Just after opening the door, Ye Shuo heard angry shouts and the sound of fist-to-flesh blows inside.

Fuck, I don't know who is covering Zhao Shuzhi?so bold?

Ye Shuo snorted coldly, as if he felt that opening the door was not aggressive enough, so he kicked his calf in vain.


The door was completely kicked open by her, and the power of 12 o'clock was so terrifying that it exploded.

"I heard you guys want to do something unfriendly to my boyfriend?"

He looked at the five stunned people on the opposite side and said so.

He took out the elastic bands he used to tie his hair from the small bag he carried with him, tied his hair up twice casually, and walked forward. Zhao Shuzhi was already in a state of half-consciousness, with patches on his originally fair face. The eyes were bruised and purple, and the eyes were the most swollen. An Xun called out how pitiful he was, which made Ye Shuo feel that his fists should be heavier for a while.

"Hmph, chick, the boss said that you have to play the piano for them today, so I won't touch you, but your boyfriend, I can teach you a lesson before, and I can teach you a lesson now!" He punched Zhao Shuzhi, who was restrained by the two of them, but unexpectedly, before the fist was released, the girl's kick made him almost unable to stand up in pain.

"I... Fuck!" The bastard named Frog yelled in pain, and the two strong men in suits behind him wanted to pull him up, while the other ignored Ye Shuo's fist and prepared to push him up. Grab it and keep it under control.

"You're quite straightforward." Ye Shuo glanced at him, and reached out to his hand without responding, and directly slapped his stomach a few times. After the first hit, he felt severe pain. Just as he wanted to dodge, he didn't expect Ye Shuo to lift his leg and kick again. A 1.6-meter-five slender girl kicked a 1.8-meter-old man out in one fell swoop!

It was obvious that the five people on the opposite side were fighting for the first time. After seeing this scene, why didn't they know that it was a problem?A frog was left to control Zhao Shuzhi, and even the people who had been kicked away by him before all stood up together and wanted to have a group fight.

"You guys are really gentlemen." Ye Shuo raised his brows, without the slightest timidity. He had taken self-defense classes before, and knew where to hit, which could directly knock people unconscious.Naturally, the party on the other side wouldn't come one by one like in the TV series. When the four of them rushed forward, Ye Shuo turned around and immediately hit the person closest to him on the temple, gently, otherwise he would be killed.

That person was knocked out immediately, he smiled lightly, although his physique is not enough, but in such a small place, in terms of dexterity, these people are naturally no match for her, it is really not easy to be restrained for a while live.However, after the remaining three people saw the situation where this person was knocked down to the temple, it was naturally not so easy to hit them with precautions.After several fights, Ye Shuo's physique was not very good, and his natural speed dropped a little. With this drop, he was easily caught.

Suddenly, a big man jumped forward one by one, grabbed his legs and lifted him up like a sack.

"Fortunately, I still wore leggings when I went out today." She let out a long breath, and then hit the big man hard on the air valve between the left and right shoulder blades, directly at the lungs, although it was not It will kill people but it will suffocate the breath and people will pass out.

The big man fell to the ground. If Ye Shuo hadn't jumped away in time, he wouldn't know how badly his fragile body was hit.

"Who the hell are you? Do you know how serious the consequences will be if you do this?!" The man named Frog said loudly, but it seemed that Ye Shuo kicked too hard just now, and coughed after speaking .

"I'm his girlfriend." Ye Shuo, who retreated to the corner, smiled coldly, picked up the mop that was on the side, and put sticks in both hands in front of him, with an expression of waiting for you to beat me up.

"I'm warning you, put down your things and come here honestly, or I'll kill you dear brother!" The frog took out a long knife and began to gesticulate towards Zhao Shuzhi's neck with a look on his face. It was cold, and no one would doubt whether he really dared to attack.

"IQ is on the line." Ye Shuo suddenly smiled, put down the stick in his hand, and let the remaining two big men control her hand without any resistance.

So what if it is restrained, just one blow is enough.

"Little girl, you are awesome! You continue to be awesome!"

When he got to the edge of the frog, he put down the hand holding the machete, and slapped Ye Shuo in the face with the other hand.

"Your people... are really weak!"

Ye Shuo ruthlessly kicked him out again. The frog was kicked out this time, but he didn't have the strength to stand up again. If Ye Shuo was afraid that he would kick him to death, this time, he really What's more, that idiot is afraid that he won't kick to death!
Actually threatened the hostage with a knife?

Simply shameless!

If Zhao Shuzhi died, who would explain his physical condition to his parents, besides, this is the first general of their team!If there is any trace of him here, it will be a loss for the team.

"Are you two still waiting for me to beat you out?" Ye Shuo raised his eyes to see the two who were still restraining him, and there was a cold look in Ye Shuo's eyes.Seeing her expression change, those two people immediately let go of the hand that had been holding down, and quickly left the men's room with the three of them who had fainted on the ground.

During this time, Ye Shuo stood there all the time with a small face that made people shudder.

"Why are you here, shouldn't you accompany her?!"

This was the first sentence Zhao Shuzhi said when he saw Ye Shuo.

"Wait for me to regain my strength."

He took a deep breath and did not answer Zhao Shuzhi's words.

"Any cigarettes?"

Ye Shuo stretched out his hand and asked.

Zhao Shuzhi took out a pack of cigarettes with trembling hands, and it took him a long time to shake one out. There was some blood on his hand, and he didn't know where it came from. There was a little bright red blood on the cigarette.


The flame of the lighter appeared along with the smoke. Looking at the white smoke in front of him, he dragged the mink fur coat that had just fallen to the ground and put it on the ground. He sat next to Zhao Shuzhi. Neither of them spoke, and one of them lit A cigarette, smoked quietly.

"You carry me over to play the piano."

After finishing a cigarette, Ye Shuo said so, but he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"it is good."

Zhao Shuzhi carried the girl on his back, and walked step by step towards the building that he didn't want to face at all.

The girl was very light, and the smell of blood continued to radiate from his body. Occasionally, he felt pain in a certain place, but Zhao Shuzhi didn't care.

Meng Yu, this is the last thing I can do for you.

He thought about it, step by step, slowly but hurriedly.

"Sorry for being late."

When he opened the door of the church, he looked at the bride who was still preparing to enter, his eyes were calm.

"What's wrong with you?" Liang Mengyu came up and asked.

"It's nothing, I fell down."

"Let me down, I have strength now." The girl said so, put down the high heels she had been holding all the time, and put them on again.She is obviously just a girl who has not yet reached the age of 20, but her aura is like a queen descending.

With 10 minutes before the wedding, Ye Shuo sat by the piano, took over from the girl who was still playing the simplified version of Dream Wedding, took a deep breath, and started playing today.

"somewhere in time"

Familiar songs, familiar people.

Zhao Shuzhi looked at the bride who was wearing a beautiful white gauze in front of him, and a smile appeared on his swollen face from the beating.

You said that you loved everything in this movie, the love separated by time; you said that you waited many years for me, and that everyone is waiting for that first look When you arrive, you will know that the other party is the stranger you have been waiting for for many years; you said that you are also like that heroine, waiting for the person you love somewhere in time, but you are luckier than her because you and your The leading actor, at the same time...

The time of a song, the tears of two phases.

"I wish you happiness."

When the wedding march began, he spoke softly without making a sound, but she saw it, and that was enough.

 My heart hurts, I can't write this kind of emotional drama~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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