The rebirth of the hero league

Chapter 65 Know and Don't Know

Chapter 65 Know and Don't Know
"What should I pay attention to in the live broadcast? Do I want to play a song? Is it suitable to wear this dress when I watch the video..." The endless questions came from the girl's mouth. Ye Shuo was not interested but had to answer. .

Answered one question after another, and then helped her adjust the camera, live broadcast software, etc. Although they didn't install the microphone of the anchor, after all, the expensive earphones can be replaced, but...

"This dress is not good, it wraps itself tightly, and it doesn't look good... She took back the last dress in the end. Forget it, you should let her go to my closet to get a set of clothes. Tomorrow Just take her to buy new ones." An Xun was picky and passed the third set of clothes that Gu Xiaofei brought.

"This dress is not good..." Ye Shuo repeated.

"This..." When Gu Xiaofei heard that she was going to get clothes from An Xun's closet, her hesitation became more obvious. She finally returned the things that An Xun threw when she went to school last time...

"You don't look good. No one will watch your live broadcast. Look at the makeup I put on you so hard. You can't ruin it because of the clothes." Looking at the light makeup on Gu Xiaofei's face, Ye Shuo was extremely awkward. Speaking of this, the makeup on Gu Xiaofei's face today was done by him using a tenth-level makeup technique that he didn't know where it came from, and he didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

With a clean and beautiful face, a touch of earth-based eye shadow and pink lip gloss, compared to those female anchors with heavy makeup, she has a little more girly beauty and a little bit of charm. To be honest, if he was asked to rate the previous Gu Xiaofei If it is seven or eight points at most, it can barely score nine points after dressing up like this. If you match it with a suitable dress, then nine points will be enough!

He smacked his lips, and suddenly understood how it feels to be a person who always likes to watch beautiful anchors before. Although he is not interested, he is a man after all!
"Tsk tsk, you look like a pig." An Xun couldn't help shaking his head when he looked at him, and then said, "By the way, you have eaten too much recently, and I have gained more than five catties! Look at it and keep in shape." , don’t eat snacks at night, okay?”

"Playing games so late, why can't I eat when I'm hungry." Ye Shuo glanced at An Xun, and then said, "You are too thin, wouldn't you eat more to gain weight? You are 1.6 meters five, Even if you gain weight, you will only weigh more than [-] kilograms, just like a skeleton floating."

"Don't you guys just like skeletons?" An Xun muttered dissatisfiedly, and then wanted to say something, but was defeated by Ye Shuo's remarks for health, and could only tell him not to eat too much.

After finally getting everything settled and confirming that the little girl Gu Xiaofei can broadcast live at any time, Ye Shuo nodded and went back to the training room. Today's live broadcast time has not been played yet, so why don't you bring the other two guys to play and match?
"Boss, shall we practice with Concubine today?" Li Xi asked, taking his eyes off the screen. Today he is going to take his buddies to the game, but he is not very lucky. Up to now the score is very slow.

"My concubine may not contact us in the future." Ye Shuo said, looking at the concubine who was clumsily opening and introducing herself nervously, and said softly, "After the normal live broadcast, I will ask him to open a customized Go to make up knife, 10 knives in 100 minutes, when to finish and when to start training with us."

"Fuck, isn't this a bit boring?" Li Xi looked at Ye Shuo in surprise.

"I can't help it, her last shot has caught up, so I can talk about other consciousness and other things slowly." Ye Shuo shrugged, and then looked at Li Xi's screen, 13 pawns in 102 minutes.

"Each of us has to practice. Although Xiaofei practiced a little longer, we must ensure that we have more than an hour every day to practice with different heroes." Ye Shuo patted him on the shoulder, and then said "I have asked Zhao Shuzhi to come up with a daily training plan for us, and I will train in strict accordance with the plan after posting it tomorrow."

He walked towards his position with strides. Since Li Xi wanted to accompany his friends to score higher points, he also pulled Zhao Shuzhi to start today's higher score journey. There is still a main task to come. If it wasn't for An Xun's reminder The 15th will be over, but the fact that he didn't play many sets, Ye Shuo really wants to forget about it.

"Masters in the audience, everyone is so excited." Ye Shuo also started his own live broadcast. Today, the two of them will be live broadcasting at the same time. He and Gu Xiaofei sat far away from each other in the first place to prevent the two people's voices from interfering with each other. influences.

"Today I'll be honest and honest, and I'll definitely be the king this month!" Ye Shuo started his live broadcast with great interest. From time to time, someone would ask about Concubine Gu, and he was silent. The second apprentice, Junior Sister Ling Han's name pushed her out, and when someone asked him, he honestly admitted it, and asked the fans to take care of Gu Xiaofei.

"Concubine is so beautiful! By the way, why doesn't Jingjing turn on the camera?"

"Turn on the camera!!!"



Seeing that the cameras started to be swiped in the comments, and some local tyrants even started to swiping gifts for him to turn on the camera or something.

"Is it interesting? Are you here to watch the game or to see the face." Ye Shuo shook his head helplessly, he didn't agree to this matter, he was really not used to putting himself in front of the camera all the time, and the audience said it too often in the end. Duo said helplessly, "After a while, I will prepare a show. If you really want to watch it, you can watch it on the show..."

"Show? What show? Quiet, what are you doing? Playing games?"

"Program Title "Who Is the Dead Song!""

""Captain Ritian's Solo Queue Diary""

"The Domineering Liger and Her Two Apprentices"

Ye Shuo's topic finally managed to divert the attention of these people. Although he couldn't reveal more because he hadn't made a decision yet, Nan Yuncheng's secretary had already called him in the afternoon to discuss this matter. The specific details are almost the same.

"It's time, An Xun, you need to take your medicine." Zhao Shuzhi's voice rang out after the selection was made. Ye Shuo glanced at the fourth and fifth floors, and quickly jumped up from his seat and went downstairs. After receiving a cup of hot water, although I am in good health, I still need to take medicine.

"Fuck! I just saw Jing Jing at the second apprentice's place!"

"real or fake?"

"This side just finished talking about taking the medicine, and when there was no movement, a girl over there just flashed by!"

"Whoa! What's the room number! I'll definitely be back!"

"The room number is..."

Over there An Xun jumped up to pour water, over there a lot of people piled into Gu Xiaofei's channel, waiting for Ye Shuo to come back with water.

A thin body appeared on the screen, although it only took a few seconds, it caused Gu Xiaofei's room to explode.

"Wow, I saw it, it's so cute..."

"I love flat-chested loli, don't ask me who I am!"

"I also think it's so cute, it looks weak, I feel pity."

"Fuck, you guys actually like this kind of thing? By the way, someone took a screenshot and gave me a picture! I forgot just now!"

When Gu Xiaofei saw the channel exploded for a while, she thought she had made a mistake and was a little flustered, but after carefully reading the comments, she eased her emotions and said, "Quietness is very beautiful. After a while, you You can tell by watching the show, she doesn't like to feel uncomfortable being watched by the camera for a long time, if you want to watch it, don't tell her."

"Sure, we will never tell her!"

Fans made similar promises one after another, and at the same time quickly posted the chat history of going to Gu Xiaofei's room before, and the fan group also made an announcement about this matter as the top, anyway, Jing Jing is not in the fan group, conservative What a secret, all right!
Group announcement "Benefits room number *****, please do not tell others about the benefits, the point is not to tell Jing Da, who violates the rules will be expelled from the fan group, I, Wang Zhumo, have a hundred ways to let you I can't go on messing around!"

Everyone knows that Jing Jing cannot be let know: Everyone knows that in Gu Xiaofei's room, from time to time, you can see the side of Jing Jing that you don't want everyone to see.

 I feel that the last sentence is a mouthful. I said that today I met a lot of elementary school students. They were on the opposite side in the afternoon and at our house in the evening. Tsk tsk, my heart hurts, and I feel that my road to victory is getting more and more bumpy.

(End of this chapter)

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