One Punch Dad

Chapter 125 [127] Almost lost by one point

Chapter 125 [127] Almost lost
In the expectant eyes of everyone, Liu Meng's fist was getting closer and closer to Parker's chin.

However, just when Liu Mang's fist was about to hit Parker's chin, Parker suddenly gave up his fist-fighting style, and while dodging Liu Mang's fist, Parker suddenly kicked Liu Mang hard. on the gangster's neck.

Papapa. Bengbeng didn't know that Parker would use his feet suddenly, so Liu Meng, who was unprepared, was very unlucky, helpless, and sad, and was directly kicked by Parker and fell to the ground.

The moment Liu Mang was knocked down, the fans at the scene were collectively dumbfounded. They rubbed their eyes vigorously, thinking that this was a dream, and dared not believe it. The situation in front of them was real.

"OMG, One Punch Daddy got knocked out, it's not real!!"

"It's not true, my One Punch Dad can't possibly be defeated, it must not be true!!"

"What did I see, I actually saw One Punch Dad being knocked down, no no no no no, this must not be like this, it must not be like this!!"

"Get up, daddy with one punch, daddy with one punch, get up with daddy with one punch, get up soon, daddy with one punch, you must not lose the game!!"

When the fans were praying wildly, the referee immediately separated Parker, and then loudly reported the time to Liu Meng; "Can you still play, can you continue to play, I started counting, 1098!!"

Liu Meng, who was beaten and lying on the ring, stretched out his hand and gently pushed the referee's hand away when the referee counted to eight, while slowly standing up from the ring, and then showed a smile to Parker. A sneer full of fighting intent.

Next door to Nima, this punch daddy's neck is really fucking hard, he can still get up after this, shit! !

It seems that I used less strength in that kick, and I used all my strength in the next kick. I don't believe this time, he can stand up again, hum! !

After a while of anger, Parker glanced at Liu Meng who stood up unharmed, and then said with a sneer across the referee's face; "One Punch Dad, your Grandpa Parker didn't let you down, didn't you feel comfortable with this kick? Do you need to do a few more kicks. Haha..."

"Thank you for your kick, but it's a pity that your strength is too small, as if you were tickling me, hehehe." After twisting his neck casually, Liu Meng spoke to the referee through the referee. Parker replied with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Liu Meng was able to continue the fight, the referee asked Liu Meng again if he was okay, then stood between the two, waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The game continues. Start!!"

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, when the referee's word "beginning" fell, Parker immediately rushed towards Liu Mang, then did a backflip without hesitation, and kicked Liu Mang's neck fiercely again with a big kick.

"Dodge, dodge, One Punch Daddy, dodge quickly!!"

"Liu, dodge, dodge, dodge quickly, if you don't dodge, it's really over, dodge!!"

"Daddy won't lose, daddy will never lose, my daddy is the most powerful man in the world, so he will definitely not lose!!"

When everyone thought that Liu Mang would be kicked again, Liu Mang dodged suddenly, followed Parker's example, did a backflip, kicked Parker hard on the neck, and beat Parker to the ground on the spot.

bang bang bang bang..

Seeing that Parker was brought down by Liu Mang's kick, the referee immediately came to stop Liu Mang, and then asked Parker if he could continue the game, counting his fingers and shouting loudly; "Can you continue the game? I'll start!" Count it, 1098!!"

This kick was much worse than Liu Meng's kick. After being beaten by Liu Meng and lying on the ring, Parker struggled on it for a long time before lifting his head from the ring, and then stood staggeringly. up.

Dangdang. Dangdang..

As soon as Parker stood up, the intermission bell rang in the arena, and then Jack and Parker's assistants rushed to the ring one after another, helped Liu Meng and Parker to their respective positions, and then helped them massage and feed them water.

After wiping Liu Mang's sweat, Jack handed the water bottle to Liu Mang and asked with a puzzled face; "Liu, how could you make such a serious mistake in the beginning? What about you?"

"Damn it, I thought it was a boxing rule at first, so I took his kick. Otherwise, you thought he was the only one who could really hit me?" After rubbing his still sore neck, Liu Meng looked at Jack and complained angrily.

After waving helplessly, Jack patted Liu Meng on the shoulder and smiled while removing the kettle and stool; "The referees have said, who told you not to listen? The round must win the game!!"

While Liu Meng was chatting with Jack, two beautiful sign-holding girls, holding two big 2s, walked back and forth on the ring, and then slowly walked off the ring.

The sign girl is on, the break is over

"OK, I won't play this time, I'm going to fight hard, so I'm going to KO him in this round, hum." After nodding to Jack with a smile, Liu Meng walked towards the center of the ring without turning his head. Way back.

The little girl who had been watching under the arena looked at Liu Meng who was walking towards the arena again, suddenly raised her head and shouted loudly, "Dadbi, Xinxin doesn't want to see you being beaten, so Dadbi, you help Xinxin beat the shit out of you!" How is uncle?"

"Okay, Daddy promises you, my little princess Xinxin!!"

Liu Meng, who was full of energy in an instant, walked into the middle of the ring, separated the referee, and said harshly to Parker; "You, you finally succeeded in angering me, this time I will beat you back, your mother doesn't even know you !!"

"Damn it next door, Bichi, I will definitely kill you later, you finally managed to arouse my anger, ahhh..." Hearing Liu Meng's provocation, Parker endured the pain in his neck, Gritting his teeth, he and Liu Meng started to fight each other.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the referee immediately separated the two people who were fighting each other, and after explaining the rules again, he waved his hand knife and shouted loudly; "The game. Start now!!"

There is no more laziness than before, no parity before, and no more getting up again! !

Under the incredulous eyes of all the fans, Liu Meng rushed to Parker, first dodged to avoid Parker's punch, then raised his right fist and punched Parker hard on the chin.

Then, as if he was afraid that Parker would stand up again, Liu Meng's left fist hit Parker's face fiercely at the moment Parker was about to fall to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang.

Parker, who had eaten Liu Meng's two fists in a row, immediately lost consciousness, fell straight backwards, and then lay motionless on the ring.

Dangdang. Seeing that Parker lost consciousness, the referee immediately waved to end the game and announced on the spot that Liu Meng had won the game.

Whoa oh oh I oh oh. Whoa oh oh.

The moment the referee announced the end of the match, Jack immediately lifted the little girl onto the ring, and then jumped onto the ring himself, took the little girl into his arms and shouted, "We won, we won, we won again! !"

One Punch Dad, you are the best! !One Punch Dad, you are the best! !One Punch Dad, you are the best! !

One Punch Daddy I love you, One Punch Daddy I love you, One Punch Daddy do I love you, One Punch Daddy I love you! !
Invincible, invincible, one punch daddy is always invincible, invincible, invincible, one punch daddy is invincible, invincible, invincible, one punch daddy was born invincible! !

Although he almost lost the game in the first round, listening to the cheers of the audience, enjoying the adoring eyes of the baby girl in his arms, and the excitement of his brother Jack, Liu Meng felt that he loved It feels like death.

(End of this chapter)

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