One Punch Dad

Chapter 139 [141] What happened last night?

Chapter 139 [141] What happened last night?

At 06:30 the next morning, Liu Meng and Jack were woken up by Aunt Mei early on.

After waking up Jack and Liu Meng, Aunt Mei looked at them and asked with a puzzled expression; "Did you do something important recently? Why did I find everyone there when I went out to buy groceries this morning? Are you looking at our house intentionally or unintentionally?"

"Maybe it depends on Liu. After all, Liu, the reputation of this one-punch daddy is getting bigger and bigger now, hehehe." Jack, who is used to it, got up with a haha, while smiling casually. road.

Thinking that what Jack said made sense, Liu Meng also nodded, and then walked towards the little girl's room without looking back; "What Jack said makes sense, Aunt Mei, if you think that being looked at like this If it's annoying, why don't we just buy a new house, so that it will be quiet in the future, hehehe..."

"You don't need money to buy a house. If you have a lot of money, you can't spend it like you. Why do you want to buy a new house if the house is good? If you don't buy it or buy it, you're going back to Xiahua. There's nothing to buy?" He stared fiercely. After casting a glance at Liu Meng, Aunt Mei said angrily.

Dongdongdong. As soon as Aunt Mei's voice fell, the doorbell in the room rang.

After looking at each other with Jack, Aunt Mei walked slowly to the gate, and then glanced at the surveillance, and saw that the person outside the door was an acquaintance, then opened the door, and asked with a smile; "Hi, Why did you wake up so early today??"

"No, I just saw that you were packing your luggage cracklingly last night, so I came to ask if you are going to travel far away?" The old aunt next door, who is the owner of the cat, looked at Aunt Mei with a full face at the door. asked with a smile.

Hearing the old aunt's question, Aunt Mei nodded first, and then said with a wry smile; "It's a long trip, but it's not me, but those three guys are going to go to Reben to play Half a month."

"Uh, the three of them have all gone out to play, why don't you go out to play with them, besides, it's just for fun, and it's not a burden to bring you along." After hearing that Liu Meng and the three of them were going out, The old aunt looked at Aunt Mei with a puzzled expression.

After giving the old aunt a funny look, Aunt Mei greeted the old aunt to come in and sit down, and said angrily, "Who will chat with you when I leave? I'm not afraid that I will leave and leave you here alone. It's boring, and what's the fun in going to Reben, I don't know how to talk hot, what if I get lost when I go there?"

"What does it mean to leave me alone here to be boring, as if I am your only friend, don't forget that I also have children, I won't go to my children to play with them when you leave, hmph."

After disliking Aunt Mei for a few words, the old aunt raised her head and looked around, and continued casually; "But you are right in saying that you, a guy who can only speak Xiahua and English, went to Reben I will definitely get lost, hahaha..."

"Fuck you, you can't think of me in a good way, hey, hey, you bastard, why are you looking around, you don't want to steal something, don't steal it, I'll give it to you if you like it, now Take it away." Seeing the old aunt looking around, Aunt Mei joked amusedly.

After withdrawing her gaze, the old aunt first gave Aunt Mei a blank look, and then looked at Aunt Mei with a puzzled expression and asked, "Where is your starling, isn't that guy usually yelling early in the morning? Why don't you see it singing?"

"Last night, Liu and Jack went to find a wife for it. They are probably warming up their nest with his wife at the moment, hehehe..." Thinking of the funny appearance of that guy, Aunt Mei couldn't hold back, and immediately became happy up.

Dongdongdong. Before Aunt Mei could finish singing, the doorbell rang again.

"Strange, what day is it today, why are there so many people here so early in the morning?"

After muttering a few words, Aunt Mei opened the door first, then looked at an old man outside the door, and said with a smile on her face; "Good morning, Dewei, why do you have time to come over this early in the morning, can't you come in?" Sit down?"

"Good morning, May!!"

After saying hello to Aunt Mei, the old man followed Aunt Mei into the house, and said with a smile on his face; "Mei, I heard that you are packing your luggage and preparing to go on a long journey, right? If you are going on a long journey, where is the mynah? Did you find it?"

It's strange, why one by one, come here early in the morning, asking about our starlings? ?

After muttering a few words in her heart, Aunt Mei first gave the old man a funny look, and then said with a face full of tears and laughter; "Dewey, who told you that I am going on a long trip, and the ones going on the long trip are Liu and Jack. It's not me, and why do you care about my starling today?"

"Ah, you are not going far away. I was thinking that your family is going out, and there will be no one to take care of the starling. I came here specially to take it to my house for a few days. Hey, why didn't you go out with me? How about a faraway place?" After hearing that Aunt Mei was not going far away, the old man's expression changed from excitement to disappointment in an instant.

Looking at the old man, and then at the old aunt, Aunt Mei said with a smile on her face; "You are not like Dewei, you want to see if I have traveled far, and then come to help raise the starling. Who is it?" what!!"

Dongdongdong. Amid Aunt Mei's speechless expression, the doorbell rang again, interrupting her speech.

After waving helplessly to the old aunt and the old man, Aunt Mei walked to the gate, opened the gate, looked at the neighbors outside, and said with a smile on her face; "Hi, yes, Jos Hello, Rhodes, what's the matter this early morning, oh, yes, let's come in and sit down together, I just made a lot of tea, come in!!"

The four neighbors outside the door were not polite either. After nodding with a smile, they followed Aunt Mei into the room, then sat down next to the old man and the old aunt, and looked at Aunt Mei with a slightly embarrassed face.

After glancing at the embarrassing smiling faces of the four of them, Aunt Mei covered her forehead and said speechlessly, "The four of you, like the two of them, are planning to come over to help raise mynah, what are you! !"

Dong dong dong. Aunt Mei's words were interrupted again by the ringing of the doorbell.

Walking to the door with a speechless face, Aunt Mei opened the door, looked at a group of children outside, and said with a wry smile; "Children, you are also here, do you want to help us raise mynah??? "

"Hello, good morning, Aunt Mei. We heard that you are going on a trip, so we want to come over to help you raise mynah. Can Aunt Mei raise mynah for us?" A group of children outside the door looked up at Aunt Mei. , looked at Aunt Mei expectantly, hoping that she would agree to their request.

After looking at the people in the room, and then at the children at the door, Aunt Mei was really speechless at this moment.

After being speechless for a while, Aunt Mei looked at the children at the door and the guests in the room, and asked with a puzzled look; "What happened last night? Why did you all come to our house as if you had made an appointment?" Want to raise mynah??"

(End of this chapter)

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