One Punch Dad

Chapter 155 [157] Under the cherry tree, lunch

Chapter 155 [157] Under the cherry tree, lunch

The cherry blossoms will bloom in ten days, and it is a pity to come back to the flowers every day.Yesterday, the wind and rain came together, who complained to heaven and earth?
Enduring to see Hu Sha bury her beautiful bones, Hugh will shed tears into the deep cup.Passionate memories of his years, an inch of spring has long since faded.

After searching for a while, Liu Meng finally found an open space under a cherry blossom tree where he could have lunch and enjoy the cherry blossoms.

After finding the open space, Liu Meng opened his backpack and laid out the things he had prepared before, while shouting to Meng Xiaoqiao who was taking pictures everywhere; "Little Qiao, come here quickly, there are so many people here, be careful not to be crowded!" Here we go."

"Got it, you set things up first, and I'll go over after I take a few more photos, giggling." Meng Xiaoqiao, who had seen Liu Mang looking for a place, didn't want to work, so Immediately pretending to be taking pictures, she didn't smile and wave to Liu Meng until Liu Meng called her.

Liu Meng, who had already seen through Meng Xiaoqiao's small thoughts, put out the prepared food with a smile on his face, and said in his heart amused; !!"

Because I don’t know what hot food Meng Xiaoqiao likes, so Liu Meng brought a lot of food today. There are delicious tuna vermicelli rolls, refreshing sushi, fresh shrimp tempura, salmon sashimi, sunflower sushi, two-color Onigiri and other hot dishes.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods, hehehe!!" After seeing Liu Mang put the food on the table, Meng Xiaoqiao immediately walked over and looked at Liu Mang with a smile on his face; "Hee hee, It looks delicious too!!"

Facing this big baby who is in his twenties and almost 30 years old in front of him, besides tolerance and pampering, Liu Meng still has infinite tolerance and infinite pampering.

After casually picking up a piece of sushi that Meng Xiaoqiao liked, Liu Mang gently handed it to Meng Xiaoqiao, and said with a smile on his face; "Come on, open your mouth a little bit wider, and let her swallow it in one breath, hahaha. .”

"Go away, go away, I hate you, hum." After grabbing the sushi and pushing Liu Mang away, Meng Xiaoqiao sat down on the blanket arranged by Liu Mang to eat sushi, and said with a smile on her face; "It's really good Eat, giggling."

After the corner of his mouth slightly hung up, Liu Meng took out a can of juice from his backpack, looked at Meng Xiaoqiao, and said with a smile on his face; "Eat slowly, no one will grab you, come and drink Juice, the staff in the hotel in the morning squeezed it out early in the morning."

"Yeah, it's delicious, this sushi is delicious, and this salmon sashimi is also delicious, hehehe."

After eating for a while, Meng Xiaoqiao looked at Liu Mang with aggrieved face while slowing down her eating and said, "Big villain, you know, I used to be very pitiful, not only couldn't go out to play, but also couldn't just eat casually." eat.

As I told you, my parents raised me as a star since I was a child, so they not only controlled my freedom, but also controlled my pursuit of food.

Before I met you when I was a child, I have eaten fried food for no more than 20 yuan, sweet, salty, hot pot, etc. I don’t even think about it. The pig food I grew up with is just Vegetables, fruit, or green salad.

When I gave birth to Xinxin last time, even though I went to the United States and escaped from my parents’ control, but because I still wanted to return to the entertainment industry at that time, I didn’t dare to eat much. I still followed my previous eating habits, eating well maintain their figure.

Husband, I’m tired, I don’t want to keep my figure anymore, I want to be like a normal person, I can eat whatever I want, even if I end up with a chubby body, it’s okay, can you not dislike me, ummm... "

"You can eat more appropriately, but the idea of ​​eating whatever you want is not acceptable. You are still pregnant, and there are many things you can't eat." After opening the juice and handing it to Meng Xiaoqiao, Liu Mang said with a smile on his face .

"Just talk about it, I just vaccinate you, so that you don't think I'm gaining weight, hum." After a few words to Liu Mang, Meng Xiaoqiao continued to enjoy her lunch. "It's delicious, hee hee!!"

I have forgotten how long I haven't been so happy. Liu Meng quietly looked at Meng Xiaoqiao's beautiful and cute face, and at the same time, he was like a nanny, like taking care of a little girl, feeding and watering her, and he never tired of it.

Looking at the man in front of him who took care of him like a child, Meng Xiaoqiao said happily while enjoying his love; "Hehehe, everyone said that my daughter is the lover of my father in the previous life, and I will be your wife in this life." After suffering so much, when you will be your daughter in the next life, you have to take good care of me and be good to me, at least at least. At least not worse than Xinxin, huh."

Come on, this is jealous of my own daughter! !

After picking up a pretty cherry blossom, Liu Meng put the cherry blossom on Meng Xiaoqiao's hair, and said with a smile on his face; "Daughter-in-law, you are my wife, not my lover, and you may not be my daughter in the next life." haha.."

"Why, do you want me to be your lover, or do you want to find a lover behind my back, huh." Hearing Liu Meng's words, Meng Xiaoqiao, who was originally smiling, went into a rage in an instant, and stretched out her hand to grab Liu Meng's ear. Said angrily on one side.

"My God, did you see that the woman in that family is so fierce, she dared to reach out and grab her man's ear!!" [Hot Words]

"Yes, why is the woman in that family like this? As a woman, how can she treat her man like this, and it's still in front of so many people."

"This is definitely not our Reben's woman, and this man is probably not our Reben's either. If our Reben's man was treated like this, this woman would probably have been beaten badly."

"Compared to this woman, although my wife is not as beautiful as her, I feel that my wife is much better than her. Although my wife will use violence against me, at least she will give me face in front of outsiders."

"Such a woman is beautiful, but it's useless. My wife is better, although my wife is heavier."

Hearing the discussions around, Meng Xiaoqiao quickly let go of Liu Meng's ears before Liu Meng answered her, then hid behind Liu Meng, and asked cautiously; "Husband, what are they talking about? I'm your fan, see me bullying you and plan to beat me up?"

"It's nothing, they just don't like women bullying men. After all, Reben knows that men pay more attention to you than men."

After saying a few words back to Meng Xiaoqiao, Liu Meng nodded to the people around him, and then explained in hot words; "Kong Niqi, I think everyone may have misunderstood that, but I still have the right to speak at home. It's just that my wife is pregnant now, so you...hehehe..."

"Yo Xi Yo Xi. You are such a great man, not bad!!"

"Oh, so that's the case. It seems that we misunderstood. After having a baby, women are the biggest, and you are such a great man!!"

"As expected of a good man of ours, taking care of his pregnant wife, he doesn't want any face, you are a good man!!"

Although it was a bit inexplicable, Liu Meng still accepted everyone's praise with a smile on his face. After nodding with a smile to everyone, saying that it was nothing, he continued to take care of his big baby for lunch.

With Liu Meng's previous explanation, Liu Meng's doting behavior towards Meng Xiaoqiao later, not only did not arouse everyone's dissatisfaction, but it made them imitate involuntarily, and began to try to treat his wife better.

[Recently, I have been in the hospital with my grandmother who is critically ill, so I don’t have time to code. Now, I would rather spend it with her than to code. If I ask for leave someday, or break the schedule, please forgive me I.I love you all, and I love my grandma, although she has tired our family for 20 years, Satellite still wants her to live longer. 】

(End of this chapter)

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