One Punch Dad

Chapter 175 [177] Let go of everything and go on a trip

Chapter 175 [177] Let go of everything and go on a trip

When they met ten years later, Liu Meng and the four of them had too much to say to each other.

Liu Meng, Outlaw Jiro, Sato Xiaomo, and Muzi Jiuyang chatted in Sato Xiaomo's office, telling them that they had been chatting since they met until after eight o'clock that night, until the little girl was too sleepy, and Outlaw Jiro and the others He drove himself and sent Liu Meng and his father and daughter back to the hotel twice.

After sending Liu Mang's father and daughter back to the hotel twice, Outlaw Jiro, Sato Xiaomo, and Muzi Jiuyang were worried that Liu Mang would disappear again, so the three of them acted shamelessly until Liu Mang vowed never to leave alone. Reluctantly, each drove his own car back to his respective home.

After Outlaw Jiro, Sato Xiaomo, and Muzi Jiuyang left, the little girl immediately ran up to Liu Meng and asked expectantly; "Daddy, Dabi, Uncle Xiaomo and the others said that they will take us there tomorrow. Play, is it true?"

Originally, Liu Meng asked the little girl to call him Sato Xiaomo as his uncle, but that fellow Sato Xiaomo insisted that he was not married and could not be called old, so he bought the little girl with a bunch of gifts and asked the little girl to call him Xiao Mo. Uncle Mo.

Liu Meng, who was sitting on the sofa, nodded lightly at first, then stretched out his arms to hug his cute little girl, and said with a smile on his face; "It's true, we can go to the mountains and play in the water tomorrow Well, hehehe."

"Yeah, it's time to play again!!"

After dancing in her daddy's arms for a while, the little girl put her arms around Liu Mang's neck and asked with a smile on her face, "Dadbi, are we going to play in the same place as Rowling Ross Island?"

"No, we are going to the countryside this time. There is no sea, no big bears and leopards where we go this time, but where we go back, we can fish." Dotingly pinched his daughter's little nose After that, Liu Meng explained with a smile all over his face.

There is no sea, no big bears, no leopards, why is there nothing?

Fishing, is it like the last time, fishing those big, big, and delicious big fish? I'm looking forward to it~~! !
After muttering a few words in her heart, the little girl rubbed her head in Liu Meng's arms, and said coquettishly; "Daddy, let me take a bath, I will go to sleep after taking a bath, or I will go out tomorrow When playing, I will doze off, giggling."

"Okay, respected little princess Xinxin, let's go take a bath and sleep, hehehe." Hearing that the little girl is going to take a bath and sleep, Liu Meng immediately complied with her little request, while standing up and hugging the little girl to go The bathroom, while smiling.

"Hehehe, take a bath, it will become fragrant after taking a bath, yeah yeah yeah..."

After having fun in her daddy's arms for a while, the little girl came down from her daddy's arms to find toys to play with, while sticking out her small mouth and singing songs with a smile; One count. Two four six seven eight..

Downstream of the bridge in front of the gate, a flock of ducks is passing. Come and count them. Two four six seven eight. Quack quack quack. There are so many ducks. I can’t count how many ducks I can’t count. "

Hearing his daughter singing cheerfully, Liu Meng measured the water temperature in the bath, while looking at the little girl with a doting face, and said, "Come on, come on, little duck, take off your clothes and wash in the water. After washing, in vain, We fell asleep, oh, hehehe."

"Hee hee hee, daddy, you can bring me nice new clothes. I'm going to dress up cool tomorrow, hehehe..." The little girl put her toy into the water while looking up at her little head. Looking at Liu Meng, he ordered with a smile on his face.

Faced with his daughter's request, Liu Meng not only satisfied her, but also satisfied her. After helping his daughter take off her clothes and putting away the shower gel, Liu Meng turned around and went to the suitcase to find clothes for his daughter.

When Liu Meng was busy looking for clothes for his daughter, apart from Sato Xiaomo, who had no family, the other two married Otsuna Jiro and Muzi Jiuyang were not in good condition, and their family members did not agree with them going out. Crazy for so long.

Outlaw Jiro's wife, while holding their son in her arms and looking at Outlaw Jiro, said with an aggrieved face; "How can you do this, you go out to play when you say, you go out to play, family matters and company matters Who will handle it, why are you so willful?"

"I'll let you offend me about the family affairs. I'll tell my younger brother to handle the company affairs."

After casually returning a few words to his wife, Otsunajiro stretched out his hand to take his precious son, and said slightly displeased; "My brother hasn't seen each other for ten years, and we just took a week to get together. Do you want to embarrass me?"

The status of women in Reben is very low. Even though it has improved a lot with the new era, there are still many men in Reben who still maintain machismo.

However, although Outlaw Jiro is a bit of a masculine idea, he dare not use it on his wife at home, because the wife he married is a girl from Xiahua, so he has a temper at home, and he has to be like Liu Mang on Meng Xiaoqiao, endure.

Otsuna Jiro's wife's real name is Li Yuan. After marrying Otsuna Jiro, she changed her name to Otsuna Yuanyuan. She was originally the general manager of Otsuna Jiro's company. Later, she didn't know who was chasing who. Anyway, she was brought home by Otsuna Jiro not long after. wife.

Li Yuan, who was very angry at first, suddenly pointed to the son in Otsuna Jiro's arms after thinking carefully, "It's not impossible to go to play for a week, but you have to attach a condition, and this condition is that Saburo Take it too."

"Okay, just take it with you. Anyway, I'm not the only one taking care of the child, so let the local Saburo join in the fun." Otsunajiro, who knows what kind of personality his wife is, saw that Li Yuan's conditions were barely acceptable, so he was helpless. I chose to compromise.

The matter of Outlaw Jiro is settled, but the problem of Muzi Jiuyang is even bigger, because this guy is cheap, married a domineering female president and came home, and she is also an American girl with a bit of domestic violence, Lulu Eels.

Lulu Esi, who was processing documents in the study, heard that Muzi Jiuyang was going on a trip for a week, and she still didn't bring her with her, so she immediately lowered her face and said angrily; "Go out and play for a week, You don’t plan to take me with you yet, are you planning to go out to steal something, hmph.”

"The people traveling together, except for a six-year-old little girl, are the rest of you elders? They are all my good brothers from ten years ago."

After explaining a few words, Muzi Jiuyang didn't care whether Lulu Eels agreed or not, and turned around and left the study without looking back; "I can listen to you on everything, except in this matter. I will not give in on things, whether you agree or not, I will go tomorrow."

Lulu eels; ".!!"

This bastard, he left before I finished speaking, why is he so bad-tempered, I didn't say not to let him go, really.

(End of this chapter)

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