One Punch Dad

Chapter 512 [3] Happiness is that I am pregnant and you can still hug me

Chapter 512 [3] Happiness is that I am pregnant and you can still hug me
"Husband, I heard that the big tiger is a big tiger weighing more than 300 catties. Is it true??"

"By the way, if you raise such a big tiger, aren't you afraid of it running wild and hurting people? Can you control such a big tiger running away?"

"By the way, I also heard that you also raised a starling who can sing. Husband, isn't it cute? Is it fun?"

"And my husband, I haven't been by your side for so long, is that guy Xinxin good? Did he cause trouble?"

"There is also my husband, I have not been by your side these few years. You are so handsome, so outstanding, and so good at making money. There must be many women around you. Hehehe, did you find me a beautiful sister?"

"There is also my husband, why are you like this? You don't give such a good song to your wife and me, but you hand over a lot of apprentices at the level of heavenly kings and queens outside, saying, is there any relationship between you and your apprentices?" Crossing the line?"

After staying at home for more than half a year without going out, Meng Xiaoqiao at this moment does not look like a superstar at all. On the contrary, she is like the aunts in the neighborhood, nagging and talking non-stop. Li Xiaosi didn't know how to answer her.

After making a glass of fruit juice for Meng Xiaoqiao himself, Liu Meng sat directly next to Meng Xiaoqiao, and then gently massaged her while saying with a funny face; "I haven't seen you in half a year, not only have you gained weight, And it’s changed, hehehe.”

"You despise me, don't you? I knew that you, a big villain, despised me. You are already bad enough, but now you have a big bald head, and you look even more like a big villain, hmph." Drinking Liu Meng Fried juice, enjoying Liu Mang's massage, but Meng Xiaoqiao dislikes Liu Mang, that's really not polite at all.

After helping Meng Xiaoqiao wipe off the juice from the corners of her mouth in a funny way, Liu Meng continued to massage Meng Xiaoqiao while smiling and said, "How could you dislike you? I think you didn't dislike me when I was so down and out. And you are pregnant with me now, if I despise you, I will be punished by God."

"Who said I didn't dislike you back then, I didn't even want to look at you when you were so sloppy, if it wasn't for Xinxin arguing to see Dad every day at that time, I wouldn't manage you, heh heh." Speaking of Meng Xiaoqiao hated Liu Meng's downcast appearance in those years, so much that he nearly spit on Liu Meng's face.

Hearing Meng Xiaoqiao's words, Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, then thought about his disgusting appearance, and suddenly said with a face of embarrassment; Take care of yourself, hehehe."

"You still know that you are in a mess. If I could beat you at that time, I would have killed you. Every time you go to send you money, you are not only ungrateful, but sometimes you are drunk and molested, belittle me, and get angry. I wanted to smash you to death with the broken pot in your kitchen while you were sleeping several times, hum."

Speaking of the previous topic, Liu Meng and Meng Xiaoqiao kept chatting like a conversation with a switch turned on, and kept talking until they were about to go to bed at night. Then they remembered that they hadn't bathed yet, so they ended the topic.

After finishing the topic, Liu Meng helped Meng Xiaoqiao into the bathroom, then helped Meng Xiaoqiao take off her clothes, and let her sit on the recliner in the bathroom, and then helped Meng Xiaoqiao take a bath.

After taking a bath, Liu Meng helped Meng Xiaoqiao clean her body, put on her pajamas, and then helped her out to bed, but Meng Xiaoqiao didn't go to sleep obediently after going to bed, but clamored for Liu Meng to sleep. Sing to her, coax her to sleep, just like coaxing a little girl to sleep. ,

Faced with Meng Xiaoqiao's request, Liu Meng had no choice but to agree with it with a smile and a smile;
"There is a little doll in the East Village, who looks as delicate as a trumpet. Both adults and villains praise her. She must be a beautiful baby when she grows up."

"There is also a little doll in Xicun, who looks sloppy like a cow baby. Adults and children despise him, saying that he must be a bad doll when he grows up."

"The baby grows up just screaming, the small trumpet grows into a flower, the cow baby fell in love with him, and they gave birth to a baby."

"Niuwa Niuwa is praised by everyone, the sloppy back then became a family, the old Trumpet married him, he became the big winner in the village, the big winner!!"

"Hahaha, it must be you and me who sang, huh, this girl is naturally beautiful, and you are a little sloppy." After listening to the song composed and sung by Liu Meng, Meng Xiaoqiao giggled. coming.

After glancing at Meng Xiaoqiao in vain, Liu Meng lay down beside Meng Xiaoqiao, using his arms as her pillow and his body as her mattress, and said angrily; "Pull you down, you If you say this in Xinxin now, that girl will definitely hit you to do a paternity test with her!!"

Hearing Liu Meng's words, thinking of the little girl's increasingly vicious tongue, Meng Xiaoqiao immediately glared at Liu Meng, and said angrily; "Hmph, it's all your fault, you bad guy, you made me a good little princess! Turned into a little devil.

Xinxin used to be so obedient, when she saw me, she kept yelling mommy mommy, her mouth was as sweet as honey.

Now that you have been leading me for two years, I have become a little devil. I often quarrel and fight with others, but I still look disgusted when I see me, and I start to encourage you to find a new mother. Hmph, think about it. Feel angry, it's all your fault, hum. "

"Can you blame me? I haven't taken care of my children since I was a child, and no one told me how to take care of my children. Apart from giving Xinxin what I want and teaching her the best, what else can I do? I'm also very helpless, okay? it is good.

Also, half of the credit is due to Xinxin becoming like this, if you hadn't asked her to supervise me and say that I had an affair and asked me to leave the house, I wouldn't be threatened by her all day long, hmph. " Facing Meng Xiaoqiao's shirk of responsibility, Liu Meng immediately refuted it back unceremoniously.

Hearing Liu Meng's rebuttal, Meng Xiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a look of disbelief; "That bad guy Xinxin really threatened you with this matter, by the way, she threatened you, you Won't beat her up?"

"At first I didn't dare to beat her, but after she offended you, I spanked her a few times, now she sees that you can't lock me up, so she doesn't dare to threaten me anymore.

By the way, before I came back, I took Xinxin to the kindergarten for a while, but the result was not very satisfactory, hey. I don’t even want to talk about her, but in the short time I went to the kindergarten, she beat up people twice, hey , It's really a little devil. "Speaking of the bad things the little girl did, Liu Meng couldn't help talking about the little girl going to the kindergarten.

I thought Meng Xiaoqiao would be angry when he heard it, but after listening to it, Meng Xiaoqiao just blushed and said to him, "Well, I drank too much water today, can you take me to the bathroom?"

Hearing Meng Xiaoqiao's words, Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, then after understanding Meng Xiaoqiao's meaning, he quickly turned over and got out of bed, picked up Meng Xiaoqiao into the bathroom, and hugged her inside.

I used to think that it was happiness to have an excellent and handsome man who loved me! !

Later I thought that having a handsome husband who loves me and spoils me is happiness! !
Now I know that happiness does not need these things, happiness is actually very simple, happiness only needs you to be able to hug me when I am pregnant and unable to walk, because at this time your not dislike is the most affectionate love , your embrace is also the warmest love nest.

(End of this chapter)

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