One Punch Dad

Chapter 542 [33] The person I least want to see, Long Xiaomei

Chapter 542 [33] The person I least want to see, Long Xiaomei
Hearing the voice on the other side of the phone, Liu Meng was stunned on the spot, holding the phone stupidly, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing that Liu Meng didn't speak again, he shouted loudly again; "Liu Xing, you white-eyed wolf, you are still alive, why don't you go home, don't you know that parents, grandparents, are very worried about you ?"

"Dad, I'm sorry to make you worry. I just don't dare to go back. I'm worried about facing her..." Hearing his adoptive father's snarl, Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, then said hoarsely while holding his mobile phone.

Hearing that Liu Meng called the person on the other end of the phone Dad, Li Mengyao was shocked at first, and then after thinking clearly that the other party might be Liu Meng's adoptive father, she gradually let go of her uneasy heart, and quietly talked to the side. Wait for Liu Meng to end the call.

When the person on the other side of the phone heard Liu Meng's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly again; "The past is over, and besides the original thing, you didn't do anything wrong, so you don't compare Worried, plus she is coming!!"

"Dad, give me the phone, and I'll talk to that bastard."

After another familiar voice, a female voice came from the other side of the phone, with a very unfriendly tone; "Liu Xing, you bastard, I have 10 minutes for you, come over here immediately, or you will be at your own risk!!"

"Well, it takes 10 minutes to drive from my home to the airport, and even 10 minutes, I can't make it by plane." Hearing the voice from the opposite side, Liu Meng shrank his neck subconsciously, and then held his mobile phone pretending to be strong road.

Hearing that Liu Meng didn't agree to rush over in 10 minutes, he roared loudly on the other side; "10 minutes is 10 minutes, my mother keeps her word. If you can't make it, you will be responsible for the consequences. You can figure it out!!"

beep beep beep! !
After glancing at the hung up phone, Liu Meng said speechlessly while holding the phone; "It's been so many years, and this character hasn't changed at all. Hey, I can only fight, life and death are fate."

"Little boy, is the person who called you just now your adoptive father?" After seeing Liu Meng finished the call, Li Mengyao hurried forward and asked with anticipation and slight worry.

After glancing at the nervous Li Mengyao, Liu Meng nodded, and said with a bitter face; "Well, their family is also here, and they are at the airport now, and they want me to pick them up."

"Then you go over there quickly. Mom can do the lunch. It's just right. We can also see what kind of family raises my son so well, hehehe." After listening to Liu Meng's explanation, Li Mengyao took the luggage immediately Box asked Liu Meng to pick him up quickly, and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then please, I'll go pick them up first, and the little guy, Uncle KFC will make it for you next time."

After talking to Li Mengyao and Liu Tiantian, Liu Meng trotted downstairs, looked at Meng Xiaoqiao and others in the living room, and said with a wry smile; "Grandpa, grandma, Dad, Xiao Qiao, Liu Chu, I'm going to the airport Pick up the person, my adoptive parents and their family are here."

"Ah, adoptive parents? Uh, then hurry up and pick them up. It's their first time here, so they must not be familiar with the place. Go and pick them up quickly. Xiao Qiao will be taken care of by us, so it's fine." Hearing Liu Meng's adoptive parents were coming, Liu Lang, Liu Kuang, and Huang Xiaoyun were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly urged Liu Meng.

Different from Liu Kuang’s urging, Liu Chu stood up, looked at Liu Meng and pointed at himself, smiled and said, “I’m pretty familiar with the road here, you can’t pull it here with a car, If you can’t pull it over, I can drive a car for you.”

"Little Qiao, stay at home and chat with grandparents and mom and dad. I'll be back soon. Grandpa, grandma, dad, Xiao Qiao, please."

After talking to Meng Xiaoqiao and the others, Liu Meng beckoned to Liu Chu and said, "By the way, you happen to be single, and you are pretty handsome. If there is a female tyrannosaurus who wants to beat me later, you can sacrifice it." Hue, let's go."

"I happen to be single, pretty handsome, and there's a female tyrannosaurus who wants to hit someone. I suddenly don't want to go there. You'd better call the driver, me and me." Hearing that picking someone up at the airport has to sacrifice hue, Liu Chu retreated immediately.

After pulling Liu Chu away, Liu Meng took him to the garage forcibly, while saying with a serious face; "Although it is a bit violent, there is absolutely nothing to say about his appearance, and to be honest, it is really suitable, especially It is especially suitable for the boy who is used to manage your family."

"If you can help me take care of my kid, I have to go and see, after all, I really can't take care of the little guy now, he's fat like a ball." I didn't want to go at first, but when I heard that I can take care of my son , Liu Chu immediately regained the initial passion.

"I'll go, Liu Chu, can you pursue a little bit, as long as you can control your son, if the other party is a big fat man of two hundred catties, don't you have to admit it, do you have any bottom line?"

After disliking Liu Chu for a few words, Liu Meng climbed into a commercial vehicle, pointed at the sports car and said to Liu Chu, "You drive that sports car, and later you only need to take that female Tyrannosaurus."

"Since your sister-in-law left me, I have completely given up on love, so it doesn't matter if the other party is fat or not, as long as she can manage every day. Besides, no matter how fat she is, she can be fatter than you Wife?" After getting into the Ferrari sports car that Liu Meng pointed out, Liu Chu started the car and left the parking lot with Liu Meng, while shouting to Liu Meng.

Hearing Liu Chu say that his daughter-in-law was fat, Liu Meng was so angry that he turned on the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Liu Chu, tell me in good conscience that my wife was not pretty when she was not pregnant with her second child. Besides, even though she is fat now After giving birth, won't she lose weight, hmph."

"Before she was fat, she was pretty. After all, she was the Goddess of Guoming. But, are you sure she can go back when she is fat like this?" Facing Liu Meng's shout, Liu Chu turned back without showing any weakness .

Liu Meng knows how to see a doctor and many life skills, but he has never touched weight loss.

However, although he has never helped anyone lose weight, Liu Meng still said stubbornly; "Why can't it, she can lose weight if she can gain weight, and in a few months, when she loses weight, I'm so jealous of you Dead bachelor!!"

"Now I'm a bachelor, maybe I won't be after a while, hahaha, I can crush you and manage every day, I'm looking forward to the female Tyrannosaurus you introduce to me, hahaha..." President He felt that his younger brother's loss when he was a child was the root cause of his becoming quiet and not very good at getting along with women, so Liu Chu especially liked to hate Liu Meng.

Facing such shameless Liu Chu, Liu Meng turned off the walkie-talkie directly, and while driving fast towards the airport, he muttered to the passing scenery; "Escape is not the way after all, so I will face it, Long Xiao beautiful!!"

(End of this chapter)

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