One Punch Dad

Chapter 548 [39] Three big families get together

Chapter 548 [39] Three big families get together

Hearing the little girl's words, the big guys were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed out loud.

Yun Aili, who saw the little girl for the first time, stepped forward and hugged the little girl, and said dotingly: "Xinxin, our little baby, we finally see you, hehehe, the witnesses are even better than those on TV. It's cute, hehehe..."

"Hello, grandma, where did you see me, grandma? I've watched TV for so long, why haven't I seen myself?" Hearing Yun Aili said that she saw herself on TV, the little girl blinked immediately With cute big eyes, he asked expectantly.

After lightly touching the little girl's little head, Yun Aili took out her mobile phone and turned on the video player, pointing to the picture inside and laughing; "Look, is this cute little girl jumping into the world of bliss, is it you? Hehehe..."

"Hey, this is the dance I danced for my dad when he was playing games, hehehe."

After replying to Yun Aili with a smile, the little girl slipped out of Yun Aili's arms while holding Yun Aili's mobile phone, and rushed to Xiao Yu'er, pointing at the mobile phone and said with a smile on her face; "Look, sister, this It’s a video of my sister dancing before, isn’t it good?”

"Wow, wow, Jiajia, you are so amazing. A lot of people are watching you dance. Hey, there are a lot of people with the same hair as mine." After yelling a few words at the video, Xiao Yuer was surprised to find that the There are so many people with the same hair as me.

Hearing Xiao Yu'er's cry, Li Mengyao was stunned for a moment, then trotted forward and picked up Xiao Yu'er, and said with a smile on his face; "What a cute half-breed, hehehe, it's so fun, like a doll .”

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Xiaoyuer, Jiajia's classmate. I'm from Xiahua. You can't say that I'm a foreigner, do you know?" After being picked up by Li Mengyao, Xiaoyuer smiled and turned to himself Introduced, then raised her cute little head, looked at Li Mengyao with a serious face and said.

It's so cute, Li Mengyao couldn't help kissing Xiao Yu'er, then sat down on the sofa with her in her arms, and asked with a smile on her face; "Xiao Yu'er, why don't you let others call you a gringo? Ah, don't you like foreigners?"

"My mother is a gringo. I don't like her. She goes out to do business with my dad all day long, and never comes home to visit me. As a result, I have no one to play with, so I really hate gringos." Regarding Li Mengyao's culture, Xiao Yu'er pouted and explained angrily.

After touching Xiao Yuer's head with his hand, Liu Meng handed her and Xin Xin a bottle of yogurt each, while explaining to the big guys; "Xiao Yuer is the granddaughter of my mother-in-law, mother-in-law and best friend, but because their family is busy , so the little girl has always played and had dinner at our house, come, Xiao Yuer, your yogurt today."

"Thank you, Shushu, Shushu, you are so kind, you gave me so many toys, and the cooking is delicious, hehehe." After saying thank you, Xiaoyuer took the yogurt and drank it, while smiling the way.

After touching Xiao Yu'er's head with a smile, Liu Meng turned to look at the little girl, and said with a wry smile, "Xinxin, you've been very disobedient lately. If you have a younger sister, you don't want Mommy anymore, right?"

"Daddy, why is Mummy getting fatter and fatter? She has become so big. I'm afraid I'll make her angry, and I'll be slapped away by her." I heard Dad complaining that he didn't follow Mommy was chatting, the little girl immediately pouted and explained with an aggrieved expression.

"You should despise her now. After your younger brothers and sisters are born, you can see how your mommy will deal with you, hum."

After a few words of dislike for the little girl, Liu Meng went back to the room with the milk for Meng Xiaoqiao, without turning his head, and said, "Mom and Dad, if you are bored, you can try to say that Xiao Yuer is a gringo , It's fun for little girls to fight."

"Little Yu'er is so cute, how can we give up, hurry up and send your milk, don't play tricks here, your brother tricked you, and now you are still a big pig." Hearing Liu Meng's bad idea, Li Mengyao immediately became angry scolded.

Hearing that his mother said that he was a big pig, Liu Chu still didn't believe in evil, turned around and looked at Xiao Yu'er and said, "Xiao Yu'er, your hair is blond and your eyes are not black, you are a foreigner, right?" .”

"I'm from Xiahua. I'm not a foreigner. My hair is black and my eyes are black. I'm not a foreigner. Hmph."

After yelling at Liu Chu in Li Mengyao's arms, Xiao Yu'er still felt that it was not enough, so she crawled down from Li Mengyao's arms, walked in front of Liu Chu, and cursed with her little head up; "Ugly, say that I am Foreigner, you are an alien, right? Aliens are not as ugly as you, big pig head, like Zhu Bajie, Zhu Bajie is much prettier than you, at least he has a cute little belly, you don’t.”

"Xiao Yu'er, you're pissing people off again. Grandma didn't tell you that you can't just piss people off. I'm sorry, kid. Emma, ​​where did you get the pig's head?" Wang Yan who had just returned home , as soon as he entered the door, he heard Xiao Yu'er yelling at someone and said a few words, but before he finished speaking, he was startled by Liu Chu, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"What kind of pig's head, what look in your eyes. This is my in-law, Liu Mang's brother, the one who helped us send gold back last time."

After replying to Wang Yan angrily, Meng Qiangsen hurried forward, shook hands with Liu Kuang and the others, and said with a smile on his face; "My grandpa, grandma, father-in-law, mother-in-law, elder brother-in-law, come here Oh, hehehe. These people are, my in-laws will introduce me."

"Hehehe, hello my in-laws. I am Liu Xing's adoptive father Long Tianxiao, this is my wife Yun Aili, this is my father Long Zuoxiao, this is my mother Luo Yunfeng, and there is a daughter chatting with Xiao Qiao inside. We met for the first time, and I will take care of you in the future..." Without waiting for Liu Kuang to help introduce, Long Tianxiao stood up by himself, pointed to his family and introduced Meng Qiangsen.

After listening to Long Tianxiao's introduction, Meng Qiangsen first waved behind him, and then introduced with a smile; "Hi my grandpa, my grandma, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, Xiao Yu, come in and meet people .

The in-laws on both sides, this is my wife Wang Yan, this is my youngest daughter Meng Xiaoyu, this is my son Mengmeng, this is my daughter-in-law Li Jiajia, Mengmeng, Jiajia, Xiaoyu hurry up and call someone. "

"Hello, grandpa, grandma, hello uncles and aunts, this pig head, uh, hello that big brother." Hearing Meng Qiangsen's words, Meng Meng, Meng Xiaoyu, Li Jiajia hurried forward to say hello, but when greeting Liu Chu, three People almost failed.

The three families got together for the first time, so that night, Liu Meng, Wang Yan, Li Mengyao, and Yun Aili cooked for three tables, adding a strong flavor to the fate of the meeting.

In fact, there were two tables of food, but the little girl, Xiao Yuer, Liu Tiantian, the three little guys are too small, they are always laughing and joking when they eat, and they are not suitable for serving, so Liu Meng specially opened a small table for them. table.

(End of this chapter)

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