One Punch Dad

Chapter 567 [59] Taking classes at home again, little girl

Chapter 567 [59] Taking classes at home again, little girl
Hearing Liu Meng's words, everyone was dumbfounded, except for the parents of the new students who knelt down directly.

The reason why the new student's parents dared to be so arrogant before was because he knew that he was working for a person with great energy, and this person with great energy would always have a way to help him solve the problems he couldn't solve , just like when he was bullied in Baodao before.

It's just that what he never imagined was that today, he would provoke his daughter as if he wanted to die, and after the provocation, he would say arrogantly in front of him like a fool, I will never finish this matter with you.

Seeing Liu Meng finished his explanation, he turned around and left, Wang Zhiyou [new student's parent] directly knelt on the ground, begging for mercy loudly; "Boss, I'm sorry, Princess Xinxin, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong, I know I was wrong.

Boss, don't send me to Africa, I don't want to go there, boss, I was wrong, please give me another chance, I promise to help you earn a lot of money just like in Treasure Island, please! ! "

"Go to Africa and help me get more gems. Maybe I will send you back when I am happy. Remember, I will hear the news of your going to Africa tomorrow, or you can just wait, hehehe."

After coldly answering Wang Zhiyou in the car, Liu Meng drove away from the kindergarten and rushed to the nearest hospital, while looking at the little girl and said, "Xinxin, why don't we take a break from school and play at home until the New Year's Eve?" How about going to first grade later??"

"Okay, as long as Dad is by my side, Xinxin can go anywhere, Dad, why didn't you hit that bad guy just now?" After agreeing to Liu Meng's suggestion of suspension from school, the little girl raised her head and looked at Liu Meng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

After looking back at the little girl, Liu Meng continued to drive without turning his head and said, "Because this is Xiahua, not Gome, and you can't beat people casually, so Dad can't beat people casually.

In addition, although Dad did not beat anyone, he also gave him a very heavy punishment. Dad punished their family, went to the little braised eggs and their hometown to dig soil, and let them tan themselves into little black balls. Dad is amazing, right? .. "

"Hee hee hee, Daddy is super awesome, but Daddy misses me, Big Huhu and mynah, I haven't seen them for a long time." After boasting about her daddy's strength, the little girl suddenly pouted. Mouth, said with an aggrieved face.

After taking a look at the little girl, Liu Meng first drove the car into the parking lot of the hospital, and then carried the little girl out of the car while saying dotingly; "Okay, in half a month, we will go to Dongguang , live with Mynah and Dahuhu.”

"Well, Daddy is so kind, Daddy, that, that, actually, I still miss Aunt Mei a little bit, why hasn't Aunt Mei come to see Xinxin after so long, Xinxin misses her so much." said the little guy She always likes to make progress, and after getting Mynah and Dahuhu, she began to miss Aunt Mei again.

When talking, Liu Meng actually missed Aunt Mei quite a lot. With Aunt Mei around, at least he would no longer have to stay up late, 24 hours a day, guarding the five little guys with fear.

After reaching out to touch the little girl's head, Liu Meng turned and walked towards the hospital, nodded and said, "Okay, wait a minute, after we get home, Dad will call Aunt Mei and tell her to come back Take our little princess, okay??"

"Oye, daddy is the best, daddy is the best daddy in the world, hehehe..." After hearing Liu Meng's reply, the little girl stretched out her arms and hugged Liu Meng's neck with a look of excitement shouted.

After petting the little girl's head lovingly, Liu Meng carried the little girl into the hospital, stopped a nurse and asked, "The Africans who were sent just now, are they in that ward now?"

"Are you their boss? They are in No. [-], the fifth room on the third floor. You can just take the elevator up to see them." Seeing a handsome guy like Liu Meng appearing in the hospital, the nurse was stunned After a moment, blushing slightly, he pointed to the elevator and explained to Liu Meng.


After saying thank you, Liu Meng took the little girl in his arms and took the elevator up to the third floor, and successfully found the ward of Xiaoludan and the others.

The little bittern in the ward, seeing the little girl's appearance, immediately shouted excitedly; "Jiajia, mom and dad, uncle, uncle, this is me, Jiajia, and Jiajia was the one who protected me just now, otherwise I would Just got shitted by the big bad guy."

"Little beauty, thank you for protecting Didi, we don't have anything to entertain you, you just sit down." Seeing the little girl and her parents come to visit the little stewed egg, the little stewed egg's family is still wrapped in bandages, Wei Wei said embarrassingly.

After nodding with a smile, Liu Meng looked at the little braised egg family in front of him, and said slightly apologetically, "I'm really sorry for hurting your family, if you have any needs or requests, just ask, I will Do your best to satisfy you."

"We have no hope now. The student's parents not only ordered someone to beat us up, but also said they would sue us. We are just a bunch of ordinary people. We can't stand against them at all. I think we will be deported soon. I went back home, hey..."

Fighting is not allowed in Xiahua. Although Wang Zhiyou was at fault for this matter, they are also responsible to a certain extent, so at this time, Xiaoludan and his family have already prepared for the worst.

Hearing the words of Xiaoludan's family, Liu Meng smiled and said apologetically again; "I want to say sorry to you again, I am ashamed to say that the man who raped you is actually a member of our company. employees.

He used to work in Baodao, where he had been bullied by many outsiders, and he found a safe shelter after joining my company. I agreed with him a few months ago because of his excellent work. The application sent him back.

Maybe it's because he suffered a lot of bullying and uselessness outside, so after returning to his own territory, his psychology gradually became xenophobic, hating those who bullied him, and the reason why he treats you It might be because of your skin color. After all, in the eyes of us Asians, sometimes you really look the same.

Of course, having said so much, it's not that I don't want to be in charge. I will compensate you at the original price after the statistics of your medical expenses, lost wages, mental damage, and nutrition expenses are calculated.

In addition, that man has also received the punishment he deserved. I transferred his post to you in Africa. He actually attacked you because he was displeased with your skin color. Then I will let him go and watch every day. Let him go until he gets used to it, I don't know, are you satisfied with my solution? ? "

(End of this chapter)

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