One Punch Dad

Chapter 758 [322] Devil Parker 2nd Battle, Absolute Devil

Chapter 758 [322] Demon Parker's Second Battle, Absolute Demon

Hearing Big E's screams, the referee hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Jiang Gainuoge away, then waved his hand to signal the end of the game, and immediately waved his hand to signal the doctor to come up and check Big E's injury.

After a simple examination of Big E's calf, the doctor gave the answer that the bone in the calf had broken and he needed to be sent to the hospital immediately, and then emergency surgery was arranged for Big E.

For a situation like Big E, Bai Dada and the others had prepared for it a long time ago. After the doctor checked the injury, he immediately put Big E on a stretcher and sent him to the ambulance, and then sent him directly to the hospital for surgery. Get in touch with the hospital.

After dealing with the big ED matter, Da Da also came on stage to present flowers and a commemorative trophy to Jiang Gainuoge, and then returned to his backstage with a smile, and continued to be his big boss peacefully.

In Big E's game, some people said that Jiang Gainuoge played badly on purpose, that he played with the idea of ​​destroying Big E. Of course, some people said that Big E violated other people's taboos. If you interrupt him during the ceremony, you deserve your broken leg. In short, you just have to say everything you want to say.

After Jiang Gainuoge stepped down, the host, who had been watching the excitement for a long time, walked up to the ring again, picked up the microphone, and shouted loudly; "Love life, love beauty, life is so delicate, KFC ;You are worthy of such a charming life, this show is exclusively sponsored by KFC who has such a charming life!!
Below is the No.1 player in this game, from Atsumoto, with a height of 185, a weight of 79 kg, a professional record of 37 wins, 2 losses and 1 draw. The current champion, Yamaguchi Nakata, welcome! ! "

Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi! !

The pass, the pass, the pass, the pass! !

Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Yamaguchi! !
As the host's voice fell, amidst the cheers and screams of the fans, Yamaguchi Nakata came out of the backstage bouncing and waving his arms happily to the fans. Last week he won In the first battle, he won the highest salary in his life, so he was very happy.

After enthusiastically waving to the fans, Yamaguchi Nakata stepped forward to accept the inspection and oiling, and then quickly rushed to the ring and shouted loudly; "Fans, I love you, thank you for giving me great strength, believe me, I Is the strongest!!"

Yamaguchi Nakata is also considered a well-behaved player. After shouting, he squatted obediently in the corner of the ring, quietly watching the exit, and waiting for his opponent to come out from there.

Seeing that Yamaguchi Nakata was ready, the host took two steps forward again, walked to the middle of the ring, picked up the microphone and shouted loudly; "The following is the No.2 contestant in this competition, from Europe, 188 in height, 100 kg in weight, With a professional record of 90 wins and 2 losses, the current European boxing champion Devil Parker, welcome!!"

Parker! !Parker! !
Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !
Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !
Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !Parker! !
After last week's battle, Gome fans love Parker even more, because everyone thinks that he is the complete opposite of One Punch Dad. One Punch Dad is a hero who makes everyone positive. , and he, Parker, belongs to the God of War in the dark, the dark God of War who never admits defeat, and is a villain that people can't hate.

As the host's voice fell, amidst the screams and shouts of the fans, Parker walked out of the backstage slowly with the starling bodyguards, stepped forward to accept the inspection and oiling, and then went directly to the stage to face each other, watching coldly Yamaguchi Nakata.

Yamaguchi Nakata has heard of the name of the devil Parker, and even Yamaguchi Nakata has watched Parker's previous game videos. At the same time, he also knows that Parker is a difficult player to deal with, but he didn't dare to face Parker face to face. Yamaguchi Nakata still thought he could win, But at this moment, Parker's eyes made his firm heart tremble uncontrollably, and he was afraid.

Seeing that Yamaguchi Nakata was avoiding his gaze, Parker said with a sneer; "Two years ago I was injured and was taken advantage of by a cold-blooded guy. This year I have to fight against One Punch Daddy, because this is his retirement match, so To be my opponent, you should be ready to be maimed by me, hehehe!!"

"No, I can't lose, I am invincible, I am the messenger of the devil, you are just a guy who stole my name, just wait for me, I will defeat you, definitely!!" Dare to look at Parker, but Yamaguchi Nakata's mouth is not lost to Parker at all.

But Parker obviously didn't like to quarrel with him, so he took two steps back and shouted to the referee; "Brother, don't be stunned, hurry up and talk about the rules of the game, and then start with a wave of the knife, I can't wait to beat you He's gone!!"

"You're joking!!"

After cheerfully replying to Parker, the referee stood between the two of them, and after explaining some rules of the game, he waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The game officially begins now!!"

As the referee's word "beginning" fell, Parker rushed in front of Nakata Yamaguchi. Before Nakata Yamaguchi could react, he punched Nakata Yamaguchi on the left eyebrow, and then Nakata Yamaguchi raised his hand to defend At the same time, he punched Yamaguchi Nakata on the right eyebrow again, and gave Yamaguchi Nakata two headshot wounds on the spot, and the blood flowed out for a while, which was even scary.

Bleeding between the eyebrows can make people dizzy, and it also hinders Nakata Yamaguchi’s sight. As a last resort, Nakata Yamaguchi’s assistant applied for a timeout and asked the medical staff to treat the wound and stop the bleeding. The application was approved, and the referee is also a person of flesh and blood. He was also a little worried about Yamaguchi Nakata like this.

When the game was suspended, Parker was sitting and enjoying the assistant's massage, while looking at Nakata Yamaguchi who was stopping the bleeding, he said with a smile; "Boy, one punch daddy dare not pull me like that, you said you pulled me like that, no? Are you forcing me to hit you? It hurts me to see the beating, it's so miserable, hahaha."

"Damn it, you must have made me look bad on purpose, I will definitely make you look good, just wait for me, I'm going to abolish you!!" Hearing Parker's provocative words, Yamaguchi Nakata, who was stopping the bleeding, exploded in anger He pointed directly at Parker and growled.

The wound was a bit big, and the blood didn't stop completely, but Nakata Yamaguchi insisted on competing, so after a few minutes of rest, Nakata Yamaguchi and Parker returned to the middle of the ring again.

The referee separated the two people in the middle, and after explaining some rules of the game, he waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The break is over, the game continues, start now!!"

When the referee called to start, Parker thought that Nakata Yamaguchi would pounce on him, so when the referee called to start, he directly provoked a backflip and kicked Nakata Yamaguchi hard On the neck, the middle of the mountain pass was given to KO on the spot, and he fainted and couldn't get up.

Parker's move was considered one of his unique moves. Back then, Liu Meng, the undefeated boxing champion, almost couldn't get up after taking such a kick, let alone a small professional boxer like Yamaguchi Nakata.

After finishing off the opponent with one kick, Parker looked down at Nakata at the foot of the mountain and said with a sneer, "I am a real devil, but you are not real devil messengers, you are just a group of masked clowns."

(End of this chapter)

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