One Punch Dad

Chapter 768 [332] Terrible Voldemort, Jin Wang wins

Chapter 768 [332] Terrible Voldemort, Jin Wang wins

"No, I didn't come here for revenge. I just came here to break your leg. My father said that my younger brother is the treasure of the family. I can beat anyone who bullies him. If I get into trouble, he will help me. Don't be afraid!! "

Hearing Jin Wangsheng's words, the iron ball patted his thigh and said proudly; "Our muay thai uses only leg skills and elbow strikes. If you think you can avenge your brother, then you can come and die Well, I welcome you anytime, hehehe!!"

"Oh, unfortunately, if you know it, I will too. I just learned Muay Thai too, so be careful later, don't lose your legs and don't know what's going on!!" Hearing the provocative words of the iron ball , Jin Wangsheng said not very politely.

Seeing that the two were almost shouting, the referee stepped forward to separate the two, and after explaining some rules of the game, he waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The game officially begins now!!"

As the referee's "beginning" fell, Jin Wangsheng raised his foot and kicked the iron ball fiercely. With a sweeping kick, he hit the iron ball's thigh hard, and with a bang, the iron ball was thrown hard. Kicked back a few steps.

After kicking the iron ball back a few steps, Jin Wangsheng immediately pursued the victory, sweeping the iron ball's thighs all the way, forcing the iron ball to retreat steadily, almost being kicked over several times.

After being forced to the corner by Jin Wangsheng, Iron Ball was worried that he would be eliminated if he didn't fight back, so he ate Jin Wangsheng's hand and swept his legs, and then punched Jin Wangsheng hard on the head. , Let Jin Wangsheng also take several steps back for the future.

Seeing that the iron ball started to counterattack, Jin Wangsheng immediately showed a fox-like smile, and rushed towards the iron ball again to play a false attack. First, he stretched out his hand to punch, and then kicked the iron ball violently On the thigh of the iron ball, or make a movement to kick out, but hit the iron ball's eyebrows with a fist.

Jin Wangsheng looks handsome and honest on the outside, but he is as cunning as a fox when he moves. He can always kick or punch him when the iron ball is negligent.

The time of the first round passed not long after. After one round, the iron ball felt that his feet were no longer his own. In addition, the burst between his eyebrows turned him into a blood man, with blood all over his body, even on the stage. There are many.

As for Jin Wangsheng, who was fighting with the iron ball, nothing happened. Except that the corner of his mouth was broken a little by the iron ball, he was not injured. Comparing the two at this time, it seems that one is a patient and the other is a patient. The one who beat him as a patient.

Seeing the scarred iron ball on the opposite side, Jin Wangsheng sneered while enjoying the massage from his assistants; "You injured my brother while he was drunk and made him lose the game today. And Qi will also hurt you in this way, making you unable to play games in the next few years, or even your whole life, remember, I am the king of gold, and I am Voldemort!!"

"You've watched too many Superman movies, right? You're Voldemort, and I'm still Ultraman, hmph." Hearing Jin Wangsheng's provocation, he immediately responded with disdain while enduring the pain in the iron ball .

Hearing the answer that the iron ball was wrong, Jin Wangsheng didn't bother to answer him directly. After enjoying the massage, he drank his saliva and walked to the middle of the ring again, because the second round of the game was about to start again. it has started.

After asking whether the two could continue the match, the referee first repeated the rules of the game, and then shouted loudly with a wave of the knife; "The second round, the game officially begins!!"

As the referee's word "beginning" fell, Jin Wangsheng immediately rushed towards the iron ball, and then kicked the iron ball hard on the inside of the thigh. There was a sharp muscular echo, and the pain caused the iron ball to retreat involuntarily. several steps.

The iron ball retreated, but this did not mean that Jin Wangsheng let him go. When the iron ball retreated, Jin Wangsheng immediately raised his foot and kicked the inner thigh of the iron ball again, Still in the original position, the iron ball screamed and fell on the ring. The inner thigh was kicked until the muscles burst, and the blood directly seeped out from the surface of the skin.

After kicking the iron ball over, Jin Wangsheng didn't make a punch, but looked down at the iron ball lane; "Didn't you say that you are very good, stand up and we will continue to fight, but you stand up, you can't stand up Ah?? Garbage!!"

Hearing Jin Wangsheng call himself trash, Iron Ball gritted his teeth and stood up in despair, while roaring at Jin Wangsheng; "I'm not trash, I'm going to tear you apart today!!"

Clap clap. clap clap. bang bang bang! !This time, Jin Wangsheng didn't answer the iron ball again, but rushed forward, kicked the iron ball hard at the wound, kicked the iron ball to the ground again, and wailed in pain.

This is the second time that the iron ball fell to the ground, and the referee hurriedly stepped forward and asked; "Can you continue the game, can you continue the game, please answer me, can you continue the game!!"

"I can still continue the game. Before I beat him, I will never admit defeat!!" Pushing away the referee's hand, the iron ball stood up again and said through gritted teeth.

The iron ball can stand up again, it is very easy for the game to continue, but this time Jin Wangsheng has played enough, when the game resumed, he was exhausted and rushed towards the iron ball, then jumped up and turned over violently , kicked towards the neck of the iron ball.

His foot was injured and he was unable to move flexibly. It was difficult for the iron ball to avoid the kick, so he simply gritted his teeth, jumped up with all his strength, turned over and kicked towards Jin Wangsheng, and counterattacked fiercely. Passed over, and the result was a click! !

After the sound was heard, Jin Wangsheng landed first, and couldn't stand up directly because of the difficulty, so he knelt on the ring, his face was flushed with pain, his face, head, and body were sweating profusely.

And the iron ball on the other side fell directly on the ring and hugged its twisted foot, screaming heart-piercingly; "Doctor, doctor, call me a doctor quickly, hurry up, hurry up, my foot It's almost useless, hurry up..."

Hearing the scream of the iron ball, the referee quickly ended the game, waved his hand to call the doctor up, and then reached out to support Jin Wangsheng who stood up and asked if there was anything wrong, then raised Jin Wangsheng's hand and announced; The winner is Jin Wangsheng, congratulations!!"


After thanking the referee, Jin Wangsheng limped to the front of the iron ball and said with a smile on his face; "You made my brother need to be hospitalized for a week, and I made you need to be hospitalized for a year. I am not convinced." Come to Han to look for me at any time, I will ask Jin Wangsheng to remember!!"

Because he was in a hurry to see his younger brother, Jin Wangsheng didn't talk nonsense with the iron ball. After taking the flowers and commemorative trophy, he hurried backstage to change his clothes and left.

(End of this chapter)

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