One Punch Dad

Chapter 776 [340] Three Mu Yale vs. Jiang Gainuoge

Chapter 776 [340] Miki Yale vs. Jiang Gainuoge
Speaking of the fact that Avril Lavigne came to cooperate with Liu Meng to sing the opening song, it was really a coincidence, because the star Yale said was the star of the concert.

Originally, after the concert, Avril Lavigne planned to secretly find a relationship to get a ticket for the championship superimposed competition, and then went in under disguise, watching Liu Meng and his team secretly.

It's just that when Bai Dada and the others went to discuss the venue issue, after learning that the star was Liu Meng's apprentice, they immediately called Liu Meng, and then Avril was pulled by Liu Meng to be a free coolie.

In fact, it is said to be free, but in fact it is not free, because after the song is sung, it will become Avril Lavigne's, so in Avril Lavigne's words, if there are such good things coming to me in the future, the more the better.

Back to the topic, Liu Meng and Avril Lavigne went backstage after singing the opening song. At this time, the host also took the microphone to the ring again.

After stepping into the arena, the host first straightened his throat, tried the microphone, and then went to work, shouting loudly; "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most powerful arena in the world, the Championship Superposition Competition!!

This program is organized by Love Freedom Love Travel, Dream Tour! !Good life, good tissue, good future! !If you love shopping, go to Love Dog, love dog online shopping mall! !The small universe broke out, the small universe learning machine! !Co-titled broadcast.

Below is the No.1 player in this game, from Russia, 198 in height, 130 kg in weight, with a professional record of 77 wins, 25 losses and 1 tie. The current champion, Miki Yale, welcome! ! "

Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !
Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !
Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !Miki Yale! !
As the host's voice fell, Miki Yale walked out of the backstage with eight assistants amidst the screams and shouts of the fans, waved his hands and greeted the fans with a smile, and then stepped forward to accept After checking and oiling, he went up and squatted in the corner of the ring, quietly waiting for his opponent to come on stage.

When the host saw that Miki Yale did not want to take the next step, he picked up the microphone and shouted loudly again; "The following is the No. 2 player in this game, from Taiguo, 177 in height, 79 kg in weight, and a professional record of 200 With 38 wins and [-] losses, the current Muay Thai champion Jiang Gainuoge, welcome!!"

Jiang Gainuog Jiang Gainuog Jiang Gainuog Jiang Gainuog! !
Jang Gainog Jang Gainog Jang Gainog Jang Gainog! !
Jang Gainog Jang Gainog Jang Gainog Jang Gainog Jang Gainog! !
As the host's voice fell, amidst the screams and cheers of the fans, Jiang Gainuoge, along with his eight assistants, dressed as Muay Thai fighters, came out from the backstage in a mighty manner, and at the exit Chu made a gesture of putting hands together and bowing to the fans.

After bowing, Jiang Gainuoge went directly to accept the inspection and oiling, and then walked slowly onto the ring, ignoring the fans and Miki Yale, and started the ring ceremony on the ring.

After finishing the ring ceremony, Jiang Gainuoge took off the Muay Thai logo on his head, pointed at Miki Yale and said with a smile, "Boy, if you meet me, you will die. If you haven't fought yet, run away quickly. Hahaha.."

"I may not be able to beat you, but I'm not a coward. Besides, we haven't even started fighting yet. How do you know that the loser is me and not you, hmph." Hearing Jiang Gainuoge's words, Miki Yale immediately retorted with a look of disdain.

Faced with Miki Yale's disdain, Jiang Gainuoge was not angry, but continued to smile and said, "Why did I know you would lose? It's because I know I'm stronger than you. I'm the boxing champion and you're just a champion. ,Hahaha."

"The boxing champion is amazing, the boxing champion is Niu 13, I will be the boxing champion in a few years, hum, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and start fighting, I can't wait to tear you apart!!" Facing Jiang Gainuoge Grinning, Miki Yale finally couldn't help but growl.

And just as Miki Yale was roaring, the referee stepped in to separate the two, and after explaining some rules of the game, he waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The game officially begins now!!"

As the referee's word "beginning" fell, Jiang Gainuoge immediately rushed towards Miki Yale, and then jumped up suddenly, with a flying knee, he slammed toward Miki Yale's forehead fiercely.

Seeing the knees getting closer and closer, Miki Yale suddenly turned sideways to avoid Jiang Gainuoge's flying knee, then reached out to hug Jiang Gainuoge's back, and hugged Jiang Gainuoge fiercely With a hug on his back, Jiang Gainuoge was thrown onto the ring.

Miki Yale's throw smashed Jiang Gainuoge's forehead to blood on the spot, but Jiang Gainuoge was not so easy to defeat as a boxing champion. After being hugged and thrown, Jiang Gainuoge turned sideways Jump over and escape from Miki Yale's control.

Seeing that Jiang Gainuoge ran away before he had time to make up his fist in the hug and fall, Miki Yale didn't think too much after standing up, and rushed towards Jiang Gainuoge, facing Jiang Gainuoge who was still a little weak. Gainuoge punched violently, directly blowing Jiang Gainuoge's eyebrows apart.

Jiang Gainuoge, who was still a little dizzy at first, took another punch from Miki Yale, instead of falling directly, he became more sober and fierce. Just when Miki Yale was about to continue punching, he punched Miki Yale's jaw was hit by the punch, knocking Miki Yale to the ground on the spot.

After knocking Miki Yale down, Jiang Gainuoge rushed over, pressed directly on Miki Yale's body, and swung his big fist violently at Miki Yale's head, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

Seeing that Miki Yale was unable to fight back, the referee immediately stretched out his arms to hug Jiang Gainuoge away, and then waved his hand to signal the end of the game, while raising Jiang Gainuoge's hand and shouting loudly; "The winner of this game is Jiang Gainuoge. Congratulations, Gaynorg!!"

Lost, lost in the end, failed to move on! !
Hearing the referee's call, Miki Yale, who had just recovered, stretched out his hand to touch the blood on his face, shook his head with a wry smile, then slowly stood up, walked out of the ring, and followed without saying a word. With his assistant turned and left.

Looking at the back of Miki Yalu leaving, Jiang Gainuoge shrugged and said nothing, but after taking the flowers and the commemorative trophy, he followed his assistant to leave the venue quickly and went backstage.

As soon as he arrived backstage, Jiang Gainuoge lost his balance and collapsed to the floor. If a few assistants hadn't caught him quickly, he would probably have fallen.

The result of the hospital examination after the incident was that Jiang Gainuoge's back was injured by Miki Yale, and his body collapsed due to excessive bleeding caused by the brow bone burst. There is no serious problem, and the game can still continue next week .

[Tomorrow's grand finale, there will be fourteen chapters, brothers haven't tipped for a long time, let's have a look. 】

(End of this chapter)

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