One Punch Dad

Chapter 784 [348] Crazy night, starting from Muay Thai nemesis

Chapter 784 [348] Crazy night, starting from Muay Thai nemesis

As soon as the time turned, it was time to start the battle again. Today, Liu Meng brought a large group of apprentices to the competition venue early.

After arriving at the venue, Liu Meng first familiarized himself with the structure of the venue, then accompanied Elvis Presley and Madonna to play around for a while, and did not come back to the venue until six o'clock in the evening to warm up and prepare for the competition.

While Liu Meng was warming up, Da Nada walked in, looked at Liu Meng and said with a smile; "Fifty championship gold belts, one billion US dollars, I think this is the highest honor I can give you, so today It’s up to you tonight, come on!!”

"When have I ever let you down? Tonight, fifty gold belts, one billion dollars, all belong to me. Look, I have brought all the people who carry the gold belts." Hearing Da Da Bai's words , Liu Meng finished his sit-ups, stood up and replied with a smile.

After reaching out and patting Liu Meng's shoulder, Bai Nada waved his hand to greet Mike and the others, and then walked out without looking back; "Then you have to work hard, tonight you may have Play three games, so prepare well for me, one billion can't be cheap for others!!"

"OK, I promise to win one billion. How can my own things be cheaper than others, hehehe." After replying to Bai Nada a few words, Liu Meng continued to return to his seat and started his own warm-up.

By the time Dad Bai left Liu Meng's room, the time had already arrived at 100:[-] pm without knowing it. At this time, the venue was already filled with more than [-] million spectators, and the host was also anxiously preparing Advertisements and player business cards.

Drop drop drop ..

The bell for the start of work rang, and the host straightened his clothes, took a microphone and walked onto the ring and shouted loudly; "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the scene of the championship stacking competition!!

This program is sponsored by!Home is a little more delicious, Wei Xiangxiang soy sauce! !Laundry is not easy, Tuoba washing powder! !Happy children, English learning machine for children! !Go shopping every day to the mall, online shopping mall! !Sponsored broadcast!

Below is the No.1 player in this match, from Taiguo, 177 in height, 79 kg in weight, with a professional record of 201 wins and 38 losses, the current Muay Thai champion Jiang Gainuoge, welcome! ! "

Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !
Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !
Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !Jiang Gainuoge! !
As the host's voice fell, Jiang Gainuoge, led by eight assistants, walked out of the backstage slowly to the fans' shouts and screams, and then bowed to the fans with his hands together, and left Come forward to be inspected and anointed.

After the inspection and oiling, Jiang Gainuoge stepped onto the ring and started the ring ceremony leisurely on the ring, while the host at the side could only stand awkwardly and didn't bother him.

After waiting for a long time, until Jiang Gainuoge's ring ceremony was over, the host took the microphone and shouted loudly again; "The following is the No.2 contestant for this game, from the Han Kingdom with a height of 178, Weighing 90 kg, with a professional record of 30 wins, 0 losses and 1 tie, the current champion Jin Wangsheng, welcome!!"

Gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins! !
Gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins gold king wins! !
Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins Gold King wins! !
As the host's voice fell, Jin Wangsheng led eight assistants, and amidst the screams and cheers of the fans, he walked out of the ring slowly, and then went directly to the ring for inspection and oiling, and then went directly to the ring to face each other looked directly at Jiang Gainuoge.

Facing Jin Wangsheng, who was only himself, Jiang Gainuoge sneered, and said with a disdainful face; "I heard that you have become a muay thai nemesis now, right? Very good, I really want to see it." Can you restrain me!!"

"The title of muay thai buster is given by the fans, so you don't have to care too much and exaggerate it, and even though I don't know if I'm a muay thai buster, you can still do it, hehehe..." Facing Jiang Gainuo Seeing Ge's disdain, Jin Wangsheng directly showed a mocking expression, and smiled.

Jin Wangsheng's smile made Jiang Gainuoge think that he was mocking himself, so he said angrily, "Ke Ke I can do it, then you come to Ke Ke me, the boy can eat and talk nonsense. Nonsense, today I will teach you the principles of life, hum."

"Uh, isn't it okay to talk nonsense about food and not to eat it? Just say what you say, what if you get poisoned after eating?" Seeing Jiang Gainuoge getting angry, Jin Wangsheng was immediately happy. asked with a cheerful face.

Seeing Jin Wangsheng's expression that he didn't want to be beaten, Jiang Gainuoge was worried that he would not be able to resist beating him, so he stepped back and prepared to fight, while gritting his teeth and said, "Boy, just wait for me, I'll make you cry badly tonight!!"

"I don't know if I'll cry or not, but what I do know is that you're going to die tonight, hehehe. Let the referee start. This guy is in a hurry to let me beat him, hahaha..." See Jiang Gainuo After Ge was ready to fight, Jin Wangsheng said with a smile while taking a few steps back.

Hearing Jin Wangsheng's words, the referee directly stood in the middle to separate the two, and after explaining some rules of the game, he waved his knife and shouted loudly; "The game officially begins now!!"

As the referee's word "beginning" fell, Jiang Gainuoge rushed towards Jin Wangsheng in an instant, then suddenly turned over, jumped up and swept fiercely towards Jin Wangsheng's neck.

Seeing Jiang Gainuoge's sweeping legs, Jin Wangsheng didn't dare to have any hesitation, and directly chose to avoid his edge for the time being. He turned sideways to avoid Jiang Gainuoge's sweeping legs, and then fought a guerrilla war with him. One punch back, one punch back one time, using the advantages of his body flexibility to wear down Jiang Gainuoge's spirit.

As we all know, the main attacks of muay thai are kicks and elbows, and their style of play is the most rude of tough guys. It is estimated that if there are no rules of the game, it will be a fight between reckless men.

In addition, men from Taiguo, if you want to become famous and earn a lot of money, you have two choices. One is to accept something from a young age and grow up to become a human @香, by selling your life and soul in exchange for wealth; the other is to fight and join In the tens of thousands of Muay Thai families, they punched desperately and got out of position desperately.

It is precisely because there are too many people who play Muay Thai in Taiguo, so basically every boxer from Taiguo has a scary professional record, ranging from a hundred or dozens of fights to as many as two or three There are many people in the hundred games.

A person has played hundreds of games, even if this person was a scholar before, he probably has become a weapon at this time, which is why every player from Taiguo is a tough guy.

Back to the topic, after Jiang Gainuoge fought a round of guerrilla warfare with Jin Wangsheng, he finally changed his arrogance from aggressive to full of anger, even when he was resting, he was so angry that he was provoked by Jin Wangsheng kettle.

(End of this chapter)

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