Playing as a psychopath at the beginning, teammate Kirin brother

Chapter 186 There Are Many Weird Things Here

Chapter 186 There Are Many Weird Things Here
So the magic singer looked around in a hurry, and then saw the bowl in the corner.

Without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed it and smashed it to the ground.

Pass the bowl pieces to Sarah.

Sarah cut hard, but the speed was not as fast as being pulled up. At this time, she was already tiptoeing on Mo Fan's shoulder.

Mo Ge, who was burning with anxiety, thought of another way.

She took another bowl of oil and splashed it directly on the rope on Kyle's back!
Then she sent the fire up with vines, and the rope was ignited in an instant.

"Mo Song, what are you doing, you want to burn Kyle to death!" Mo Fan was startled, and couldn't help shouting at her.

"No, I just..." Seeing the fire getting bigger and bigger, Mo Song panicked.

And Kyle's body was tightly trapped by the rope. If the top didn't burn out, if the fire spread, wouldn't Kyle...

At this time, Moge regretted it very much.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have been so impulsive.

"What to do, what to do?!" Mo Song shouted at a loss.

Mo Fan put Sarah off her shoulders directly, and then took off his pants!
"Mo Fan, what are you doing!" Sarah turned around hastily, covering her eyes.

When is this.

Mo Fan actually still engages in these random things.

Could it be that he fell ill again?

While thinking about it, Mo Fan suddenly squatted down and picked her up and sat on his neck, then handed her the pants.

"Hurry up and put out my pants!"

After reacting, Sarah hurriedly took over her pants, and quickly threw herself at the fire a few times.

But not only did the fire not go out, but it also burned Mo Fan's pants.

Sarah had no choice but to throw the pants away.

"Ah! It's so hot..." Kyle kept twisting his body.

At this moment, the fire was almost on his back!
Just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly a knife flew in the air, and the thick rope of the arm was instantly cut off!

Immediately afterwards, he caught Kyle who fell.

"Brother!" Kyle looked up and saw the person in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Zhang Qilin released him, then looked at Mo Fan, "Are you alright?"

"Of course, I'm lucky and fateful, so how could something happen!" Mo Fan patted himself on the chest.

Kyle went to pick up the black ancient gold knife and handed it to Zhang Qilin, "Brother, where did you go just now?"

"There is something very strong." Zhang Qilin frowned slightly as he said.

"Something?" Mo Fan was a little surprised.

The little brother didn't call him human, so could it be some kind of monster?

"Anyway, everyone be careful." Zhang Qilin said.

Now he hasn't figured out what it is, anyway, it's very difficult to deal with.

"Brother, what is that on your head?" Mo Fan looked curiously at the blood mark on Zhang Qilin's head.

The people next to him didn't dare to say anything, they all looked at Zhang Qilin in unison, as if they were waiting for him to explain to Mo Fan.

"Reward, let's go!" Zhang Qilin wrote lightly.

"Reward? Is it a magical skill? Brother, how did you get it? Did you secretly do the task while I was in a coma?" Mo Fan stepped forward curiously and put his hand on his shoulder.

"En." Zhang Qilin replied.

Mo Fan turned around and looked at the people with a smile, "Look at you guys, you don't have a single reward, do you know how to learn more from me in the future?"

Kyle approached cheerfully, "I want to worship my brother as a master, but he won't accept me as an apprentice."

"That's not easy, why not choose another master? For example, me!" Mo Fan patted his chest and looked at Kyle with a smug expression.

Kyle scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled, "Brother Fan, you are actually not bad, but..."

"And but? What do you mean? Ordinary people, I don't accept him as an apprentice, hum!" Mo Fan gave Kyle a white look.

"Hey, it's nothing. I just think it's better for my little brother to spend less effort. Such a master is too rare. If I ask you to be my master, I will definitely be nagged to death by you." Kyle scratched his head, just It's kind of scary when you think about it.

"Come on, it's as if I care about you." Mo Fan looked at Kyle with disgust, "Although the little brother is strong, he is a widowed king. You can't learn any real skills from him, you see Look at me, the comparison...right?"

Kyle scratched his ears, "Brother Fan, I'm still young."

"That's right, then you can use your sincerity to impress the little brother!" Mo Fan sighed, came to Sarah, and leaned his head on Sarah's shoulder as if begging for comfort.

"Where do we go now?" Mo Song asked.

She felt a little guilty about what happened just now, but fortunately Zhang Qilin arrived in time to prevent the tragedy from happening.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, find an exit." Zhang Qilin said.

Now that Mo Fan is fine, it is natural to leave here as soon as possible.

"Okay." Mo Fan straightened his body, and suddenly reacted when he saw the black gold ancient knife on Zhang Qilin's back.

He walked forward quickly and looked a little surprised, "Why is your knife here? No way, brother, what mission did you do to get all the knives back?"

"I'll talk about it later." Zhang Qilin said and walked forward.

Seeing that the little brother didn't seem to want to tell Mo Fan about him yet, the remaining three people also had a tacit understanding and didn't bring up this topic.

"Mo Fan, are you hungry?" Sarah asked immediately, changing the subject.

Mo Fan touched his stomach, and said with a smirk: "I don't think so, but I feel really hungry when you say it like this. It would be great if I could have a grilled fish at this time."

"Brother Fan, I'll catch you after I get out!" Kyle said.

"Okay, I can count on you." Mo Fan couldn't help swallowing as he thought about the delicious grilled fish.

While walking, Mo Fan turned his head and looked at the ceiling. The opening was closed, and it looked like a trap.

"Strange." Mo Fan was a little depressed.

It feels as if someone is controlling the organs.

"By the way, Kyle, how did you get up there?" Mo Fan asked as he walked.

Kyle also looked puzzled at this time, "I don't know, I was suddenly tied up by something while walking, and then I kept dragging me, and dragged me into the room just now."

"Could it be that the rope has become fine? Impossible, isn't it true that someone caught you?" Mo Fan asked curiously.

Kyle shook his head, "I didn't feel anyone, it was the rope."

"How come, I saw footprints just now." Mo Fan said goosebumps all over his body.

"There is really no one." Kyle was very firm, and he looked back when he was struggling, but there was nothing.

That is, the body was tied with a thick rope, and then kept pulling.

"Don't be surprised, there are a lot of weird things here." Zhang Qilin said in a deep voice.

"Brother, were you okay just now?" Kyle worried.

(End of this chapter)

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