Chapter 147

After leaving Zhang Song's mansion, Jiang Ling rode his horse back to Jiang's mansion. Seeing that Su Mei was still asleep, he asked Mrs. Shang about Su Mei's condition, and learned that Su Mei was frightened, and it was just a common cold. disease.

After learning that her condition was fine, he went to Shouhetang.

It was still early, the clouds had already been colored by the red sun, and the morning had become extremely sweltering, the hot weather lasted for more than a month, and the heat was unbearable.

After Mrs. Jiang came out of the palace, she was sick in bed all the time, and Xing Ruyan was always by her side to take care of her. She was very attentive every day, and came to the Shouhe Hall early in the morning to take care of her.

Followed by her maidservant Zishan, she walked through the long verandah, and saw Jiang Ling in a black brocade robe from a distance. stop?"

Although she and Jiang Ling had never met each other, and she had missed it by mistake in the past few days, she had seen Jiang Ling's portrait, the kind of handsome appearance that was enough to make people unforgettable just by looking at it.

She clutched her heart, her heart was pounding, the sun passed through the gaps in the leaves, the light and shadow cast on her body, the harsh sunlight became much softer, she stood under the light and shadow, looked at the big Stepping into the figure of Shouhetang, I felt dizzy for a while, and even my breathing became short of breath.

Zishan had never met Jiang Ling before, but when he saw the handsome man, he nodded involuntarily, "I didn't expect the general to be so handsome, and it's not in vain that Miss Fei guards Mrs. In front of you, busy with the front and back, serving everything personally."

Xing Ruyan hurriedly tidied up her dress, raised her hand to caress the hairpin on top of her bun, and asked anxiously, "Is the dress too simple and elegant, but the bun is messed up?"

If I had known that I would run into Jiang Ling today, she would definitely change into a crimson dress. This light blue color is a little dull, and I don't know if it can leave a good impression on the general.

"Miss is already very beautiful, if she hesitates any longer, she and the general will miss it forever."

"Zishan, help me up." Due to nervousness and excitement, her hands couldn't stop shaking, and her legs also trembled.

She hurriedly followed the figure into the courtyard of Shouhe Hall. She was about to knock on the door with slow steps, but she heard Jiang Ling's voice from the room: "Grandmother, today I want to give my grandson and Princess Zhaoyang a gift. Marriage, the crown prince summoned his ministers into the East Palace last night, and let the royal officials read the Holy Majesty's will in public."

Mrs. Jiang frowned, and the old nanny who was accompanying her helped her up. She coughed and said, "Princess Zhaoyang is not a quiet person. Didn't the Holy Majesty also order Princess Zhaoyang to marry Uighur before? That changed my mind so quickly."

"Although Princess Shang is not a good marriage, but the sacred will is hard to violate. You need to think twice before acting, and don't act impulsively. People will hold the handle."

How could she not understand Jiang Ling's thoughts towards Su Mei tomorrow, I am afraid that he is extremely unwilling to agree to this marriage, but because of an imperial decree, there is no room for change in the marriage.

Although Princess Shang looks beautiful on the surface, Princess Tianjia has a noble status, and she can't be beaten or scolded. It's like marrying a great Buddha and making daily offerings. Murong Yan has been arrogant and willful since she was a child, but she is not a good match. .

Mrs. Jiang sighed, and she repeatedly reminded her because she was worried that Jiang Ling would be impulsive and do something against the order, so she looked at Jiang Ling worriedly.

"The grandson would like to follow the teachings of his grandmother, and the grandson has decided to obey His Majesty's will to marry him."

When Xing Ruyan heard the news of the marriage, it was like a thunderbolt in the blue sky and white day. She pinched the veil hard and stayed there.

Madam Jiang found it unbelievable that Jiang Ling would agree to this marriage.

"Since you have already made up your mind, then make it clear to Su Mei that when the princess passes through the door, I will personally persuade the princess to let Su Mei in."

The descendants of the Jiang family cannot live outside, even if they offend the princess and the royal family, she will let Jiang Ling accept Su Mei.

Jiang Ling shook her head and said, "I don't intend to welcome Su Mei through the door. I want to ask my grandmother to help me with one thing. I also ask my grandmother to send Su Mei out of the capital. The current situation in the capital is very dangerous. She stays in the capital. I'm worried."

"What are you going to do?"

"Please forgive my grandson for not being able to tell grandma." The facts of his plan are dangerous. If he wants to expose the conspiracy of the prince and Jin Guiren, it will inevitably set off a bloody rain in the capital. Only by ensuring that Su Mei is safe can he have no worries.

He could only entrust Su Mei to his grandmother, and explain to her slowly later.

Standing in the yard, Xing Ruyan felt that the sky was about to fall into bed. She wanted to rush in and ask Mrs. Jiang face to face, since Jiang Ling was going to marry the princess, how would she deal with herself.

She performed her filial piety in front of Mrs. Jiang every day. Mrs. Jiang even thought of that humble concubine, but she never thought about her or where she would go.

After Jiang Ling finished speaking, she left Mrs. Jiang's room. She winked at Zishan and left in a hurry.

When she returned to Yuzhu Hall, she felt even more restless. Her father and brother finally found such a good marriage for her. She originally thought that she was the only one who could secure the position of the general's first wife, so she temporarily agreed to Mrs. Jiang to let Su Mei enter the door.

She is just the daughter of a guilty minister, and in the future she will mostly find ways to deal with Su Mei, but she never thought that she would send down an imperial decree out of thin air to let Jiang Lingshang be the princess.

Jiang Ling asked people to hide it from Su Mei, but she refused to let them do so. Su Mei was still pregnant with a child. I heard that she was still sick. If she heard the news of Jiang Ling's marriage, she would naturally go to Jiang Ling. If she Therefore, the fetal gas was moved, and she could avoid the need to deal with the child in her stomach in the future.

In a short time, Xing Ruyan had already thought up a plan, and said to Zishan: "I heard that Miss Su is ill, so take that good ginseng with me, and we will go to Luoliyuan to visit Miss Su now."

Su Mei felt hot and cold last night. Sometimes she felt that she was in a hot summer day, and sometimes she felt like falling into an ice cellar. She opened her eyes in a daze. Jin Chuan came in with soup and medicine to serve her, and asked with concern: "Is the girl better?"

Su Mei nodded weakly, frowned when she saw the black soup, and asked, "Where did this medicine come from? I'm pregnant now, so I need to be more careful when I eat it and use it!"

This is Luoliyuan, she unexpectedly came back here again, she sighed unconsciously.

"Miss, don't worry, the girl had a high fever last night, the general took the girl back to Jiangfu, and personally asked Li Langzhong to prescribe the medicine for the girl. The slightest problem, let alone hurt the little boy in the girl's womb. The general also personally ordered the slaves and monks to take good care of the girl, but the general was worried. He had been guarding the girl in Changwu courtyard last night, and came to visit again early this morning. Are you still reluctant to part with the girl when you leave?"

Jin Chuan babbled on and on, now that the girl is pregnant, and the girl and the general care about each other, she hopes that this time the girl and the general can achieve a positive result.

When she thought of the loving appearance of the girl and the general's husband and wife, her face was filled with a smile, and she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Su Mei blushed suddenly, just like Xiafei's cheeks, adding a bit of delicate and pleasing color to her thin and pale complexion.

"You talk too much today."

(End of this chapter)

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