Chapter 69
When Su Mei woke up, she found herself lying in the carriage. Hou Fangqing and He Shi sat across from each other. Su Mei got up quickly, pretending to be calm, and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Hou Fangqing smiled softly: "I promised Zhen'er that I would take Zhen'er to Leizhou."

He Shi smiled and echoed, "Yes, go to Leizhou."

Hou Fangqing looked at the map of Leizhou, and he quickly found that the carriage was going in the opposite direction to Leizhou, so he asked, "Auntie, this road is not the way to Leizhou."

Instead, he went to the outskirts of the capital, as if he was going to King Qi's other courtyard in the outskirts.

Hou Fangqing became suspicious, everything went so smoothly, as if the He family knew that he would go to Changwuyuan, and specially waited for him on the only way to Changwuyuan.

After Hou Fangqing thought about it carefully, he realized that He Shi was suspicious.

He Shi smiled and said: "Of course not, this road is going to King Qi's other courtyard in the suburbs."

Hou Fangqing covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and coughed violently several times, "Auntie was ordered by King Qi, and didn't she really want to save Zhen'er?"

He Shi is Qin Zhen's biological aunt, and he never suspected that He Shi had other plans, let alone that she was instigated by King Qi.

King Qi killed Qin's family, so he will definitely not let Qin Zhen go, let alone let Qin Zhen fall into the hands of King Qi, "Why did Mrs. Qin do this? Zhen'er is Mrs. Qin's niece, Mrs. Qin Doing so is not only ashamed of Zhen'er's mother, isn't it afraid that the Qin family will fall asleep at night?"

Su Mei sneered, "Young master is still so easy to trust others."

He's complexion changed instantly, and he stroked the good mutton fat jade bracelet on his wrist, but his smile seemed to be a different person, looking very creepy, "It's reasonable for a businessman to seek profit. What she committed was a felony, Qin Zhen is an exile, I just handed her over to the King of Qi, and killed her relatives righteously!"

"What a righteous way to kill relatives! Mrs. Qin is so cruel, she doesn't care about family affection, how is she different from a beast!"

Hou Fangqing didn't want to waste words with He Shi anymore, he said to Su Mei: "Don't be afraid, Zhen'er, I will definitely take Zhen'er to escape."

He pulled Su Meicai out of the carriage, but someone put a knife on her neck. He said with a smile on his face: "I advise you to stay in the carriage honestly! The driver is General Shen. I'm afraid the young master doesn't know yet? This matter was arranged by your wife alone."

Hou Fangqing punched the wall of the carriage, Shen Yinger, Shen Yinger again, he gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing to tear Shen Yinger to pieces.

Su Mei smiled from the side, "Young master really married a good wife."

Suddenly Hou Fangqing grabbed the blade of the knife, hugged the driver's body desperately, and hurriedly said to Su Mei: "Zhen'er, run! Go find Jiang Ling, he will save you."

The sharp blade cut through Hou Fangqing's ten fingers, and the blood stained the blade red and dripped to the ground continuously. Hou Fangqing's face was as pale as paper, so pale that it was almost transparent, but he still hugged the man's body tightly.

Su Mei's eyes turned red and she shed tears, "Little Grandpa, your hand."

Hou Fangqing is good at painting, his hands are probably going to be useless.

Hou Fangqing's face was pale, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. He smiled softly and said, "Zhen'er, run! Leave me alone!"

He hugged the coachman with all his strength, He Shi was about to grab Su Mei, Su Mei hurriedly jumped off the carriage, she fell to the ground, feeling unbearable abdominal pain, she clutched her lower abdomen, and ran forward quickly .

She didn't know where she was, she could only run in the opposite direction of the carriage.

Every time she took a step, her stomach slumped and hurt, and she gritted her teeth in pain, sweating profusely.

The carriage driver didn't know why Hou Fangqing, who looked so weak, had so much strength, his hands and fingers were almost abolished, but he still hugged him desperately.

He is the only son of the Duke of the country, and his status is noble, so he cannot be hurt. The coachman had no choice but to knock him out with a palm, and then he got rid of Hou Fangqing.

The coachman jumped out of the carriage and gave chase.

Jiang Ling was leading people to search for Su Mei's whereabouts. Finally, in the outskirts of the capital, only one street away from King Qi's other courtyard, someone found the carriage of the Duke's Mansion, and Jiang Ling chased it out.

King Qi has already learned of Su Mei's identity. He has always wanted the Qin family's life. If Su Mei falls into his hands, it will be a disaster.

Jiang Ling rode her horse and galloped past, feeling extremely anxious.The war horse under his crotch seemed to know the anxiety and uneasiness in his master's heart, and he spread his hooves and galloped quickly.

Someone chased after her, and Su Mei ran forward desperately. Although she didn't know why King Qi wanted to catch her, she knew that King Qi wanted to deal with Jiang Ling. If King Qi caught her, she would definitely blackmail Jiang Ling with it. , she can't be caught, Jiang Ling has protected her several times, this time, she doesn't want to drag him down anymore.

The severe pain in her abdomen was unbearable, she still gritted her teeth and ran forward desperately, cold sweat dripped down in big drops, her back was already soaked in sweat, and the mouth of her throat that was so thirsty that was about to smoke , a burning pain.

She couldn't run anymore. Seeing that the coachman behind her was about to catch up, Su Mei was extremely anxious, as if she saw that familiar figure appearing at the intersection, Su Mei shouted: "General."

Jiang Ling came galloping on the horse, but saw a person behind Su Mei, holding a big stick in his hand, Jiang Ling shouted loudly: "Mei'er, be careful behind you!"

Before he finished speaking, the man hit Su Mei hard on the back of the head, and Su Mei suddenly fell to the ground like a light butterfly.

The person who knocked Su Mei unconscious was her cousin Liu Yi.

Jiang Ling watched Su Mei fall in front of him, feeling as uncomfortable as a thousand swords piercing his heart. He pulled out the long sword at his waist, and Liu Yi saw a flash of white light in front of him, and his throat was sealed by the sword, killing him on the spot.

He Shi hurriedly caught up. Seeing her son's tragic death on the spot with her own eyes, she staggered and felt top-heavy and fell to the ground. Seeing her son's tragic death in front of her, she couldn't say a word for a while, then let out a mournful Howling, she hugged her son's body, crying to death.

"My son! You died so badly!"

Jiang Ling hugged Su Mei in his arms. He watched Su Mei fall down in front of him, as if countless needles were stuck in his heart. He frowned, and saw that the blood slowly stained Su Mei. He had never seen Su Mei shed so much blood.

"Su Mei, you are not allowed to die, if you dare to die..."

Jiang Ling was choked up, and she couldn't say the harsh words, but hugged her tightly, "Meier, please, don't die, don't leave me."

Su Mei is pregnant with his child, why is God so cruel, making Su Mei suffer so much, and even taking her life away.

Seeing the blood on Su Mei's skirt, Mu Feng hastily persuaded, "General, hurry up and take Miss Su to see the doctor."

Only then did Jiang Ling recover from her grief, and there was still a trace of tears in the corners of her red eyes, "Yes, find the doctor!"

Jiang Ling was about to hold Su Mei in her arms and go to doctor doctor for treatment. Old General Shen led his troops and surrounded Jiang Ling. King Qi rode on a tall horse, looked at Jiang Ling coldly and said, "Father, the emperor ordered you to The general will enter the palace with this king to have an audience!"

Jiang Ling sneered and said: "Who dares to stop! After today, I will personally ask His Majesty for my sins."

When Jiang Ling was about to resist the order and rush out, Mu Feng hurriedly persuaded, "General, the imperial physician in the palace is the most skilled. The subordinates saw that the girl was seriously injured. The general should take the girl into the palace for treatment first."

Jiang Ling nodded, and then entered the palace with King Qi and Old General Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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