Chapter 79
The place to welcome the bride was chosen at Changwu Courtyard. Jiang Ling was wearing a wedding dress and rode before the wedding party on horseback. Her handsome face looked extravagant, like a eucalyptus tree, shining like a moon.

Behind him was the guard of honor and the palace musicians bestowed by the emperor. The welcoming team was huge and mighty, coming from Changwu Courtyard.

Standing in the crowd, Hou Fangqing watched the welcoming procession enter Changwu Courtyard, his face was pale, he clutched his chest, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

When he learned about Jiang Ling's big wedding today, he insisted on coming to see Qin Zhen get married, so he would give up. Xie An persuaded him from the side, "Why do you come here, my lord, it will inevitably make you sad."

Hou Fangqing didn't take the handkerchief he handed over, Xie An knew that he was still angry at his previous betrayal, Xie An sighed, the young master's body is weak, and he has been ill for a long time, so he might not look like a long-term one, so he persuaded him again: "Fufu Li can only rely on the young master, if the young master falls ill again, the hundreds of people in the mansion will really have no hope."

Hou Fangqing never touched those decoctions at all, and he threw away all the decoctions. Recently, his health is getting worse and worse, and he often coughs up blood.

Hou Fangqing stared blankly at Su Mei who came out of Changwu Courtyard. She was dressed in a gorgeous wedding dress, with a red hijab and long tassels on her head. With the help of the maid, Su Mei stepped out of the threshold and walked out slowly. , walked towards Jiang Ling.

Hou Fangqing supported her body, coughing violently, and felt her heart ache unbearably.

The red hijab looked familiar, with dancing butterflies embroidered on it with gold thread. He remembered that when they were young, they played the game of pretending to be a bride. The red hijab was left by Qin Zhen. The red hijab on Zhen's head was stopped by Jiang Ling. Unexpectedly, the red hijab was put away by Jiang Ling, and Jiang Ling finally married Qin Zhen.

Maybe all of this has already been doomed in the dark, Jiang Ling and Qin Zhen are a couple, but he can only love him.

Hou Fangqing coughed a few times, and said to Xie An, "Go back."

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes went dark and he fell to the ground. Xie An quickly stepped forward and carried him into the carriage.

The bride had already boarded the sedan chair, but it wasn't Su Mei who sat in the sedan chair. Su Mei and Jin Chuan changed into maidservants' dresses and left Changwu Courtyard early in the morning. It was Mu Xue who was greeted by Jiang Ling in a fine attire.At this moment, Mu Xue was sitting in the wedding sedan chair, feeling apprehensive and excited at the same time. She was afraid of being found out, but she was delighted to finally be able to marry Jiang Ling.

Regardless of whether this method is glorious or not, he finally managed to marry the general as he wished.

Su Mei went out of Changwu Courtyard and changed into men's clothes. She disguised herself and mixed in with the welcoming team. She asked Jin Chuan to wait outside the city gate, and said that she had one important thing to do, and when it was done, she would Meet her at the city gate.

Su Mei went to the East Market yesterday not just to choose jewelry and clothes, she took advantage of Jin Chuan's unpreparedness, and bought a dagger at the stall, and the dagger was hidden in the wide sleeve at the moment, and Su Mei was hiding in the wedding party Here, wait for the opportunity.

She has already inquired, today the Uyghur envoys entered the palace to face the saint, at the moment the Uyghur envoys' convoy was heading towards the wedding procession, the welcoming procession gave way to let the Uyghur envoys' team go first, Su Mei took out the dagger in her sleeve , stabbing fiercely at the back of a horse beside her.

The horse seemed to go crazy suddenly, kicked off its hooves, and rushed out from the welcoming team. Seeing that the Uighur prince's carriage was about to collide, Jiang Ling quickly rode the horse and chased it out, and the two horses moved forward at high speed.

Seeing that the envoy was about to be startled, Jiang Ling stood on the horse's back and jumped on the startled horse. He tightly reined in the rein and stroked the horse's head to soothe the restless horse. Just in time to stop a chaos.

The leading Uighur envoy saluted Jiang Ling and said respectfully, "Thank you, General."

Jiang Ling had already noticed the injury on the horse's back, and was looking for suspicious people in the wedding party, but saw a man rushing out on a frightened horse.

The person on the horseback was Su Mei, she looked back at Jiang Ling, her eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

It seemed that she was about to be knocked off by the frightened horse. Jiang Ling was startled, and before she had time to think about it, she chased after her. He jumped onto the horse's back, grabbed Su Mei's slender waist, and pulled her Hugged tightly in my arms.

With a cold face, Jiang Ling asked with a livid face, "Why are you here? Who is in that sedan chair?"

Su Mei turned pale with fright, kept shaking her head, bowed her head and remained silent.

Suddenly a cold arrow shot towards Jiang Ling, Su Mei hurriedly shouted: "General, be careful!"

She pushed Jiang Ling away, trying to block the cold arrow flying for him, Jiang Ling hurriedly embraced her in her arms, and the arrow pierced into his chest.

However, Su Mei kicked Jiang Ling off the horse. Jiang Ling fell off the horse with an arrow, and the welcoming team suddenly became chaotic. Su Mei, "You remembered."

Su Mei looked back at Jiang Ling, and said with a sneer, "Brother Ling, you owe me this arrow."

At this moment, Qin Luan, who was hiding in the dark, came riding his horse, jumped onto Su Mei's horse, and said with a smile to Su Mei: "Zhen'er, third brother will take you away!"

Su Mei nodded, and when she turned her head, Jiang Ling was surrounded by everyone. His face was pale, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he looked very bad. Although Su Mei hated him to the bone, it was true that she had loved Jiang Ling since she was a child. As for after she lost her memory, she also developed an admiration for Jiang Ling.

Seeing Jiang Ling falling from the horse with an arrow, she felt a sense of loss and heartache in her heart.

Today was a break with him, and also with my past, they shouldn't have continued to entangle, Su Mei didn't even notice that a line of tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.

Qin Luan rode his horse and hurried forward. He stabbed the general, and there were quite a few soldiers blocking the way. Mu Xue, who was dressed in joyful attire, followed closely. She saw Jiang Ling injured and fell off the horse with her own eyes. Only then did she realize that she had been fooled by Su Mei. This woman is really ruthless, the general treats her with deep affection, she actually colludes with the assassin and wants the general's life.

"Demon girl, I will never spare you!"

She drew her bow and shot at Su Mei. Qin Luan drew out his long sword to block the cold arrow flying towards Su Mei. Although Qin Luan's martial arts was inferior to Jiang Ling, he was far above Mu Xue, and he did not love to fight, but He hurriedly fled to the city gate, Jin Chuan had been waiting in the carriage for a long time, Su Mei got into the carriage, took out Mu Xue's token, and escaped smoothly.

Qin Luan stayed behind to deal with Mu Xue and the pursuers behind him. Mu Xue was so entangled that she could only watch Su Mei's carriage quickly disappear without a trace.

Too many things have happened in the past few days, and Jin Chuanyou felt that he was in a dream, and the voice behind him said, "That witch dares to assassinate the general, catch her!"

Jin Chuan soon understood that the girl wanted to assassinate the general, and it was still on the day of her wedding. She even felt that she had never known the girl before, and Jin Chuan was also very frightened. She mustered up her courage and asked: "Where is the girl going?"

The escape was much smoother than expected, Su Mei smiled and said: "Go to Yangzhou, go back to Liu's house."

She wants to get back the jewelry and silver left by her mother, and as for that wicked woman of the He family, Su Mei will not let her off easily.

After dealing with He Shi and getting back the jewelry her mother left for her, she took Jin Chuan away and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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