My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 113 Situation Changes and Entanglements

Chapter 113 Situation Changes and Entanglements
In an instant, the three-legged situation was destroyed by Li Hao on his own initiative!

Almost at the same time, Ling Qin reacted, blocked Li Hao, poured energy into the knife, and then swung it out!Shouted to the woman: "I don't care if you are the wife of the commander of the wolf army or not, but we are the commander of the wolf army, and we are ordered by the commander! Come and kill me! If you don't help, don't interfere !"

When the swords collided, Li Hao erupted crazily, and almost all his energy and blood erupted!
Outside the golden palace, the sunlight shining in was instantly inhaled by Li Hao!

In an instant, the hall was dark!

The woman's face was extremely gloomy in the back.

Are they really the husband's younger brother?
Do you want to do it yourself?They clearly saw themselves...

When my husband comes back, I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to live on!

The woman's eyes gradually became firmer, her mind became brighter, and her killing intent gradually gushed out.

She whispered to the soldiers beside her, "Go and call everyone."

The soldier nodded and stepped into the backyard.

And the woman stood where she was, without moving at all, as if she wouldn't interfere.



Li Hao's eyes were sharp, he slashed out with his right sword and blasted out with his left fist.At this time, he actually has two purposes at once, every part of his body is attacking!
Elbows, knees, shoulders...

For a while, Ling Qin could only barely fight, and gradually fell into the disadvantaged!

No, it can't go on like this!
Ling Qin's eyes were anxious, and she didn't care about what she said before, and shouted at the woman: "What are you waiting for? If I wait to die here, then you won't be able to eat and walk around! I'm..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Hao seized the opening, flew into the air suddenly, bypassed Ling Qin in an instant, and punched Lin Xing who had just got up!

"I never lose my word when I speak, and I do what I say! If I say I will kill you, I will kill you!"

The punching technique is extremely fierce, and the blood and energy burst out of the body!

Lin Xing, who just got up, saw this scene with a sad face and desperately shouted: "No! Save me! Ling Qin save me!"

"I can't die! I can't die here! Kill!"

In desperation, Lin Xing seemed to explode, he raised his long knife vigorously, and slashed at Li Hao!
Li Hao's eyes moved, admiring Lin Xing's reaction, but the alloy sword suddenly burst into fluorescent spots.

Then, a burst of intense light flashed out!
In an instant, the rampant power of Qi and blood rushed around, dyeing the surroundings of the metal hall bright red. From a distance, it seemed to be a Shura field!

From behind, Ling Qin let out a yell, and the long knife was like a giant axe!The monstrous energy is suppressed on the long knife, like cutting the sky!Cut straight at Li Hao!
At the same time, a dozen soldiers in full armor came out from the backyard, and the woman gave an order, and the soldiers shot arrows without distinction!

These arrows have different speeds and different strengths. Some soldiers are of the fourth rank, and they attach energy to the arrows, so the speed of the arrow feathers is accelerated, and the strength is also higher. The lethality is huge!

But more of them are ordinary arrows, but even so, they are very scary!
At this moment, whether it is Li Hao, or Ling Qin and Lin Xing who are wielding knives, they are all shrouded in arrow feathers!
The woman's idea is very simple, kill them all!
It is said that the resurrected warrior is too powerful, and the two who came to aid held the resurrected warrior desperately, and they tried their best to kill him. Unfortunately, the two who came to aid were unfortunately pierced by random arrows!
Anyway, after the resurrected warrior died, he couldn't judge the strength from the body!

After a little processing, it was faked as a sixth-grade, and this matter was just fooled!
In this way, neither the husband nor anyone else can know about her.

The soldier is her confidant, all other insiders are dead, and she... is still the wife of Sirius!

Thinking of this, the woman's hoarse laughter resounded, and the pungent taste could be seen at a glance!


Ling Qin felt the sharpness behind her, and turned her head to see more than a dozen flying arrow feathers, as if feeling the sharpness, she immediately shuddered!He screamed: "I am the commander of the wolf army, and you are waiting for me like this!"

While speaking, Ling Qin threw away the knife and ran away!The huge inertia tore the flesh, but Ling Qin reluctantly backed away!

No more knives!
After the fourth rank, the energy can be attached to the arrow feathers, and can even cause damage to the fifth rank!

Once hit the vital point, I am afraid that he will hardly survive!
In fact, after the fourth rank, even if energy is attached to any weapon, as long as it is not too bad, it can break the defense of the fifth rank.

The advantage of bows and arrows is that they are long-range.


The long knife that was discarded by Ling Qin without any hesitation had not lost its strength, and slashed at Li Hao!
Li Hao also felt the sharpness behind him, and turned his head to look, a knife and a dozen arrow feathers were coming straight at him!In an instant, there was an arrow feather close at hand!Li Hao made a little estimate, gritted his teeth and backed away!

This is the first time he has lost his word so far. At this time, what he thinks is no longer what he says, but what he wants to do!
He, not only wants to kill the white-haired man!They also want to catch all the women and soldiers in one go!
Kill them all!
"It's the first slip of the tongue, not the second time!" Li Hao stared at Lin Xing who was swinging the knife in despair with cold eyes, rolled over and backed away!

Then, Lin Xing, who swung his knife in despair, saw a scene that made him even more desperate...

A desolate roar came!

Then, Yu Li's long knife cut through flesh and blood!The arrow feathers pierced the flesh, and the sound of "puff puff" continued!

Lin Xing fell to the ground. At this time, his face was completely changed, his flesh and blood were bloody, and he even said a few words in a trance.



After murmuring a few words, the breath disappeared!
Lin Xing!die!


At this time, Ling Qin, who had lingering fears, was about to question her, but when she turned her head, she realized that the woman waved her hand, the soldier drew a bow, energy seeped in, and she shot an arrow!
A round of arrow rain stabs again!It exudes a strong energy breath!
At this time, the golden hall was completely changed, and the load-bearing columns were almost destroyed!On the outer side, it has been pierced by a bow and arrow!
Gunpowder smoke, gradually filled...

The status quo of the original three-legged confrontation still exists, but now, the woman's soldier bow and arrow family dominates!A round of arrow feathers, even Li Hao can't fight recklessly!

Now, women are the strongest!

But Li Hao and Ling Qin could only run away with their heads in their arms!

The only difference between them is that Ling Qin is really running away, while Li Hao is pretending to run away, but actually getting close to the woman!
Li Hao has a speed comparable to that of Rank [-]!At this time, the advantage is great!

But the woman didn't notice that Li Hao was gradually approaching, she laughed and said: "Who knows if you are in the same group? If you dare to enter Langtou Mountain! You must be prepared to die!"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Qin, who was fleeing, scolded: "Fuck your sister, you damn old woman! Can I be with the enemy who killed his teammate? You don't have to think about it with your almost non-existent brain!"

But in an instant, Ling Qin understood!

The woman wanted to kill him!At this time, it was just a random excuse!
As long as he died, wouldn't he just let the woman talk nonsense?
It is impossible for Sirius Commander to get to the bottom of his wife!

When the woman heard Ling Qin's scolding, she immediately became angry!Pointing at Ling Qin and roaring: "Kill him first!"

For a moment, three of the seven soldiers who had been shooting arrows at Li Hao left, which made his eyes shine.

"what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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