My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 115 Langtou Mountain belongs to Xifeng?

Chapter 115 Langtou Mountain belongs to Xifeng?
However, the white-haired man should be thankful that he held back his greed and didn't take away the red-haired man's body and weapon!
Otherwise, even if he tried his best, he would keep the white-haired man behind!
This time, he escaped... he was lucky!

There was a trace of pity in Li Hao's eyes.

The white-haired man also has energy stones on his body, and the energy heart is also very valuable!If it can be killed, it must be a big gain.


However, there are weapons as compensation, which is also acceptable...

Li Hao withdrew his eyes and looked at the woman.

At this time, the woman was still holding a piece of minced meat tightly in her hand, and before she could recover, liquid flowed out from her legs, giving off a stench.

Li Hao immediately frowned and punched out!
The next moment, the woman who had no resistance was bombarded!

At the same time, the Metal Temple, which has experienced many battles, is finally overwhelmed.


It collapsed directly!

For a while, many fourth-rank warriors were crushed under the metal fragments, and they couldn't break free after struggling for a long time.

And Li Hao struggled a lot before he came out, looked at the pile of ruins, laughed and shook his head for a moment.

An idea popped up.

"Am I destroying Langtou Mountain?"

It doesn't count, it can only be said that it was destroyed by a small half.

After all, he has already determined that there are seven grades in Langtou Mountain, but it is not here now. In addition, if the ancient wolf herd on Langtou Mountain is not eliminated, then this mountain cannot be called destroyed.

Thinking about it, Li Hao began to explore the ruins, find a soldier and kill one!
Although the temporary strike of the soldiers provided him with great convenience, but he still had to kill him instead! ,

When Li Hao kept killing and collecting spoils, he was in Xifeng City, more than 100 kilometers away.

"Ta Tata..."

Commander Sirius walked out of the gate of Xifeng City slowly, expressionless but still serious.

After walking out of Xifeng City, a long-haired middle-aged man greeted him with eager eyes and said, "My king..."

Commander Sirius closed his eyes, meditated for a while, opened them for a while, and said lightly: "Don't worry, let's go, go back to Sirius Mansion."

The long-haired middle-aged man seemed relieved, and left with Sirius.

During the flight, Commander Sirius felt a little irritable, and his thoughts kept running.

This time... it was the warning given to him by the Lord of Yaomu City. If he continues to be confused about his position, maybe the next time he will be in the small room will be his own head!
In his agitation, Commander Sirius couldn't help speeding up, a little faster than normal, and he could return to Tianlang Mountain in an hour and a half at most.

Behind him, the middle-aged man with long hair followed closely.


Panting heavily, Li Hao struggled for almost an hour, and finally put all the enemy's trophies into the sack he brought with him when he came.

Looking at the various trophies in the sack, Li Hao muttered.

"Eight third-rank badges, six fourth-rank badges, and three fifth-rank badges."

It is worth mentioning that the woman turned out to be a fifth rank!This surprised Li Hao for a while.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Wupin to be so timid. When facing him, his first thought was to find someone to block him.

"Could it be pushed up by resources?"

The more Li Hao thought about it, the more likely it was. The woman is not young. If she has some talent, it is very likely that the resources will be pushed up.

But this is also very good, if the woman is actually killed, he will be in great danger!

Not to mention the fighting power of a rank five, if he participated in killing soldiers, it would be enough for Li Hao to drink a pot!

"Wait!" Li Hao's expression changed suddenly, and he realized that something was wrong. He picked up the woman's badge and looked at it carefully.

There are five plant roots printed on the front of the badge, explaining the realm of a woman, but...

Li Hao turned the badge over, and there was a phoenix printed on the back of the badge. Li Hao said with a serious expression, "This is... Xifeng City?"

Li Hao looked serious.The woman belongs to Xifeng City, so Langtou Mountain is also under the jurisdiction of Xifeng City!
"So, Xifeng City is so close to Tianmen City?"

Langtou Mountain is only more than 100 kilometers away from Guiwang Forest, and it is only [-] kilometers away from Tianmen City!
"Will they unite and attack City of Hope together?"

Li Hao thought for a while, then shook his head slightly.Not necessarily, Xifeng City has not revealed its whereabouts before, and has been hiding all the time.Now it's just a matter of belonging, it's unlikely!
But when the time comes, he will definitely mention it, let the tall men of Mowu have a headache!
He is only a third rank, and the happiest thing is to harvest the spoils!

"There are three more B-level weapons, which add up to [-] catties, and can be sold for [-] credits!"

When the white-haired man fled, he didn't pick up any weapons.

Here, for the sake of convenience, he directly calculates according to the original price.

Anyway, the difference is not big, and the price will be cut by about 10% at most.

"Well... There are also a few bows and arrows that are as strong as C-grade alloys, and I think they can sell well."

Li Hao knocked on the bow and arrow he searched in the ruins, and immediately, there was a "dang" sound of metal impact.

Any metal body obtained in the Catacombs is basically estimated according to its hardness. After A-level or even a magic weapon, hardness is considered by most warriors.

"The energy stones on the red-haired man... are a little less, but it's better than nothing."

Weighing only over 100 grams of energy stones in his hand, Li Hao shook his head slightly.

The energy fluctuations I felt before are that the red-haired man has at least [-] grams, and the price is at least hundreds of millions!

But during this period, the red-haired man actually used almost half of it...

"There are...a few energy hearts."

Li Hao focused his gaze on the bloody, but overall silvery heart.

This is what he dug out from the fifth grade, there are only three.

Sipin's body was right in front of him, but Li Hao didn't dig it up.

The seventh-rank powerhouse has no whereabouts, and may come back at any time!
He still needs time to explore the back room of the metal temple-the back room that has not yet collapsed.

If nothing else, this might be the residence of the seventh-rank powerhouse.

He wouldn't believe it without something good!

Tie the package in a knot and stuff it into the space casually. With a movement, Li Hao flew over the ruins.

At this time, the sun was high and there was no change in the weather, but Li Hao kept track of the time.

"There are... ten hours."

Regardless of whether this time is used or not, it is always good to write it down.

Being cautious may not benefit you, but it will definitely make you grateful at critical moments!


Although the inner room did not collapse, it was not far away. The metal hall was connected to the inner room. At this time, the inner room was already crumbling.

Li Hao moved his steps carefully and walked in, not daring to damage anything around him.

It wasn't because he was afraid of the seventh rank, he almost destroyed the whole Langtou Mountain, so he was still afraid of a seventh rank?
The main reason is that after the house collapses, he will spend time looking for valuable things in the ruins!
In the room, it was crumbling, but a few bookshelves were solid, and there was a soft bed, and an energy lamp was placed in the narration!

As soon as Li Hao's eyes lit up, he went up and smashed the lampshade outside the energy lamp, and held an energy stone of about ten grams in his hand.

"I remember that there seems to be an energy lamp at the gate, and I don't know if it's broken at this time."

If it wasn't broken, maybe he could still get tens of grams of energy stones!

One gram of energy stone can sell for 50!Dozens of grams, at least tens of millions!

If the black market hadn't been taken over by him, maybe he could sell more.

(End of this chapter)

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