My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 220 The city lord is watching, dangers are frequent!Kill the commander

Chapter 220 The city lord is watching, dangers are frequent!Kill the commander
On the roof, Li Hao closed his eyes, and his mental power had already spread all over the corners of the room.

Once an enemy enters, he can launch an attack instantly without making a sound!
However, the person who walked in made Li Hao stunned.

It turned out to be a bald man? !
The door was pushed open, and the bald man walked in cheerfully, and shouted without looking at it:
"Xiao Hong! My brother is here to find you!"

The corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched angrily, and his face turned dark.

Nima!After a long time, it turned out to be you!

Do you think Xiaohong won't let go every day?

It's a pity that Xiaohong has been killed by him without any trace.

The bald man watched for a while, and found that Xiaohong was not there, so he asked a few more questions.Suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"look at me."


"Where am I?"

"Huh? Why did I say 'again'?"

The bald man looked up, a little dazed.

His body shook, and he muttered to himself: "What! Xiaohong has left? Do you think I'm not good at kung fu?!"



Li Hao shook his head slightly, feeling a little funny.

The new function of dazzling eyes?

Can fabricating memory still work like this?

After thinking for a while, Li Hao said to himself, "It's easy to move around at night."

Say, go out.

During the day, he passed the south side and the north side, one is a mining area, and the other seems to be... a place dedicated to entertainment...

On the street, Li Hao searched purposefully, and soon walked to the east side, his eyes immediately changed.

On the east side, there is actually a row of shops!
The store is made of stone as a whole, but the outer layer is covered with a layer of animal skin, and there is a transparent window like glass on the outward side.

Li Hao saw with his own eyes that someone walked in with a lot of waste energy stones with low energy, and when he came out, he was holding a complete cultivation energy stone with rich energy!

Li Hao had a strange expression on his face.

This is for money, right?

The energy stone crystals that are almost discarded can be used as currency, but the energy stone that can be cultivated is also a currency, but it is more advanced.

Unexpectedly, there is a bank in the Catacombs!

How many energy stones are there in the bank?

Roughly estimated, there must be a few hundred catties, right?
Li Hao suddenly felt a little excited, his muscles tensed, and he was about to move.

With so many energy stones, how much would it cost to snatch them?
But soon, Li Hao killed the idea in the cradle again.

The bigger picture matters!

Bombing Wang Cheng, planting spoils, two tigers fighting, one must be injured.

For revenge, the man with the broken eyebrow must die.


After staring for a while, Li Hao turned his head and left, sensing energy fluctuations every few steps.

It was not until dawn that he stopped pacing, returned to the mining area, and took a look.

But at this glance, Li Hao noticed something was wrong.

Broken eyebrow man went in?

Why is there a sense of danger in the air?

Feeling the dangers around him, Li Hao was a little terrified!

Not a man with broken eyebrows, could it be the lord of Chalk City?

Li Hao quickly thought about it, and couldn't help cursing secretly.

Fuck!There are so many intrigues in the crypt?

The man with broken eyebrows came to the mining area, but the owner of Chalk City still wanted to monitor?
The more Li Hao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

What is an energy mine?The lifeblood of a city!

How can you rest assured that a slave with a second surname will guard it?
If the treasure that Li Hao's family relies on for survival is guarded by outsiders, he will definitely watch it too!
Feeling the pervasive sense of danger, Li Hao shrugged his shoulders, turned his head and went to the restaurant for dinner.

This time, Li Hao didn't release his mental power feeling anymore, but ate exclusively and listened to the conversations of the people around him.

The restaurant area is always the place where news circulates the most.

At this time, although it was broad daylight, but calculating the time, it was morning, and there were quite a lot of people in the restaurant.

Li Hao listened attentively. Although most warriors talked about trivial matters, some people also talked about Juliu City, Wu Chuan and others.

"Have you heard? Juliu City seems to be under martial law now!"


"I heard that it was because of the strength of the reanimated warriors that they killed Juliu City with heavy casualties. One of the venerables died! I heard that Liu Wang was injured!"

"It's good to die! It's good to be injured! Let them Juliu City fight against us, Brother Liu, what's next?"

"Juliu City seems to be recruiting generals, and seems to be preparing to encircle and suppress resurrected warriors."

"The siege is good! Let them both lose, and my king will wipe them all out, this is the destiny!"

"Destiny did!"

Li Hao didn't care about the end, but kept deliberating on the meaning of the words.

Encirclement and suppression?

It seems that the channel will be stable again soon, Wu Chuan and others should have gone back and are ready to enter for the second time at any time.

He can't stay here for too long!

The channel usually only lasts for one month, and then it is necessary to judge whether to divide the war zone according to the situation of the battle.

No matter what, within a month, or even half a month, he will go back!

"Moreover, Juliu City seems to have united with Jusong City!"

"What! They won't come to attack my Chalk City!"

"No, they dare not! How powerful is my Cretaceous City? One city can fight two cities!"

Giant Pine City?
Li Hao's expression changed, something intriguing.

How is it so coincidental?
The one he wants to frame is Jusong City!

Li Hao laughed dumbfoundedly.

Yesterday, when he went out of the city, he accidentally found a commander of Jusong City who seemed to be here to investigate, but he killed him on the spot.

In the system space, the corpse of the leader of Giant Pine City was placed, with a crystal-like badge on his chest.

Although Li Hao had broken two of the five heaven-earth bridges and had no time to recover, and his state was relatively low, it was still easy for him to kill a leader who had just entered the seventh rank.

A commander-level figure, the lord of the Chalk City should know about it, right?

The leader is not weak anymore!In Huaguo, that is a master figure!
Even if you don't remember, there are badges, you can't even know the badges, right?
If Li Hao was the lord of Cretaceous City, let alone the commander, the generals would probably remember it clearly.

Speaking of the lord of the Chalk City, Li Hao despised him a bit.

Cretaceous City... a bit weak!
It's not that the strength is weak, the strength of Cretaceous City is very strong!The city lord is not weak in the ninth rank, probably stronger than Wu Chuan!

What he said was weak!
Along the way, he also roughly understood that the Chalk City, the Giant Willow City, and the Giant Pine City were all hostile, and they were said to be the ones who would never die.

However, after fighting for many years, how many generals have died without dying?

For so many years, not even a leader has died!
If it was Li Hao, let alone Juliu City, Jusong City would be flattened!Already unified the South Nine Regions and headed to the Central Region!

While feeling that the owner of the Chalk City was cowardly, Li Hao listened to the conversation of several people and became dazed again.

"Yesterday night, a few hundred miles away from our Chalk City, it seems that a small town was directly wiped out!"

"Yes! I also heard the news, and just a few hours before our town was destroyed, a subsidiary area of ​​Juliu City was also destroyed, and no one survived!"

Li Hao's ears perked up. The time units in the crypt are different, but the meaning of this sentence probably means that a few hours ago, another group of people also wiped out the territory of Juliu City.

(End of this chapter)

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