My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 231 Great victory in this battle!

Chapter 231 Great victory in this battle!
In an instant, many people stared in astonishment at the hair in Wang Jinyang's hands that exuded a terrifying aura.

Zhang Weiyu appeared instantly, frowned and said:
"This is... the ninth grade?"

Before Wang Jinyang could answer, Li Hansong, who was covered in gold, walked out of the vortex slowly, and said calmly:
"That's right, this is the hair of the White Chalk City, the ninth-rank white fox, and it's not ordinary hair."

Wang Jinyang took over the words and said: "This hair can be soft or hard, and if it is made into a weapon, it is probably much stronger than a grade A alloy."

But it can only be made into needles at most, the hair is too thin, even the ninth-rank white fox is thin!
Then, although Fang Ping was in rags, he was full of energy and said loudly:
"Everyone, I'm back!"

Everyone cheered, even a few grandmasters smiled.

What could be more gratifying than the return of the Tianjiao who fought in the Catacombs?
After cheering for a while, Fang Ping, who was placed in the hustle and bustle, stepped down and looked sideways at the whirlpool.

The cheers of other people also stopped, and the grandmasters were all staring at the whirlpool.

In the vortex, there is another looming figure, walking fast, but with firm steps!

When going down to the crypt, Qin Fengqing and the others went down together!
Now, all four of them are back, and there is a fifth person in the passage!
In other words, the fifth person is Li Hao!
Suddenly, many people became emotional!

In this magnificent and bloody battle, everyone has an almost irreplaceable role, whether it is a master and a strong man, or a Wushu university student who participated in the war, or a soldier of the military department.

However, the five of Li Hao are a miracle!

Among these five people, what they play is always impossible!
In this battle, Fang Ping and the others were able to survive the battlefield, kill countless soldiers, and contribute to the Nanjiang Catacombs.

And Li Hao...

In the most intense battle, a seventh-rank mid-level was disabled, and even an eighth-rank was recruited!
Li Hao's contribution is almost a reversal of the situation!

When Li Hao lured the eighth rank away, Zhou Dingguo exploded, and Zhou Zhengyang blew himself up as a magic soldier and his body, allowing Li Changsheng to kill the eighth rank with one sword!

At the same time, everyone broke out and defeated the enemy steadily!

In the Mowu camp.

Tang Feng watched with his eyes, but Qin Mu beside him had already moved forward involuntarily.

She moved her steps, staring closely at the figure gradually coming out of the vortex.

When he came to a grandmaster, Qin Mu still stopped, looking at the vortex, a little absent-minded.

The master next to her glanced at her and smiled gently.

To say that the most gratifying thing in the war may be that the winner returns, and there are still people waiting.

There was a sudden energy fluctuation in the vortex. A man was wearing a broken helmet, and his whole body was covered with cloth. There was not a trace of exposed skin, but there was not a trace of blood either.

Everyone was at a loss, what happened to Li Hao?
Li Hao came striding forward, his spiritual power resounding in everyone's ears.

"Everyone, I'm Li Hao."

At the same time, Li Hao turned off the void breathing technique, and the breath of energy, blood and spiritual power was revealed.

Zhang Weiyu felt it, confirmed the identity of the human race, and asked:

"You are..."

Li Hao's skull hidden in the helmet opened, and he managed to outline a smile, but found that no one else could see him, so he stopped smiling and said calmly:

"This time the injury was a bit serious, but it was harmless."

This sentence, Li Hao only said it to Zhang Weiyu, the others didn't hear it, they were still looking at Li Hao suspiciously.

Hearing this, Zhang Weiyu glanced at Li Hao, who was covered in clothes and had a helmet on his head. His expression suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something!

Li Hao didn't pay attention, but faced the public, his mental power suddenly activated, resounding in everyone's ears:
"Everyone, this battle is purely due to internal friction between the enemies!"

"Nanjiang Catacombs, there is no need to plan a war zone! We have conquered this territory today!"

Li Hao stared at the crowd, half bowed and said:
"During the trip to Nanjiang, I am deeply grateful that everyone can enter."

"I am not only from Mowu, but also from Nanjiang. Thank you very much for coming."

Li Hao raised his head, looked around, and saw many people.

People like Tang Feng, Luo Yichuan, as well as Qin Mu and Liu Can were looking at him eagerly.

Zhang Dingnan was right in front of him, and Zhou Dingguo was not far away.

There are also many soldiers and Wu University students who participated in the war. Most of them have been fighting for a while, and their bodies are stained with blood, but they don't care at all!

Li Hao laughed and said loudly:

"In today's battle, my Mowu teacher Li Changsheng successfully broke through to the eighth rank!"

"This battle, great victory!"

Although many people present knew the news, when Li Hao mentioned it again, they couldn't help cheering!
Too many of their brothers and comrades died in the war!
Many people had tears in their eyes when they heard this sentence.

However, many people were confused by Li Hao's first sentence!

Isn't Li Changsheng a sixth rank?

Why can one catacomb surpass the seventh rank and become the eighth rank?
Doesn't spiritual power need to be cultivated?
Doesn't the skull need to be cultivated?
Doesn't the golden body need to be molded?
Zhang Weiyu couldn't help but said via voice transmission: "Really made a breakthrough?"

Li Hao responded with a smile on his face:

"It's indeed a breakthrough, but it's just a golden body, and the spiritual power doesn't even materialize."

"But you can't see it from the outside."

Li Hao knew Zhang Weiyu, as the guardian envoy of the West, how could he not know him?Since he became the honorary president of Mowu, he has read a lot of materials, and he is generally familiar with all the current strong players.

After chatting for a few words, Li Hao suddenly saw a total of twenty Liaoyuan bows placed in the distance!
Zhang Dingnan walked to the side and said in a low voice: "Thanks to the big killer from the Ministry of Education, otherwise the Nanjiang Catacombs would have suffered even more casualties!"

Li Hao said with a smile: "This time, thanks to the author who made these big killers, he was able to help Nanjiang build a city smoothly."

Zhang Dingnan nodded, and asked again: "Wu Zhenshou and Li Changsheng? You said that Li Changsheng broke through to the eighth rank, but why didn't he come out?"

Li Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Wu Zhenshou is still inside, and I think we will have to observe the battle for a while, but when I came back, I felt an aura that was far superior to Wu Zhenshou, and it is estimated that some stronger people took action."

"Teacher Li's words... He doesn't know why, but he didn't come out with Wu Zhenshou. It should be because of the deep love between the brothers and sisters, so he stayed here to chat for a few words."

Although Li Changsheng is a little older than Wu Chuan, Wu Chuan is actually not very old. He is still very young in Ninth Rank. He has great potential and is expected to be the best!
While chatting, suddenly, a stream of light flashed by, and a woman appeared, about 170 cm tall, with a serious face, and two people followed her.

As soon as Nan Yunyue appeared, she glanced around and said calmly:
"Where's Zhang Tao?"

Li Hao turned his head in doubt, and said in a daze:

"Has Minister Zhang come to Nanjiang?"

Nan Yunyue nodded and said:

"I feel that Zhang Tao just fought with Nanjiu...and the enemy in the Nanjiang Catacombs."

 It's all over, count the romantic figures, and see if it is from Qinyuanchun. Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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