My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 240 Changing the 5 Dirty Bridge!The birth of Tongtian Bridge!

Chapter 240 Changing the bridge of internal organs!The birth of Tongtian Bridge!
"No.1: Mo Wu Li Hao.

Strength: the pinnacle of the fifth rank.

Record: Blasting (hidden)

Title: Sun and Moon King. "

As soon as Li Hao's list information came out, it immediately caused a big upsurge.

Numerous news media have also begun to spread the momentum.

"The record of Li Hao, who is number one in the fifth rank, is hidden. Is it a fraud by the Martial Arts Association, or..."

"The younger generation of strong men all have titles, and the Martial Arts Association intends to create momentum..."

"In the top ten of the fifth grade, Mowu's younger generation students actually occupy three places, and two of them occupy the first and second place!"

"King of the Sun and Moon! The younger generation of Tianjiao has such a magnificent title!"

"Dare to use the sun and the moon as names, and stand on your own as a king, Li Hao is so daring!"

"Bold and bold, but the record is hidden. Is there any collusion between Li Hao and the Martial Arts Association? Is there some shady scene in the rankings and titles?"



The news was flying everywhere, and many viewers who didn't know why were also puzzled about Li Hao's record.

Although Fang Ping's record is also hidden, but there are other records!

But what about Li Hao?

The record is hidden, and it is impossible to see it!

On the Internet, people with ulterior motives have begun to spread rumors that the two parties in the Li Hao Martial Arts Association have colluded.

The Internet is already in full swing, and various conspiracy theories emerge in endlessly!

A large number of veteran warriors are also very envious of various titles.

The juniors can have titles, and they still have such grandiose titles, and there are still so many titles at a time. If they say there is no shady scene, they will not believe it even if they are killed!

Many people immediately made up their minds and asked the Martial Arts Association for a title later!


Martial Arts Association.

Li Changsheng said angrily: "My Mowu's Li Hao can have the Sun Moon King, Fang Ping... Qin Fengqing can have the magnificent title of Mu Tianzun, what's wrong with me, Li Changsheng, wanting a Li Jianxian? Is it too much?"

President Wang's face is dark, I haven't settled the score with you Mowu three little bastards, but you jumped out again!

After feeling tired, President Wang shook his head slightly.

Mowu... is getting stronger and stronger!

Li Changsheng has become a rank eight, although it feels a bit weird, but it is indeed a rank eight.

Student Li Hao is even more outstanding, comparable to the seventh rank!
Li Changsheng made a big fuss in the Martial Arts Association, and finally returned to Mowu angrily and gave Qin Fengqing a beating!While beating him, he said: "It's all your fault! If you don't take me with you, I want the title of Sword Immortal, and that bastard from the Martial Arts Association won't give it to me!"

Qin Fengqing was crying, it has something to do with me!
It's Li Hao's fault!

1 month 3 day.

South area.

Linhai area.

Li Hao was floating on the water, just laying down, but it was visible to the naked eye, the golden light flickered on the sparkling sea, and a large amount of light converged towards Li Hao, until it was integrated into the body, turned into blood, and formed flesh and blood!
It's been a long process...

After practicing for two days without sleep, he still couldn't reshape his flesh and blood.

Qi and blood are different from blood, and even more so from flesh and blood.

The potential of the human body is unlimited, the five internal organs hide the gods, the eyes are piercing, and there are gods standing three feet above the head...

Even today, Li Hao has concentrated all his energy and blood, but he can only create a few phantoms of bridges between heaven and earth.

However, if it transforms into flesh and blood, it should be possible to attach a layer of blood to the bones.

But Li Hao still chose to cast the bridge between heaven and earth, and even the heart and other parts were second!
The importance of the bridge between heaven and earth is extraordinary!It almost represents most of the strength of warriors before the peak of the sixth rank!
Therefore, Li Hao must first reshape the bridge between heaven and earth!


Li Hao frowned and shouted!

Immediately, waves broke out on the sea surface, with Li Hao as the center, the surrounding suddenly sank!
Five phantoms gradually appeared. Although they were still crystal clear and bright, they were full of darkness and lived up to their brilliance.

"Sure enough, what the big lion said is true. It is really a lie to break through and then stand up."

Li Hao smiled wryly and shook his head. The novels are all illusory. How can a real person become stronger after being broken?

The five bridges of heaven and earth began to connect end to end, continuously.

But Li Hao suddenly had a whim.

"Connected end to end, in line with the golden mean, the endurance is good, but the synthesis of the power of heaven and earth is really average..."

"How about... forging it straight, going straight, just to explode?"

"It's better to take it from the straight than to stay in the song?"

With a thought, Li Hao pinched the bridge of heaven and earth in his hand and kept thinking in his heart.

According to his combat experience and style, the direct bridge between heaven and earth seems to be more suitable for him!
It's just that the bridge between heaven and earth... If it becomes straight, the function of protecting the internal organs will be lost...

"What internal organs do you want! As long as the bones are not broken, I will not die!"

Li Hao's eyes were fixed, and he exhaled immediately, shaking like thunder, trembling in the void!

The five bridges of heaven and earth broke open in front of one breath, and the bridges of heaven and earth that were originally connected end to end broke open immediately, and five phantoms were placed in front of Li Hao!
In the ocean, Li Hao is sitting in the middle of the sea, with half of his body out of the water, his eyes are deep, and there is no wave on the surface of the ancient well, he gently strokes his palm, picks up the bridge of the heart, connects the front end with the bridge of the liver, the heart is the first bridge, The liver is the second bridge!

There was a muffled sound and vibration in the body, but Li Hao didn't fluctuate at all, and continued to connect the bridge of spleen and liver.

The muffled and cracking sounds continued to resound, and the ocean set off huge waves. If it weren't for the distance from the southern district, the southern district would probably be submerged!
Looking from a distance, a golden skeleton sits in the sea on a magnificent blue sea, like an eternal giant, holding a bridge to the sky, surrounded by huge waves!
Li Hao's movements were very slow. Although he decided to change the bridge between heaven and earth, he did not carelessly. Instead, he walked on thin ice and meticulously connected.

His sudden whim, I don't know if his predecessors have thought about it, even if he has, he doesn't know what the consequences will be, no matter what, he has to walk on eggshells!

Governing the body is like governing a big country. Everyone is the king of the body. We need to tread on thin ice and be as cautious as cooking fresh food.

Time, to and from night.

Li Hao is located in an ocean, and the golden light can't help but burst out, turning the surrounding sea area into blue, which looks very gorgeous.

And in Li Hao's hands, it is the last bridge, the bridge of kidneys!

In front of him, four dim but crystal-clear bridges between heaven and earth formed a bridge to the sky!

The heart is at the bottom, followed by the liver, spleen, and lungs.

Then, Li Hao carefully placed the last bridge of kidneys on top of the bridge of lungs, connecting them!
Suddenly, a violent light flashed!

Li Hao suddenly felt that his sense of completeness was gone, but it was replaced by a sense of joy, as if every move could explode all the power!
"Is this good or bad?"

Li Hao stared at the Tongtian Bridge in front of him, and murmured.

It doesn't look bad. I don't know if anyone has done it before. It looks like I'm going to Mowu's library in the future.

There are many autobiographies, experiences, anecdotes, and even cultivation materials recorded there, but these are all from what Fang Ping said, and Li Hao hasn't been there much.

Looking at the bridge in front of him that seemed to reach the sky and the earth, Li Hao's eyes became more and more strange.

"Looks a bit like...a spine?"

Reaching heaven and earth, although it is straight, the bridge between heaven and earth is also something that exists between nothingness.

Or... put it in the spine?

Anyway, the Tongtian bridge can't protect the five internal organs, it's better to put it in the spine, maybe it can protect the bones!

Li Hao hangs his life entirely by his bones now, he can survive without his internal organs, but without his golden bones... he will most likely die.

The spine is an extremely important branch in the skeleton, and is also called the 'keel'...

"How about I try?"

(End of this chapter)

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