Chapter 261 Shadow?Heroic!
the next day.

Mowu Grand Plaza.

The entire Mowu students stood on the square, looking towards the stage.

On the stage, there were only Li Hao, Fang Ping, and Qin Fengqing.

In mid-air, Li Changsheng, Lu Fengrou and other magic and martial arts instructors were looming, hidden in the clouds and mists, which did not have a fairy flavor.

Now, except for Tang Feng who tempered the magic weapons, Wu Kuishan who went to the Ministry of Education, and some old civil servants who didn't want to go out, the whole Mowu is almost gathered together!
Li Hao looked at the densely packed crowd in the square, and said loudly:

"Everyone knows that I am the honorary president of the Martial Arts Club, and I called everyone today not for anything else, but to say a good thing to everyone!"

Qin Fengqing stood sullenly, and was suddenly stirred up by spiritual power, so she reluctantly became a fan, "What's the good thing?"

Facing thousands of people, Li Hao said with a smile: "Of course it is a good thing that can improve my great career in magic and martial arts! It concerns everyone standing in front of me!"

As he spoke, Li Hao suddenly roared.

"Starting today, I announce that we will add new categories to the logistics department, exercises!"

As soon as the words came out, there was an immediate uproar.

"Cultivation techniques? The tactics department belongs to the logistics department?"

"Cut, what are you talking about for everyone, can tactics lower the price?"



Compared with the discussion of the students on the ground, in mid-air, the instructors were all smiling.

Luo Yichuan said with a smile: "Last night, this little fellow Li Hao came to our door and told me about it. At first I thought it was just me, but I didn't expect everyone to know about it."

Lu Fengrou said softly: "I didn't expect the education department to make a new exercise without making any noise, but I don't know the details."

When Huang Jing heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

This exercise is not from the Ministry of Education, but from the little guy Li Hao.

But that's good too, if someone peeps, they won't be able to see Li Hao's head.

After laughing for a while, Huang Jing said solemnly: "I tried this exercise, and it was passed on to the Grandmaster a long time ago. For the Grandmaster, it's just that the Qi and blood speed is faster, but for the Grandmaster below..."

Huang Jing narrowed his eyes slightly, and told the results of multiple tests by the Ministry of Education.

"For masters and below, the weaker you are, the stronger the effect. If you are a first-rank or even a quasi-warrior, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as reborn."

"The effect of this technique is so strong? Can it be used on quasi-warriors?"

Lu Fengrou frowned and said: "If it is taken by cult warriors to increase their arrogance, it will be terrible!"

Luo Yichuan pondered and said: "This is also a last resort, but a few days ago, the Chief of the South led the Criminal Investigation Department to sweep the whole country, beheading many cult warriors."

Huang Jing added: "Furthermore, at present, it is only passed on to Mowu, and the ministry of education only passes it on to the master and some trusted experts from the military department."

"Even if they are cult warriors, to put it bluntly, as long as they don't attack the common people, as long as they dare to enter the burrow, they are considered, so what?"

Huang Jing knew that what they were worried about was not the cult warriors who would go into the crypt and slash and kill the enemy with their knives, but the cult warriors who were soft on outsiders but tough on themselves, and tough on their knives!
If you encounter such a person, you must kill him!

On the stage.

Li Hao looked around, and just as he was about to speak, Fang Ping's mental power appeared beside him.

"Lao Li, isn't the price of this exercise a bit too cheap?"

Li Hao’s voice response: “It’s just to be cheap, otherwise no one will buy it. Why would people buy a new version of the exercises that don’t know the effect? ​​It was originally promoted for free, but it just so happens that the money sold is used to supplement the school.”

"These days, there are 2000 new students. Even if there is elimination, it is still too much. The resources spent are countless, and some of them can't make ends meet."

As he said that, Li Hao was also a little helpless.

To be honest, Mowu can still support it.

The premise is to use the fundamentals accumulated over decades.

But he wants to reshape his physical body and go to the cave to kill monsters.

So to open the accumulated treasure house, you need to contact the Immortal Grandmaster.

Once the accumulated treasure house was opened, he didn't know how much resources he would spend to reshape his physical body this time.

But since he planned to open it, he also tempered the golden body by the way.

The resources he consumed can be retrieved from the crypt later!

When the stage was still full of discussions, Li Hao spoke softly, but his voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears.

"I'm talking about exercises, not tactics. I announce that the new version of exercises published by the Ministry of Education has been officially implemented in Mowu."

"Of course, this is not for nothing. After all, Mowu can't make ends meet to support you."

"The new version of the exercises published by the Ministry of Education is completely different from the original tempering method, and can completely transform a lot of low-level warriors, so the price is..."

"One hundred credits!"

In the crowd, agitation occurred.

"One hundred credits? Three million... It doesn't seem very expensive, why don't you give it a try?"

In the crowd, Tang Wen said.

Next to him, Gu Longfei shook his head slightly and said: "It's not necessary, so what if it's a new version of the exercises, the new version of the exercises may not be easy to use..."

Luo Sheng on the side suddenly scratched his head naively and said, "My dad just told me to exchange it. This exercise has already been passed on to many masters."

Gu Longfei was choked, and became angry from embarrassment: "Lao Luo, can you let me finish my words before slapping my face!"

"Don't talk about it." Tang Wen came back to her senses, looked up at the sky, and said, "Uncle Huang also asked me to exchange it, saying that this exercise is good for me."

Gu Longfei also raised his head and looked at the dozens of mentors who were faintly visible in the sky, like gods and gods, and said enviously: "It's so handsome... I seem to be above the fifth rank, or even a grand master."

Next to him, Luo Sheng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We are not slow, we are already at the second rank. I heard that Mr. Li and Senior Fang are only at the third rank and fourth rank in the first year. , it might work.”

Gu Longfei said in a muffled voice: "That's because the resources of magic and martial arts are easy to obtain. The ten great masters all went to Beijing to obtain the right to manage pills and weapons. Naturally, our strength will increase!"


"Old Li, what do you think about the strength of Mowu's new students?" Fang Ping glanced at Li Hao and asked with a smile.

"Oh?" Li Hao glanced at the crowds in the square, and suddenly said in surprise:
"After a quick glance, it seems that there are hundreds of people in the first rank, but the second rank has broken through several thousand!"

This was beyond his expectations!

In a team of thousands of people, these hundreds of first-rank warriors are likely to be freshmen, but even so, many of the nearly 2000 freshmen have broken through to second-rank!
Although the speed is far behind them, compared with the previous Mowu, the speed is already rising like a rocket.

In contrast, there are still some old students in the third and fourth grades who stay in the first grade, which is a bit unreasonable.

Fang Ping chuckled for a while, his expression faded, and he said: "But there is a big thing, old students have more resources than freshmen, they have more training, and there are crypt entry indicators, but there are still some There are a lot of first-rank warriors, and there are also many second-rank warriors."

Li Hao pondered and said: "Old students... Regarding the issue of sanctioning low-rank old students, let's put it aside for now, and prepare to put pressure on it, so that this exercise can be spread for two months. If there are still second-rank old students, then reduce resources. There are still first-rank old students, so let's expel them directly!"

Fang Ping nodded: "That's exactly what I mean."

After agreeing, Li Hao suddenly took a step forward, his blood was slightly released. Immediately, the commotion crowd fell silent, all looked at Li Hao, waiting for his voice.

Li Hao looked at the crowd and said:

"It's been decades since my school of magic and martial arts was established. Not long ago, ten masters went to Beijing to fight for the management rights and autonomy of pills, weapons, and even energy for our students."

"Everyone is a person who enjoys the dividends. It stands to reason that the strength will improve by leaps and bounds!"

"Most people have done a good job, seized this opportunity, and made great strides in strength, moving forward indomitably!"

"However, there are still a small group of people who think that there is no need to break through, or, for other reasons."

"I feel sorry for that."


Li Hao's voice suddenly became high.

"Because we have surpassed Jingwu now, whether it is independent management or resource distribution, we have surpassed Jingwu!"

"In other schools, you will not see any better Wuda than Mowu!
In the outside world, you will not see welfare institutions better than Wuhan University!

The benefits of any organization are based on your strength!
If your strength is poor, four years of wasting is not as good as mine for one year of penance, so why should you enjoy better resources than me? "

Li Hao's face gradually turned cold, and he shouted violently: "Zhang Yu!"


On the left side of the stage, dozens of Martial Arts Club fighters suddenly appeared, and Zhang Yu followed them.

The aura of a group of third-rank warriors made many people breathless.

"Starting today, the Martial Arts Club will conduct emergency training and daily discussions with a large number of old students to promote the improvement of their strength."

Zhang Yu said loudly, "Yes!"

Li Hao stared at the crowd and said, "The Ministry of Education releases the new version of exercises, and the resources are always pouring in. As long as you want it, if you dare to ask for it, there will definitely be it!"

"Here, I'll show the seniors, seniors, seniors, and seniors. After two months, if there are still people who can't break through to the second rank, then leave!"

Immediately, Li Hao didn't care how many students in front of him were commotioning, and said directly: "This meeting is officially over, everyone can go back separately."

After speaking, Zhang Yu led a group of martial arts club fighters to evacuate the collective crowd of students.

After everyone left, the mentors slowly flew down.

Luo Yichuan said: "Li Hao, can this exercise be exchanged now?"

Li Hao said with a smile: "Mr. Luo, the exercises have already been restricted to the logistics department. At present, they are mainly in charge of Dean Li."

Li Changsheng chuckled lightly: "The price of [-] credits for this exercise is a bit low."

Li Hao shook his head and said, "Not low."

"The Ministry of Education means to spread it in Mowu first. We have a large group of freshmen, and one hundred credits is barely acceptable. If thousands of people are exchanged, it will be tens of thousands of credits, which can be regarded as making up for the resource problem."

Mowu's credits are its own currency, but they can be exchanged for genuine resources in Mowu, which is actually equivalent to recycling currency.

Luo Yichuan sighed softly: "Mowu has more students now, and the current education fund of 300 billion is not enough!"

Li Hao said in a low voice: "The Catacombs are both a disaster and a blessing. A blessing is a disaster. My Mowu has a hopeful big city. I am really going to the point where I have no resources. I will start a big war and liquidate this old dog, the owner of Tianmen City!"

"When I reshape my physical body and go down to the crypt to kill those monsters, everyone of my six masters of magic and martial arts will have magical weapons! At that time, it will be smoother to liquidate the enemies in the crypt of the capital city!"

Lu Fengrou's eyes changed slightly, and her voice softened a lot.

"The situation in the Devil's Catacombs is very tense right now, so we still have to wait."

Li Hao said with a smile: "Teacher Lu, don't worry about me. I have a secret method to restrain my breath. I am not a master myself, and I have a strong ability to save my life. If I really want to go down to the burrow, I will not be able to kill me at the ninth rank!"

Li Changsheng suddenly said: "Li Hao, don't take chance as absolute."

"Take Li Mo from Zhenxing City as an example. He is the pinnacle of the eighth rank. When you burst out with fifty luns of power, you only broke his hand, and it can be recovered in a second!"

"Ninth-rank powerhouses, although they are still in the cognition of us people, but this realm is only one step away from the inconceivable peak, a thousand miles away, and the peak is almost a magical existence, but is it possible that the nine The quality is bad?"

Li Changsheng's eyes were deep, and he said quietly: "Don't forget, you are only a fifth-rank now. Even if you are unparalleled in combat power and dare to regard the sun and the moon as kings, the difference in realm, the difference in qi and blood, will always be real."

Li Hao said indifferently: "I will pay attention to this matter, but Shenbing will definitely take it. The passage in Tiannan Catacombs will be fixed soon, and Mowu will definitely go to many masters."

Unlike the Nanjiang Catacombs, the Tiannan Catacombs may be the most dangerous cave entrance ever.

Because it was breached by the enemy a long time ago, this time it is fixed, the energy is instantly solidified, and there will be no restrictions.

I'm afraid that hundreds of master masters may appear at the same time!

There are currently six great masters of Mo Wu, among other things, in the face of this situation, at least three masters will go to Tiannan Catacombs.

If there is no magic weapon, I am afraid that the possibility of surviving is not high!
Hearing Li Hao mentioning the Tiannan Catacombs, the expressions of the instructors gradually became serious.

Huang Jing was a little worried: "The Tiannan Grottoes can be said to be the biggest battle in the Xinwu era. My Mowu will produce at least three masters."

Luo Yichuan looked solemn: "I saw Minister Nan and Minister Zhang flying past Mowu and headed for the Tiannan area."

Beside Li Hao, Qin Fengqing and Fang Ping had different expressions, and they were all worried.

The instructors thought for a while, and suddenly realized that Li Hao went to the burrow to fight bloody battles, and killed a few magical weapons for the great masters of Mowu... It seemed that he was chosen by heaven!

There is no way to refuse at all!
Only Li Hao is not a seventh-rank, and he still has breath, so he will not be noticed.

Moreover, his strength is strong, even Wang Jinyang and Li Hansong are not as good as him in his generation.

Li Hao, who is at the peak of the fifth rank, can kill the seventh rank!

Many people fell silent.

Finally, Huang Jing said with complicated eyes: "Li Hao, you have the shadow of the old principal."

Shadow, or heroic?Maybe both.

Li Hao said with a smile: "Wu Da warriors serve the country and the people. I did this not only for Mowu, but also for the situation in Tiannan Catacombs. The current me is not as good as the old principal."

After speaking, Li Hao suddenly said: "I heard that the big lion is still tempering the magic weapon, how is the situation now?"

(End of this chapter)

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