Chapter 265 The Son of Fortune
"The realization of spiritual power represents a high degree of concentration of mental power. In an idiom, it means that it can be attacked and defended, and it can be both offensive and defensive."

"I have condensed the wild lion. If the seventh-rank peak attacks my mental power, I can resist it with the wild lion."

"However, since I have spiritual manifestations, the enemy naturally has them, so in the end, it is a matter of benevolence and wisdom."

"Three kilohertz of spiritual power at the peak of the seventh rank is killing me, it must be a huge trend. If I don't have a spiritual power to manifest, I may be suppressed."

"And I have a wild lion, which means that I have a chance to defend. Although it will not perfectly resist the enemy's mental power, it can also resist part of it."


Tang Feng's face became serious: "The embodiment of spiritual power is very particular in the crypt. We don't know what it is called and what it is about. At least I don't know. It may represent some kind of deeper level. s things."

"Using spiritual power to resist mental power attacks will damage it. If it can be repaired, it can fight again, but if it is really broken, it may cause irreversible damage!"

"So, I said that this is the reason why I can't defeat the seventh-rank peak. If my spiritual power is not broken, so what if I kill the waste of the crypt?"

Tang Feng spoke very domineeringly, saying word by word: "The seventh rank in the Catacombs are all trash, I will kill one of them with one punch!"

Li Hao curled his lips and remained silent.

Let the big lion look majestic!

As soon as he broke through, he slashed the seventh-rank monster and took the limelight.

Must be suffocated.

No wonder he wanted to beat him up just because he had broken through to the seventh rank.

The big lion is dying!

in the afternoon.

Martial arts club.

Li Hao was walking on the road.

Everyone who passed by said respectfully: "President Li."

Without him, Li Hao's current reputation is too prosperous!
Everyone in Mowu knows that Li Hao is not only No. 1 on the fifth-rank list, but also has the title of Sun and Moon King.

The reason why they are so respected is not only their strength and achievements, but also some reforms to the school.

Everyone in the Martial Arts Club knew that since Li Hao issued the regulations on the old students, the old students stopped coming out, and each of them tried their best to break through the second and third ranks!
The whole campus fell into penance.

There is also a new version of the exercises that Li Hao obtained from the Ministry of Education. These warriors above the third rank in the Martial Arts Club will be astonished as heaven and man once they practice it!

The speed of practice has soared, and their daily expenses on pills have been reduced a lot!
I'm afraid that it won't be long before a large number of fourth-rank warriors will appear in the school!
Although it is a practice issued by the Ministry of Education, Mowuli was announced by Li Hao, and some people have inquired about it in other Wuhan universities. At present, only Mowu is popularized!

Naturally, Li Hao's figure grew in the hearts of many students of the Martial Arts Club!
President Li must have tried his best to release the new version of exercises on Mowu in the first place!
Otherwise, how to explain the lack of popularization of Jingwu?
Li Hao nodded, walked all the way to Fang Ping's Martial Arts Club president's office, opened the door and entered.

It wasn't until the door was closed that the students of the Martial Arts Club left with unsatisfied intentions.

"President Li is really a great talent in magic and martial arts!"

"It's really the right decision to have President Li as the honorary president of my Mowu Martial Arts Club!"

They all forgot that in the beginning, the Martial Arts Club did not have an honorary president, Fang Ping added it himself, and forcibly gave it to Li Hao...


in the office.

As soon as Li Hao entered the door, he saw Mowu's foreign affairs director and Fang Ping discussing something.

Li Hao stepped forward, glanced at it, and asked, "Invitation to the grand master banquet?"

"Yes." Fang Ping didn't raise his head, and said directly, "February [-]nd, the feast of the three great masters, this time I have to hold the important point, the three departments and four mansions have already invited them, and the city of Zhenxing has to send them too." some invitations.

In addition, some strong people in the sect have too many invitations, and you just came, help me to see if there is anything missing? "

Fang Ping was talking, when Mowu Foreign Affairs Director saw Li Hao, he quickly called out a respectful title: "President Li."

Li Hao nodded and didn't pay much attention to it. Looking at the various invitations, he suddenly said, "You are missing Wuhan University!"

"Although Wuhan University belongs to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education does not belong to Wuhan University. You are too young. For example, Jingwu University, Nanjiang Wuhan University, and the First Military Academy are good friends with us."

"There are also the governor's mansions of the provinces, and the governor's mansion of Mowu. The governor also helped the big lion temper the magic weapon..."

"At the Sifu, you can take out another invitation card and invite Brother Wu Chuan. He is the guardian envoy of the South, and he is a graduate of Mowu. Although he may not come back, we have to give it."

Fang Ping's eyes brightened: "I have encountered too many situations in the past few days, and I have thought too much. I forgot these small things..."

As he spoke, Fang Ping also shook his head.

After they experienced the First World War in Nanjiang, many major events happened, and the situation naturally improved. Therefore, when preparing invitations, they naturally put all the well-known characters into the forces represented behind them, thus ignoring the individual.

Li Hao said with a smile: "Recently, I will take a souvenir of Nanjiang, and bring Qin Fengqing with me when I turn back, and we will go to Nanjiang to leave a name in history."

Speaking of this, Fang Ping also smiled lightly: "To be honest, life is very important... I have lived for so many years, and I have not left a name in history. When I think about hundreds or thousands of years later, there will still be younger generations who will see me. , I get excited just thinking about it.”

Li Hao didn't care that Fang Ping almost slipped his tongue, and he was indeed a little excited.

Leave a name in history!
This means that even if he will die, the deeds of coming to the world will pass through the time tunnel through Nanjiang and pass on to the future.


Li Hao said: "Now that we have left a name in history, we must work harder to conquer the Catacombs!"


Fang Ping's pen sharpened suddenly, and his voice became decisive!

"The catacombs are a great disaster for the country, if we don't get rid of them, the peace and prosperity are just a superficial whitewash!"

Li Hao glanced at the director.

Mowu's foreign affairs director felt the same as Ming Jing, and the two were about to discuss strategic issues again, so he immediately said: "Both presidents, you are busy, I have something to do, so let's go first."

Li Hao nodded slightly.

Wait until the Director of Foreign Affairs leaves.

Li Hao said, "You should know about the Tiannan Catacombs."

"That's natural." Fang Ping said: "I think back then, we were still in the college entrance examination."

Li Hao nodded and said: "It is estimated that the Tiannan Catacombs will open sooner or later. There are currently six masters in Mowu, and at least three will go."

"This may be hailed as the most grand war in the history of the Xinwu era."

Fang Ping opened his mouth and said, "I heard from Nanchang Chang about the Tiannan Catacombs, so do you have any solutions?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I can't do it." Li Hao shook his head.

"This time there are hundreds of high-ranking contestants, I am only a fifth-rank, so of course I can't do this kind of thing."

"Then what do you mean..."

Li Hao said with a smile: "When the Nanjiang matter is settled, I'm going to go to the Catacombs of the Demon City, kill a few monsters, and arrange a magic weapon for the current masters of Mowu."

"I and Lao Qin will follow me to the next trip to the Catacombs."

Although Fang Ping is in danger every time he goes down to the crypt, he really can't die!
But he is different, he is not the son of luck, every time he goes down to the burrow, he often encounters life and death.

He is not afraid of those seventh-rank monsters, he is confident that even ninth-rank monsters can't kill him!

But, I'm just afraid, what should I do if the Ninth Rank Absolute Peak comes out?
This is the most worrying thing!

He figured it out, Fang Ping is the son of luck, he will never die, there is definitely some metaphysics in it!
(End of this chapter)

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