My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 277 Thank you for the invitation

Chapter 277 Thank you for the invitation
Fang Ping said very naturally: "Wu Chuan Wu Zhenshou!
Think about it, our principal is also surnamed Wu, and they are all called Lao Wu, so there must be some mistakes.

Besides, Old Wu should not be as old as Old Wu... But I don't know, but his strength is not as strong as Old Wu, so let's divide it like this! "

The corner of Li Hao's mouth twitched, is that okay?
Fang Ping, you are good at naming names!


Just as Li Hao was complaining wildly in his heart, Wu Chuan's face twitched when he just arrived on the south side of Hope City.

Turning his head and staring at Fang Ping, who was far away, he didn't care whether he stared at him or not, and snorted softly: "If you weren't my Mowu's..."

If Fang Ping wasn't Mo Wu, Wu Chuan would have beaten him up long ago!


After listening to Fang Ping's whole story, Qin Fengqing grinned and said, "I heard that Old Wu is a scimitar soldier, why not call him..."

Before they finished speaking, the surroundings were completely silent. Li Hao and Fang Ping backed up more than ten meters at the same time.

Qin Fengqing asked in surprise, "What are you doing...?"



Qin Fengqing was blown away by a gust of air on the spot.

Fang Ping lowered his head and remained silent.

On the contrary, Li Hao laughed and said, "Old Qin, what you say about you is not good, you have to give Wu Zhenshou a nickname!"

Qin Fengqing stood up, didn't mention the nickname, and said angrily: "Why is Fang Ping like this, but he is fine?!"

Fang Ping chuckled, but it was Li Hao who was knocked down by Qin Fengqinglei. With a sneer, a wave of spiritual power poured in.

"Idiot, Fang Ping took the nickname because of it, but you can carefully examine it yourself, what did he say before?

It is said that Lao Lao Wu is stronger than Lao Wu, that's why he is called Lao Lao Wu!

Is this a nickname?This is called praise!

You're fine, it's a scimitar magic weapon when you come up.

Who knows what you're going to say? "

Qin Fengqing was furious, and looked at Fang Ping in disbelief: "Fang Ping, I always thought you were the most upright person other than Iron Head!

I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would start playing tricks! "

Fang Ping, who was smiling lightly, immediately turned black and stared at him unkindly.

What do you mean, put me and Iron Head together?
Li Hao suppressed his laughter, and patted Fang Ping's shoulder: "Fang Ping, you should reflect on it, whether it is Lao Qin's problem or your problem!"

Fang Ping's complexion changed again and again!
Staring at Li Hao for a while, Fang Ping suddenly recalled Sang Tian Bihai: "Old Li, do you know what I said before, you are my god of war in heaven?
You may not know that in this land of realms, there were actually 36 realms back then, which were conferred on you by me, plus 300 million female attendants, and [-] ninth-rank powerhouses.

Hey, now, the vicissitudes of life have turned everything into chaos.

Reincarnation is always something that can never be escaped. "

Li Hao looked like a fool!

Bully me for not understanding you, or not understanding the original work?

Where did God of War come from!

Li Hao added softly: "You actually said before that I am the number one god of war born from the Eastern Shenyang, and Lao Qin is the god of heaven."

Fang Ping's face froze, how do you remember it so clearly?

Qin Fengqing was very interested and said, "What about me?"

Fang Ping glanced at him, turned to leave, and said casually, "You, you are Tianzun Mu. Later, you wanted to stand on your own, but were hacked to death by Lao Li and me together."

Qin Fengqing's face turned green!
Mad, can you make up a story with some truth!

He also set up his own family and was hacked to death!

"Old Fang, I will fight with you!"


After the farce, several people went deep into Hope City.

Because entry is restricted in the Catacombs of the Demon City, all the people walking on the street are strong warriors.

Among them, the strong in the military occupy the majority.

Walking on the road, many strong men in the military department paid attention to Li Hao and the others, and asked directly.

"Li Hao, how many of you have missions?"

Li Hao replied: "Yes."

A strong man in the military department with a wrinkled face said with a smile: "In this case, I wish you three all the best."

Everyone else laughed too.

"Fang Ping, calm down recently. I heard that you got several hundred catties of life essence in Nanjiang last time, and ended up giving it all to that old man Li Changsheng?"

"Qin Fengqing, be brave this time, don't run away every day, come back, I will introduce my daughter to you!"

Qin Fengqing's eyes lit up, he looked left and right, and said loudly: "Dare to ask how much your father-in-law is worth, and how much is his wealth?"

The strong man in the military department who spoke just now was speechless. After a moment of silence, he smiled helplessly: "Forget it, you really want to be with my daughter. I don't think you will be able to stay for long. My family is gone!"

After chatting casually for a while, Li Hao and the others walked up to the city wall.

On the city wall, you can see the cunning king forest in the distance at a glance.

The cunning king's forest occupied the original location of Tianmen City. The trees were lush and covered a large area, but it did not invade Hope City in the slightest.

Come to think of it, Qiao is not a fool, he naturally knows who can be provoked, who is not easy to provoke, who is a temporary ally and who is an enemy.

At present, the Warriors of Hope City are the cunning allies!

Cunning is naturally not stupid, otherwise it would be impossible to reach the eighth rank.

It is the balance of the mean to make good friends with Hope City and hate Tianmen City.


city ​​wall.

Wu Kuishan and others are also there, Mowu is suppressing the Catacombs of the Modu, and they, high-level Mowu, will naturally suppress the Catacombs of the Modu.

When he saw Li Hao coming, Wu Kuishan stepped forward, patted the shoulders of the three of them, and said softly, "You should pay attention this time. If you need it, you can call me."

Wu Kuishan's promise was almost the same as Wu Chuan's, but Li Hao could see that in Wu Kuishan's eyes, a small phantom of a magical weapon flashed.

This is the divine weapon of nothingness!
Wu Kuishan had sneaked into the demon tree three years ago, took a branch of the Tianmen tree, and tempered the divine weapon to the peak of the eighth rank.

Although he didn't become the ninth rank, Wu Kuishan put a lot of thought into this divine weapon.

Don't look at it as just the peak of the eighth rank, but if you really want to say it, it is also the closest to the ninth rank among the eighth ranks!

To be honest, Wu Kuishan has used it for so many years, and the magic weapon has long been integrated into it. He is very familiar with it, almost as kind as blood!
It can almost be called an enlightened soldier!
Using it, a divine weapon in his hands can turn decay into magic, even comparable to a ninth-rank divine weapon!

Without this magical weapon, his combat power would be reduced by at least [-]%!

Now, he revealed the divine weapon just to tell Li Hao!

Go with confidence and boldness!

With me as the principal, I will give you a guarantee!

Thirty kilometers outside Hope City.

A few figures are rushing to the jungle filled with weeds.

However, the strange thing is that if you only feel the breath, you can only feel one, which creates a serious perception contrast.

Li Hao was at the end, controlled his speed, and whispered to Qin Fengqing: "Old Qin, among the three of us, Fang Ping and I are both road idiots, you are the only one who knows the direction, you have to remember it carefully!

If we really go to the wrong place, go deep into the desert of thousands of ants, the forest of beasts, or even go directly into Yuhaishan, we will die! "

In front, Qin Fengqing, who was running extremely fast, complained a bit: "Old Li, you said, you are almost a master, and if you really want to say, you are stronger than a master, but you are still a road idiot?"

(End of this chapter)

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