My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 280 Six People Kill Nine Grades!

Chapter 280 Six people kill the ninth rank!
Cunning Wang Lin.

Ji, who was covered in golden armor, struggled in his big eyes, and his body began to twist, looking at the desert of thousands of ants, walking around.

do you want to go?

It smells like the Flood Dragon King!

It is actually a matter of time before he breaks through to the realm of the Venerable, with a stronger distance.

To shorten the time, resources are needed.

He is very short of resources now!
After the expansion of the territory, Yaomu City and Yaokui City were provoked.

It is also dangerous to go out.

do you want to go?

After thinking for a long time, I made up my mind.

With a movement of Qiao's body, he disappeared into the forest of King Qiao.

But cunningly, he didn't go directly to the Ten Thousand Ants Desert area, but approached Hope City and went around the road.

If he ran into the two kings of Yaomu City and Yaokui City on the road, he would be dead!

There was a smug look in the big cunning eyes.

This king is still smart!

At this moment, many strong men set off.

But most of them just approached the Ten Thousand Ant Desert and didn't dare to go deep.

The desert of ten thousand ants... is deeply hidden, and there are many kingdoms in it.

If it is only at the command level, then you can enter it, and the ant clan of Nuo Da will not care about a command.

But Venerable and Wang Jing, you can't go in rashly, otherwise you will easily encounter danger!

Hope City.

Wu Chuan clearly felt the breath of many ninth-rank creatures, and he was shocked countless times!
You know, the most enemies they face are actually the cities of Yaozhi's lineage!

How many city lords of Yaozhi's lineage are there?
That's all!

But at this moment, there are far more ninth-rank creatures blooming with terrifying aura than the number of ninth-rank enemies they face!
Even the city lord of Yaozhi's lineage plus Yaozhi can't compare to the strong man who appeared at this moment!
I am afraid that there are dozens of Ninth Ranks!

The entire City of Hope is very tense.

Some people even said in distress: "After all, Li Hao and the others should really be restricted from entering the Catacombs of the Demon City!"

Many people in Hope City knew that Li Hao had left the city, and after leaving the city for a while, there was a match between the top powerhouses!
Many strong men stationed in Hope City believed that it was definitely done by the three of Li Hao!

Xu Mo said helplessly: "This time, so many Ninth Grades have been attracted, and when I enter next time, is it possible that I will provoke the top?"

Wu Kuishan looked embarrassed, and coughed dryly: "Well, when they come back, I will issue an order to prohibit them from entering again. It's really not good to keep doing this!"

There is no way, Li Hao and the others will provoke a strong man next time they burrow.

The lower you go, the stronger and more terrifying the enemy is!
Wu Kuishan really felt that maybe the next time Li Hao went down to the burrow, he would offend a very strong man!

Wu Chuan also reluctantly echoed: "It is true that they should be restricted from entering!

The changes in the situation in the Catacombs of the Demon Capital caught us off guard, and now they have created a great disturbance...

When they come back, let them go to other places to cause harm! "

Tian Mu, who had been silent all this time, was stunned, glanced at the people around him, and murmured: "Why do you all think they can come back alive?!"

Wu Kuishan was also taken aback, that's right, why did he think that Li Hao and the others would definitely come back?
This time, they are facing Ninth Rank, and there are a lot of them!

After all, Li Hao is just a fifth-rank martial artist who is not yet 20 years old!
Wu Chuan said casually, "Maybe...the miracle they have been creating?"

Li Hao was invincible all the way, facing his peers, he basically never lost!At the third rank, he was chased and killed by the seventh rank, but he came back alive, his flesh and blood were broken, leaving only the golden bones, and he was still able to shine like a god of war!

Fang Ping has a special physique. Everyone knows that his mental strength and qi and blood can be recovered quickly through pills. In terms of strength, he is only inferior to Li Hao. He also created many miracles in the Nanjiang Catacombs!

Qin a strange thing, this guy is not weak among his peers, and he is even more desperate to go down to the crypt!
In one year, Qin Fengqing visited the Catacombs at least thirty times!
Every time, he was either seriously injured or dying!
However, in the end he survived!
With one bone tempering, the speed is not weaker than Li Hao and others, and the realm has reached the peak of the fifth rank.

In the eyes of many people, Qin Fengqing is actually the most amazing young talent!

Some warriors who know the theory of mutant warriors know that many of the younger generation of Tianjiao may be born with mutations, and have more or less innate advantages.

Only Qin Fengqing climbed up and killed out step by step!
These three arrogances, both in combat strength and intellect, have created many miracles!

Why can't you come back alive!



Li Hao and Fang Ping had already dug hundreds of meters deep. Feeling the aura hovering above, their moods fluctuated accordingly.

After calming down, Li Hao suddenly said: "Dig outside, first dig out a way out, and then go up to see the situation."

Fang Ping nodded and said, "That's what I mean too!"

As they said that, the two started to work again, digging up the soil and digging out a branch so that they could escape with each other.


on the ground.

After the Phoenix King and the Jiaolong King fought once, they didn't make another move, but confronted each other.

The surrounding terrifying aura is coming quickly.

Soon, an ant bigger than a normal person flew over, covered in golden armor, with high momentum!
"Golden Ant King!"

The eyes of the Jiaolong King changed slightly, and his figure retreated a few meters.

Kuilong, Zhu Yan and other beasts also wanted to retreat quickly, but the breath of the Golden Ant King locked them in like a sharp edge, and they dared not make a sound!
After being locked, Kuilong kept cursing in his heart!
What the hell, is the Golden Ant King so strong?

Even the Flood Dragon King of the Hundred Beast Forest was a little afraid!

After the golden ant king appeared, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said softly, "I heard that some people want to intervene in the beast I value?"

Although the Jiaolong King was afraid, but the Golden Ant King had made it clear that he would target him, and he was not backing down. Instead, he sneered and said, "They come to my Hundred Beast Forest, so I will naturally accept them!"


As soon as the words fell, there was an earth-shattering sound, and two king-level ants appeared instantly!
"Flame Ant King! Han Ant King!"

Flood Dragon King's complexion suddenly changed!
Even if he is the three kings, he can't beat or offend them!

The reason why he is afraid of the Golden Ant King is not that he is afraid of him, but that it is not far from the Ten Thousand Ant Desert, and the King Realm of the Ten Thousand Ant Desert is the easiest to reach!

As soon as the Yan Ant King arrived, his aura surged, and his strength was exerted to the extreme. When he went up, he punched him!
Like mountains and rivers collapsing, like stars shattering!
A terrifying sound erupted, and the power trembled in the void!

Flood Dragon King backed away dozens of meters, his face was not good-looking, there were a few drops of golden blood on his paws, exuding a terrifying aura, but his paws were also bloody!
The Yan Ant King had a bad temper and said mercilessly, "Trash! Lao Jin and Lao Han, join hands today and kill him!"

The golden ant king was suddenly moved!
He closed his eyes slightly, feeling the rushing breath.

Immediately, he nodded, and Han Ant King didn't say anything at all, and went straight to action!
Suddenly, a big battle broke out!

In mid-air, the sound of explosions continued to resound, and there were fluctuations everywhere!

It's just the aftermath of the fight, which almost destroyed Yanshuitan!

On the ground, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared, which belonged to Li Hao, and Fang Ping was watching the battle beside him!

The battle fluctuated, the energy resounded in all directions, trembling the void!

No one noticed these two pairs of eyes on the ground at all!

Li Hao's heart trembled when he saw the battle in mid-air.

Four Ninth Rank Battles!

Li Hao looked away and looked around. Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and his heart trembled.

"The Lord of Xifeng City!"

This time, there are already five fifth-ranks!
Li Hao and Fang Ping controlled their voices and communicated very quietly, not even daring to set up a mental barrier!
"Five ninth grades, this time it's too big!" Fang Ping whispered.

"Don't panic, if a few of them really die in battle, we might gain even more if we fish in troubled waters!"

At this time, Li Hao was not only not afraid, but also very excited!

The first thing he thought of was not the consequences of being discovered, but looking forward to, if there is a ninth-rank death, after the war breaks out...

Can he take away the corpse of the ninth-rank monster?

A handful of Ninth Grade Divine Weapons brings the greatest increase in combat power!



In just a moment, the result of this battle appeared!
Flood Dragon King was beaten bloody, half of his body was smashed to pieces, flesh and blood flew everywhere, golden blood splattered!

"Flood Dragon King, it looks like you are going to die here!"

A gleam of joy flashed in Yan Ant King's eyes, his roar shook the sky, and when he raised his hand, a golden light appeared, and he instantly punched out the ultimate punch, the strength was highly concentrated, as if to smash the void!

almost simultaneously.

The Golden Ant King and the Han Ant King also showed no mercy, and launched the strongest attack to kill the Flood Dragon King in one fell swoop!

At this moment, they broke out everything!
The ultimate brilliance contains the most terrifying attack!

The explosion of the three kings can only be described as earth-shaking!

The earth-shattering attacking technique immediately made the Jiaolong King ashamed, and he had the will to die in his heart!
However, just when the dust is about to settle.

The aura in the distance suddenly rose sharply, and at the same time as it rushed over, it was mixed with a shout!
"You dare!"

The Golden Ant King sneered: "Don't worry about it, kill him!"


far away.

The Lord of Xifeng City's eyes moved slightly, staring at the Dragon King, swallowing involuntarily, his eyes were burning hot, and his mind gradually changed.

If it is said that he did it on a whim before, for a little bird.

So now, he is for a ninth-rank corpse!


The shouting in the distance rekindled the hope of survival for the Dragon King. Immediately, he poured out all his energy and burst out all the energy to protect himself!
As long as you wait for a moment and a half, the forest of beasts will arrive to help the strong!
hold on!

The Flood Dragon King showed his ferocious appearance, energy gushed out instantly, his originally tough body gradually withered, and his extremely domineering aura gradually withered!

A protective shield, seemingly indestructible, appeared instantly!

At this time, the beasts were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, but Kuilong's mind suddenly changed!
A ninth-grade head, as long as he has completely digested it, he still needs to worry about the revenge of the Hundred Beast Forest and the Ten Thousand Ant Desert?

Here comes the question, how to get this Ninth Grade Divine Corpse?

In the distance, three golden beast shadows seemed to reflect the sky. Seeing the scene of Jiaolong King, they shouted loudly: "Wait for me!"

You don't need to block them all, as long as the Flood Dragon King can hold on for a while!
However, an accident appeared!

Suddenly, the Lord of Xifeng City also intervened!
With a single sword strike, a fiery red and evil phoenix appeared, with an aura of indomitable spirit, ancient and terrifying!
Among the strong men in the forest of beasts, one of the beasts' eyes was about to burst: "Phoenix King, how dare you!"

How could the Dragon King not guard against the Phoenix King who had just fought with him?

Immediately, the golden light was dazzling, and behind the Flood Dragon King, a protective method also appeared!
The Jiaolong King's body was half shattered, revealing a skeleton and a glowing red core!
He laughed wildly: "You can't kill me!"

He used all his strength, only the core and brain core were missing!
Although this kind of protection method cannot resist the shocking explosion of the four ninth ranks.

There will always be a process of resistance and stalemate!

The beast forest powerhouse will arrive soon!

He can't die!
Flood Dragon King was desperate and laughed wildly, as if he was laughing at the three Thousand Ant Desert King Jing and Phoenix King!

With so many explosions, you still can't kill me!

Before he could laugh wildly for a long time, the accident happened again!
Almost at the same time, Li Hao's eyes also changed suddenly, filled with palpitations.

Lord of Tianmen City!
Do not!Not just him!

And the Lord of Dongkui City!
I saw that these two people rushed out suddenly, and their aura had been deliberately lowered. Before they appeared, no one paid attention to them!
At this time, King Mu yelled violently, the ax was like the universe, as if it was about to split the sky and the earth, and the terrifying power seemed to be about to shatter the void!
At the same time, the city lord of Dongkui City also waved a palm, and countless waves evolved in his hands, and finally turned into a simple and unpretentious palm.

But this palm made everyone present feel a thrilling sense of crisis!

Flood Dragon King cried out in grief, hatred flashed in his eyes, and he said angrily, "Wood King!!"

"You won't let me live, then neither of us will have a better time!"

At this moment, the Dragon King uttered the most vicious words!
Immediately, a wave of power that seemed to be able to destroy everything appeared in his body, and suddenly, his body swelled up, like a balloon being propped up!

He knew that even if the Allied forces were right in front of him, he would not be able to survive!
Six kings launched an attack on him at the same time!

This force is unparalleled and irresistible!
He is only a king, not a real king.

Under such an attack, there is no way to recover!
Now, he can only blew himself up, destroying himself and the enemy!
With resentment, the Dragon King stared at every king that attacked him.

The body became bigger and bigger, and everything around him began to be shattered by energy fluctuations!


Li Hao only felt a sense of crisis all over his body, as if the next moment, he was about to be blown to pieces, and he would be wiped out forever!
Immediately, without caring too much, Li Hao grabbed Fang Ping, broke out at full speed, and quickly went deep into the pit!
on the ground.

The faces of Mu Wang and the others also changed drastically. Almost instantly, no one spoke, and they had a tacit understanding. Even if they were hostile before, they all launched an even more terrifying attack in the face of such a crisis!

What's more, I have been desperate!

The power of the sky exploded, and the surrounding hundreds of miles were in turmoil!
Everyone is desperate, just not to be pulled down by the Dragon King!

However, at the critical moment, Feng Wang showed a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes, and he made up his mind, and directly blew up the eighth-rank magic weapon in his hand!

The explosion of the divine weapon almost caused the Dragon King to explode in advance!

At this moment, the whole world is exploding!
"Damn it, Phoenix King, I can't keep you!"

(End of this chapter)

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