Chapter 294 Powers of the Five Continents

After a while.

Li Hao returned to Mowu.

Mo Wu at this time is already full of guests, and everyone is happy!

However, there was a flash of shock in the eyes of countless grandmasters who came!

In front of them, pots of bone soup were placed, full of color and fragrance, but this did not shock them the most. What shocked them was the bones and some pieces of meat!
Jingwu Grandmaster Su Zhan hesitated and said, "Ninth-rank monster?"

Li Hao replied with a smile: "That's right!"

"It really is the bone of a ninth-rank monster!"

"Mowu really has a profound background. Some time ago, I felt that a war seemed to have broken out in the caves of Modu." Someone said quietly.

However, this topic was interrupted just as it started!
Li Changsheng stood up and said with a big smile, "Everyone, I'm sorry, although I am the three grand masters of Mowu, but now, the other two grand masters are unable to come because of some delays. Accompany me!"

Old man Li is also in a good mood today!

So many masters have arrived, Mowu's prestige has also appeared.

There are also delicacies made by nine-rank monsters!
More importantly... that old man Su Zhan was full of envy!
A master in military uniform from the First Military Academy smiled and said, "Where is that, the Grandmaster Banquet, the Grandmaster Banquet, made everyone happy! It is already very good to have such delicacies now!"

"Yes! Old Li, don't be so official, come down and eat meat together!"

"That's right, I have never eaten the meat of a ninth-rank monster in my life, so I must eat more today!"

"Haha, don't just eat, drink!"

Li Changsheng laughed out loud, picked up some good wine, walked over with a single step, and ate meat, drank heavily, chatted and laughed wildly with the familiar Grandmaster, what a pleasure!
On the other side, Li Mo held his forehead a little.

A grand master banquet was supposed to be a day of congratulations. Unexpectedly, after Li Changsheng's disturbance, it directly turned into a big feast.


He really has never eaten the meat of a ninth-grade monster!


In the audience, Su Zhan's envy really flashed away.

Although he belongs to Jingwu, he actually knows more things.

I heard that during this period of time, a great war broke out in Mowu, and only Li Hao and three people entered the burrow that day.

The bones and flesh of the ninth-rank monster at this banquet may represent that Mowu has the corpse of a ninth-rank monster.

A magical weapon of a ninth-grade monster?

Su Zhan's envy could hardly be concealed. He glanced at Li Hansong who was talking and laughing with Li Hao and Qin Fengqing in the distance, and sighed for no reason.

This one of my own is also a peerless genius, extremely strong, but usually he is not careful, and has never done a big record.

After that battle, Zhang Tao took the King of Cunning all the way to Jingwu, and happened to be seen by him.

When I first came to visit, I clearly felt that the location of the energy room has several very powerful auras.

If nothing else, Wu Kuishan and the others are located there.

Moreover, he also noticed a very unique breath.

It's an energy breath, it has the breath of life, it's a crypt warrior, and it's very powerful!

At least... eight or nine grades!

Su Zhan suddenly sighed helplessly, and looked at Li Hansong again, feeling a little discouraged for no reason.

Mowu's Li Hao, Fang Ping, and Qin Fengqing, these three guys, adding up is really unimaginable.

Everyone is one of the top talents, Qin Fengqing... Although she is a bit shameless, it is undeniable that she is indeed a very powerful young warrior.

The three of them, the next time they go to the burrow, do the math... They got a crypt warrior who was at least rank eight or nine with a breath of life, the corpse of a suspected rank nine monster, and an eight rank monster who was willing to take refuge in the human side. beast!

During this period, Minister Zhang must have done something, but it must be the credit of the three of them!
And what about the pride of his own family?Some time ago, he ran over with a look of surprise, saying that Li Hao and the others seemed to have killed six seventh-rank monsters when they went down to the crypt!
I don't ask you to be unparalleled in the world, but please don't be so straightforward, okay?


While sighing, Su Zhan was so envious that his teeth ached!


At the same time, many people also sensed the terrifying aura over the energy room, and turned to look at it one after another, but no one said anything.

In Mowu, asking too much is actually not a good thing.

It's not that Mowu's style is tough, it's a matter of politeness.

Since the host didn't mention it, it's not easy for them to ask.

I had to work hard to deal with the Ninth Grade Bone Soup in front of me!

This kind of delicacy, you might be able to drink it for the second time in your life!

Here are the young warriors.

Sitting next to Li Hao were Qin Fengqing, Wang Jinyang, Li Hansong and others, as well as Jiang Chao, a fat man who wanted to come over.

Jiang Chao looked around, and suddenly said: "Li Hao, the World Youth Martial Arts Competition has been finalized, and you probably have a spot."

Li Hao frowned slightly and said, "To be more specific, what's going on?"

Wang Jinyang frowned, and also looked at the little fat man in front of him.

At this moment, Jiang Chao scratched his head and said, "I really can't say the specifics. However, although the fifth rank cannot participate in the competition, I think that even if you are really a fifth rank, the rules will be relatively changed."

"All I know now is the venue and approximate time of some games."

Not understanding Li Hao's reminder, the little fat man took the initiative to reveal everything.

"The location of the competition will be arranged near the headquarters of the Martial Arts Association, and the time will probably be around June."

Wang Jinyang asked in a deep voice: "Who are the contestants in this competition?"

Jiang Chao replied honestly: "Divided according to power, in fact, there are only six parties including us.

Our Star City in China is one party. Of course, Star City represents China. There will also be quotas for China, the three ministries and the central government.

The remaining five parties are representatives from several continents, namely...

There is a paradise of the gods in Europe.

Africa is Vantaa world.

In North America, the faction is called Totem City.

South America is the Andes.

South Asia is the most special, called the Holy Land of Ancient Buddhas. "

Just after finishing speaking, Li Hao couldn't help but asked, "What about Oceania and Antarctica? Why are there only six forces on the seven continents?"

Jiang Chao lazily said: "The population of these two continents is sparse, and the base number itself is low, so there will naturally be fewer strong people.

Think about it, in Asia, we actually represent East Asia, and the ancient Buddhist shrines represent South Asia, because Asia has a large population, a large base, and many strong people come out.

The populations of Oceania and Antarctica are small. This kind of competition must either rely on its backing or strength. "

Li Hao nodded thoughtfully, "So that's how it is..."

Qin Fengqing focused on the piece of meat in front of her, and she couldn't speak clearly, but she still said: "The most important thing is the contestants. If the enemies are all masters, with a bunch of treasures on them, and there are extremely strong people behind them, then we Just stop it!"

Jiang Chao took a look at Qin Fengqing, and his gaze drifted involuntarily to the shiny and smooth bald head. He couldn't help reaching out and touching it, and said: "This kind of competition was also held before, once every three years. I heard from my pervert that there are many competitions The most powerful ones who have been out are the grand masters."

Qin Fengqing looked at Jiang Chao with unkind eyes, little fat man, can you touch another one?
Jiang Chao reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to touch the big bald head. After putting down his hands, he continued: "However, the number of masters appeared is very small, and most of them are from Huaguo. It has been held for more than 100 years, and it seems that only a few decades have come out. coming...

There are very few people who combine essence and blood, so you should rest assured that it is normal for you to get a place and enter the restricted area based on your strength! "

Jiang Chao kept silent, and raised a few more people all at once.

It is normal for him to have a deep background and enter the restricted area.

But after entering the restricted area, it is hard to say whether he can come out alive!
Now let's give a compliment to these Mowu's arrogance, when they enter the restricted area, at the critical moment, it will be a fateful friendship!
Martial artists of the Great Martial Arts, presumably they are the titles of righteousness, chivalry, and red blood!

During this period, Jiang Chao also felt the difference between Wuhan University and other places.

Wuhan University only appeared after the Xinwu era, so naturally there will be

At some point, Fang Ping left the customs and came to them. Hearing this, he asked softly, "Is there an age limit?"

"Hey, Fang Ping, you're here."

The little fat man was surprised, and continued: "There is indeed an age limit, and people under the age of 30 must participate.


Jiang Chao suddenly laughed and said, "Speaking of it, if you use some life essence to reshape your bones, no one will be able to tell how old you are. It's just that ordinary people need face!"

Jiang Chao's words actually alluded to many things.

Life bones can reshape bones, and Li Changsheng is the best example.

Before, the bones of Li Changsheng's body were shattered and turned into meat balls, but the golden bones were reshaped by the essence of life!
To be honest, it is really difficult to tell the age of a warrior, and it is really hard to tell with some normal methods!
Li Changsheng's skeletal age...probably...less than one year old?

It's just that there are relatively few older warriors who reshape their bones to participate in the competition!
To be honest, unless a grandmaster deliberately hides his face, he will appear in the eyes of all countries.

A generation of veteran masters, remolded into a group of young people under the age of 30, if people see it, their reputation will definitely be ruined!
However, those with a small age gap, those in their thirties, those who just exceeded the requirements, used the essence of life to reshape their bones, and no one would actually say anything.

This is what is allowed within the rules.


After Li Hao wrote these down, he turned his head and asked Fang Ping, "How is the progress of your cultivation recently? Is the spiritual power about to materialize?"

Fang Ping nodded slightly and said: "Well, it's almost there. Now the mental power has reached the critical point, and it's about this period of time. I can realize it in a week at most!"

Wang Jinyang glanced at the little fat man, then at Fang Ping, hesitant to speak.

After all, there are some private topics between them, and I don't know if they should also reveal them to Jiang Chao.

He didn't have much contact with Jiang Chao.

But Li Hao said with a smile: "Don't be shy, Jiang Chao is also one of us, right?"

"That must be one of our own! I, Jiang Chao, admire you group of real men who drove down the crypt!" Jiang Chao said without hesitation.

How could he miss this opportunity to gain favor and show his attitude?
But to be honest, he really admired these peers in his heart.

To be honest, Jiang Chao is even four or five years older than Li Hao and Fang Ping!

However, Li Hao and the others' achievements shocked him!
The same crypt fighters who have been killed are already countless, and they have even made greater contributions, which can even affect the entire Outland battlefield!

It's impossible to say that I don't admire it!
Although he, Jiang Chao, was born in Zhenxing City, he has an extremely powerful ancestor who loves him very much, but he has also been in the burrow, and he also understands the dangers of the Outland!

I really admire Li Hao, a martial artist who is so decisive in killing and attacking!
Seeing Jiang Chao's decisive attitude, Wang Jinyang naturally no longer hesitated, looked at Fang Ping, and began to ask questions.

While others were listening, Li Hao and Fang Ping, almost at the same time, set up a mental barrier and surrounded the table to isolate the sound.

Not far away, some masters froze slightly.

They have also been listening to the little fat man's words, and in just a moment, they learned a lot of information.

But just now, the spiritual barrier that Li Hao and his two opened could completely cut them off!
Even some eighth-rank masters can clearly feel the problem!
What does this mean?
The spiritual power of the two of Li Hao, I am afraid that they are not far away from realizing it!

This level of realm, this level of strength, this level of vigor and mental strength is simply unimaginable!
For a while, many masters shook their heads slightly, feeling a little regretful.

It's a pity that once the mental power barrier is released, they will not be able to hear the secret.

The two of Li Hao specially set up a spiritual barrier, which meant that what Wang Jinyang said was probably a very private and secret topic!
And Wu Chuan, who was seated, was thinking a lot while drinking.

"Blood Knife Judgment?"

He is a ninth-rank man with strong mental power. He heard these three words before the mental power barrier was fully laid!

Wu Chuan's face gradually became serious.

Blood Knife Jue, that is an attack technique only practiced by the old masters, and it is recognized as a desperate method!

Could it be that some of them practiced this method?
No, I must persuade you later!
Exhausting the last trace of energy, that's no joke!


Inside the mental barrier.

Old Wang asked: "Blood knife decision...Fang Ping, I heard you say that you are going to practice this method, but I don't know what the result will be?"

Fang Ping did not shy away from the little fat man, and said with a smile: "The Blood Knife Art... I am practicing, and I have made some achievements, but it is still superficial. However, my bridge between heaven and earth has changed."

Li Hao became interested, and said with a light smile, "Then you call it out and try it, and I'll help you cover it up."

As soon as the words were finished, Li Hao waved his hand casually, and the power of Qi and blood was like a surging deep sea, flooding the light blue spiritual power barrier with lightning speed, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and blocking the sight of the outside world!
Outside, some masters shook their heads and laughed.

I couldn't feel it before, but I can still see it anyway.

But now, I can't even see it!
A master of the military department smiled at Tian Mu and said, "Old Tian, ​​you Mowu have really produced a talent! This blood, like wolf smoke, is overwhelming, just looking at it, it is full of deterrent power!"

Tian Mu stared slightly, turned his head and laughed loudly: "The stronger the blood, the better! Don't worry about him being strong, just worry about him not being strong!"

"Haha, yes, come and drink!"


The surrounding masters also laughed.

I'm not afraid of anything else, but I'm afraid that Li Hao and the others are not strong enough!

What they are most worried about is actually not being able to pick up!
Now, Li Hao's energy and blood are covering the sky like a wolf smoke, which makes many grandmasters laugh, but at the same time, they also get some comfort in their hearts.

Blue out of blue and better than blue, this is what all the masters care about!
The stronger the younger generation, the greater the possibility of pacifying the Catacombs!
Seeing that the juniors were stronger than they were back then, for a while, many grandmasters laughed.

"drink wine!"

For a while, I was beaming.


On the side of Zhenxing City, Li Mo's eyes are extremely complicated.

Being born in Zhenxing City also made him not feel so empathetic.

However, the real strength of Li Hao and other young talents is in front of them!
The Tianjiao here doesn't have too many resources, nor does he have much help. He was born in a reckless place, with a tough habit, and dares to draw a sword and kill someone for a Qi and Blood Pill!
Could this era be... the golden age?
Quietly, Li Mo's emotions became complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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