Chapter 297 Breaking the eighth grade in one day and breaking the ninth grade in three days
On the other hand, Li Hansong said with a very different face: "It's familiar, it represents our whole life, two brothers! Why are you still sad?"

After all, Li Hansong's wine glass was also put on it.

Fang Ping raised his wine glass slightly, and smiled indifferently: "Whether it's resurrection or this life, we are still us and will never change!"

A flash of cleverness flashed in Qin Fengqing's eyes, and suddenly he slapped Li Hao, full of sighs: "Old Li, I didn't expect that we were still brothers in the previous life, maybe we were like this in the previous life. We are fighting the reincarnation of a hundred generations, and we are really right."

Saying that, Qin Fengqing's wine glass was also put on it, slightly higher than Li Hao's.

Li Hao felt helpless, and could only say: "If you want the essence of life, there is no door!"

Qin Fengqing said with a surprised face: "Old Li, you look down on me, Qin Fengqing, too small, and the layout is small. I mean, equip me with a magical weapon later!"


Li Hao said in a bad mood: "Give Fang Ping a magic weapon, maybe you can stop the eighth rank. If you give it to you, you will be comparable to the seventh rank at most. After going down to the burrow, let's talk about it."

If you really want more magic soldiers, then give them!

Apart from him and Fang Ping, Qin Fengqing is the only one in Mowu who can do it well.

Of course, this is compared to Li Hansong and others.

In troubled times, with turbulent winds and clouds, there are countless arrogance, and heroes emerge in large numbers.

There are quite a few strong students of his magic and martial arts!
It was the first to implement the Bodhidharma Yijin Jing, and now, there are only 30 first-rank students left!

In Mowuli, Qin Mu, Liu Can, Zhang Yu, Fu Changding and others are placed outside, and they are also the pride of heaven!

Qin Fengqing curled her lips, but she didn't care.

He also just casually said that if Li Hao wants to give it, he doesn't necessarily want it!
They are all the arrogance of the present age, how can they be favored by their peers?
Of course, a handful of seventh-rank divine weapons cost tens of billions. If you really want to give it to him, he will definitely want it.

Released for auction, a magic weapon can cost [-] to [-] billion!
If he wanted this money, he would buy a large basket of pills, wear the armor of a seventh- and eighth-rank monster, and be safe!
Qin Fengqing fell into reverie.

Li Hao didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, and motioned to the little fat man.

Jiang Chao is very upbeat, showing joy, holding up a tall red wine glass, and putting it on it.


"Old Wang, what foreign language are you talking about, drink!"


A master banquet, drinking directly from noon to late night.

Many people enjoyed themselves and sang songs with wine glasses in their hands.

The atmosphere is especially warm!


"Fang Ping, remember, you've only scratched the surface of Blood Knife Jutsu, so it's no problem to use it, but if you really want to master it, it's best to use it as your trump card!"

Fang Ping said helplessly: "Senior Brother Wu, I remember, at most it's just for now, but if it really gets to that point, it's almost a life-and-death situation."

"Well, anyway, you have to measure yourself, I'm leaving."


After seeing off Wu Chuan, Li Hao turned his head.

At this moment, Mowu has only Zhenxingcheng and his group, Lao Wang and Tietou left.

Before Jiang Chao left, he reluctantly said: "Lao Li, I will call you Lao Li from now on, don't forget about your wealth! I will come back after a while."

When he left, the little fat man's heart sank!
If he leaves this time, he will probably go down to the crypt to fight!
The matter of the restricted area is the largest in the world, and it is held once every three years.

The blood shed now is the wound you will suffer later!

Li Hao nodded slightly, but didn't say anything.

Beside the little fat man, Li Mo's eyes were complicated for a moment, and he suddenly said: "Since you will also have places in the restricted area, then... after the youth competition, my town of Star City will open to you."

Li Hao nodded, and said with a light smile, "Grandmaster Li, see you next time... and you, little fat man, if you get out of the restricted area in the future, we will protect you, it's still easy!"

The matter of going to the restricted area will probably not be until June.

At that time, will he become a master?

Probably not, the gate of the triple burner is always a problem.

However, at that time, in terms of combat power, it should not be weaker than the eighth rank...

If the eighth rank can't keep the little fat man, then it is estimated that the ninth rank will make a move.

If you really want to make a move at the ninth rank, probably the ancestor of the little fat man, Lao Zhang, will also make a move!

Li Mo didn't say much, nodded, and flew away in the air, his body glowing with golden light!
Soon, the people in Zhenxing City also disappeared from Li Hao's sight.

Then, Lao Wang and Tietou were also about to leave. Before leaving, Lao Wang deliberately turned his head and said, "Old Li, if you really awaken some kind of memory, tell me something you can reveal."

Obviously, Lao Wang is not what he was before, he really doesn't value his past life.

After all, when reincarnation is confirmed, no one is not flustered.

Li Hao smiled and said: "No problem, if I really awaken my memory, I will definitely tell you!"

It's just a pity that although he may also be a resurrected warrior, he may not necessarily awaken his memory.

Before leaving, Tietou said with a simple smile: "Two brothers in one world, see you later, it's Tiannan Catacombs!"


The Tiannan Catacombs is a battle for the entire country. Iron Head, Li Hao, Fang Ping, and everyone who is strong enough will go there!

At that time, the power of the whole country will gather in the Tiannan area.

In other catacomb cities, there is at most a ninth-rank guard.

After Lao Wang and the others left, only Fang Ping, Li Hao, Li Changsheng, Tian Mu, Qin Fengqing and others are still here.

Qin Fengqing glanced up and down, and yelled: "Old Li, Fang Ping, give me two days for the energy room, I feel that my sixth grade is coming soon!"

Li Hao didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, looked at Fang Ping and said, "How long will it take for your spiritual power to manifest?"

"A week at most, three days at least."

Li Hao nodded and said: "To the north, in the treasure room, there are two catties of energy stones that I have stored. Now I have paid you in advance. It will be regarded as your future salary for the president of the Martial Arts Club."

Fang Ping shook his head and said, "No, I still have some life essence on me, so I don't need energy stones for now."

Qin Fengqing looked aside and said: "I want it! I want it, Lao Li! Fight the reincarnation of a hundred generations again, fight the reincarnation of a hundred generations again, fight again..."

Qin Fengqing yelled around like a fly, and Li Hao got annoyed hearing it, and said impatiently: "Go, just say that I let you go, just take the energy stone, don't move the others. I don't care about these energy stones." I'll give it to you for nothing, and it's worth all the salary of the director of the Martial Arts Club in your lifetime."

Qin Fengqing said indifferently: "It's no problem, you'll be fine for two lifetimes, and you'll be able to fight the reincarnation of a hundred generations..."


Li Changsheng, who couldn't take it anymore, kicked Qin Fengqing away.

"What kind of reincarnation will you fight again? Warriors don't practice reincarnation, and don't believe in eternal life!"

Li Changsheng was cursing, is this kid endless?
Reincarnated every day, those who don't know think this guy is really a resurrected warrior!

At this time, Li Changsheng didn't know that Qin Fengqing practiced the new version of the exercises, and he felt as familiar as Li Hansong and others, but he felt speechless.

"Qin Fengqing probably spent enough resources to train many strong men of the same level."

Li Hao shook his head lightly and said: "The resources I give are always a small number, no matter how many resources there are, they are all created by him!

If warriors are all desperate like this, so what if they spend a lot of resources?
If everyone is Qin Fengqing, the burrow?It has long been trampled! "

Li Changsheng said in a low voice: "Many times, high-rank powerhouses don't take action because they are not timid. They are timid. They have implemented the idea of ​​killing people for a Qi and Blood Pill since they were low-rank. How could these powerhouses be cowardly? "

"Many times, these powerhouses are plotting a more ambitious goal!

A real strong man does not just blindly work hard like Qin Fengqing.

In my opinion, this guy is shameless to the limit, and the extent of desperately striving for strength has almost become a phenomenon of madness.

However, unless you have the strength to crush the burrow, you still have to plan before you move.

The enemy's strength is far stronger than ours! "

Li Hao nodded and said: "I think...Qin Fengqing is a talent, this guy is completely crazy, for the sake of strength, he can't touch the real bottom line, he almost does everything he can.

If everyone is this kind of warrior who desperately goes to the crypt for strength..."

Li Changsheng interrupted: "If everyone is Qin Fengqing, believe it or not, at least half of Huaguo will die now?"

Li Hao shrugged: "I'm just sighing, this guy Qin Fengqing... really dares to work hard, and he is really an outlier to be able to live until now."

Li Changsheng sighed: "Indeed, I just don't know how long this situation can last. Qin Fengqing's father was once a good player in the crypt, but now, he is waiting for the hero to rest for a long time."

A look of deepness flashed in Li Hao's eyes, and he said softly, "Dead people cannot be brought back to life...but when the martial artist has cultivated to the extreme, can a dead warrior reverse life and death?"

"I'm not sure, the road to martial arts, in my opinion, is the end when it reaches the ninth rank, but in the eyes of others, it may be the pinnacle, it may be higher, it is a matter of vision after all, if there is a truly invincible person, maybe you can Reverse life and death."

Li Changsheng replied like this.

As a warrior, reaching the ninth rank is a hurdle, and you need to find your own way. After that, it may be the ultimate peak, and after a long time, it may be a higher realm.

Fang Ping didn't want to talk about these too advanced issues, so he said directly: "Old Li, old man Li, I'm going to practice first."


Li Hao nodded, but Li Changsheng cast a glance at him.

Xiao Mian, can you make the decision for me?

And that Fang Ping, who actually called him old man Li, was still in front of Li Hao!


After Fang Ping left, Li Hao said: "Mr. Li, after this time has passed, you should also prepare to manifest your spiritual power. The copybook is specially designed to help you sharpen your spiritual power, and there are some other gifts sent by the head of the South. A fruit that can enhance spiritual power."

Li Changsheng hummed, and agreed.

Just when Li Hao was about to leave, Li Changsheng said quietly: "You have to start cultivating, warriors, strength is the most important thing. Compared with the prosperity of Mowu, from the overall situation, what many people want to see is a sixth-rank Li Hao.

Wang Jinyang, Li Hansong and the others have broken through to the sixth grade this time. I heard that at the First Military Academy, Yao Chengjun immediately manifested his spiritual power.

Back then, the headmaster of Nanjiang University was originally a talented person with a high level of combat skills. For a period of time, he was similar to Chen Yaoting of Jingnanwu University, and he was an invincible existence at the same level, but he was too obsessed with Nanjiang Wuda. Martial arts.

The old principal of Nanwu, the embodiment is the whole Nanjiang!
There are also Lao Tzu's teacher, Zhang Dingnan, Governor of Nanjiang, the current Governor of Tiannan, and the old principal Bai of Jingwu, all because they are too worried about the place under their jurisdiction, and their strength has slowed down! "

Li Hao chuckled and said, "After today, I'm going to go to the energy room to practice. As for Mowu's internal affairs..."

He suddenly looked at Tian Mu: "Do you want Master Tian to take up a position?"

Tian Mu rebuffed straight away, "I don't think it's a thing to delay martial arts."

After that, Li Hao also said helplessly: "Then I don't care about it. When the time comes, whoever is the strongest Mowu will take care of it!"

During this period of time, it is true that because of Mowu, his progress in strength was more or less delayed.

Next, he will also start to realize the spiritual power.

He now has two hurdles, one is to locate the gate of the triple burner, and the other is to realize the spiritual power.

However, as long as he succeeds in one, the other will also be completed smoothly!
Just don't know what his manifestation is.

Could it be... Emperor Huangtian and others?
or something else?

Li Hao's head hurts a little.

If I really want to talk about obsessions, I actually have a lot of obsessions!
Shaking his head, Li Hao stopped thinking about these things, but looked at Li Changsheng, smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Li, don't both Fang Ping and I realize our spiritual power by then, you will still be one step behind us with the copybook. "

Li Changsheng's complexion changed again and again!
Such a thing can't really exist!

Now his essence and blood are united, and his mental power is increasing rapidly. He has already reached the critical point, higher than Li Hao, and on par with Fang Ping.

However, these two, Li Hao, often don't play their cards according to common sense!

They won't strike late, right?
Fang Ping has already gone to retreat, and it is said that it can be as long as a week or as short as three days.

But this guy is evil!
It won't be the spiritual power that will materialize tomorrow, right?
Li Changsheng's expression changed again and again, and finally he snorted softly: "You have manifested your spiritual power, and it's like a joke for me to beat you up."

Li Hao smiled all over his face, and joked: "I have golden bones, a golden body, and the essence of life on my body. Maybe I can break the eighth rank in one day and the ninth rank in three days."

Li Changsheng's eyes changed, and he snorted, "My talent is no worse than yours!"

Li Hao waved his hands: "Wang Jinyang and the others are reanimated warriors with infinite indestructible matter. Fang Ping has a special physique with almost endless energy, blood and spiritual power. My physical body is strong and my combat skills are perfect."

Li Changsheng gritted his teeth and said, "Damn! You really forced the old man to practice!

Fix it! "

With that said, Li Changsheng also left in the sky!

Maddow, that's too much of a bully!

Is the resurrected warrior amazing?

The old man is still six ranks and eight ranks!

It's just cultivation, the old man will manifest his spiritual power tomorrow!

Veterans go out, one is worth two!
Older gingers are more spicy!

Li Hao was almost ready to leave, glanced at the only remaining Tian Mu, and said with a light smile, "What plans does Grandmaster Tian have in the near future?"

There was a kind of roughness in Tian Mu's voice.

"I don't have any plans. I'll take a look at the campus for you during this time. The main thing is King Feng's body. There may be someone in the cult who has connections with the Catacombs. We have to be careful not to release King Feng's ban."

Li Hao nodded and suddenly became puzzled.

"Grandmaster Tian, ​​tell me...the extremely powerful man is unparalleled in strength, with all kinds of supernatural powers. Although he can't be counted as a secret, he will go to hell, but it shouldn't be a problem to wipe out a cult, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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