Chapter 454 Seven days
Soon, Lao Zhang also left.

Li Hao also returned to Mowu alone.

In his heart, he was also thinking about something.

"It's almost there. Xuan will come out tomorrow. It seems that the new era is really coming."

"Cangmao has to find a way to let it follow Zhang Tao, or Fang Ping, or me, it doesn't matter, no matter who it is, it must stay in the world

Li Hao knows very well what is behind Cangmao, a cat that bears the burden of the Three Realms.

At the same time, if there is no Cangmao in the new era, some opportunities may not be given to them, so in the end we still have to keep Cangmao.

In addition, Li Hao is also planning about the human world in the new era.

"The new era has arrived. Places such as Tianwaitian and Boundary have sprung up one after another. The human world has always been the weak side. Li Patriarch and the Sword King are all hiding, and they may not be there. Appeared in the early days of this era.

So those who are truly human beings are actually me, Fang Ping, Lao Zhang, Li Zhen, Nan Yunyue, and others are unreliable!
Many people in Zhenxing City are hiding.
Lao Wang and the others still have to look at the situation.

To be precise, the high-end power is enough for the time being, but the low-level power can't resist these people at all, not even some of their little ones.

Humans... are still too weak-. "

Li Jie sighed. If he didn't expect it, there would be many existences in Yuhaishan after a while.

If these guys really want to deal with the human race, as long as they hold them back, they can eliminate the human race.

Li Hao's mind suddenly became active again.

"We still need to rely on the power of science and technology. We people don't need it, but ordinary people and ordinary warriors need it very much.


Kuocang Mountain."

Li Jie muttered these words and thought for a while.

"It's about time, the black cat has come out, the new era is inevitable, the general trend is coming.

In Kuocang Mountain, Lu Zhen is still there, and it is useless to continue to stay there.

To save him back. "

Lu Zhen, that is, the father of Lu Fengrong, the magic and martial arts instructor, disappeared in the Catacombs of the Demon City a long time ago, but later entered the expanded sky.

This is a top scientific research talent. Among other things, the pill company sells more than [-] million Qixue pills every day. Lu Zhen participated in the production and improvement of Qixue pills three times!
Moreover, Lu Zhen himself should have a lot of ideas.

This one is actually the same as Li Changsheng.

It's been immersed for ten years.

They are also top talents in a field.

Li Changsheng has been immersed in it for ten years, only practicing swords, he can surpass the second rank and kill the enemy!
Lu Zhen also immersed himself for ten years. It can be said that his explosion after accumulation may be stronger than Li Changsheng.

Strength is second.

The focus is on research.

Li Hao remembers that after Lu Zhen came out, he seemed to have directly developed a weapon that can be used in the crypt, such as coercive shells!
Without thinking about anything else, Li Hao immediately called Lao Zhang.

After talking briefly for a while, Li Hao hid his breath and entered the cave again.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Tao's eyes were calm, but deep down, there was a hint of profundity.

Just now, Li Hao told him that Li Hao would go to the Catacombs of the Demon City for a while to explore Kuocangtian. Of course, at the end of the phone call, Li Hao told him that maybe there would be someone in Kuocangtian, a person everyone was familiar with. A man who will be of great help to mankind!
Zhang Tao vaguely guessed something, but he didn't think much about it.

As for whether he thought of it and didn't think about it, or didn't think of it and simply didn't bother to think about it.

Who cares?
Devil's Crypt.

Li Hao didn't stay in Hope City too early, he went out of the city directly and found the location of the cunning king forest.

Looking at the silent cunning Wang Lin, Li Hao shook his head slightly.

"I wanted to warn Xia Qiao, but I forgot that it was already with Cangmao in the Forbidden Sea. Really.".
Shaking his head, Li Hao turned his direction and flew towards him in the realm.

Taboo sea.

A deep sea.

Several ferocious monsters are killing a golden-armored monster, including a hundred-meter crocodile and a thousand-meter octopus. The most terrifying of them is a monster that looks like a whale. Its fins are like wings. As soon as it moved, it was a terrifying aura.

Desperate to cry but without tears, he ran away crazily.


Don't you really see that cat a few hundred meters away?
You actually put up with it to watch the show.

do it!
The whale also followed the sound transmission: "Woooo!"

Do you think we are stupid?
The momentum alone almost crushed me, you let us do it!
The crocodile roared angrily.


Jinjia, what do you know?
If it weren't for the big cat forcing us, how could we be like this!

Without saying a word, Qiao just ran away.

The Cangmao beside him had an innocent face.

The puppy is too weak, temper it a bit, don't force it...

This cat loves peace the most!

Devil's Crypt.

Li Hao came to the realm in the blink of an eye.

While on his way, Li Hao walked around the Catacombs for a while, and found that there were no cave fighters above the middle rank in the Catacombs of the Demon City, and the highest ones were basically around the third rank.

"The Catacombs of the Devil's City have indeed been molded, and the effect is not bad. It's actually possible to achieve this level..."

Li Hao casually looked at it for a while, then stopped thinking about it.

He has already arrived at the realm, so the first thing to do is to chat with Gong Juanzi.

Kuocangtian is a long and narrow passage, with a length of two thousand kilometers. Li Hao walked slowly step by step, and no monsters noticed it.

The monsters in the realm were almost cleaned up, and all those above the fifth rank were killed.

The entire Catacombs of the Demon City, including the Beast Forest, Yuhai Mountain, and the Land of Boundaries, is estimated to exceed hundreds of millions. Cleaning up will definitely be difficult.

Li Hao looked along the road, and then came to the end.

At the end of the realm, there is a golden wall, very hard, Li Hao felt indestructible just by feeling it!
However, Li Hao wouldn't think there was any surprise. This is the blockade of the realm itself. If he, a weak person at the top level, can break it, then what's the point of this blockade?
Li Hao cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Is the Great Emperor Gongjuan here?"

Inside the golden walls, there was no sound.

Li Hao didn't change his face, and continued: "Senior may not know, now the first outer sky has appeared, the new era has arrived, and the Cangmao has also appeared in the Taboo Sea. It has already come out, why don't you come out and talk?"

In the golden wall, a voice finally appeared.

A sigh.


It was a very decadent voice, very old, but Li Hao knew that the person speaking was very powerful just by hearing it.

After all, Gongjuanzi's strength is at the level of a great emperor, and his qi and blood have already broken through 200 million cards. It can be said that if he is an enemy of Li Hao and makes a move against Li Hao, then Li Hao basically has nothing to do Fight back!

Suddenly, a circle on the golden wall faded a bit, revealing the scene inside.

Li Hao took the opportunity to look.

There is a golden lake inside. There is a fleshy body in this lake, with green hair and white face. It looks like a fairy, but the eyes of this body suddenly open. During the constant opening and closing, the body is also constantly opening and closing. of bursting light.

Li Hao thought to himself, "Is this fusion? Is Gongjuan planning to join the WTO?"

Gong Juanzi opened his eyes completely and never closed them again, a voice came from a corner of his body.

"Who are you? A person from the Xinwu era, could it be that you are from the Human Emperor?"

Li Hao said calmly: "Ordinary people, the people of the Emperor... that's right, the whole world belongs to the Emperor, and the world of the world belongs to the Emperor."

Gongjuanzi's mental power fluctuated again: "Do you know Cangmao? Have you met it? So, who did it choose to follow?"

Li Hao smiled and said: "Senior, it doesn't matter what chatting is, we can do it later, but now, why not get down to business first?"

Gong Juanzi responded in a muffled voice, "What's the business?"

Li Hao locked his eyes on an old man in the lake, and said with a light smile, "Senior Lu Zhen, it's the first time we meet you, but you have suffered. I'm from Mowu, and I'm here to take you home!"

In the small golden lake, Lu Zhen froze for a moment, his golden body suddenly stood up, and said excitedly: "How is the situation in the crypt now!"

Li Hao said softly: "The Catacombs of the Devil City, destroy them all! The enemies are all wiped out. We have cleaned up all the high-level and mid-level people in the Catacombs of the Devil City. There is no threat in the Catacombs of the Devil City anymore."

Lu Zhenru was struck by lightning, he couldn't believe the news for a long time, and finally he couldn't believe it: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

Before he knew it, Lu Zhen burst into tears!

how many years?

How many years!

The Catacombs of the Demon City were wiped out! ?

No wonder I couldn't sense the breath outside before!
It turned out that they were all wiped out!

Lu Zhen was agitated for a while before he began to feel puzzled by this young man who had never masked his face.

Who is this?
It looks too young.

But the strength is so powerful that even he feels the danger, as if it is a huge monster with most of its body hidden under the seabed, it seems inconspicuous, but if you look carefully, you can find endless dangers!
But at this time, Lu Zhen didn't care about these, because in his eyes, there was only kindness!

After ten years, he still has the chance to return to Mowu!
I don't know how Fengrou is doing now...


Lu Zhen was constantly excited, but Li Hao didn't care.

Gongjuanzi continued to speak: "The times are changing, the times are ending, you are born because of fate, and you die because of fate. What's your name?"

Li Hao said calmly: "My name is Li Hao."

"Li? Muzi Li, belongs to wood.

Hao, water tells Hao, belongs to water.

Your name is the combination of water and wood, water breeds wood, wood improves water, and life is endless, but it is interesting that you have come to the current path..."

Li Hao frowned slightly and said, "Senior, do you also value the Five Elements? At that time, did you have the concept of the Five Elements?"

"Of course, there are many things you don't know, and one of them is the age of gods and demons. We are the ones who have mastered the most advanced information, the most advanced strength, and the most advanced theories.

When the world was shattered and the local imperial dynasty was wiped out, then our ideas gradually flowed into the human world. "

Li Hao frowned a little, but didn't say much, and said directly: "Senior, just speak up, what do you want me to do to let Lu Zhen come out."

Gongjuanzi suddenly materialized a projection on the golden wall, as if it were real, and said: "Li Hao, you are a special person. Judging from your age, you are only twenty, and you can reach such a level. Thinking about it, he might be an unstoppable riser in the new era.

So, I need you to tell me the philosophy of the new era and your era.

Time, seven days.

Seven days later, Lu Zhen can be released, and you also got the information you wanted, okay? "

Li Hao smiled.



For seven days in a row, whether it is the human world or the crypt, there have been great changes.

at this time.

A piece of Outland.

A piece of sea, the remaining land, but there are several forces.

There are too many strong people gathered here, and the oppressive void is constantly fluctuating.

Among the people, Ji Yao said with a cold expression: "These people claim to be Heaven Beyond Heaven, they are the so-called descendants of the emperor, and as soon as they come out, they spoil the limelight, what a disappointment!"

Around, Bai Shanyue, the son of Bai Shan King, said calmly: "These people are also strange. They have the land of resurrection and the land of God, but they don't show any hostility at all, as if they are integrated into one body."

The people around looked at each other, feeling very strange.

They and the Land of Resurrection basically beat them to death as soon as they saw them, and it was not enough to lose their lives. However, these people, who obviously had people from both sides, did not fight, and reached an unimaginable harmony.

Taboo sea.

Several terrifying big monsters are discussing one after another.

Even though it roared all over the sky, there was still no movement of the monster, it just quietly immersed in the taboo sea, and it was enough to show a head.

Suddenly, a huge buffalo head surged out of the sea. Even though most of its body was hidden in the taboo sea, it still caused a slight change in the eyes of many people.

In the air, a cold and stern man stood up from one of the forces, and said calmly: "Shuili clan, you also came out?"

Buffalo calmly transmitted the voice: "Everyone came out, didn't you too? The majestic dragon turned Brahma, and it will appear?"

This side is exactly among the 33 days, which can be called the detached and infinite sky, where the dragon turns into a Brahma sky!

In Longbian Fandutian, the cold and severe man continued: "We didn't intend to offend any forces this time, and you don't want to offend us, otherwise, if the Dragon Emperor finds you, you will not have good results."

In the crowd, someone snorted softly, but did not speak.

Didn't you see that Longbian Fandutian brought the Dragon Emperor's prostitute here this time?

In the great battle that year, I don't know how many people died in battle, and even the Dragon Emperor was seriously injured for it.

But even so, when someone bullied the prostitute, the Dragon Emperor still killed a true god, and even wanted to go to war with the emperor!
It can be said that the Dragon Emperor doted on his daughter-in-law to the extreme.

They are not afraid, but they don't want to offend the Dragon Emperor.

The anger of a furious emperor can really burn the sky!

In the sphere of influence of Dragon Transformation Brahma, there is an immature woman, accompanied by a woman, her identity is absolutely precious!
At this time, the woman raised her head, looked left and right for a while, and asked curiously, "Why can't I see people from the human world?"

(End of this chapter)

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