Chapter 460 Great Demon King Li Hao

At that time, Emperor Xuanming revealed the location of the four Tianwaitian.

One of them is in the Himalayas.

Li Hao looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze.

"This outer world has not entered the world yet, but looking at its traces, it seems that there are some small movements..."

This Tianwaitian probably entered the WTO, but it hasn't come out just now, so I haven't seen Li Hao's real strength.

In the end, Li Hao didn't do anything against this outer world, but turned around and left.

When leaving, Li Hao was also thinking about some things.

"There are a lot of things outside the sky...Since there is no big move here... let's let it run wild for a while!"

"After a while, there will be a big incident in the emperor's tomb. This is what I need to pay attention to."

Li Hao estimated his own strength, Li Wuqi, Qi Huanyu and other guys, actually couldn't beat him.

But if he really wants to crush everyone, he still needs to improve a little bit.


However, where do I have time to improve?
In just a few days, there must be some improvement...

Li Hao did some calculations, and now he has two channels, one is the original way, and the other is the unique learning.

Li Hao is still a bit confused about the original way. Although he has killed dozens of nine-ranks, he still doesn't know the original way.

Of course, to be precise, it is Li Hao's own original way.

His path is not very clear until now, and he really has no idea.

After killing so many people, Li Hao even thought, why don't we take the avenue of killing?
Of course, that's an idea.

Li Hao is not in a hurry yet, since he has reached the peak of his strength, there is basically no danger in some things.

He gradually came to the point where he dominated events.

Before, Li Hao accepted it passively, thinking about surviving, but now it's different, Li Hao even thought about killing everyone in the emperor's tomb!
This is a change in strength.

Li Haofei thought about it for a while, and after returning to Huaguo, just after he walked to Sichuan, his eyes suddenly turned to the south.

That's Mowu's location.

He just felt a few breaths, and roughly perceived it as if it belonged to people like Tiaokui.

"For the Xuanming Divine Pill?"

Li Hao flew over.


Tianbu, as the fourth department of Huaguo, is not in Kyoto, but in Modu.

When Li Hao came to the Tianbu department building, his eyes moved slightly.


in the building.

The highest level.

Tiaokui pushed open the door, and said coldly to Tian Mu inside: "Man, we killed it, and it's time to give it to Xuanming Divine Pill!"

After finishing speaking, the cold-faced man next to him threw out ten bloody heads with hideous faces!

Tian Mu glanced at it, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Little girl, you are a ninth-rank, but you killed ten seventh-rank?"

Tiaokui didn't speak, but behind him a seventh-rank shirtless man stopped and said loudly, "I killed it!"

Tiaokui said calmly: "He killed all these by himself, we are only waiting together."

Tian Mu tsk-tsk said: "You guys are really interesting too. Killing ten rank-[-]s and saying it shamelessly, really opened my eyes!"

Tiaokui was expressionless, pointed to the head, and then looked at the naked man. Immediately, the naked man stood up and said loudly: "I killed them all alone. According to Li Zongshi, the Xuanming Divine Pill should belong to this seat." !"


Tian Mu snorted coldly: "You are not worthy of saying the word grand master!"

Tiaokui's eyes were calm, and her body was as clean as ever. She just stood there, then remained silent for two seconds, and walked forward.

All walk around.

No words were spoken, but the meaning was clear.


At this time, the naked man said coldly: "Li... the sun and the moon are ministers of the Ministry of Heaven, so they won't be irresponsible for their words, right? If that's the case, it will really make the Three Realms laugh."

Tian Mu smashed the table with a slap, stood up, his face was cold, and he snorted coldly: "What? Seeing that I am a bully, are you going to force the palace?

Just rely on you?


A bunch of shit!
I have killed more people than you can see!
Come on, try it! "

Tian Mu's eyes were extremely cold. These guys really can't tell their own situation?
Still forcing the palace?


At this moment, Rao Shi Tiaokui and the others were also angry. These people were also big figures in Xuanming, but they came to Huaguo and did so many things. The old guy said so!
court death!

Just in the nick of time.

The space was suddenly torn apart.

Li Hao calmly appeared in front of Tiaokui and the others.

He looked at Tian Mu, then Tiao Kui and the others, sensing the current situation, Li Hao frowned.

It was just this one frowning, Tiao Kui suddenly took two steps back, and the others followed suit, and the impending storm was immediately wiped out.

Li Hao looked around, finally looked at the ten big heads on the ground, squinted his eyes, and spoke out one by one like a few Jiazhen.

"Qingtian, Bailu, Baizhi, Pingzhou, Qingmoss, Yunxiao, Jiuyue, Ren Long, Qi Bai, Ye Yu, five from the Shenzhou Catacombs Qingma City, and the remaining five are from Baitian City, Dragon City, Cloud City and Green City..."

Tiaokui said coldly: "Anyway, we followed your rules."

After finishing speaking, someone behind Tiaokui suddenly gave the naked man a wink.

The naked man's face changed slightly, and when he looked at Li Hao, it changed again!

He knows Li Hao's strength, it's very powerful!

Will it be risky to make this early bird by yourself?
Beware of the danger, which made the naked man dare not stand up. Seeing this, Tiaokui exchanged glances with the two people around him, and suddenly stood up together.

At this time, Tiaokui, Xu Bing and other three ninth grades spoke at the same time: "King Sun and Moon, it is in line with the rules and reasonable!"


Li Hao looked at these three powerful people, and suddenly chuckled and said, "Are you... forcing me?"

As soon as the words fell, Tiaokui immediately said coldly: "Don't dare, I just hope that the reputation of Lord Sun Moon King will not be violated. A strong man must do what he says and do what he does."


Tian Mu suddenly snorted coldly, and said to Li Hao: "Boy, why don't you and I unite and kill these guys at once, a bunch of rotten guys? Sky?"

Li Hao rubbed his eyes, thought for a while, and smiled lightly: "Okay."

"What I said, I will naturally not go back on my word."

With a smile on his face, Li Hao threw the Xuanming Divine Pill at Tiao Kui.

Tiao Kui stretched out her delicate hand, and took it. The first thing she did was to check whether it was good or bad, and whether it was true or not.

The veins on Tian Mu's forehead popped up when he saw it!

Could it be that these guys really left triumphantly?

After glancing at Li Hao, Tian Mu suddenly sighed.

This kid... is not as hostile as before.

This is also no way!

Now that you are in a high position, you have more control, more things to protect, and more responsibilities. There are too many things to consider.

If Li Hao doesn't do anything, it's not because he can't do it, but because he can't...

Thinking about it, Tian Mu didn't speak anymore, but felt a little sadness in his heart.

It's not Li Hao's fault, but the older generation's fault!

If the human world was invincible in the world, how could it be so?

Just when Tian Mu was depressed, Tiao Kui, Xu Bing and others felt very happy. Tiao Kui looked at the Xuanming Divine Pill in his hand, and there was some hotness in his eyes.

"Wait, did I say you can go?"

Tiaokui's body stiffened suddenly, and then a burst of warmth spread over her body.

Turning her head suddenly, Tiaokui's eyes narrowed slightly, and a coolness broke out from her heart!

I saw that the naked man was already covered in blood, his manifested mental power was powerless, he was instantly killed, and his body was crushed and exploded!
Tiao Kui turned her head stiffly, and looked at Li Hao, whose clothes were spotless, like a young man, feeling chilly in her heart.

Li Hao was spotless, with a calm face. When he saw Tiaokui looking at him, he said softly, "No one can deceive me, Tiaokui. All of this is no exception. If there is a next time, you will bear the consequences yourself."

Tiaokui didn't speak, and turned around to leave.

At this time, Li Hao's voice sounded again.

"and many more."

Tiaokui and the others turned their heads.

Li Hao clapped his hands.

Several powerful auras suddenly appeared outside, and several figures appeared in front of everyone, with such a powerful aura that it caused spatial fluctuations in the human world!

The first second these figures appeared, Tiao Kui's eyes narrowed suddenly, a long sword appeared in his hand immediately, and the team formation immediately formed a circle. The strong oppressive force even made many people break out in cold sweat.

Tiaokui said coldly: "Minister, we are also members of the Ministry of Heaven. Now that you treat us like this, is this the law of the Hua Kingdom?"

After all, Tiaokui is very vigilant!
This posture is no joke!

If Li Hao's strength alone really exploded, it would be no problem to beat them!
Moreover, there are so many more people now...

Among the people who came, they were also from Huaguo Tianbu, including Wang Hao, Lin Long and Zhao Xingwu.

At this time, Zhao Xingwu appeared with a long sword, and said coldly: "Li Hao, let us come, are we going to kill these guys?"

He has long been displeased with these guys, a group of people from beyond the sky, after they came to Huaguo, they even gave him face a few times, really thought he was easy to mess with?

"Minister, we have contributed to the country of Hua, and now we have come to such an end? Release, what do people in the world think?"

Tiao Kui said angrily, not to Zhao Xingwu, but to Li Hao.

If you really want to do something, then the justice that you Huaguo has always thought of is just something you imagined!
Li Hao raised a hand, and Zhao Xingwu immediately shut up.

Li Hao is the head of the Ministry of Heaven. He is their...superior?
Although he really didn't want to admit it, Li Hao, a junior, would indeed be higher than them according to his level.

Li Hao said softly: "Tiaokui, you are from the Ministry of Heaven, so naturally you must obey my orders.

I won't let you die, it's just a simple request.

Take everyone and stay here until the emperor's tomb incident is over. "

As soon as the words fell, Tiao Kui jumped up suddenly, her pretty face was frosty, and said coldly: "Impossible!"

In fact, their entry into the world so quickly is actually based on the approximate time of the emperor's tomb.

When the emperor's tomb is opened, there will be many bodies of emperor-level powerhouses. The energy contained in them is simply terrifying!
These people are recovering from serious injuries and are extremely lacking in energy. If they have this energy, they can quickly restore their full strength in the years of gods and demons!

Now, Li Hao actually put them under house arrest, how could this be tolerated?

It's about the recovery of strength, Tiao Kui's attitude is very firm!

"I am the Minister."

Tiaokui still said: "But..."

Li Hao's face suddenly turned cold, and before Tiao Kui finished speaking, he said coldly: "It's nothing!"

"This kind of thing is beyond your control!"

"Tiaokui, you are from the Ministry of Heaven and need to obey my orders."

"I let you stay here, your opinion or not is actually not important."


Li Hao said in a low voice: "Here, I have the final say!"

After that, Li Hao didn't listen to what Tiaokui and others said, turned around, and said coldly: "The three great masters, Zhao Xingwu, Wang Hao, and Lin Long, obey your orders!
From today onwards, see Takui and others.

It can't be released until the emperor's tomb is over!
If there is any disobedience, kill it! "

At this moment, Li Hao's face was frighteningly cold, and his words were filled with murderous intent!Everyone present smelled a strong smell of blood!The stench is very deterrent, making people frown involuntarily.

Tiaokui and the others were exactly like this, they all frowned, not knowing what they were thinking.

Zhao Xingwu and the others blushed when they heard this, and the crowd was so excited that they burst into roars at this moment!
"Zhao Xingwu obeys orders!"

"Wang Hao obeys!"

"Lin Long obeys!"

At this moment, Li Hao's aura was so powerful that it reached a terrifying level!

Tiaokui frowned for a long time, and felt a slight palpitation in her heart.

This palpitation is not aimed at Zhao Xingwu and others.

Although these guys are strong, it is definitely not easy to kill them.

But just now, she felt a killing intent that penetrated deep into the bone marrow!
Tiaokui hesitated for a moment, then looked at Li Hao, who was smiling like a big boy.

Looking at this young boy with a sunny smile, he seemed to be healed, but Tiaokui's heart was not healed at all, but only felt chills.

They are really helpless, there is no way to turn over.

Tiaokui knew that the killing intent just now was Li Hao's warning!
If she really had the thought of resisting, she would really be beheaded!

A true god-level character is definitely a devastating blow to her!

At the moment, Tiaokui stopped talking, not because she didn't speak, but because she didn't dare to speak!

She even dared to bet that if she said one more word, Li Hao would really do it!

This guy is in the magic way!

If there is a disagreement, do it, but if you do it, it will be murderous!
Seeing that Tiaokui didn't speak, Li Hao smiled, said a few more words to Zhao Xingwu, and then went back to Mowu.



After Li Hao came back, he was recalling what happened just now.

He put people like Tiao Kui under house arrest, not on a whim, but with deep meaning.

First, Tiaokui comes from Xuanming, one of the few people who knows his true strength. He had no reason to reveal his strength in the Shenzhou Catacombs before, and now he is under house arrest, just for better Yin people.

Now that Emperor Xuanming was under the watchful eye of Lao Zhang, he had no way to move, and the news could not be passed on.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Li Hao is still an eighth-rank realm and a monster with outstanding ninth-rank strength.

Monster, that's all.

But they don't know that Li Hao is actually a big devil who can easily crush the ninth rank!
(End of this chapter)

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