Chapter 481 Pulling Out the Bone
On the other side, Li Hao led the crowd into the depths of the hall.

Unlike what he remembered, although Li Hao still saw Zhantian Palace, it was different from what he remembered.

This Zhantian Palace is actually inside Mo Wenjian's palace!
This is the temple within the temple.

Mo Wenjian's main hall is outside, it is unparalleled in style,

Zhantian Palace is inside, although it still has the atmosphere, but because it is not as big as Mo Wenjian Palace, its temperament is a bit behind.

Wang Jinyang had a strange expression on his face. He also saw the extraordinaryness of Zhantian Palace at a glance. His eyes were a little strange, and he and Li Hao looked at each other.

Li Hao hesitated for a while.

Mo Wenjian placed Zhantian Palace in his palace,
After all, this is to express the dignity of Zhan Tiandi.

still is,

Mo Wenjian is a wolf with ambition, such behavior...

Could it be to express the transcendence of Zhan Tiandi?
Anyway, this is beyond Li Hao's memory.

According to memory, Zhantian Palace will be on the side of Mo Wenjian's palace, this is Mo Wenjian's arrangement.

Now it is also Mo Wenjian's arrangement, but it seems that he has seen Li Hao and slightly modified the arrangement.

When an idea appeared, Li Hao felt more vigilant, Mo Wenjian, this is no joke.

Anyway, it is also the existence of a heavenly king.

Even if Li Hao is trying his best right now, using all his strength to explode all means that can be exploded,

That can't beat the emperor level, let alone a saint above the emperor level, above a saint, that is the king of heaven!
Mo Wenjian's arrangement made Li Hao slightly more vigilant. If Mo Wenjian was observing him beforehand, then he would need to be more vigilant.

When walking, Li Hao's eyebrows kept tightening.

After the emperor's tomb, these demons and goblins will come out for a while. At that time, Lao Zhang and the others must enter the alien space and take all the enemies away at the risk of their lives.

Although he is invincible now, he cannot be truly invincible.

A feeling of suffocation arises spontaneously.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, wait a little longer, and then we can start killing!"

Li Hao kept thinking silently in his heart.

He was very annoyed by this kind of aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do.

He wants to make gods!

Pull Wang Jinyang's seedlings and encourage him to at least enter the emperor level.

The human race has one more emperor level, and other things aside, it must be no problem for Li Hao to wantonly kill a large number of enemies.

Old Wang has become emperor level, let alone two or three, four or five may not be able to defeat Lao Wang.

Old Wang has a God of War bow in his hand...

"Quick! Old Wu and Old Wu are still fighting outside, we can't let them wait too long, otherwise, it will be very dangerous."

Li Hao knew that he couldn't talk nonsense, so he immediately opened his eyes and looked into the depths of Zhantian Palace. His pupils dilated immediately, as if he saw something that shocked him.

Li Hao wasn't shocked, it was a surprise!
he saw,

a blood-red heart,

Constantly thumping, thumping, thumping,

It seemed to tug at his heartstrings!



At this moment, Lie Zhuo from Liehuo Island exploded with high temperature all over his body, and the flames of Yaoyang flickered, and he punched Wu Kuishan!


Wu Kuishan snorted coldly, avoiding this attack.

The next moment, two killing sounds came out in unison, a man and a woman suddenly appeared behind Wu Kuishan, and they all erupted into a terrifying attack!


In the distance, Li Changsheng yelled violently, and the sword energy turbulent in all directions, offset the attack of a man and a woman, and even killed them back a few meters!


Gradually flow out...

Suddenly, at the pause of the old Li's attack, Qi Huanyu tore through the sky with a knife, killing intent soared into the sky, and cut an astonishing wound on Li Changsheng's body.

A large drop of golden-red blood dripped and was gradually absorbed by the Emperor's Tomb World...

"Hmph! Qi Huanyu, you're only good at these tricks."

Li Changsheng snorted coldly, looked around, looked at a large group of people with killing intent, and snorted again, with a bit of disdain:

"You bastards! So what if you unite together? Even if that little fellow Li Hao doesn't come out, I'll kill you all the same!"

Suddenly, Li Changchang roared, shattering the world,

An earth-shattering long sword emerged from the void. The moment it emerged, everyone fell silent and felt a kind of fear in their hearts!
"Qi Huanyu, you said that I don't have my own unique skills, try my Longevity Sword!"


"Longevity swordsman breaks longevity, Li Changsheng is the only one in the world!"

Longevity Sword, this is Li Changsheng's swordsmanship since he was weak, and it fits his name very well: Longevity Swordsman, Longevity Sword.

But this is not a swordsmanship that one can live forever after practicing, but a swordsmanship that will destroy other people's longevity if used!

Longevity swordsman, only him!

How can others live forever?
At this moment, Li Changsheng was extremely confident, and his whole body was burning with confidence, rendering his hair golden.


At the same time as Qi Huanyu yelled violently, a road of about a kilometer appeared, and he himself traveled the kilometer in an instant, the road appeared several times, and he escaped from Li Changsheng's attacking range in an instant.

The next moment, something eye-popping happened.


With Li Changsheng's explosive roar, the Longevity Sword did not break through the void to kill Qi Huanyu, but turned the sword's edge, and suddenly killed a person from the sky outside the sky who was attacking them.

At the same time, the wounded Wu Kuishan and Wu Chuan roared together, like wild wolves on the verge of death, and the extremely lethal explosion resounded throughout the world of the emperor's tomb!
At this moment, the powerhouses of the three major Hua kingdoms all killed the people in the sky outside the sky.

Those who are enemies of the country of Hua have six heavens beyond heaven.

And this time, only the six outer heavens were the ones who attacked them.

And the alliance formed by Wang Ruobing and others also disintegrated in an instant under this division of positions.

In the distance, Ling Xiao watched this scene with wide eyes, seemingly indifferent on the surface, but felt chills in her heart.

Fortunately, I just stood up and said something, and didn't put it into action.

This group of people are really lunatics, facing so many attacks, they dare to counterattack!
Five avenues emerged, all a piece of blood red,
appear overhead,

Everyone saw it,

This is redder than the surrounding blood!

Thick as blood!As generous as a river!
The five avenues appear like five rivers of blood...

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

The next moment, Qi Huanyu slashed out with the aura of madness!
"Kill them! If they don't die, we can't enter! You can't enter the Demon Emperor's Palace. There is no hope for the true body avenue!"

"Li Hao hasn't come out for a long time, I'm afraid he has already entered the Demon Emperor's Palace! Tianzhu Sword, Tianzhu Jue, are you just watching every sword and method fall into the hands of others?"

Qi Huanyu roared at this moment.

"The Heaven-Zhu Sword is a divine tool, even an emperor-level powerhouse, and it also increases existence! Li Hao has obtained it, and his strength will increase a little bit, and our life will be even more difficult.

Tianzhujue is the skill of the devil emperor. Thousands of years ago, when he suppressed the Three Realms, the devil emperor beheaded countless strong men in our Divine Continent. The goal is broken!

Gentlemen, don't forget that Li Hao's strength is so strong that he is only one point weaker than me at the eighth rank!If you get the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, if you enter the way of the true god, no one present, including you and me, will be able to escape! "

Qi Huanyu's saber technique became even sharper, and Li Changsheng, who was slashed with blood in his white clothes, screamed at this moment: "What kind of wolf and ambition is Li Hao? This is a bloodthirsty, indiscriminate killing, full of evil, earth-shattering big devil, and he is not a weak devil God's genius!
Today you just wait, tomorrow Li Hao will attack and kill your head!
This person's killing intent is profound, if once it erupts, I'm afraid it will be far behind!

What a genius Li Hao is, you must never forget!

His golden body has been tempered nine times, and he has embarked on a path that only the extreme way can have. His strength is strong, and he is only one point weaker than me!But don't forget, Li Hao is only at the golden body level!

How terrifying would it be if he went to the original source and obtained the way of the devil emperor?
You guys have to think deeply!
All of you should join hands with me to kill these people quickly and enter the Demon Emperor's Palace! "

At this moment, Qi Huanyu kept screaming, without any previous pride. In order to kill people like Wu Kuishan, he even gave up the dignity of the strong and spoke to encourage others.

Not because of fear of these people.

He was worried that Li Hao would really become stronger.

He is a person who has gone to the extreme, so he is naturally clear about how powerful the increase of Yuanyuan Dao is.


At this time, among the onlookers, someone was slightly moved.

The next moment, a huge dragon came out, its whole body was red, as if it was more terrifying than the sun, it opened its mouth to see a flame that could incinerate everything, and at the same time, it slapped out with a palm, killing Li Changsheng.

"Damn beast!"

Li Changsheng cursed loudly.

"Come, come! Don't say two, come one more!"

Li Changsheng was also annoyed at this moment, he changed the Qingfeng in his hand, and a handful of white things like pillars appeared, with each section of oil on it, like a human bone.

Li Changsheng took out this white pillar and used it as a sword. With a long laugh, he brought Lie Zhuo, who was still alive, into the attack range. With a sweep of the sword, Qi Huanyu, the giant dragon, and Lie Zhuo were all killed by him. !

"How brave!"

Qi Huanyu roared furiously, with killing intent soaring to the sky, and took the lead, the blade was as bright as water, but only heard a click, and there was an extra hole in the Ninth Grade Divine Weapon!
"Huh? What is this?"

Just when Qi Huanyu and others were shocked, Lingxiao looked puzzled in the distance, staring at the weapon Li Changsheng was currently using, feeling a little unclear.

Unfortunately, no one answered her,
People around me couldn't recognize it either.

Lingxiao's eyes were full of doubts, her red lips were slightly parted, and she was muttering to herself:

What is this?

It can actually increase Li Changsheng's strength. It is not very powerful, but it is stronger than the previous Ninth Grade Divine Weapon. It seems to be alive, which looks very unusual.

When Li Changsheng used the Ninth Rank Divine Weapon, his strength was not so strong!
And this white skeletal thing is stronger than the average Ninth Rank Divine Weapon!

However, it is not as powerful as the True God Weapon, but it is not much different.


the other side.

The dragon becomes Fandutian camp.

After the 24-day alliance is disbanded, all Tianwaitian will automatically divide the distance.

Wang Ruobing and others represented Longbian Fandutian, as the oldest Tianwaitian, of course stood still, just watching others leave.

At this moment, Wang Hanyue, who had never offered any help, looked hesitantly.

She also has similar doubts as Ling Xiao.

What exactly was the weapon that Li Changsheng exchanged for?
Look carefully, it looks like a human skeleton...

Wang Ruobing's eyes lowered, watching Li Changsheng wielding the white bone-like weapon with incomparable prowess, his heart suddenly trembled.

She seemed to be able to see it, and she also felt it.

Li Hao...

"What's the matter?" Seeing her trembling eyes, Wang Hanyue asked softly as if she was feeling a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that the vitality has faded again?

Wang Ruobing shook her head, she just didn't expect it.

A person who is ruthless can be so ruthless.

You can pull out your own bones.


"Come! Come! Come!"

Li Changsheng used it more and more smoothly, killing blood all over his body, but he was not afraid at all!

When Wu Kuishan saw the weapon in Li Changsheng's hand, he suddenly cursed, "Li Changsheng, what the hell, are you pulling out Li Hao's bones?"

"go away!"

Li Changsheng cursed, chopped Qi Huanyu's battle armor with a single sword, leaving deep scars on his body, and laughed.

"This kid has a bit of conscience. He dared to pull out his own bones and use them as weapons for me. I respect him as a man!"

After the voice fell, the audience suddenly became a little quiet.

After hearing this, Qi Huanyu couldn't help cursing, "What a lunatic!"

Crazy guy!
He didn't scold Li Changsheng, he scolded Li Hao!

What the hell are you doing with your own bones when you have nothing to do?
But after reacting, the killing continued.

When other people did it, they were a little apprehensive.

The guys of the human race are a bunch of ruthless people!
There are still people who dare to endure the pain and pull out their own bones!


Li Changsheng laughed out loud, as if showing off, and said:
"Do you know? This kid took off his own bones, then fused with his own bridge of heaven and earth, and then gave it to Lao Tzu.

The power of this sword is really infinite!
But why is my heart so sour? "

Li Changsheng laughed fiercely and murderously!
"It's all you guys, if it wasn't for you, as a young man, he wouldn't even need to practice martial arts.

Shouldn't young people in their 20s sit in the office and drink tea comfortably?
It's all you.

It's all you! "

Li Changsheng's smile became brighter and brighter, but the murderous intent became more and more terrifying. People didn't even dare to look at him. Just looking at him, they seemed to be pierced by that terrifying murderous intent.

People who cultivate swords, even if they have killing intent, have a kind of terror that pierces everything.

"Li Changsheng, even if you are so crazy, what's the matter? Even if a person's emotions reach the extreme, it is impossible to violate the laws of the real world.

You are doomed!
Even if you are crazy and become a lunatic, you will die under this king's sword!
This king's sword has beheaded many of you Mowu,

Kill you today, and kill Li Hao tomorrow! "

Qi Huanyu's murderous intent soared to the sky, a low shout shattered the void, the blade was as bright as the moon,
At this moment, everyone's eyes suddenly started to hurt.

Qi Huanyu is about to get serious!

This character with 40 calories of energy and blood, the most powerful original powerhouse, is about to do it!


At this moment, Wu Kuishan suddenly repelled the enemy with a blow, sighed, and with some sadness, he came to Qi Huanyu in an instant.

"To be honest, I really don't want to take out this thing, Qi Huanyu, you really forced me."

(End of this chapter)

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