Chapter 488 The Powerful Qi Huanyu
[Da Ming Wang Fist: When Ming Wang got angry, he broke 33 days!Practitioners can establish a link with the king of the Ming Dynasty, and play the power to destroy the world, including: the appearance of angry eyes (the main momentum), the appearance of ghosts and gods (the main killing), the appearance of the Buddha (the main light), and the magic Buddha. There are nine aspects including the phase (main darkness), and those in the depths can even connect with King Ming to form a structure, so as to travel through the world...]

[Krypton Points: 100 billion]

Daming Wangquan and Mingwangquan, the difference between the two must be cloud and mud!
The latter was gradually abandoned by Li Hao.

The reason is not because there is no power.

It is also because of getting better and more suitable exercises.

But Daming King Fist.

This is a top skill.

Being embedded in the great change technique by Li Hao, he will not abandon this technique for a long time to come.

Moreover, the power of this boxing technique is absolutely violent!
Ming Wang Fist has been practiced to the end, in fact, it is borrowed from the Ming Wang who does not know how many spaces, his aura is just a trace, even if he has practiced the boxing intention, there is no essence.

But the Great Ming King Fist can establish a link with the Ming King who knows how many spaces away!
Unleash the power to destroy the world!
There are many different ways of attacking.

Those who have the aura of the Lord have the nine faces of the Lord of Slaughter, the Lord of Light, and the Lord of Darkness.

Li Hao thought for a while in the blink of an eye.

"Try the master's momentum."

Angry face!

Buddhas also have anger. Buddhas are not heartless, but sentient beings.

When the Buddha's anger has reached an unbelievable, uncontrollable, and extinguished state, the anger from the Buddha will be unbearable for everyone.

Anger is a very deterrent emotion.

An ordinary person is walking on the street and sees two people fighting with weapons. You slash me, and I stab you. In the end, what ordinary people are afraid of is not only the sharpness of the blade, but also the anger of two people floating on the surface.

Anger, like a gunpowder keg, ignites a person's strength with an explosive tendency.

Coincidentally, Li Hao also had some anger at this time.

Qi Huanyu, this is someone who has not met a few times, but is an old enemy.

Origin first.

However, Li Haocai doesn't care whether he is the first or the second.

If these people don't come in, he can still communicate with Zhan in depth!
Where can I follow my own method of great change?

He only showed one unique skill, and there are several others that he didn't show!
Daming King Fist, Caozi Sword Jue, Sage Step, Dome Eye, Simple Emperor Spear, Heavenly Sword, Spirit Worm, and Omen Technique.

Among them, the spirit worm, the omen method, and the eye of the sky are not for combat.

There are also five skills that can be used in combat!
How strong would Li Hao become if he showed Zhan all the five exercises and got his guidance?
How much can the growth rate of unique skills reach? 30%?Even 40%?

How much can one's power control be improved? 95%?Even more than 98%?

However, such a good opportunity was all messed up by Qi Huanyu and others in front of him!

Li Hao is also furious at this moment!

"Qi Huanyu, lend me your boxing skills!"

"You punch me, I'll punch you too, see if you can catch it!"

As soon as the words fell, just when everyone thought that Li Hao was about to face off, he suddenly let out a long roar.

This long howl was so terrifying that everyone's eyes went black, and what's more, they fell directly into the void, and the shattered void split the flesh, breeding blood flowers.

After Li Hao let out a long roar, Qi Huanyu still did not retreat, but became more and more tyrannical.

"Come on! This king wants to see if you who have inherited Mo Wenjian can fight this king!"

At this moment, Qi Huanyu is so confident!He even opened his mouth to say that even if Li Hao got Mo Wenjian's inheritance, he might not be able to defeat him!

"Out of control."

Li Hao said something lightly, and then his face suddenly turned red, and his eyes were pure blood red, as if he had come out of a mountain of corpses in a sea of ​​blood.

Behind him, the majestic King Ming changed his body and changed unpredictablely. He turned into an angry-eyed Vajra with eight hands and three heads.

At this moment, Void also felt Li Hao's anger!
The void can be opened instantly.

Li Hao threw out a punch, which seemed to form a link with King Ming behind him, and a more fiery anger was transmitted, which merged with the boxing method, and he punched out a terrifyingly powerful punch!
This punch revealed humanized anger, like a Buddha roaring and charging with anger enough to burn the sky.

It seems that the sky will be torn apart by him, and the earth will be crushed by him.

An unimaginable momentum blooms.


Qi Huanyu's face suddenly changed, and cowardice suddenly rose in his heart.

The next moment, he was even angrier, his eyes widened, and everyone sensed his anger, and he shouted: "I, Qi Huanyu, have been in Shenlu for countless years. Central! Li Hao, what kind of person are you? Do you really think that you have Mo Wenjian's inheritance, so you can fight me?"

The next moment, Qi Huanyu erupted crazily!


"Fate's Great Fist!"

Qi Huanyu urged the Fist of the King of Destiny to exert everything to the limit, using his own strength, even penetrating space, to connect with a strong man in the dark.

In the next moment, Qi Huanyu was so powerful that he surpassed the realm of his original source. He was not a true god, but far surpassed his original source!

"The power of the king of life!" Someone narrowed his eyes, carefully observing the battle between the two strong men.

Qi Huanyu seems to have established a link with King Ming, even if one is outside Zigai Mountain and the other is in the world of Emperor Tomb, King Ming still transmits power.

At this moment, Qi Huanyu's strength is infinite!
"His strength seems to have reached the half-step true god."

Lingxiao's eyes were serious, and she was muttering to herself.

Wangwushan is the most powerful sect of the northern sect since the sect era, and it is also the well-deserved number one of all the paradises.

When he was in the sect, Wang Wushan planned a plan to refine the realm.

And the half-step true god is Wang Wushan's name for those powerful and original people who have used a certain method and surpassed the inconceivable limit, but have not reached the true god.

Become God, but not fully become.

It was only for a short time, and it came to the point where it was close to the true god.

It has surpassed the original ten stages, but has not reached the true god, and has the nature of a god, but has not truly become a god.

This kind of person, in the realm established by Wangwushan, is called: half-step true god.

At this moment, Qi Huanyu's strength far exceeds Ben Yuandao.

"Qi Huanyu, with the help of King Ming, he established a link with King Ming in the Emperor's Tomb World, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds. I'm afraid that if the true god comes, he will not be able to suppress this person for a while. This person is so strong, I don't know how long he can last "Wu Kuishan came quickly, but his face was a bit ugly.

"Ming Wang is a figure comparable to Emperor Zun, and his strength is very strong, but even for him, it is impossible to pass through countless voids and continuously transmit power. In this way, it will not exceed 10 minutes at most!" Li Changsheng said solemnly.

"10 minutes? Qi Huanyu's current strength is probably more than 60 calories! Not to mention 10 minutes, even 1 minute will be tricky!" Wu Chuan was a little anxious: "Li Hao himself is very powerful, don't forget, with There are more than a dozen of us as enemies, and when they realize that they join forces to deal with Li Hao, but we are stopped, the consequences will be disastrous!"

There are actually quite a few people who want Li Hao to die.

Some people just watched and didn't make a move, not because they were friendly troops.

Some people are actually afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

No matter which side died, it was good for those people.

In this era, everyone is a competitor with each other. If one party dies, countless parties will benefit.

If Li Hao is in danger of being killed, there is a high probability that those guys who are afraid of chaos will stop Wu Kuishan and others!

In the blink of an eye, countless voids were suppressed by the aura of both sides, and the voids with a radius of hundreds of miles collapsed, and even the Demon Emperor's Palace behind was affected, and an energy shield appeared vaguely, protecting the Demon Emperor's Palace from destruction.

Almost everyone is paying attention to the battle between the two peerless geniuses!

"Scary! Powerful! Horrifying! Unimaginable!"

"Qi Huanyu's strength has surpassed the tenth stage of the original source. According to the increase in the original source and the length of the increase, at this moment, he may have reached the fifteenth stage of the original source!"

"Li Hao is not very weak! He has the inheritance of the Devil Emperor. There is a high is true...maybe...the Tianzhu Sword is also in his hands. From this point of view, these two are quite a match. gone."


Boom boom boom!
Those present were all peerless masters, and those who dared to come to the center were at least top-level original powerhouses. However, at this moment, they couldn't help but tremble from their hearts!

The moment Li Hao and Qi Huanyu collided, it was as if their ears were ringing. The sound of the collision seemed to exceed the limit of the emperor's tomb world. In just an instant, the whole world was broken!

Above the sky, a big hole appeared, leading to the terrifying void of endless darkness. This hole absorbed the sound of collisions.

The most frightening thing was that the collision between Li Hao and Qi Huanyu, just the sound, made countless people unbearable!

The impact caused by it is even more terrifying!
Someone was horrified to find that there were dense cracks around them.

The entire world of the Emperor's Tomb seemed unable to bear the confrontation between the two. Cracks appeared one after another in a radius of thousands of miles, as if it would be torn apart in a second.

The atmosphere of danger gradually filled the air.

However, the fighting in the void is still going on!

Everyone cast their eyes on the air, and under the almost invisible movement trajectory, the void shattered piece by piece, just like the bones of a person were broken, and the sound was creepy, and the physical reactions of many strong people could not help Appears, large patches of goosebumps covering the skin.

In front of two truly powerful masters, these powerful top players are like ordinary people!
However, someone was smiling wryly.

"Qi Huanyu's qi and blood energy, calculated according to Huaguo's realm, has already more than doubled ours, reaching 60 calories. In a real battle, any of us, in his hands, can Impossible to last ten seconds."

"That's right, he has come to a point where he is almost invincible. However, Li Hao is also extremely powerful. His strength is evenly distributed and his speed is almost invisible. With every gesture, he can fight Qi Huanyu evenly."

"Is there a Punishing Sword on Li Hao? Or is there any trump card?
Can Qi Huanyu take advantage of King Ming's more abilities?
This will be the condition for the ultimate winner. "

All eyes, all eyes.

In the sky, the sky is full of emptiness, with countless collapses. Two rays of light can be vaguely flickering continuously, each time at a different position. However, every time they intersect, there will be bursts of bursts, tinnitus and dizzying crashing sounds.

Occasionally, some different voices can be heard.


on the sky.

Li Zheng smiled lightly: "Qi Huanyu, do you really understand the so-called true meaning of fate? The guy who is the king of life thinks he is the emperor of the world, and in the future he will be more powerful than the emperor. You use this guy's ability to It's also tainted with this arrogance."

"What makes you think that you can defeat me by borrowing the divine power of King Ming?"

Qi Huanyu didn't speak, but just punched again, his temperament suddenly changed, as if mountains and rivers were in front of him, and he would be smashed by the indomitable him!

Li Hao exuded a powerful aura all over his body and blocked it.


The air tore apart, Li Hao took two steps back, but Qi Huanyu didn't even push back, standing proudly in the void!

"Li Hao, where's that arrogance you had before? Mo Wenjian is also... You got Mo Wenjian's inheritance, so what if you become stronger? Garbage is trash!"

At this moment, Li Hao burst out laughing, it didn't look like he was retreating, but it seemed that Qi Huanyu was retreating.

"Qi Huanyu, no matter how powerful you are, if you want to devour mountains and rivers, you are nothing but a weakling!
The weak wield their swords at the weaker, and only flinch in the face of the strong.

When you see Mo Wenjian, you are as frightened as a dog, you dare not even say an adjective!
Qi Huanyu, you are acting like a dog to the king of life, are you thinking your brain is stupid? "

Qi Huanyu was unusually calm, at this moment, he showed the calmness of a strong man, without panic, and said slowly: "Li Hao, what's the use of talking so much?

Even if I am weak, so what?

I swung a knife at you, which only shows that you are weaker than me.

Your country of Hua pays attention to the success of the king and the defeat of the bandits, the disputes in the world, the strong are the ones who write history, and the weak, a touch of loess is the best interpretation!

kill! "

Speaking of the final kill, Qi Huanyu's aura suddenly soared, like a TNT that was about to explode, his aura soared countless in an instant, the link with King Ming became clearer, and a passage appeared behind him.

He sensed the terrifying power, and shouted: "Surrender!"

At this moment, Qi Huanyu is so powerful that he is a bit scary!
Everyone was shocked!

"He can actually become stronger!"

However, Li Hao remained calm, and was not at all disturbed by Qi Huanyu's ferocity.

He seemed to have some hole cards that allowed him to stand here with such confidence, facing powerful enemies without any fear.

Li Hao didn't speak, just smiled.

In the distance, Wu Kuishan and others rushed towards Li Hao, but when they were about to approach Li Hao, they were stopped by some people!
At this moment, Li Changsheng roared madly!
"Out of the sky!"

"I remember you guys!"

At this moment, a few strong men appeared in a place named Qiyao Tianwaitian, who briefly stopped Li Changsheng and the others.

Wu Kuishan was furious, the blood red on his body became more and more dazzling, and the blood gradually flowed out.

He almost uttered a name with a tone of gritted teeth.

"Seven Lights!"


Outside Zigai Mountain.

Ming Wang's expression kept changing.

(End of this chapter)

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