City Dragon System

Chapter 11 You Don't Dare To Touch Me

Chapter 11 You Don't Dare To Touch Me

After hearing Lin Hao's confident promise, Qin Yao didn't say anything, but secretly slandered her.

Ruanjinsan is a famous poison in Korea.

Colorless and odorless, blood seals the throat!

Her father was poisoned by this poison. Although he was rescued and saved his life, he was paralyzed in bed for ten years.

One can imagine how terrible the toxicity of Ruanjinsan is!
The reason why Lin Hao is full of confidence is because he can see the changes in Qin Lao's body.

After taking the nectar, Qin Guangxun's originally weak spiritual energy began to rise.

The blood vessels are gradually filled, and the air mechanism returns to warmth...

This shows that the century-old Sophora japonica honey can indeed detoxify.

Mr. Qin, you are saved!
After 2 minutes, Mr. Qin breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly opened his eyes.

Qin Yao's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said pleasantly, "Grandpa, woke up!

I have already called Uncle Zhong, and he will be there soon with a doctor. "

"Okay." Qin Guangxun nodded, breathing steadily.

Lin Hao was relieved when he saw Mr. Qin awake.

He turned and went out, going straight to the bathroom.

Just now, in order to increase the Dragon Qi value, Lin Hao ate and drank a whole table of food.

At this time, his stomach couldn't hold it anymore and he needed convenience.

Qin Yao raised her eyes and looked at Lin Hao's tall and straight back, filled with emotion.

'No wonder, the brat speaks so bullishly, he is really capable!

He is proficient in both martial arts and medicine.

Lin Hao... What is the origin?It's really hard to guess! '

The other corner of the room.

Xu Zhenshan looked at everything in front of him, scratched his head, a little dazed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hao used a spoonful of honey to revive Mr. Qin who was dying of poisoning.

Now that Mr. Qin is safe and sound.

Boss Xu's life was saved!

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenshan turned from worry to joy, tears welling up in his eyes.

At the same time, he felt a little more gratitude and admiration for Lin Hao.

"Lin Hao is not an ordinary student at all, but a hidden medical expert.

His Sophora japonica honey is absolutely extraordinary.

Maybe... some precious medicinal materials were added to it. "

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenshan couldn't help but get angry, and kicked Manager Wang severely.

"Boss, you... why are you kicking me?"

Manager Wang held his sore buttocks with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Xu Zhenshan scolded: "Damn, it's all your fault for chewing your tongue and misleading me.

It made me make a fool of myself, and offended Lin Hao, a master of medicine.

Damn, I want to fire you! "

After hearing this, Manager Wang twitched the corner of his mouth and sat down on the ground.

He is very clear about Xu Zhenshan's energy.

After offending Old Crocodile Xu, he won't be able to hang out with Qinglan from now on!
All the bitter fruit is because he didn't take Lin Hao seriously.

In the final analysis, it was Manager Wang's own fault!

At this time, outside the hotel, sirens blared.


Two tall Land Rover SUVs cleared the way ahead.

Behind, three Mercedes-Maybach executive cars followed.

The luxury convoy drove all the way and stopped in front of the hotel.

Before the Land Rover stopped, a sturdy man jumped out of the car.

The man is in his 30s and is nearly two meters tall.

Muscular and strong, like a black iron tower.

His name is Han Zhong, and he is Qin Guangxun's most powerful personal guard.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen strong men got out of the car.

They are all cut-cut, black suits, imposing and vigorous, full of vigor.

In addition, there are three medical staff in white coats, carrying first aid kits, following at the end.

A group of people hurriedly went to the private room of the 'Crystal Dragon Palace'.

"Old man, I brought people over after receiving a call from the eldest lady. Are you all right?"

Han Zhong walked briskly, walked up to Elder Qin, and bowed to ask.

Qin Guangxun said with a smile: "You are lucky, you are fine."

"Quickly, give it to my grandpa to check it first." Qin Yao was still worried and called the medical staff over.

Several doctors hurriedly opened the first aid kit, took out the blood pressure monitor and stethoscope, and began to conduct a comprehensive physical examination on Qin Guangxun.

Measure blood pressure, measure pulse, do electrocardiogram...

After a careful examination, the doctor made a correct diagnosis.

"Patriarch Qin, your physical signs and values ​​are all normal.

Blood pressure and heart rate are healthier than those of 30-year-old young adults. "

"That's really great!" Qin Yao finally felt relieved.

Qin Guangxun's eyes lit up and he laughed.

"Now, the old man feels comfortable all over, his mind is clear, and his body is full of vitality.

It's like... 20 years younger. "

You know, he was fishing in Yunze Lake recently, and the joints of his legs and feet were contaminated with moisture, and he has been aching.

But now, the pain in the joints has all disappeared.

Qin Guangxun knew in his heart that the changes in his body must be the curative effect of the centuries-old Sophora japonica honey.

Although he fell into a coma just now, his ears could hear the conversations around him.

If it wasn't for Lin Hao's rescue, he might have already walked on the road to Huangquan.

room, door.

Han Zhong commanded several bodyguards to clear the scene.

"Irrelevant personnel, please leave! You guys, go check around the hotel and make sure the old man is safe!"


A few bodyguards in black immediately put on a straight face and drove away the crowd.

Xu Zhenshan and Manager Wang were also kicked out of the private room.

Everyone scattered when they saw the tough and domineering bodyguards.

Everyone knew that these bodyguards were not vegetarians, and if they messed with them, there would definitely be no good results.

At this time, Lin Hao came back from the bathroom and was about to enter the private room.

"Boy, who let you in?" Han Zhong asked.

He crossed his arms and blocked the door, glaring at Lin Hao fiercely.

Han Zhong saw that Lin Hao was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his appearance was immature.I thought that he was a student who was full of curiosity and wanted to watch the excitement.

"Boy, get out!"

Lin Hao's expression turned cold when he heard this.


Brother, he was invited by Mr. Qin and saved his life.

Who are you, dare to block my way?

"Big black, who do you want to get out?" Lin Hao asked in a bad tone.

Han Zhong was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Boy, you are so brave, dare to talk to me like that!"

In the past few years, Han Zhong has been serving as an instructor in the army, authorizing those thorny recruits.

He has a straightforward temper and has always said what he says.

At the moment, Han Zhong was too lazy to talk to Lin Hao.

"Boy, I'll count to three, if you don't leave, I'll throw you out!"

Han Zhong raised his hand and pointed at Lin Hao with threatening eyes.

At this moment, Lin Hao's eyes turned completely cold.

Depend on!
I am the most annoying, people pointing at my nose talking!

"Big Hei, if you're not afraid of death, just try to touch me." Lin Hao raised the corners of his mouth, with a half-smile.

Several bodyguards of the Qin family laughed loudly after hearing this.

"Damn it, this kid is a fool!"

"The last person who talked to Brother Han like this, the grass on the grave is already tall."

"Boy, quickly kneel down and apologize to Brother Han. Otherwise, you will have to lie in the hospital bed for half a year!"

(End of this chapter)

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